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@mattmanganon @Sadu


Tavias looked annoyed at Dotty, who just picked up the puppy. He assumed it would try to bite her as soon as she tried to scoop it up. But was more surprised by her oddly sniffing the poor dog. Hiding a smile as Dotty was told to shut up about Poodlewolf, whatever that was. “Nice to meet you, Freckles. I’m Taivas.” He waved his hand before limply resting it on his side. He was in disbelief that he had just introduced himself to a dog. “Umm yeah, please don’t try and sniff that poor dog's butt. I bet you’re those dalmatian’s kids. Better take ya home before…” Of course he could see some statues coming alive before he could finish.

Keep that dog safe, I’ll handle them.” Taivas smiled, summoning his keyblade. He summoned some shadowy arrows, firing them at the farthest statues. He ran towards the statues, and he raised his keyblade to try to take down the closest statue.

Okay i'm sure i can connect all of that into my first post. I can't wait to bash some gremlins
<Snipped quote by Eviledd1984>

Looks good. You are accepted. Please feel free to post your character in the character page.

<Snipped quote by Lemons>

They do... It's green and would feel really sour to a vampire. Like drinking lemon juice without adding sugar.

Thank you. Where would be a good place to plop Sam into the current plot?

Sorry i am just working on my post.

I added a bit of detail for Azir. Would that be enough for the sheet to be acceptable?
<Snipped quote by Eviledd1984>

Very interesting character indeed. What exactly do you need help with? Personality and room description seem fine to me. You could maybe go a bit more in to detail for Azir maybe? Like... what exact monster he is for example.

I just wasn't sure if some of the stuff in my sheet was good enough. I can add in a description and relationship between Sam and Azir.
I finally made my post. I apologize if it took so long; my brother was visiting, and I couldn't be on my comp to write anything. I am thinking of ditching the Jester plot and the RP, the different quest your group goes on. Do you guys think I should keep this plotline?

@AwesomeZero5 @Randomguy @vietmyke @shylarah

The admins soon left after they finished asking the group some questions. They were not any closer to catching the hacker. The group's questions are not being answered. And this would only cause more players to leave the game. Uriel was still preoccupied with contacting other players about the jester. Howitzer, meanwhile, was looking spaced out. His mind was primarily concerned if his account was hacked. Uriel finished messaging the players before turning to talk to the group. Sending them a request on ChaosX. After doing this, he looked through his stash for good potions.

I agree with Claudia. Don’t let some asshole ruin your fun playing the game. I’d be good to do another run at that temple in Ocren. Or we can do another quest if you want; I’m easy.” He looked over at Howitzer, who seemed quite tired and very annoyed. “I’d be good for another quest; perhaps we can get something good from a C or B quest. And it was a lot of fun raiding with you guys if that means anything.” Adding with a shrug.

You guys can do that. I might just get it for the night.” The ranger sounded quite dejected from what had just happened. “I’m just gonna log out for tonight; it was nice questing with ya. I added ya guys on ChaosX.” As he finished, he logged out, and his character disappeared.

The admins meanwhile, were continuing their search for the jester. Snooping around the temple, looking for any clues. One of them noticed something on the ground. Picking it up, he saw it was a teddy bear. It was a junk item, which was odd since someone wouldn’t regularly drop junk items. Most people would just sell it for a bit of gold or to make something out of it. This admin turned the bear around and saw something written on the back. “Bring the artifact back to Richmark Cave in Cloep Frya when you get it.” The admin turned towards the other admin, who walked towards him. “Look at this, I think this the jester is gonna head to the cave. Don’t know how fast he got there, but we should go over and check it out.” The other admin nodded as the two of them started to head towards the cave.
<Snipped quote by Eviledd1984>

That's a really interesting character!

Thank you.
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