I got a notice from the 3-D Warehouse that someone liked my model of a prison cell desk. Whee.
28 days ago
@Someone 343 - try going to the Introduce Yourself forum (…) and post a bit about yourself, the sort of games that interest you, etc.
2 mos ago
Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy has an ordinary-looking MC that to the world he'd been Isekai'd to, the humans find him incredibly ugly.
2 mos ago
I have the flu. Wheee.
3 mos ago
Gkids did a special theater showing of My Neighbor Totoro, tonight was the last night. Pity.
I am a seven-foot tall minecraft-playing hindu guru drag-queen alien.
Possessor of an Ancient Device™ Model 17. No, I don't know what it does. No, you can't play with it.
Pronouns: It. As in: "What is it? What does it want? Why is it here? Oh my god, it's got my... <insert random body part or object here>"
Likes: World Domination, Writing, Rpg, scifi/fantasy, anime, sketchup 3d models, and anime music videos.
Companions: a host of characters from other games, my personal muse Penny (as in Bad), and the Badger gang - Toothpick, Buttons, Shark, and Mongo. They grew up in the balcony of an old theatre that played a lot of gangster movies. Normally benign, but may invade the OOC forums.
Ilyana's lips curled in anger. This... this was slavery! Binding the unwilling and driving them forth to battle without care or concern...!
And Terilu was thrilled!
And then Nemeia stepped up spoke, the sadness in her heart weighing down her words.
"Let us fight with the shackled dead then, deeper in this corrupted crypt. My fellow pilgrims, our solemn task remains, we must continue our freshly begun work, we must cleanse this place of the evil that afflicts it."
Ilyana bowed her head, a scowl writhing on her lips, then she reluctantly raised her heads. The tiefling was right, they were committed, now.
"He didn't even ask them," she choked out, remembering walking out of that prison to find the press gang waiting for her. And her uncle's man, watching from across the way as they reshackled her to a chain with the other 'recruits' and marched them down the street, towards the docks and the waiting ships. And the smiles of the people, pleased that it was convicts, not them. How the leader of the press gang took what little they had before turning them over to the ship's quartermaster...!
How many died that first fight? How many died the second?
The young half-human girl started after them, but she couldn't help but wonder - if she died down there, would Terilu animate her body too? Would he bring her back to guard the caravan while her things were stolen from her cart?
And the worse of it, knowing that nobody would care.
"Aye, let's be off after that onion-eyed oaf," Ilyana mutters, following them down the ramp. "Before the grist mill runs dry."
Race, Age, Time in the Caravan: Human, 22, 7 days.
Appearance: This aristocratic gentleman puts you in mind of a fierce wolf. He has deep-set eyes the color of the midnight sky. His silky, straight, jet black hair is neck-length and is worn in a pageboy style. He is tall and has a masculine build. He has small ears and wide feet. His wardrobe is professional, mostly tan and lincoln green.
Justin grew up in the small kingdom of Vultzberg, mostly known for its ancient roads and hard cider. As far as historians can determine, the people who lived there before built really good roads, then one day decided to use them.
The small kingdom was surprisingly well-off, thanks to various mines, but the prince realized everyone had grown to expect rather lavish presents for even minor things, which made him scowl. About the only person who never asked him for anything was his cousin Catherine, whose family had a farm. They had to struggle a bit, but they seem to be genuinely happy.
During his mother's funeral, he overheard two boys wondering what sort of present they were going to get for attending. Prince Justin lost it, swearing at them with words that even made the guards blush, and his cousin Catherine seated next to him wanting to crawl away in mortification. Someone tagged him, "Bad Prince Justin" and it stuck.
The king sent him off to college in the neighboring kingdom of Ohmskrieg, hoping some time away would make people forget. However, following the king's accidential encounter with a pitch fork two years later, Justin returned to find the bandit Ned trying to rob his poor cousin on the border and a kingdom in turmoil. Even his cousin was acting strangely, asking him to meet in odd places and then pretend he caught her.
His father's fortune teller, Siri, assured him it would all be sorted out soon, but the Bandit Ned, working with one or two of the guards, was digging a tunnel into the castle's strongroom to rob the treasury. Because he wouldn't know who to trust, she suggested he move what he could to his room in the castle without telling anyone. Ned, she assured him, would be caught, but he might hide the loot so he needed to move the gold now.
Using a secret locked passage between the strongroom and a storeroom, he transfered a good part of the kingdom's gold to several chests and had them brought up to his room, saying he had to pack away some old clothes. However, the servants also brought up a creepy chained iron coffer that his father had shown him once. The king had made him practice saying one of the words engraved on the lid in a certain way until he was satisfied, promising someday to explain it all as he handed him a small key.
It was then he noticed his cousin Catherine was outside his window, seated in a sling being lowered to the castle walls below, in full view of half the kingdom. He went down to ask her what was going on, she just smiled and waved at the guards above to haul her back up.
Returning to the fortune teller, he told her of his cousin's last antics, the fortune teller assured him everything would be explained soon, but the temple was retiring her that night, so it would be a week before the next fortune teller would arrive. Confused by this, he returned to the castle only to be captured by the guards and spent the night in a cell. The next morning, bound and gagged, he was brought to the throne room to see his cousin Catherine be crowned as Voltzberg's new queen, and her first order was to order Bad Prince Justin's exile for all the terrible things he did to the kingdom and her person, much to his confusion.
Guards dragged him outside to a pair of wagons loaded with the chests from his room, including the iron coffer, but most of the guards were called back when one of them came out screaming someone had dug their way into the treasury. At the dock, he was placed on board the same ship the fortune teller was on, smiling when she saw him being dragged aboard, and the key to his bonds given to the captian, on orders not to release him until after the ship was well away from the kingdom.
When he was unbound, he demanded to know if she had set this all up, but Siri explained she became aware of the actions of others and simply took advantage of them to ensure Justin's safe escape into exile. Did he really want to fight his ingrateful people to get his kingdom back? If there was any hope for him, he needed to build up some good relations with the common people, and what better way than to offer his skills in service to the common folk? Slaying monsters, rescuing princesses, that sort of thing.
