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Your characters are going to do another quest.

@Randomguy @vietmyke @shylarah

How is posting going?
Hello. For this role-play, I thought we would play gods from different mythologies. The gods live on earth, and you will live daily as a god, scheming or trying to gain or maintain followers. I planned for your characters to fight with each other for followers or because of tension between themselves and another god. I also plan on introducing a larger plot later on.

I am looking for at least two or three players, as I don't enjoy GMing large groups. I am up for brainstorming with potential players about their chosen gods. So if you are interested, please let me know. Thank you. :)


Maybe, i'm thinking about looking at DnD items to see what I could use for loot.
@mattmanganon @Sadu


Tavias pushed his foot forward, trying to overtake the statue. But it was much more challenging than it looked. It was obvious to him these statues were under some powerful spell. “Tsk, bastard.” He cursed under his breath while applying more body weight to his attack. His hands and arms became quickly consumed by the shadowy mist that had appeared before. "If you guys can switch places to negate the damage, let’s see if you can survive a black hole.” Pushing away from the statue by kicking it. One hand was held high up in the air as the shadow was forming into a ball in his hand.

The ball was slowly becoming larger and larger. The light in the room started to dissipate and dim. The room was quickly filled with the sudden feeling of foreboding. But Tavias’ attack slowly disappeared when he noticed the light coming from above a flight of stairs. “What the hell is that?” He said softly, looking back at the statue. His ears tried to listen carefully to the voices that were speaking. Two males and one female were having a conversation. Tavias tried to focus on recognizing the voices, but he couldn’t remember them. “Follow me, Dotty; whoever controls these statues is up there. Maybe we can get them to deactivate these things.” He said, standing between the statues and Dotty. Looking back to make sure she was still holding onto the puppy. Tavias slowly started moving backwards towards the light. His keyblade was held in front of him in cause they tried to attack them.
@Eviledd1984 Would posts be easier on you if Taivas could see Zen-Aku even when he's just the ghost in Dotties head?

I mean if you want to. I'm easy.

Yep with lots of ice physics and puzzles, so enjoy >:)
1) any fun ideas or environments we want to bounce around for future quest stuff?

2) think a peddler or guild merchant might be useful NPC to mess around with

2b) any fun NPCs or perhaps reoccurring quest givers to think about?

3) what time of year would it be in game? Could do holiday based events too for inspiration or pass the time. Collect presents, extra gold for coal mining daily quests bards seducing killing krampus event boss

1) I had a couple in mind. For example, I had an underwater temple or city the crew could explore. Or an ice castle filled with various traps and ice-based monsters. Or inside of a pyramid of some kind.

2) A few ideas came up of some NPCS. With one of them being a merchant that sells various items and junk. With their inventory having more rare items to sell as time goes on. Another NPC was a baroness that gets the crew to do some questionable things for a lot of money and items.

3) It'd be the current month of IRL. So I might do a Valentines event later on :)
Got my first post up.

SaM Of AlL cOlOrs

In his room, Sam was fast asleep, not hearing any announcements. He held his favourite Body Pillow close to him for comfort. Sam was violently awakened by the sound of his phone alarm going off. Panicking, he noticed the time he jumped out of his bed. Cursing himself for staying up to watch an all-night marathon of Sailor Moon. He rushed over to his closet, getting ready for the day. Quickly, he headed towards the cafeteria, hoping to get something to eat. As he got inside, he saw a bit of commotion going on. He wondered what was happening and thought Azir might know what was happening.

Sam looked around the room for the ogre, noticing the ogre eating a lot less than she usually would during dinner. “Hello, Azir. Did you see the Sailor Moon marathon last night?” He asked while sitting beside her. The ogre looked quite annoyed while playing with some cabbage. It took her a moment to respond to Sam’s question.

I only caught a little bit of it. I had a date, so I could only watch a bit of the marathon.” Azir said while eating the measly food on her plate.

Oh, was it with someone from here? Or was it a human? And do you know what is going on in the kitchen?” He asked, looking behind him at the kitchen staff frantically running around.

It was with a skeleton named Ducky, he's a funny guy. I think you'd like him. Yeah, something happened to all the electronics and stuff; they said it was some gremlins that sneaked in and destroyed everything. The owner wants us to hunt them down. I wouldn’t mind hunting some of those bastards for ruining my dinner. Do you want in?” The ogre smiled, feeling her bloodlust rise. “We’d get something good if we get enough of them. We can team up and split the prize.” She added.

Sam wasn’t sure if he would be able to catch any gremlins. However, he wouldn’t mind helping his fellow neighbours with this problem. And perhaps the prize would be worth all of that effort. “Sure, let’s do it. But where should we start?” He asked while getting out of the chair. He was going to get something to eat before starting this hunt. They discussed their plan as they ate what food was left in the kitchen.
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