Avatar of Estylwen


Recent Statuses

10 days ago
Current With a heavy heart, I set sail.
12 days ago
First time making samosas from scratch; also making fried pakoras, fruit salad, and daal. I can't wait to try it all~
21 days ago
Okowa, the sister of sushi! I got my chicken, my fish, my mushrooms - I'm gonna drown it all in soy sauce-
1 like
22 days ago
Maybe I'll play Cyberpunk 2077 some more. My brother maxed out my character a year and a half ago. Haven't seen him since. Miss him.
1 mo ago
Mica, my pet snail, passed away today. :(



”Mr. Dawson, why don't you have a seat?” He said, gesturing to the brown leather chair he had his hand resting on.

The men behind Adel stepped forward. They each placed a firm hand around his upper arms, half-guiding, half-dragging Adel to the seat. If Adel struggled in any way, their plan would have been quickly subduing him with a blow to the cheek - but besides tensing up, the man didn’t fight.

They shoved Adel into the seat, twisting it so it faced the mirror. Vincent still had that smirk on his face as he picked up a bowl of shaving cream and an applicator brush on the counter.

Slowly, methodically, Vincent applied shaving cream to Adel's face while speaking.

”Now, my men tell me that you and your spies have decided to make it your home in White Pine. Not that I care too much about that.”

He set down the bowl, picking out a barber's blade instead. He opened it, the fresh gleam of a clean, sharp blade within.

“What I really care about, though, is who set you up to do this.”

The blade pressed against Adel's neck as Vincent leaned over, staring at the man through the mirror.

”So, what'll it be, Canary? You gonna sing?”

Nocturnal Memoirs (2024)

"A million times I have done this charade. The moment people figure it out, I get the boot." she thought.

"But don't you want to see the fear in their eyes when they see who you really are...? Don't you want dominion of this place, just like how you were unchallenged in Vaal Kastrix?" said the Voice.

Ciara scoffed, immediately thinking of Gulliver and Valen. "I'd love to wipe the smirk off their faces."

"It starts by building a rumor. A rumor of power. This could be the place to start."

She took a deep breath, narrowing her eyes resolutely at the Undermage. "Head Advisor, with all due respect, you have no right to ask me about my intentions. If you want answers..."

She stood from her seat, rising to her full height.

"You'll have to duel me for them."

Iris Ascendis Roleplay (2023) | TikTok Tribute

We have a RPer Appreciation thread?
This is beautiful, I'll bookmark it. (2016)
Another kind comment. (2024)
This is what makes it worth it. (2024)
I'm grateful for the ride. (2024)

Most Recent Posts

@Pumpkinlord Little too soon for that. We still have lots of players, and some will always leave in the beginning. What we should focus on is content that is player-focused.
@BurningCold Oh whoops, I might have missed that. Thanks for pointing it out, I'll edit it. :>
@Half Pint All good, thanks for your interest. :>
Post should be completed tomorrow or the day after. :>
@LanaStorm I started visualizing Ezra's abilities a bit differently, so I had to update the sheet. ^^
I have updated Ezra's ability slightly.

@ManyThings Looking forward to it!

Edit: Ah, alas, only delayed Arcticus by a few minutes....
The Best Friends Coalition?

Nova City Bank, Lobby, Main Level

Interactions:Rift @Aku the Samurai, Halcyon II @Half Pint, Glutton @BurningCold, Bloodlust @Vidar the Quiet

The sounds of blood curdling screams echoed out from the lobby as one goon after another was felled. Some had it lucky. They were only disarmed. But others? Others had their actual hearts ripped out.

In cases like these, who were the real villains here?

Regardless, the lobby was quickly neutralized. Of course, the only sounds the heroes and police would hear now was the sound of melting concrete as Ethan shot him, Pestilence and Pine up to the rooftop.

The hostages themselves were rescued as well, removed entirely from their vines. The lobby was cleared.

Masked Solaris

Nova City Bank Rooftop

Interactions: Pestilence @Goblininamech, Everyone outside the building.

Ethan directed his focus to the police barricading the building. They would have to take care of that first, before taking off. Wouldn't want to be easy targets in the sky now, did they?

So, Ethan raised his hand, ”Fast and quick it is, Pestilence.”

Stars of varying sizes blossomed out of his raised hand, collecting around him in almost a flower shape, before they shot forward.They rained down on the police and civilians gawking below, like holy fire, prepared to smite the weak. If any of these yellow stars were to connect, they'd ignite their targets easily, burning through flesh and clothing like paper. Anyone under the hellstorm would be severely injured, if not dead by the end of it.

He watched, hoping to have the group out and away in the next thirty seconds, if that was enough to decimate the police force.



As Violet Lightning would happen upon the scene at Nova City Bank, she would be in for a shocking surprise. All the police officers, police cars, and bystanders too close to the hailstorm were moments away from being rained on by little yellow stars that would most certainly act like the burning insides of a kiln, prepared to burn people alive.

If she had any ideas to combat the stars, she could take that action. Or wallow in the misery of being a fraction too late.

Near Glutton’s Crime Scene

Interactions: Hellfire @Archazen, Sir Arcticus @ManyThings

Syla attempted calling Hellfire. Poor bloke must have been too busy watching his TV, though, as it went to voicemail.

Ah well. She'd leave a voicemail then.

”Hellfire. The Masked Solaris has asked that I reach out to you. His stunt today is just first of many big-time cases. He is building up a coalition that will one day rival the Dragon and throw him out of the city. You know the Dragon won't stop until he has devoured this city.

That's why he is offering you a job. A partnership. Come join us, and forge your destiny in hellish flames, like they were meant to be. You have my number if you're interested.”

She pocketed her phone, turning the corner to come face-to-face with Sir Arcticus, staring confusedly as a police cruiser took off. He was right where the office boys said he'd be. Now she just had to initiate plan Distract.

”Sir Arcticus. There is a bank robbery. You must act with haste and apprehend the suspects, people are in danger.” She said, like she was talking about the weather instead of evident peril.

She pointed to the left. ”It's at Dewdeny Bank, ten minutes that way.”

Though, that couldn't be right. Nova City Bank was in the opposite direction, the same direction the cruiser had gone in. But would Sir Arcticus be able to tell if she was lying?

Across the Street from Nova City Bank

Interactions: Georgia @enmuni

There was a slight step-step behind Georgia as footsteps approached her. With her hands placed behind her back, space given to the thorns in her left arm, the veiled magnificence of Aster stood beside Georgia, watching the chaos of Nova City Bank unfold.

”Beautiful, isn't it? The rich suffering for their sins through the actions of a few noble supers. As we speak, the Masked Solaris, Pestilence, and Poison Oak are doing their duty to the city, ridding it of corruption.”

Her veiled eyes glanced down at Georgia, and she almost seemed to smile. ”You deserve to be up there with them, bathing in the glory of righteousness today. But… Perhaps there are… other opportunities for you?”

She leaned in close, as if she was confiding in a secret for Georgia and Georgia alone.

”The Dragon is on the move. If we want a chance at punishing him for his sins, we will need more capital, more manpower. And more importantly, we need you.”

Aster leaned back slightly, taking in Georgia’s reaction. ”What do you say, Fallen Sister?”

IC post is complete, just double checking something with Pumpkinlord. :>
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