Avatar of Dyelli Beybi


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1 mo ago
Current This is a love song for myself For me, by me, everything it ought to be A self-centered melody in the key of me!
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9 mos ago
I'll give you $1.50 for your soul. Still willing to pay, but it is slightly used.
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I am the walrus!

Most Recent Posts

Harper Thane

Ava Sterling

"Girl outnumbered?" Ava questioned. "Y'know I've seen uh, movies about that." She leaned against the edge of the hot tub, seemingly considering whether or not to whether or not to leave her on her own. "Oh, who am I to abandon a girl in need." she said dramatically. "Especially one in a swimsuit." She rolled the sphere around her hand and it glowed, before her clothes also began to glow and fade away being replaced by a swimsuit. She flicked her wrist and the sphere disappeared again. "The things I do for women." she said, climbing into the hot tub."

"Involving the Dallas Cowboys?" Harper asked, innocently enough... that was unless you understood the reference.

@Dyelli Beybi @Pragia12

Looking over at Derek, wondering how this machine worked, or even what it could do. “What does this machine do?” He asked while taking off his boots and socks. Holding onto his boots after stuffing his socks into them. Perhaps he was too drunk not to remove his boots before getting in. He was relaxing a little, enjoying the feeling of the water on his feet. He moved a little so he wouldn’t get splashed as Ava came in.

"Oh well, it's reasonably straightforward," Harper added, turning her attention back to Derek, "Well I say that, but I couldn't make one. You'd require some skill at artifice, which I don't have, and some skills in that time manipulation stuff Derek does."

As if on cue there was an abrupt whirring noise, "Oh!" Harper's eyes went wide in alarm, "No, no, we..."

There was a flash and a whirring noise and then the people in the water, and anyone in contact with it, were abruptly dumped in a sandy dessert amidst a cascade of warm water.

"Oww..." Harper complained, sitting up to get her bearings, "Does this look like Arizona to you? I think we're still in Arizona," she paused before adding, "I don't have my wand," she looked down at herself, "And I'm wearing swimwear."

She glanced between the others who had landed with her, "Well, I suppose this is a good time to say 'welcome to Phi Mu Lambda!'"
"Oh... Derek is really best qualified to explain how they work," Harper replied to Helmut airily before taking a quick stroke across the hot tub so she could rest her arms on the edge of the edge, looking up at him, "You know you can take your boots off, just dip your toes in the water," she encouraged with a bright, disarming smile.
Harper Thane

Harper was usually the sensible one of the group, but the game of beer pong had left her distinctly giggly. She had clearly intended to end up in the hot tub all along because she was wearing her swimwear underneath and she quickly peeled off her jeans and t-shirt at the edge of the tub before balancing her wand on the edge of the tub then half-falling, half-climbing in, something which she seemed to find very amusing... "Am I the only girl in here?" she asked incredulously before catching sight of Ava, "Hey Ava! Hop in, I'm outnumbered!"

She paused, turning back to the others nearby, some of whom were new to the fraternity, "Whatever you do, don't press the button by the dial," she told them unhelpfully, not explaining which dial she meant - there wee several, "It can cause accidents."
"Yes, except if they think we're merchants fleeing the town with them," Coralie countered. You don't need to hoist the Union flag until the last moment.

"Probably more xebecs out there than there are polacres," Coralie chuckled at the comment about the al-Marid, "We can buy a new figurehead and paint a new name on the side. Besides, even if someone recognises the al-Marid, we can always say your Xebec is from the same shipyard or it is the al-Marid and you bought it at an auction. No way to prove that isn't true - take a while for news to reach the Main. I, on the other hand, am relying on the fact I'm just not that well known."

She smirked, glancing between the Captains, "Though if we pull this off I wager I will be."
Coralie flashed a roguish grin, spreading out one of her charts, "On our own that thing would mince our little ships, but together we have a chance."

"The treasure fleet itself is more or less impossible to take on. It sets off from here -" she tapped a port on the Western coast of Calarian territory, "-with three galleons and some escorts. Then it winds its way between their other island and mainland ports, picking up more galleons as it goes, before setting off out to sea. The galleons are obviously a major prize so they stay in port, loading up with precious minerals and other goods, until the fleet arrives.

"We, however, are going to play a longer game and set up here on the island of New Posud well ahead of the fleet arriving, when their guard is down and they aren't looking for suspicious people. In aid of that, on our way out of the circle sea we will load up with a consignment of muskets and Quinian woolen clothing. Muskets will be easy to sell but Quinian woolens? Who wants those on a tropical island!? That will give us an excuse to stay in town while the galleon loads up. When the ship looks fully loaded we start a ruckus in town. A big ruckus! Maybe set fire to something, start a riot, whatever we can to make the galleon crew worry about the ship's safety and put out to sea, along with the startled flock of merchants, which is to say, us! Once we're safely outside of the harbour, beyond the harbour chain and range of the fortress guns, we board the galleon and sail it to the nearest Doel Port before the authorities at New Posud have worked out what is going on."

