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I have it saved so i will use it for when the first day of class starts.

Ah my bad, i'm gonna edit my post to correct my mistake.
Sorry for taking so long, but I finally finished and posted. Let me know if I need to make any changes @World Traveler.
@World Traveler @Herald @MrSkimobile

Location: Herbology Class/ Great Hall

Antonio was sitting in his office enjoying a cigarette. He looked at his watch, noticing the time. “I've got time before heading out soon.” He took a drag of his cigarette, thinking he had lots of time left. He wanted to enjoy his cigarette. After a while, he put out his cigarette and put on his jacket. His whole outfit seemed like something from the 1970’s. His jacket was dark green and had various unknowable stains. He assumed it was either spilled alcohol or vomit, but he wasn’t sure of this. The brown slacks and white dress shirt were equally dirty as his jacket. Antonio was also wearing bright green crocodile-skinned shoes. To top it all off was the ugly multi-coloured tie he was wearing.

During his walk, He gives Peeves finger guns, mentioning they will meet later to plan some pranks. He stops to poke his head out of a window, enjoying the feeling of the wind hitting his face. Staring out of the window, wondering if he could catch any sight of a supernatural creature. However he couldn't see anything at the moment. But perhaps during nighttime, he could see something. Walking off towards the great hall while whistling to the tune of "Disco Inferno."

He walked into the great hall and looked around the room. He took a seat between Kaiden and Alvis. Hiya, alright? " he says, nodding towards the two professors before sipping his flask.


Thank you. I will let you know if I need help with anything.

I have ADD/ADHD, so sometimes it's hard for me to read multiple posts at a time. But I will try to ensure this mistake doesn't happen again.

I am sorry i missed that. I will edit my post to correct my mistake.
@AwesomeZero5 @shylarah @vietmyke @Randomguy

The shambling skeletons moved slowly towards the group. The dark knight’s undead minions attacked the skeletons while the knight was standing in front of Goibniu. “Stay behind me.” He swung his massive sword to cut a few of the skeletal monks before him. The ranger, meanwhile, was firing his bow at the surrounding skeletons. His arrows were poisonous, which would help with killing them. He used a spell to buff his attack speed, firing his arrows with ludicrous speed. The ranger was cursing why they brought such a noob along to this quest. The skeletons attacked Claudia, Rathello, and the ranger. With the ranger being stabbed in the shoulder.

"I need some healing." The ranger said while grunting in pain. Holding his wounded shoulder.

The group’s offence was doing quite well when dealing with the skeletons. Soon enough, the skeletons were correctly handled. Now, the room went back to being eerily quiet. “Good job, everyone, but let’s keep vigilant in case anything else tries to attack us.” The dark knight said while leaving the dorm with the group. The group could now look around the dorm for any secret door or return to the courtyard.
@World Traveler

Awesome thanks boss.
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