Avatar of Estylwen


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2 mos ago
Current I've gone back to school, so responses are going to be slower than normal for the forseeable future.
2 mos ago
"Show them I'm the judgement call, the one who makes a kingdom fall."
3 mos ago
"But! I should have known better. Nothing ever stays dead..."
1 like
6 mos ago
"There is no one in this room that can stand against me! The Hand of God be my witness, I am the Voice from the Outer World!"
11 mos ago
Took me 10 years to realize antagonists are way more fun to write.


Your Local Antagonist



"A million times I have done this charade. The moment people figure it out, I get the boot." she thought.

"But don't you want to see the fear in their eyes when they see who you really are...? Don't you want dominion of this place, just like how you were unchallenged in Vaal Kastrix?" said the Voice.

Ciara scoffed, immediately thinking of Gulliver and Valen. "I'd love to wipe the smirk off their faces."

"It starts by building a rumor. A rumor of power. This could be the place to start."

She took a deep breath, narrowing her eyes resolutely at the Undermage. "Head Advisor, with all due respect, you have no right to ask me about my intentions. If you want answers..."

She stood from her seat, rising to her full height.

"You'll have to duel me for them."

Iris Ascendis Roleplay (2023) | TikTok Tribute

Her breath caught when she felt the cold metal of a pistol against her temple.

"Put the heart down, and back the hell up if you want your friend to live," the guard said to Ellie in a rumbling baritone, digging the gun into Dream's head.

Dream squinted at Ellie, vision blurred as she tried to breathe. The heart, glinting in Ellie's hands.

The doctor, his face turning white every time she asked what would happen if they failed. Above all else, he said, they had to keep the heart safe. They had to, even if it meant...

She snarled, her boot stamping down on the guard's foot, a burst of light bruising the bone. He yelped, losing his grip. That's all she needed, and she tore away. But in her haste, she saw his free arm reaching for her, and she slipped on panicked feet as he pushed her off the railing.

She held back a scream, staring straight down into the boiling pit below. The guard wrapped a tight hand around her ankle, and Ellie could see Dream's other foot flailing; she restrained herself poorly from kicking the guard, desperately hoping she wouldn't die.

As her captor supported himself against the railing, his pistol pointed at Ellie.

"I'll drop her, I swear I'll drop her!"

TENEBRAE: The Rebellion of Shadows Roleplay (2021)

We have a RPer Appreciation thread?
This is beautiful, I'll bookmark it. (2016)
Another kind comment. (2024)
This is what makes it worth it. (2024)
I'm grateful for the ride. (2024)

Deep, golden orbs stared back at her from within the cave.

God, she couldn't breathe.

He was monstrous. The ground trembled under her feet as his rippling, massive body exited the cave. Thunderous footsteps left cracks in the dirt, his breath sent waves of heat creeping over her skin. The transformation was slow, but it looked like something from a nightmare with the way his long teeth were bared.

A great and terrible roar sounded from his gaping maw.

She needed to run. Now.

Academy 218 Roleplay (2014)

Most Recent Posts

@Irradiant, @Click This, how are your IC posts coming along? I will likely be posting again Sunday, August 18th.

Also, just as a note, I'm going to be on holidays from Auguat 25th to the 31st, so I won't be writing in these days. It'll be an ideal time for collaboration, or we can wait.

The House on the Hill

Interactions: Leon (@AtomicEmperor), Clancy (@Zombiedude101), Luca/Linqian (@FernStone), everyone

It was transfixing to watch, the thickening of fog, until the chaos of the room faded away. All that was left was the three of them. Or, as Alizée could readily tell, the four of them.

"If anyone dares lay a finger upon this Soul, or the Body meant for her; I will be their retribution."

The twin voices brought relief to Alizée, and a hopeful smile to Layla. Alizée's eyes narrowed to peaceful slits as she felt a comforting apparition around her, very much spectral in nature. She is the lock…

Her eyes opened, and she beheld Layla for what almost felt like the first time. Could she really…?

"Layla... Who needs Void Heart? Look at her, and tell me that you don't feel your soul calling out to host her. For her to expel the demons within you. You both can restart, Layla... Stronger together than ever before. Adjoin with Alizée Vul. Accept her. Forge a new bond, and awaken the Coming of the Dawn."

Layla's jaw dropped as she listened to Leon, eyes blinking rapidly. Before she shot a look to Alizée, and saw the apparition giving her a curious stare back. Layla's gaze snapped to Leon, her mouth parting uselessly, the words refusing to come up, the jumble of emotions, the possibility to be free.

"Body meant for her?!"

Before the illusion of safety, of any semblance of harmony, was destroyed. Layla looked nervously over Leon's side as Clancy came closer through the fog.

"It's not happening. You might not trust me, but you know I'm right, here."