Personality: Catherine's betrayal has shaken him to the core, and truthfully he's a little leary about Lucia Craft, as he has no idea what to expect next - and is afraid to ask. He does speak of the strange and insideous spread of coffee houses throught the kingdom of Ohmskrieg, but unsure what it means. Motivation: Justin wants to travel a bit before he decides to settle down, as what little he knows comes from books, as he's only lived in Volksberg and Ohmskrieg. And that as long as they keep moving, he's not as likely to run into any assassins Catherine might send after him. Skills, Strengths and Weaknesses, and Tools: Skills: Swordmanship (Advanced), Bow (Advanced), Crossbow (Average), Animal Handling & Horsemanship (Advanced), Field Tactics (Average), Field Wound Dressing (Basic), Athletics (Advanced), Dancing (Advanced), Singing (Average), Musical Instruments (Advanced), Draw and Paint (Average), Gambling (Average), Languages (Average), Accounting (Advanced), World History (Average), Basic Mechanics (Basic), Diplomacy (Basic) Strengths: Strong body, good education, wealth Weaknesses: Tends to say what he thinks, needs to work on developing his diplomatic skills. Tools: Armor, sword, bow, crossbow His wagon (pulled by horses) The wagon shared by the priestess and the apothecary (pulled by horses) The cook's wagon (pulled by oxen and cows) The supply wagon (pulled by oxen) The drivers' wagon (pulled by oxen) Strong boxes are in the prince's and the apothecary's wagons, the bulk of his fortune is deposited at a trading house in the Floating City and he bears a letter of credit hidden behind a secret panel.
What They Most Want:
Their kingdom back, or a place to settle down and call their own.
If They Had a DnD Alignment, It Would Be:
Lawfull neutral.
Three Likes:
Interesting company A good sword and horse. Lucia Craft
Three Dislikes:
Coffee shops (The drink is bitter and yet shops seem to be popping up everywhere...) Bandits (they're everywhere and think they're big bads.) Greedy beggers.
Do They Follow Their Heart or Their Mind?:
Bit of both.
Worst Fear:
Clowns. There's something... unnatural about them. False painted smiles, eyes filled with anger, sadness, or misery, deadpan delivery of jokes.
Favorite Color:
Lincoln green
Most Like The Animal:
A wolf.
Favorite Time of Day:
The evening, when the heat of the day is gone and the stars appear above.
How They Dress:
When not wearing his field plate mail or his training leathers, he's usually wearing a checkered leather beret of lincoln green and tan checks, a lincoln green tunic, a slashed tan dublet, a tanned leather jerkin, tanned leather codpiece, tanned leather gloves, lincoln green breeches, off-white hose, and tanned brown boots. (Lucia has promised the next time they find a decent tailor...) A black leather swords belt with a belt pouch and a dagger in a sheath.
Favorite Season:
Spring, when the world becomes new again.
What Gods/Spirits/Whatevers They Worship (If Any):
The Wanderer, as he feels like a fool set adrift in this world.
Lucia Craft Race, Age, Time in the Caravan: Human, 21, 7 days
Appearance: This lady puts you in mind of a clever stage magician. She has almond-shaped grass-green eyes. Her luxurious, curly, gold hair is neck-length and is worn in a messy short bob. There is a small burn spot on her head, above her right ear, usually covered with hair. She is short and has a muscular build. Her skin is deeply tanned. She has nearly-nonexistent eyebrows and small feet. Her wardrobe is basic, with a lot of red and gold.
History: Lucia was born a traveler in a field on the side of the road. Her family were entertainers, they would play instruments and her mother would dance for the crowd, while her grandfather sold medicines and his grandmother told fortunes. Some of the stories she's overhear in her grandmother's tent led to a lot of questions, afterward. Like, is that really the proper way of using a tea cozy?
She was nine when one night, her family's living wagon caught fire. When they couldn't get out the door, her grandmother pushed her unconscious body through a window to the villagers outside, saving her life. When she finally woke three days later, were no sign of the other travelers.
One of the villagers put her on a mule, and took her to a monastery. The monks took her in, and tested her, as they tested all children that was brought to them. There was something about her they liked, so they began training her in the arcane and secret mysteries of fortune telling (and intelligence gathering), while stressing the need for her to remain pure, least it affect her gift.
When it was time, the monks put her on a boat with several brother monks, and they traveled to Voltzberg to set up a new temple. Much of her mornings were spent in listening to the stories the monks had gathered from the previous day, then breathing in the smoke and vapors from pots filled with burning 'herbs' while she stare d into a large crystal ball, her mind weaving a pattern she could then share with clients. Only the most important clients could be in the chamber with her, watching as Lucia recited prophecy after prophecy. The monks made a killing in the Voltzberg stock market.
One of her first clients was the king, who had recently lost his wife of many years, and had an angry son name Justin. There was a thread there, barely noticeable, but it led her to telling the king to send his son away, to college, to study.
A few of the kingdom's ladies of the evening would seek her advice, and shared with her many secrets and techniques, the later she would sparingly share with other clients in need.
Over time, she uncovered several troubling threads that suggested the prince would be in danger should Justin return. But shortly after his father died (not responsible for the fate of those who do not listen!), she came face to face with the prince when Justin came to air his troubles, and she realized she wanted this one to escape the web of lies about to engulf him - and he was very handsome.
As fortune favored, she retired in the evening of Justin's arrest, and was waiting at the ship when Justin, bound and gagged, along with several chests, wound up aboard the same ship. Personality: A friendly nudist who is very comfortable in her own skin, but has some loose clothing to wear when she must venture from the wagon. Very curious, she tends to ask a lot of questions. Motivation: After being cooped up in a monastery and then a temple, she's looking for some new adventures on the road now that she's finally free. Skills, Strengths and Weaknesses, and Tools: Very observant and a ready listener. Her mind is quick to create connections. Loves playing with children, she's sometimes mistaken for a child herself. Can climb and swim like a fish. She can read and write a couple languages. Knows the tarot and can do cold readings. The occasional wardrobe misfunction. The monks were very keen on the martial arts, she knows how to chop, block, throw, and rip off ears. Can throw knives and stars. Crystal ball helps to give her a focus that allows her to find the connections, but a mirror or even a clear puddle works. She's also gets the occasional hint from the universe. She can see spirits, possibly something to do with her near death experience as a child.
What They Most Want:
To travel and see new sights.
If They Had a DnD Alignment, It Would Be:
chaotic good
Three Likes:
Sleeping in a sunny spot Chocolate Coffee
Three Dislikes:
Snowstorms People who do not listen. People who take out their fears on others.
Do They Follow Their Heart or Their Mind?:
Worst Fear:
Being trapped inside a burning structure. It still gives her nightmares.
Favorite Color:
Yellow, it's so warm.
Most Like The Animal:
A cat, seeing all, sharing its affections to those it trusts.
Favorite Time of Day:
The middle of a day, when everything is warm.
How They Dress:
A straw hat, loose robes that are tied or a tunic, black breeches, sandles.
Favorite Season:
What Gods/Spirits/Whatevers They Worship (If Any):
The Wanderer, patron god of all travelers.
Name: Mahari Vrargerelde
Race, Age, Time in the Caravan: Human, 27, 7 days
Appearance: This solem lady has beady brown eyes that are like two tiger-eye gems. Her luxurious, wavy, long hair is the color of varnished wood, and is worn in a complex style. She is tall and has a lithe build. Her skin is cream-colored. She has high cheekbones and a large mouth. Her wardrobe is severe and no-nonsense, with a lot of black.