She paused, looking between the Captains, "So, what do you think?"
"Welcome aboard!" Coralie called to the others who were joining her in what had become a somewhat unplanned meeting. The calling set off her headache and the bright morning light didn't help either, "Would you all care to join me in my cabin?" she suggested, where at least it would be so bright...

The cabin was fairly small, with a cot in the corner and a table covered in charts, though there were enough chairs for everyone. Coralie sank into one gratefully, "Shall I get one of the men to bring some grog?" Momin suggested.

"Yes please, thank you," Coralie gave him a warm smile, before turning her attention to Stefano, "So reading this contract it looks like it's pretty standard. We take a ship. We are supposed to treat the crews like proper prisoners. We sail it back to a Doel Harbour and prove in court it was a legal capture then we get to keep it and the contents? Anything important I'm missing?"

She left time for Stefano to reply before declaring, "Well since there's a few of us. I think, working together, we can take a treasure galleon." It was a big ask. Definitely unrealistic. A Calarian galleon was far too big for a single vessel to contend with, and to make matters worse, they usually moved in convoys, often of upwards of 20 vessels. Coralie, however, looked confident, a little excited perhaps. Like she had a plan she was eager to share...
Coralie and Momin

Momin gave a chuckle, patting Aghilas on the shoulder. He was... an impressive specimen of a man, "The Hamsat is a fine looking ship.
More guns than the Vengeance from what I can see," he grinned, motioning at the long barrelled chase gun in the Vengeance's bow, "If you had one of those, she might be a perfect ship!"

Coralie meanwhile laughed at the idea of putting hairs on her chest, "I certainly hope not!" she declared in mock horror, "My charm and sophistication are a weapon as sharp as any rapier! Hairs on my chest really wouldn't do at all!"

She paused before asking, "So, Captain, have you been privateering before? The legality of a captured prize does mean you tend to get a bit more money but contesting the prize in a court of law can be annoying. Thankfully I believe that someone hired a lawyer for our little flotilla. He isn't with you is he, by any chance?"
Coralie D'Ambois

"Indeed!" Coralie agreed with a bright smile, "Though," she added confidingly, "I'm rather hoping that they will be small waves at least for the first day. Nevertheless I'm eager to do an arguably honest day's work for our benefactors in the Union!"

The comments drew a wry chuckle from the other huge Addonian on deck. He was by most standards a particularly large man, though he was a good 5 inches shorter than Aghilas, "Captain Aghilas," she continued, motioning towards him, "May I present my First Mate, Momin Asinger. And this is Cricket," she motioned at the young girl. Momin directed a frown at her, but didn't say anything, letting Coralie continue, "She's a distant cousin of mine on my Father's side."

The last bit was pure fabrication, but the girl looked like a Monchian so there was no real reason to doubt it...
Harper Thane

"Why do I get the impression you might not agree to play that again?" Harper directed a sideways glance and smirk at Helmut before turning her attention to Abisu, "Dead celebrities? I'm confused. But you know if you want to go again we can try with something a bit less round... but maybe not right away," she gave a small giggle, looking between drinking game group

"You know what..." she said after a moment's thought, "I'm not going to get changed, I'm going to get another drink then go and relax in that hot tub that Derek likes to tinker with," she declared before adding with a slight smirk, "You're welcome to join me if you want."

She didn't wait for a reply, but set off in the direction, looking ever-so-slightly unsteady on her feet.
"Skinning children?" Coralie sounded half-outrages, half-amused, "I've never skinned anything in my life! Not even a fish."

"He's a pirate," Coralie gave a slight grin, "And I only met him yesterday. I wouldn't trust him as far as I can throw him! But we've got got letters of marque from the Doel so that means we're on the same side for the next little while," she paused, giving Cricket a thoughtful glance before explaining what the letter meant in practical terms, "That means if we take a vessel we need to treat the crew with respect and then sail it to a Doel port and prove, in court, that we were legally entitled to seize it. Then, if we can prove we were, we can sell the ship legally. It's a bit of extra effort but worth it for the extra money you can make with a legally acquired vessel."

She beckoned for cricket to follow her then clambered by the ladder from the hold, blinking slightly in the brightness of the morning, "Captain Aghilas," Coralie greeted him, "You seem to be in fine spirits this morning... welcome to the Vengeance!"
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