Layla, admittedly, looked fairly dejected at Clancy's statement. It’s fine. She told herself. Then we're back to plan A, working towards getting the Void Heart back…

”Being like this is pain. You'll lose yourself, and there won't be anything left.”

Layla glanced up at Leon, before her pained face gazed in Clancy's general direction, as he was still somewhat obscured.

“I'm already in pain, I have already lost myself…” She said. “I've had nightmarish apparitions follow me my whole life. And no way to protect myself. But…” Her eyes slid over to Alizée. “With a little help…”

“If theres anything left of you, Alizee, don't do this to her. Your... friends, said you were suffering. End it. Control yourself. Be better."

Alizée's gaze stared through the fog, desperate to see the apparition speaking to her. He might have denied their ties, but they were from the same place, the same Voidly darkness. That placed his opinion very high, in her books.

When Clancy made it close enough to be seen, Alizée's somber eyes beheld him. She could still hear Lelou's faint chanting in her ear, and feel pressure on her hand and it's weakening, yet took a wistful breath before she addressed the young ‘boy.’

“You're right. You're absolutely right. I have no right to adjoin with her, and I would never force her, or anyone, to adjoin with me.

“But I would never harm her. Connections are not made by harming others.”

She took a slow breath, sighing, before continuing. “And, sorry. For earlier.”

”It's alright, I can see your sincerity. You have to be loyal to us... But I believe you when you say you will be. We all need someone. Just let that someone be us. I'll gladly be your friend.”

Alizée, despite the weakening effect, perked up a bit when the one in front of her said they'd be her friend. Could it really be true?

”You knew me before, of course I'll be loyal.”

Then they released her hand, and she gave it a flex, feeling the numbing weakness remain. How curious.

”The body meant for her? Are you serious? Layla's more than a body. What the fuck, Leon?!”

The mystical atmosphere was shattered once again. Layla watched Luca as he approached, before yelping in surprise as he fell. The scent of rotting flesh caused her eyes to prick, and she involuntarily gagged on the air.

When she looked up, she saw Luca staring furiously at Leon, rotting him away.

“Luca!” She squeeked out, her voice tight with panic. “You're hurting him!”

When she noticed, of all things, Luca was coming to her defense. Layla's lips parted, unable to speak. She couldn't remember the last time someone came to her defense, save Luna, Leon and Mr. Devola.

It stunned her, and she had to do a double-take of Luca.

When Luca finally removed himself from Leon, he turned to her, and Layla could only watch with awe.

”But maybe this way will be better. I understand... you're haunted by worse Apparitions. Not all of them are bad. Is this what you want? Do you want to adjoin with her?”

He was right. And he was giving her a choice.

”Nobody else can make this decision for you. Only you.”

“You go ahead with this, and I'll make our last moments together the worst you could ever imagine.”

Layla stiffened, feeling Mr. Riil's suffocating presence within her engulfing her.

“Not gonna ignore me anymore, you monster?”

“For some reason I think you prefer it. If there weren't all these people around I'd make you suffer for every desire I've felt pass through your body to get rid of me and adjoin with her.”

“Then I'll stay here, among friends, you coward.”

“Who you calling a coward, you little bitch?”

Layla trembled for a moment there, not believing the tone she was taking with Mr. Riil. If he had her alone for just a moment… It made her physically sick to think about. No amount of begging would save her, with the amount of fury she could feel rolling off him.

She gritted her teeth, before her eyes landed on Alizée. Layla didn't know what would become of her if she decided to adjoin with her. It could be worse than Mr. Riil. But, something in her gut told her it would be alright. Looking up at those red eyes, flowing white hair, remembering the defenseless girl on the metal slab…

Maybe Alizée needed a friend as desperately as she did.

Layla's gaze turned to Luca, framed by illuminated fog. Despite the fear she felt, the ominous presence weighing her down, she spoke from her soul.

“Yes… I want this. I want to adjoin with Alizée. Perhaps… With Alizée's help, I can forget about the Void Heart.”

Layla looked over at Alizée. “Only, of course, if that's alright with you, Alizée. I uh, have a lot of baggage.”

Alizée stared for a moment, before her red eyes curled upward in happiness. “We'll be the best of friends, don't you worry.”

Layla nodded, before her grimace held Luca. “Leon's just trying to help… I think it was an accident, but he's injured now. How can we work together as a team if we're always hurting each other?” She said softly, trying to appeal to Luca's good side.

Alizée glanced at Luca, Leon and Clancy, her red eyes tight. Be better.

“You have a serial killer after you, right? I… understand why tensions are so tight among you, and I don't blame you. Death is… a scary experience.

“This serial killer must be the one tormenting you all. I want to help.”

She turned to Clancy. “Even if it's for selfish reasons, I want to prove that I can be better. That I can be a boon in all ways, and not a burden.”