History: Parents Mojorvar and Selriha immigrated to Ohmzkrieg before Mahari was born, settling down in an apothecary shop in the port city of Sarvin. Her mother, Selriha, ran off with a sailor when Mahari was six and her brother Mahmar was four, abandoning them.
She was sixteen when Rhadum Belad came to town, and impressed her with her knowledge of herbs. He began to teach her in secret in the arts of Opheric, impressed on how quickly her talents grew.
Her brother, however, saw her leaving Belad's house one night and told their father. Mojorvar became insensed and wouldn't listen to her explanations, calling her a slut like her mother and threw her out of the house. Belad, her mentor, took her in, but Mojorvar and Mahmar would throw insults at them any time they ran into them. Belad and Mahari left soon after for the Floating City.
To keep up appearances, she took a job in an apothecary shop and a bed in a bording house, while he set up a quiet office, producing various mana-based artifacts and potions that he discretely sold to various shops. When he was satisfied with her training, she also began turning out her own. A year later, her mentor explained it was time for him to move on, and that she should consider it herself.
By shear accident, she ran into her mother, now Captain Selriha Qiem. It took a few months, but eventually she conviced Mahari to join her as ship's physician. While she had a few flings, and a few adventures, stories were being spread about some of some magical events she wanted to keep quiet. When she met Lucia, a retiring fortune teller, and her just exiled boyfriend, former Prince Justin Tyrell, the fortune teller convinced her it was time to travel a different road where she might be able to practice her gifts to a larger audience. Personality: Mahari is quietly reserved, a professional apothecary and doctor when needed, while practicing her arts in private.
Motivation: Trying to put some separation between herself and the sea, perhaps find someone who can share her life.
Skills, Strengths and Weaknesses, and Tools: Skills: Doctor (expert), Herbologist (expert with most plants), Orphic practionioner of the Line of Vunzobre (Advanced). Strengths: courage and fortitude, a fighter. Weaknesses: Self-doubt in social situations. Tools: her wand, her tome of magic in a protective case, her personal lexicon, a pouch holding potion vials, Pen & Ink holder, her doctor's kit, her apothecary kit, her distilling stand.
What They Most Want:
Someone to share their life with
If They Had a DnD Alignment, It Would Be:
Lawful neutral
Three Likes:
Petrichor - the earthy, musky smell that comes after rain has fallen on ground that has been dry for a long time. Flowing plants Animals
Three Dislikes:
Abusive men Suffering of others Greed
Do They Follow Their Heart or Their Mind?:
They follow their heart more than they should
Worst Fear:
Being helpless
Favorite Color:
Most Like The Animal:
A dog
Favorite Time of Day:
Morning, when all the possibilities are fresh in the day
How They Dress:
A yellow head scarf and a peasant's blouse with a brown leather bodice and a green peasant skirt, brown boots, green hose, and a ring leather belt. her
Favorite Season:
Autumn, when the heat of summer starts to fade.
What Gods/Spirits/Whatevers They Worship (If Any):
She pays lip service to the Orphic trickster god of the hunt, the Old Wolf.
Name: Sister Mara (Marianna de Roet) Race, Age, Time in the Caravan: Human, 25, 7 days
Appearance: This reserved woman has deep-set eyes the color of burnished iron. Her thick, curly, very short hair is the color of desert sand, and is styled as a mop crop. She has a wiry build. Her skin is tan.
History: Agathe and Trym de Roet were court advisors to the former king of the island kingdom of Nouvia. Marianna, their only daughter, was promised at a young age in marriage to the eldest son, Prince Emanuele Sulayman. Initally warm, his attentions began to cool noticibly as diplomatic negotiations began between Nouvia and the Aphucaevaria Empire. When it became time to formally receive their ambassador, he brought with him Princess Astrid Feta'u, the third daughter of the Emperor, a stunning dark haired and tanned beauty dressed in fine silks suggesting curves under their translucent panels that drew every mans' eye. When she was introduced to the king, Astrid offered him a pastry she had made herself. The king asked Marianna for a sip of water to clear his palette, then took a bite of the pastry and swallowed. A sudden change came over the king, he began to cramp, his face red and swollen while his breath became labored. Immediately, there were cries of poison - but the Astrid swiftly retrieved the rest of the pastry and ate it completely - with no ill effect. By the time the court physician reached him, the king was dead. Angrily, Prince Emanuele smacked the goblet out of Marianna's hand and accused her of poisoning the king, his father. He then ordered guards to arrest her and her parents, and to take them immediately to the White Tower, a stronghold now used as a royal prison - and execution site. However, when the guard escort reached the royal pier, they were suddenly set on by men wearing hoods. One of them managed to get Marianna away, revealing himself to be her elder brother Ádomás. He dragged her to another pier where five cogs waited - and her tutor, Catavignus the Wanderer. Shoving her aboard, he called out that Catavignus would explain everything as the five sailing ships cast off their lines and headed for the harbor entrance. Once they were free, the five ships scattered in different directions. Catavignus explained her parents had become suspicious with meetings between the empire's negotiator and the prince. They had prepared to secure the king against a sudden attack, with plans to get her and the prince to safety. She told the Wanderer about what had happened, and he said it was probably not a poison, but a severe allergic reaction - which explained why the Princess had so readily ate the pastry afterward. He explained he was to hide her, and offered her a magic satchel her brother had prepared for her, able to hold as much as a room in so tiny a space. However, Catavignus explained that with the prince now looking for her, it necessitated a new strategy. He then shaved her head and made her an initiate Wanderer, Sister Metilia. Catavignus used his contacts in the Floating City to sell her clothes, then they left the city so that he could begin her education in the Ways of the Road, so that others would accept her as one of them. The few messages they got back were grim, the Empire had absorbed Nouvia, with Emanuele now wedded. Her father had died, and her mother and brothers were in hiding. And there was now a price on her head. An assassin, posing as another messenger, managed to gravely wound Catavignus before they managed to kill him. The Wanderer told Marianna to change her name, her hair, and to take to the road for her own safety.
Personality: While she smiles and helps without complaint, she's clearing holding back a great sadness deep within her. Oddly enough, she seems to be happiest when repairing shoes.
Motivation: Safety in numbers, never staying long in one place.
Skills, Strengths and Weaknesses, and Tools: Martial Arts - She can do kicks, blocks, throws, and chops. Sometimes they connect. Watching her do kata makes people think it's some weird exercise. Quarterstaff - She can do some damage. Sling - She can do some damage from a fair distance. Herbology - Just the basics. Still has to look stuff up in her lexicon. Bandaging and suturing - she does a very good job of it, even use the boiled shaft of a feather as a drain (a Nouvia specialty) Cobbering - able to repair shoes Prayer - she offers prayers when she is in need to the Wanderer. Sometimes they are granted.
