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@IceHeart Could be interesting
I'm going to wait until more people submit their characters, so I get a baseline of what people are doing >.<

@Inkarnate Androids were around in OG dragon ball, including the one @Duthguy tried to link actually. They were made by the Red Ribbon army, however, and I don't know if that's a thing here.

Fixed the link and that was the reason why I asked actually
@Double Not any concrete plans but are androids like Eighter allowed?
@Versa What are mental pros and cons what does the faith stat do?
@Versa How many points do we have for our stats?
@Versa Interested
Name: Vi'pas (Vissipas)
Age: 36
Profession: Dragonrider/cook
Physical Appearance:
Personality: Despite the fact that as a Dragonrider he can easily afford to spend more than he does on stuf like clothing Vi'pas prefers to keep what he has and mend it as much as possible, he also ignores fashion and just wears what he likes. Instead a good deal of his money gets sent to his family while he makes sure he has enough for himself. That said he does own "nice clothes" for ceremonies and other important events. As can be expected from a cook he enjoys good food, though he won't say no to the occasional drink either, especially when invited by an attractive woman
History: Vi'pas grew up in a cothold not too far away from a minor Hold and as such rarely saw Dragons or Riders, making it a huge surprise when he was selected to attend a Hatching. Despite not expecting to be chosen he happily went to the Weyr, seeing it as an once in a lifetime opportunity. He was shocked when the first hatched Dragon, a Green calling herself Ynnath, almost immediately imprinted on him after the ceremony started. As he adapted to life on the Weyr he discovered his love for food both eating and preparing it and ended up taking a "sidejob" as a cook.

For Dragons
Rider: Vi'pas
Color: Green
Physical Description: At 40 feet Ynnath is a large basil colored Green with headknobs that are shorter than normal. Meanwhile the defecation in her tail is actually larger then average. Aside from these two distinguishing marks she is pretty much a typical Green in appearance.
@Sadi Are we following the canon sexuality/gender for riders or not?
I don't really care what weyr we end up in but do we post our csés straight in the characters tab or do you want to review them first?
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