”Anya works on getting to that rich fuck, Luca and Adora convince some assholes to leave the bigger assholes at 8th and the rest of us… what? Sit around doing fuck all? There must be something we can fucking do.”

It was Luna who spoke up in response.

“I have some ideas for you. Spying, first and foremost.” Her head tilted as she poured herself another drink. “We pool our ideas and hazard guesses as to where people in the know might be, like Veni. We post someone there to listen, eavesdrop, and we might get something good.”

She lifted her glass to her lips, but paused before taking a sip. “There's one other thing we could do.”

She set the glass down, eyes leveling at Linqian. “Stay in groups, and train. Clancy is evidence for us that we no longer have the luxury of being alone. And whatever happens with 8th Street, I'll bet good money they'll come back swinging. And I'll be damned if we miss an opportunity to combine our talents and push each other.

“‘Course, it's really up to you folks what you wanna do. I gave my two cents already.”

Sorry to hear that, Sifr. I do hope it gets better.
@Squirrel98 All good, it works for this instance. :)
@WhiteAngel25 How is your post coming along? :)
I've done a quick update post for ya, @Xandrya! This also updates the room for you, @Squirrel98.



Whether or not the worm reacted remained to be seen. The good news, however, was that Michelle could easily see the note from where she stood. It was a yellow post-it note. Written in cryptic sharpie was below:

What was also nice was that all the inhabitants of the room, even ones in separate dimensions, could also now read the note.

And, armed with this newfound code, this secret, this key to unlock something great, Michelle was now ready to input a number sequence into the phone booth's keypad.

What the outcome would be, however, remained to be seen.
It's a revolving door

The House on the Hill

Interactions: Sully/Sloane (@Atrophy), Amara (@Blizz), Luca (@FernStone), Brit/Ruby (@Shin Ghost Note)

“Eww bitch, you literally just said you wouldn’t!”

“And she blew it, so stop projecting your guilt on us. Come on, Britney. Do it.”

Alizée realized her mistake a moment too late, the words escaping her throat before she could ever, ever recall them back. She stared with wide red eyes as the woman with her dread-inducing staff pointed the weapon at her.

Immediately, the hands, or well, hand, came up again. The other was still a slowly morphing, shadowy stub. Alizée made no sudden movement, not wishing to give them another reason to jump her.


”Seal her. Do it.”

Fos lost Zu'u drehlaan? (What have I done?) She hissed to herself, before shooting a pleading look to Sloane and Amara.

“Please, don't do this. Listen, the Temple is filled with people, isn't it? Can't Layla report to you if I even dare to show up?

“I swear, I won't pursue the Void, and I won't step foot in the Temple. I won't have a way to see him. I'm not a threat to you!

“I'm sorry I asked; I shouldn't have asked. But now my search is over! I know where he is, now I can give up and move on.”

There was an audible chatter in Alizée's chains as she stood there, shivering. Her voice became higher-pitched. It wasn't necessary to use Ruby in that moment to see how terrified Alizée was.

“Please, please, don't resign me to a fate worse than death! Please don't give up on me! We were friends once, weren't we?!”

She gasped for air there, though not needing to breathe, her eyes slitted and tight. Was this fear? Never in her life had she experienced such a strong emotion. It made her want to run and hide, though she remained firmly where she was.

Desperately, she hoped she could convince these people who knew her that she was on their side. That she could change, and stop. That she could comply with their demands.

”Originally, I agreed with Britney, but she's already going against the one condition. We can't trust that. We can trust your self-serving interest, but that'll always be towards him. I understand it. It's a strange relationship, with your Apparition. But it'll always be him before us, right?”

Alizée blinked, seeing one of the group approach her. She could clearly sense the apparition hidden within them, and stiffened reflexively.

When he reached out for her hand, she accepted. But the effect was instant; Her chains, initially swirling around her in agitation, slumped to the floor. Her red eyes blinked several times, feeling a heavy weight fall against her.

This was him, wasn't it?

”One more chance. Can you ignore the Void Heart- Vul. Can you form connections with others? So you don't need him?”

It took a moment for Alizée to respond, finding the will to speak against the weakness she felt. But she didn't resist the one in front of her, her faith in this group still firm.

To form connections with others… If Luca was looking carefully, despite the absolute terror it was for Alizée to be in this room, her eyes glimmered with a shade of happiness, eagerness.

“Yes. I would love nothing more than making other connections, and being your friend. It's part of my core. What makes me who I am.”

Pain flickered across her eyes, before she willed herself to speak again, resoluteness in her tone. “I can ignore Vul. I can be your friend. I can be everyone's friend. I can be loyal to you. I will be loyal to you.”

She glanced at the woman who had read her emotions before, “Please, check me again, I'm sincere.”