What They Most Want:
If They Had a DnD Alignment, It Would Be:
Chaotic Good
Three Likes:
The laughter of children Rain falling after a hot day A warm spot to sleep for the night
Three Dislikes:
Screams of pain Bandits Those who would do evil
Do They Follow Their Heart or Their Mind?:
Their heart
Worst Fear:
To be imprisoned
Favorite Color:
Most Like The Animal:
The fox
Favorite Time of Day:
Evening, when people start to relax after the heat of the day
How They Dress:
A green cloak, a tan tunic, dark breeches, and sandals. She carries a sack on a pole with a pad cushioning where it rests on her shoulder, while the other holds a quarterstaff.
Favorite Season:
Summer it's full of promise
What Gods/Spirits/Whatevers They Worship (If Any):
The Wanderer
Name: Ciannait Duanei
Race, Age, Time in the Caravan: Dark Elf Vampire of the line of Dubhghlass, 247, 7 days Dark elves are of dark skin, charcoal or bluish-gray, typically subterrainian dwellers. They have incredible darkvision and hearing. In the past, they've raided farms and small villages, something few are willing to forget, even today, and dispised by other elves. Especially feared was the Dark elvish pirate Capt. Blackeye Rattlebones, who some claim still roves the seas. Appearance: This girl reminds you of a dangerous spider. She has almond-shaped eyes the color of blood. Her fine, straight, neck-length hair is the color of fine china, and is worn in a severe style. She is tall and has a lithe build. Her skin is a bluish-gray. She has thick eyebrows, pointed ears, and thin lips.
On her chest is an ancient slave brand, marking her as the property of House Donovani.
History: Born to Brianan and Saibh Duanei when the warmth was just returning to the world, her father worked as a gardener to a wealthy family in the capital of Ohmskrieg. Previous in life, he had been a sea captain with many jilted ex-lovers.
When Cian was ten, her parents discovered her ability to mimic other people's voices, providing some hours of entertainment.
She was fourteen when an occasional night visitor of her father's pressed a map and a note into her hands to give to him, telling her he would be in the ruins outside of town. On reading the note, Brianan turned pale, then gave her some coins to take to him, and bolted as soon as she was out of sight. When Cian gave the man the coins, town guards rushed in and captured them both. She was hauled in front of the sheriff, who ordered her enslaved for aiding a pirate.
At the slave market, she was surprised to be purchased by an elegant woman, Mor Donovani, who she soon discovered was the chief advisor to the Vultzberg king. On her arrival to her house in the capital, she learned she was to be an attendant to Mor's courtesans, until she was of age to join them. Part of that included telling Mor everything she could gleam from the courtesans' time with the guests. Impressed with her attention to details, she had her taught as a scribe, so she could write up the reports from the courtesans.
When she became one of the courtesans, a frequent guest, however, tormented her whenever he visited. One night, she struck back at Neasan Hyland and attempted to escape, but was easily captured and beaten by the guards. Mor was furious, and had her branded on the chest, forever marking Cian as her property.
After she recovered, Mor escorted Cian personally to the rooms of Dughlas Dubhghlass, a very important guest. However, it turned out that Dughlas was not desiring companionship, he was merely... thirsty. He turned her, that night, gifting the young vampire back to her unknowing mistress.
Cian was 'sick' for days, then when she was deemed ready, her unfortunate first guest was Neasan, eager to get his revenge for his previous visit. Attendants before dawn found him drained to the last drop and Cian passed out in a stupor.
A witch in debt to Mor used the seal of the Dead God to hold her in place as she put a geas on Cian so she would obey Mor or her lieutenants' commands, and an iron casket built to hold the new vampire, which was placed in a crypt in the city's graveyard. A servant would come once a week to feed her blood, pouring it into a small bowl on the lid that would drip it into her mouth.
Now and then, Cian would be released by Mor to attack an enemy of the kingdom or of herself, only to be ordered back into the crypt.
After Mor's death, Cian's casket was moved to the castle to safeguard it, to a storeroom adjacent to the caskset strongroom. She was to be the King's weapon of last resort. As before, castle servants secretly fed blood to the sleeping vampire.
When Prince Justin ordered servants to bring up several chests from the storeroom, her coffer was mistakenly brought up as well.
Personality: Cian is lazy and will argue about everything, but is always concerned about her appearance being immaculate and keeping things organized.
Motivation: Her coffer was mixed among Prince Justin's things, and was loaded onto the ship.
Skills, Strengths and Weaknesses, and Tools: Skills:
She's got the skills and the body to make the night memoriable. Of course now, it's likely to be your last.
If she locks eyes with another, Cian can slowly pull them into a light hypnotic state, able to obey basic commands. However, if contact is lost before that state is achieved, or the subject is shaken or experiences sharp pain, the hypnosis is broken and they wake up.
With the strength of five men, Cian is able to lift a horse, or she can punch her way through a stone wall.
A side-effect of her strength, she can run flat out five miles in as many minutes - but that does leave her thirsty.
A bite from a vampire of Dubhghlass' line can quickly numb and paralyze their victim, leaving them helpless as the vampire feeds.
Vampires of Dubhghlass' line are unaffected by viruses or bacteria, but it can make the blood taste differently. The black plague gives blood a smoky flavor.
A vampire of Dubhghlass' line can recover from even grave injuries. Small injuries may be completely healed in a few days, a stake in the heart a month or two. Eyes and limbs may take a couple years. It's why vampires of Dubhghlass' line do not age.
A vampire of Dubhghlass' line, even reduced to ash, can be restored with a drop of blood. Cian carries a small vial of blood on her for just this purpose.
It's often believed that a wooden stake driven through the heart of a vampire will kill it. However, with Dubhghlass' line, due to the nature of their cursed blood, you've only pissed them off. Do you know how hard it is to find a seamstress or tailor willing to work after dark?
A word in an ancient language was engraved into the lid of her iron coffin, among others. On hearing that word, she must obey any command given to her. However, pronunciation is important.
When a vampire of Dubhghlass' line is exposed to full sunlight, their flesh will start to smoke. After a few moments, their flesh catches fire, burning them to ash if they are unable to find shelter or a body of water.
While a vampire of Dubhghlass' line can hibernate for many years after a heavy feeding, an active vampire must feed on a pint of blood at least once a week to maintain its strength. Blood from a heavy drinker or habitual drug user will affect the vampire as well. If starved for blood, a vampire can become a wild thing, driven by its unquenchable thirst. The smell of blood can be mildly intoxicating, one has to guard their reaction around minor cuts. A vampire of Dubhghlass' line also can also consume a living victim's life force as it drinks, converting it naturally into Orphic mana, which it stores.
A vampire of Dubhghlass' line can drink water, wine, tea, and coffee, or eat bloody meat, but most food tastes incredibly foul to them. For the unprepared, they can become violently ill.
