B.?.102, The School Room -> P.G.101
Water gushed in as Amanda opened the decending door, coating the floor of the office space in front of her. As she took a few more steps in, the door behind her automatically shut, sealing behind any further watery disruptions.
Indeed, it appeared she was in some type of office, with a thin layer of water covering the dark floor, and dark painted walls staring back at her. Beside her was a large desk, strewn about with papers and other useless junk, like a lamp. The desk had three drawers, the bottom right of which was locked.
To the far left was a phone booth, bright red with fluorescent light glowing within it. The wired phone within had a dial tone if picked up, but didn't seem to have the ability to make calls. The keypad within was shiny, as if begging to be pressed, with numbers from zero to nine, and the poud and star buttons.
Beside the phone booth in the far upper left corner was a steel cabinet with a red tiffin up top, filled with biscuits and cigars.
To Amanda's right, there was a short staircase that led down to a shut door, sterile water covering the last step. The door didn't seem to be locked, and would prove to be a way out if she so chose.
Among the strange sights, Amanda would see a small teddy bear floating in the air, and could swear she heard the sound of breathing.
Something was in this room with her…
As Michelle stood in the new room, a strange occurance happened. The door to her left would swing open, momentarily showing a decending staircase and gushing water. The water immediately curled across the floor of the office, wetting papers and other useless junk.
Then, the door would swing shut, and the strange occurance would end.
Except for one thing. Michelle could swear she heard… breathing. Labourious, desperate breathing…
P.G.107 -> C.G.106, The Princess Palace
Lucas would enter the unlocked door on his left and find a sterile white room with a single pole slotted through a hole that led to what appeared to a lot of pink and pastel colours.
Without a lot of hesitation, Lucas would grab home of the pole and slide down into the next room. What he would see off the bat would be strange indeed.
In front of him would appear to be the backend of a play place, or a jungle gym, designed to be a princess palace. If he walked ahead he would begin to see the ball pit, and the entrance to the jungle gym. There was a single ball that had left the pit, centered in the middle of the floor. A worm-like stuffed animal was in an elongated shape near the ball, as if trying to reach it.
The jungle gym itself seemed to be the sole equipment in the room, with its entrance giving way to netted platforms that rose up a couple meters before Lucas would reach the end: two slides. The left slide being sky blue, and the right slide being baby pink. Above the left slide was some black spray painted text,
’Do you really want the truth?’.
However, among all the sights he would see, there was something his ears would pick up on. Breathing. Low, and deep breathing…
He wasn't along here.
C.G.106, the Princess Palace
As Abel took in the sights, he would briefly glance away. In that moment, he would hear a loud
thud, like of heavy shoes hitting the floor.
Looking in the direction of the noise, Abel would notice a steel pole connected through a hole in the ceiling to the floor, like a fireman pole. It was placed in the far back corner, in an unobvious way. Perhaps he merely missed seeing it at his first glance of the room…
Regardless, Abel couldn't shake the feeling of something else now being in the room with him.