Before her eyes shot to Brit desperately. “Tell them you're not going to seal me, please. My search is over; I want nothing more than to serve you.”

The House on the Hill

Interactions: Leon/Edict (@AtomicEmperor)

"You certainly scared us, my sweet Sister... Mother will be thrilled to know you've come home."

Alizée was overcome, staring at a human who, for one, was taller than her, and radiant, with his own apparition within him.

He spoke like he knew her. But how? It was different than how Brit spoke to her. More familiar. And who was Mother.

It didn't occur to Alizée that she could understand yet another language until she spoke.

“Qui es-tu…? Et qui est Mère… ? (Who are you…? And who is Mother…?)

The words came off her tongue. French. A language in her reflexes, like the ancient language of the Void. Curious.

The man turned, and Alizée watched him look at the strange, white-haired doll again, with piercing blue eyes.

"Layla? Aren't we being rude? To not welcome our Sister with open arms? Come here."

Layla sat there self-consciously with her glass of milk, eyes widened in surprise. She hadn't expected this. For Leon to call upon her.

But she had to remember her loyalties, and her family, who promised her the world, and then some. She, of course, had never seen Leon like this, not which she could remember. It made her feel… uneasy.

Regardless, she set her glass of milk aside, and made to move off her stool. Before she saw a flash of a gun, and a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"U-uh... I wouldn't..."

Layla's heart skipped a beat, actually looking at Edict, dragging her eyes away from the gun. Despite the darkness settled in her chest, she couldn't, and wouldn't blame Edict for his intervention. He was her friend, just like Britney. Just like Jea-jie. It still caused alarm bells to ring in her head, like she had to stand a little taller, straighten her back a little more.

She swallowed nervously, before shaking her head. “It'll be fine, Mr. Devola. Trust me.”

Then she eased off the stool, shooting Edict as reassuring of a face as she could, gently shrugging off his hand. Before she knew it, her feet had walked on their own accord, and she was in front of two impossibly tall beings. Beings being the key word as neither appeared human in that moment. She took her position beside Leon, and looked up at Alizée.

A breath.

“Welcome, Sister. The Temple and Her Grace have missed you. I'm Layla. Your… well, the retainer of your legacy.” Layla said in a slow, even tone.

Alizée, who had stood from the floor, and now floated in spot, gazed down at Layla with a curious look. Quickly, however, that curiosity turned to suspicion, and outrage.

“The scent of Vul, of the Void Heart is most potent on you. Why?

Layla grimaced, waving her hands in a placating manner. “I can explain. Just don't get mad, okay?”

Alizée stared silently, waiting. Layla took that as her cue to continue. She reached forward, and grasped one of Alizée’s gnarled hands. Her tone was soft.

“After Alizée Aliteri passed away, the Void Heart sought a new host. That host… was me.”

“However…” Layla's gaze glanced at Jack, darkening for a moment, before returning to Alizée.“Some people didn't like the Void Heart being out and about.”

Layla's face grew pained, seeing Void in her own mind. Feeling that ache of absence.

“Alizée… I don't know how to tell you this, but… Void is sealed.”

There was a beat of silence before there was a sharp seethe, and several of Alizée's chains punched through the floor, splintering the wood. Alizée's hand clenched around Layla's porcelain hands, her eyes burning with fury.

Where is he?!” Her distorted voice hissed. “Where have they sealed him?”

Layla gave a small yelp, but didn't back away. She stood there as resolutely as she could, her own fury and hurt burning in her chest.

“The Temple! The Temple has him. Listen, I'm just as mad as you. But if you stick with me, we'll both see him again. Okay?!”

Alizée wasn't satisfied, her grip on Layla tightening. “You're asking me to wait? When my entire existence is for the Void Heart?!”

Layla growled back. “Yes! What do you think I've been doing? Listen, the Temple has agreed to return what's been lost, but I have to prove Void won't go on a rampage, or corrupt my mind, like he did to you in your previous life. I'm here fixing your sins, Alizée. You just have to let me do my job. This is technically your fault we have to wait!”

Alizée blinked, before she growled in disbelief. Slowly, her grip on Layla weakened, and her hand came free. Layla braced herself as Alizée came closer to her, but was wholly unprepared for what came next.

The tall, intimidating voidling leaned in and wrapped her hands around Layla in a hug.

“I'm trusting you.” Alizée said in a low tone, her head resting against the side of Layla's head.

Before she leaned back, and looked over at Leon. “Perhaps… I should meet this Mother you speak of…”

Luna watched the entire interaction with half-lidded eyes, though not many would notice she had been white-knuckling the edge of the counter the entire time. Surely, the worst of this meeting was behind them, now.

Luna shook her head, before taking one of the bottles of alcohol, cracked it open, and drank straight from it.

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