Lactose intolerant.
Possibly because she's trapped between Death and Life, or maybe it's insanity, but she sometimes see creatures and things that others say are not there. Sometimes they talk to her.
A small medallion that resembles (yet isn't) lead, bearing the ancient mark of the Dead God. It feeds constantly on magic, or perhaps the soul? It makes the skin crawl if one gets within an arm's length. To wear one is an almost unbearable torture. There are three on Cian's iron casket, making her an invalid while inside, barely able to move. Wearing one on a necklace leaves her weak.
This heavy metal coffin has chains to keep it locked up, preventing Cian's escape and allowing her to be safely transported, with three clips securing the Dead God's seals on the lid. A shallow bowl in the lid allows blood to drip into her mouth.
Leather armor A satchel containing a small sharp scalpel, a wooden bowl, a handful of make-up brushes, combs, ointments, lip color, blush, a scrubbing cloth, and a leather-wrapped bar of jasmine soap.
What They Most Want:
If They Had a DnD Alignment, It Would Be:
Lawful evil
Three Likes:
Blood The smell of Jasmine A hot bath
Three Dislikes:
The Dead God's Seal The Geas
- Vampires of Dubhghlass' line can see themselves in mirrors - they just hate them. To see themselves is an unkind reminder of what they used to be. Mirrors also do not reflect glamours cast by her line, so one disguised by such will be revealed if one checks their reflection in a mirror, the forgotten reason why they are often found in entryways.
Do They Follow Their Heart or Their Mind?:
They do as they're told.
Worst Fear:
Crusnik (Krsnik) - Some vampires believe themselves to be on the top of the food chain. They're not. A Crusnik is a type of vampire that preys on vampires. Some can even manipulate their own blood. Having been drained once by Dubhghlass was nightmarish enough, she does not want to experience that again.
Favorite Color:
Most Like The Animal:
That is, which animal they are most like- not which one they like the most. Badger
Favorite Time of Day:
How They Dress:
Cian wears a strangely repellant metal seal as a pendant on a necklace. A hard tug on the necklace will cause it to break away, she is forbidden from removing the seal herself.
Her wardrobe is a dark hooded woolen cloak, leather armor styled in some ancient pattern, and an adventurer's satchel, with pockets along its wide strap.
Favorite Season:
Winter. The cold no longer bothers her and the nights are longer.
What Gods/Spirits/Whatevers They Worship (If Any):
Race, Age, Time in the Caravan: Human, 22, 7 days.
Appearance: This aristocratic gentleman puts you in mind of a fierce wolf. He has deep-set eyes the color of the midnight sky. His silky, straight, jet black hair is neck-length and is worn in a pageboy style. He is tall and has a masculine build. He has small ears and wide feet. His wardrobe is professional, mostly tan and lincoln green.
Justin grew up in the small kingdom of Vultzberg, mostly known for its ancient roads and hard cider. As far as historians can determine, the people who lived there before built really good roads, then one day decided to use them.
The small kingdom was surprisingly well-off, thanks to various mines, but the prince realized everyone had grown to expect rather lavish presents for even minor things, which made him scowl. About the only person who never asked him for anything was his cousin Catherine, whose family had a farm. They had to struggle a bit, but they seem to be genuinely happy.
During his mother's funeral, he overheard two boys wondering what sort of present they were going to get for attending. Prince Justin lost it, swearing at them with words that even made the guards blush, and his cousin Catherine seated next to him wanting to crawl away in mortification. Someone tagged him, "Bad Prince Justin" and it stuck.
The king sent him off to college in the neighboring kingdom of Ohmskrieg, hoping some time away would make people forget. However, following the king's accidential encounter with a pitch fork two years later, Justin returned to find the bandit Ned trying to rob his poor cousin on the border and a kingdom in turmoil. Even his cousin was acting strangely, asking him to meet in odd places and then pretend he caught her.
His father's fortune teller, Siri, assured him it would all be sorted out soon, but the Bandit Ned, working with one or two of the guards, was digging a tunnel into the castle's strongroom to rob the treasury. Because he wouldn't know who to trust, she suggested he move what he could to his room in the castle without telling anyone. Ned, she assured him, would be caught, but he might hide the loot so he needed to move the gold now.
Using a secret locked passage between the strongroom and a storeroom, he transfered a good part of the kingdom's gold to several chests and had them brought up to his room, saying he had to pack away some old clothes. However, the servants also brought up a creepy chained iron coffer that his father had shown him once. The king had made him practice saying one of the words engraved on the lid in a certain way until he was satisfied, promising someday to explain it all as he handed him a small key.
It was then he noticed his cousin Catherine was outside his window, seated in a sling being lowered to the castle walls below, in full view of half the kingdom. He went down to ask her what was going on, she just smiled and waved at the guards above to haul her back up.
Returning to the fortune teller, he told her of his cousin's last antics, the fortune teller assured him everything would be explained soon, but the temple was retiring her that night, so it would be a week before the next fortune teller would arrive. Confused by this, he returned to the castle only to be captured by the guards and spent the night in a cell. The next morning, bound and gagged, he was brought to the throne room to see his cousin Catherine be crowned as Voltzberg's new queen, and her first order was to order Bad Prince Justin's exile for all the terrible things he did to the kingdom and her person, much to his confusion.
Guards dragged him outside to a pair of wagons loaded with the chests from his room, including the iron coffer, but most of the guards were called back when one of them came out screaming someone had dug their way into the treasury. At the dock, he was placed on board the same ship the fortune teller was on, smiling when she saw him being dragged aboard, and the key to his bonds given to the captian, on orders not to release him until after the ship was well away from the kingdom.
When he was unbound, he demanded to know if she had set this all up, but Siri explained she became aware of the actions of others and simply took advantage of them to ensure Justin's safe escape into exile. Did he really want to fight his ingrateful people to get his kingdom back? If there was any hope for him, he needed to build up some good relations with the common people, and what better way than to offer his skills in service to the common folk? Slaying monsters, rescuing princesses, that sort of thing.
Personality: Catherine's betrayal has shaken him to the core, and truthfully he's a little leary about Lucia Craft, as he has no idea what to expect next - and is afraid to ask. He does speak of the strange and insideous spread of coffee houses throught the kingdom of Ohmskrieg, but unsure what it means. Motivation: Justin wants to travel a bit before he decides to settle down, as what little he knows comes from books, as he's only lived in Volksberg and Ohmskrieg. And that as long as they keep moving, he's not as likely to run into any assassins Catherine might send after him. Skills, Strengths and Weaknesses, and Tools: Skills: Swordmanship (Advanced), Bow (Advanced), Crossbow (Average), Animal Handling & Horsemanship (Advanced), Field Tactics (Average), Field Wound Dressing (Basic), Athletics (Advanced), Dancing (Advanced), Singing (Average), Musical Instruments (Advanced), Draw and Paint (Average), Gambling (Average), Languages (Average), Accounting (Advanced), World History (Average), Basic Mechanics (Basic), Diplomacy (Basic) Strengths: Strong body, good education, wealth Weaknesses: Tends to say what he thinks, needs to work on developing his diplomatic skills. Tools: Armor, sword, bow, crossbow His wagon (pulled by horses) The wagon shared by the priestess and the apothecary (pulled by horses) The cook's wagon (pulled by oxen and cows) The supply wagon (pulled by oxen) The drivers' wagon (pulled by oxen) Strong boxes are in the prince's and the apothecary's wagons, the bulk of his fortune is deposited at a trading house in the Floating City and he bears a letter of credit hidden behind a secret panel.
What They Most Want:
Their kingdom back, or a place to settle down and call their own.
If They Had a DnD Alignment, It Would Be:
Lawfull neutral.
Three Likes:
Interesting company A good sword and horse. Lucia Craft
Three Dislikes:
Coffee shops (The drink is bitter and yet shops seem to be popping up everywhere...) Bandits (they're everywhere and think they're big bads.) Greedy beggers.
Do They Follow Their Heart or Their Mind?:
Bit of both.
Worst Fear:
Clowns. There's something... unnatural about them. False painted smiles, eyes filled with anger, sadness, or misery, deadpan delivery of jokes.
Favorite Color:
Lincoln green
Most Like The Animal:
A wolf.
Favorite Time of Day:
The evening, when the heat of the day is gone and the stars appear above.
How They Dress:
When not wearing his field plate mail or his training leathers, he's usually wearing a checkered leather beret of lincoln green and tan checks, a lincoln green tunic, a slashed tan dublet, a tanned leather jerkin, tanned leather codpiece, tanned leather gloves, lincoln green breeches, off-white hose, and tanned brown boots. (Lucia has promised the next time they find a decent tailor...) A black leather swords belt with a belt pouch and a dagger in a sheath.
Favorite Season:
Spring, when the world becomes new again.
What Gods/Spirits/Whatevers They Worship (If Any):
The Wanderer, as he feels like a fool set adrift in this world.
Lucia Craft Race, Age, Time in the Caravan: Human, 21, 7 days
Appearance: This lady puts you in mind of a clever stage magician. She has almond-shaped grass-green eyes. Her luxurious, curly, gold hair is neck-length and is worn in a messy short bob. There is a small burn spot on her head, above her right ear, usually covered with hair. She is short and has a muscular build. Her skin is deeply tanned. She has nearly-nonexistent eyebrows and small feet. Her wardrobe is basic, with a lot of red and gold.
History: Lucia was born a traveler in a field on the side of the road. Her family were entertainers, they would play instruments and her mother would dance for the crowd, while her grandfather sold medicines and his grandmother told fortunes. Some of the stories she's overhear in her grandmother's tent led to a lot of questions, afterward. Like, is that really the proper way of using a tea cozy?
She was nine when one night, her family's living wagon caught fire. When they couldn't get out the door, her grandmother pushed her unconscious body through a window to the villagers outside, saving her life. When she finally woke three days later, were no sign of the other travelers.
One of the villagers put her on a mule, and took her to a monastery. The monks took her in, and tested her, as they tested all children that was brought to them. There was something about her they liked, so they began training her in the arcane and secret mysteries of fortune telling (and intelligence gathering), while stressing the need for her to remain pure, least it affect her gift.
When it was time, the monks put her on a boat with several brother monks, and they traveled to Voltzberg to set up a new temple. Much of her mornings were spent in listening to the stories the monks had gathered from the previous day, then breathing in the smoke and vapors from pots filled with burning 'herbs' while she stare d into a large crystal ball, her mind weaving a pattern she could then share with clients. Only the most important clients could be in the chamber with her, watching as Lucia recited prophecy after prophecy. The monks made a killing in the Voltzberg stock market.
One of her first clients was the king, who had recently lost his wife of many years, and had an angry son name Justin. There was a thread there, barely noticeable, but it led her to telling the king to send his son away, to college, to study.
A few of the kingdom's ladies of the evening would seek her advice, and shared with her many secrets and techniques, the later she would sparingly share with other clients in need.
Over time, she uncovered several troubling threads that suggested the prince would be in danger should Justin return. But shortly after his father died (not responsible for the fate of those who do not listen!), she came face to face with the prince when Justin came to air his troubles, and she realized she wanted this one to escape the web of lies about to engulf him - and he was very handsome.
As fortune favored, she retired in the evening of Justin's arrest, and was waiting at the ship when Justin, bound and gagged, along with several chests, wound up aboard the same ship. Personality: A friendly nudist who is very comfortable in her own skin, but has some loose clothing to wear when she must venture from the wagon. Very curious, she tends to ask a lot of questions. Motivation: After being cooped up in a monastery and then a temple, she's looking for some new adventures on the road now that she's finally free. Skills, Strengths and Weaknesses, and Tools: Very observant and a ready listener. Her mind is quick to create connections. Loves playing with children, she's sometimes mistaken for a child herself. Can climb and swim like a fish. She can read and write a couple languages. Knows the tarot and can do cold readings. The occasional wardrobe misfunction. The monks were very keen on the martial arts, she knows how to chop, block, throw, and rip off ears. Can throw knives and stars. Crystal ball helps to give her a focus that allows her to find the connections, but a mirror or even a clear puddle works. She's also gets the occasional hint from the universe. She can see spirits, possibly something to do with her near death experience as a child.
What They Most Want:
To travel and see new sights.
If They Had a DnD Alignment, It Would Be:
chaotic good
Three Likes:
Sleeping in a sunny spot Chocolate Coffee
Three Dislikes:
Snowstorms People who do not listen. People who take out their fears on others.
Do They Follow Their Heart or Their Mind?:
Worst Fear:
Being trapped inside a burning structure. It still gives her nightmares.
Favorite Color:
Yellow, it's so warm.
Most Like The Animal:
A cat, seeing all, sharing its affections to those it trusts.
Favorite Time of Day:
The middle of a day, when everything is warm.
How They Dress:
A straw hat, loose robes that are tied or a tunic, black breeches, sandles.
Favorite Season:
What Gods/Spirits/Whatevers They Worship (If Any):
The Wanderer, patron god of all travelers.
Name: Mahari Vrargerelde
Race, Age, Time in the Caravan: Human, 27, 7 days
Appearance: This solem lady has beady brown eyes that are like two tiger-eye gems. Her luxurious, wavy, long hair is the color of varnished wood, and is worn in a complex style. She is tall and has a lithe build. Her skin is cream-colored. She has high cheekbones and a large mouth. Her wardrobe is severe and no-nonsense, with a lot of black.
History: Parents Mojorvar and Selriha immigrated to Ohmzkrieg before Mahari was born, settling down in an apothecary shop in the port city of Sarvin. Her mother, Selriha, ran off with a sailor when Mahari was six and her brother Mahmar was four, abandoning them.
She was sixteen when Rhadum Belad came to town, and impressed her with her knowledge of herbs. He began to teach her in secret in the arts of Opheric, impressed on how quickly her talents grew.
Her brother, however, saw her leaving Belad's house one night and told their father. Mojorvar became insensed and wouldn't listen to her explanations, calling her a slut like her mother and threw her out of the house. Belad, her mentor, took her in, but Mojorvar and Mahmar would throw insults at them any time they ran into them. Belad and Mahari left soon after for the Floating City.
To keep up appearances, she took a job in an apothecary shop and a bed in a bording house, while he set up a quiet office, producing various mana-based artifacts and potions that he discretely sold to various shops. When he was satisfied with her training, she also began turning out her own. A year later, her mentor explained it was time for him to move on, and that she should consider it herself.
By shear accident, she ran into her mother, now Captain Selriha Qiem. It took a few months, but eventually she conviced Mahari to join her as ship's physician. While she had a few flings, and a few adventures, stories were being spread about some of some magical events she wanted to keep quiet. When she met Lucia, a retiring fortune teller, and her just exiled boyfriend, former Prince Justin Tyrell, the fortune teller convinced her it was time to travel a different road where she might be able to practice her gifts to a larger audience. Personality: Mahari is quietly reserved, a professional apothecary and doctor when needed, while practicing her arts in private.
Motivation: Trying to put some separation between herself and the sea, perhaps find someone who can share her life.
Skills, Strengths and Weaknesses, and Tools: Skills: Doctor (expert), Herbologist (expert with most plants), Orphic practionioner of the Line of Vunzobre (Advanced). Strengths: courage and fortitude, a fighter. Weaknesses: Self-doubt in social situations. Tools: her wand, her tome of magic in a protective case, her personal lexicon, a pouch holding potion vials, Pen & Ink holder, her doctor's kit, her apothecary kit, her distilling stand.
What They Most Want:
Someone to share their life with
If They Had a DnD Alignment, It Would Be:
Lawful neutral
Three Likes:
Petrichor - the earthy, musky smell that comes after rain has fallen on ground that has been dry for a long time. Flowing plants Animals
Three Dislikes:
Abusive men Suffering of others Greed
Do They Follow Their Heart or Their Mind?:
They follow their heart more than they should
Worst Fear:
Being helpless
Favorite Color:
Most Like The Animal:
A dog
Favorite Time of Day:
Morning, when all the possibilities are fresh in the day
How They Dress:
A yellow head scarf and a peasant's blouse with a brown leather bodice and a green peasant skirt, brown boots, green hose, and a ring leather belt. her
Favorite Season:
Autumn, when the heat of summer starts to fade.
What Gods/Spirits/Whatevers They Worship (If Any):
She pays lip service to the Orphic trickster god of the hunt, the Old Wolf.
Name: Sister Mara (Marianna de Roet) Race, Age, Time in the Caravan: Human, 25, 7 days
Appearance: This reserved woman has deep-set eyes the color of burnished iron. Her thick, curly, very short hair is the color of desert sand, and is styled as a mop crop. She has a wiry build. Her skin is tan.
History: Agathe and Trym de Roet were court advisors to the former king of the island kingdom of Nouvia. Marianna, their only daughter, was promised at a young age in marriage to the eldest son, Prince Emanuele Sulayman. Initally warm, his attentions began to cool noticibly as diplomatic negotiations began between Nouvia and the Aphucaevaria Empire. When it became time to formally receive their ambassador, he brought with him Princess Astrid Feta'u, the third daughter of the Emperor, a stunning dark haired and tanned beauty dressed in fine silks suggesting curves under their translucent panels that drew every mans' eye. When she was introduced to the king, Astrid offered him a pastry she had made herself. The king asked Marianna for a sip of water to clear his palette, then took a bite of the pastry and swallowed. A sudden change came over the king, he began to cramp, his face red and swollen while his breath became labored. Immediately, there were cries of poison - but the Astrid swiftly retrieved the rest of the pastry and ate it completely - with no ill effect. By the time the court physician reached him, the king was dead. Angrily, Prince Emanuele smacked the goblet out of Marianna's hand and accused her of poisoning the king, his father. He then ordered guards to arrest her and her parents, and to take them immediately to the White Tower, a stronghold now used as a royal prison - and execution site. However, when the guard escort reached the royal pier, they were suddenly set on by men wearing hoods. One of them managed to get Marianna away, revealing himself to be her elder brother Ádomás. He dragged her to another pier where five cogs waited - and her tutor, Catavignus the Wanderer. Shoving her aboard, he called out that Catavignus would explain everything as the five sailing ships cast off their lines and headed for the harbor entrance. Once they were free, the five ships scattered in different directions. Catavignus explained her parents had become suspicious with meetings between the empire's negotiator and the prince. They had prepared to secure the king against a sudden attack, with plans to get her and the prince to safety. She told the Wanderer about what had happened, and he said it was probably not a poison, but a severe allergic reaction - which explained why the Princess had so readily ate the pastry afterward. He explained he was to hide her, and offered her a magic satchel her brother had prepared for her, able to hold as much as a room in so tiny a space. However, Catavignus explained that with the prince now looking for her, it necessitated a new strategy. He then shaved her head and made her an initiate Wanderer, Sister Metilia. Catavignus used his contacts in the Floating City to sell her clothes, then they left the city so that he could begin her education in the Ways of the Road, so that others would accept her as one of them. The few messages they got back were grim, the Empire had absorbed Nouvia, with Emanuele now wedded. Her father had died, and her mother and brothers were in hiding. And there was now a price on her head. An assassin, posing as another messenger, managed to gravely wound Catavignus before they managed to kill him. The Wanderer told Marianna to change her name, her hair, and to take to the road for her own safety.
Personality: While she smiles and helps without complaint, she's clearing holding back a great sadness deep within her. Oddly enough, she seems to be happiest when repairing shoes.
Motivation: Safety in numbers, never staying long in one place.
Skills, Strengths and Weaknesses, and Tools: Martial Arts - She can do kicks, blocks, throws, and chops. Sometimes they connect. Watching her do kata makes people think it's some weird exercise. Quarterstaff - She can do some damage. Sling - She can do some damage from a fair distance. Herbology - Just the basics. Still has to look stuff up in her lexicon. Bandaging and suturing - she does a very good job of it, even use the boiled shaft of a feather as a drain (a Nouvia specialty) Cobbering - able to repair shoes Prayer - she offers prayers when she is in need to the Wanderer. Sometimes they are granted.
What They Most Want:
If They Had a DnD Alignment, It Would Be:
Chaotic Good
Three Likes:
The laughter of children Rain falling after a hot day A warm spot to sleep for the night
Three Dislikes:
Screams of pain Bandits Those who would do evil
Do They Follow Their Heart or Their Mind?:
Their heart
Worst Fear:
To be imprisoned
Favorite Color:
Most Like The Animal:
The fox
Favorite Time of Day:
Evening, when people start to relax after the heat of the day
How They Dress:
A green cloak, a tan tunic, dark breeches, and sandals. She carries a sack on a pole with a pad cushioning where it rests on her shoulder, while the other holds a quarterstaff.
Favorite Season:
Summer it's full of promise
What Gods/Spirits/Whatevers They Worship (If Any):
The Wanderer
Name: Ciannait Duanei
Race, Age, Time in the Caravan: Dark Elf Vampire of the line of Dubhghlass, 247, 7 days Dark elves are of dark skin, charcoal or bluish-gray, typically subterrainian dwellers. They have incredible darkvision and hearing. In the past, they've raided farms and small villages, something few are willing to forget, even today, and dispised by other elves. Especially feared was the Dark elvish pirate Capt. Blackeye Rattlebones, who some claim still roves the seas. Appearance: This girl reminds you of a dangerous spider. She has almond-shaped eyes the color of blood. Her fine, straight, neck-length hair is the color of fine china, and is worn in a severe style. She is tall and has a lithe build. Her skin is a bluish-gray. She has thick eyebrows, pointed ears, and thin lips.
On her chest is an ancient slave brand, marking her as the property of House Donovani.
History: Born to Brianan and Saibh Duanei when the warmth was just returning to the world, her father worked as a gardener to a wealthy family in the capital of Ohmskrieg. Previous in life, he had been a sea captain with many jilted ex-lovers.
When Cian was ten, her parents discovered her ability to mimic other people's voices, providing some hours of entertainment.
She was fourteen when an occasional night visitor of her father's pressed a map and a note into her hands to give to him, telling her he would be in the ruins outside of town. On reading the note, Brianan turned pale, then gave her some coins to take to him, and bolted as soon as she was out of sight. When Cian gave the man the coins, town guards rushed in and captured them both. She was hauled in front of the sheriff, who ordered her enslaved for aiding a pirate.
At the slave market, she was surprised to be purchased by an elegant woman, Mor Donovani, who she soon discovered was the chief advisor to the Vultzberg king. On her arrival to her house in the capital, she learned she was to be an attendant to Mor's courtesans, until she was of age to join them. Part of that included telling Mor everything she could gleam from the courtesans' time with the guests. Impressed with her attention to details, she had her taught as a scribe, so she could write up the reports from the courtesans.
When she became one of the courtesans, a frequent guest, however, tormented her whenever he visited. One night, she struck back at Neasan Hyland and attempted to escape, but was easily captured and beaten by the guards. Mor was furious, and had her branded on the chest, forever marking Cian as her property.
After she recovered, Mor escorted Cian personally to the rooms of Dughlas Dubhghlass, a very important guest. However, it turned out that Dughlas was not desiring companionship, he was merely... thirsty. He turned her, that night, gifting the young vampire back to her unknowing mistress.
Cian was 'sick' for days, then when she was deemed ready, her unfortunate first guest was Neasan, eager to get his revenge for his previous visit. Attendants before dawn found him drained to the last drop and Cian passed out in a stupor.
A witch in debt to Mor used the seal of the Dead God to hold her in place as she put a geas on Cian so she would obey Mor or her lieutenants' commands, and an iron casket built to hold the new vampire, which was placed in a crypt in the city's graveyard. A servant would come once a week to feed her blood, pouring it into a small bowl on the lid that would drip it into her mouth.
Now and then, Cian would be released by Mor to attack an enemy of the kingdom or of herself, only to be ordered back into the crypt.
After Mor's death, Cian's casket was moved to the castle to safeguard it, to a storeroom adjacent to the caskset strongroom. She was to be the King's weapon of last resort. As before, castle servants secretly fed blood to the sleeping vampire.
When Prince Justin ordered servants to bring up several chests from the storeroom, her coffer was mistakenly brought up as well.
Personality: Cian is lazy and will argue about everything, but is always concerned about her appearance being immaculate and keeping things organized.
Motivation: Her coffer was mixed among Prince Justin's things, and was loaded onto the ship.
Skills, Strengths and Weaknesses, and Tools: Skills:
She's got the skills and the body to make the night memoriable. Of course now, it's likely to be your last.
If she locks eyes with another, Cian can slowly pull them into a light hypnotic state, able to obey basic commands. However, if contact is lost before that state is achieved, or the subject is shaken or experiences sharp pain, the hypnosis is broken and they wake up.
With the strength of five men, Cian is able to lift a horse, or she can punch her way through a stone wall.
A side-effect of her strength, she can run flat out five miles in as many minutes - but that does leave her thirsty.
A bite from a vampire of Dubhghlass' line can quickly numb and paralyze their victim, leaving them helpless as the vampire feeds.
Vampires of Dubhghlass' line are unaffected by viruses or bacteria, but it can make the blood taste differently. The black plague gives blood a smoky flavor.
A vampire of Dubhghlass' line can recover from even grave injuries. Small injuries may be completely healed in a few days, a stake in the heart a month or two. Eyes and limbs may take a couple years. It's why vampires of Dubhghlass' line do not age.
A vampire of Dubhghlass' line, even reduced to ash, can be restored with a drop of blood. Cian carries a small vial of blood on her for just this purpose.
It's often believed that a wooden stake driven through the heart of a vampire will kill it. However, with Dubhghlass' line, due to the nature of their cursed blood, you've only pissed them off. Do you know how hard it is to find a seamstress or tailor willing to work after dark?
A word in an ancient language was engraved into the lid of her iron coffin, among others. On hearing that word, she must obey any command given to her. However, pronunciation is important.
When a vampire of Dubhghlass' line is exposed to full sunlight, their flesh will start to smoke. After a few moments, their flesh catches fire, burning them to ash if they are unable to find shelter or a body of water.
While a vampire of Dubhghlass' line can hibernate for many years after a heavy feeding, an active vampire must feed on a pint of blood at least once a week to maintain its strength. Blood from a heavy drinker or habitual drug user will affect the vampire as well. If starved for blood, a vampire can become a wild thing, driven by its unquenchable thirst. The smell of blood can be mildly intoxicating, one has to guard their reaction around minor cuts. A vampire of Dubhghlass' line also can also consume a living victim's life force as it drinks, converting it naturally into Orphic mana, which it stores.
A vampire of Dubhghlass' line can drink water, wine, tea, and coffee, or eat bloody meat, but most food tastes incredibly foul to them. For the unprepared, they can become violently ill.
Lactose intolerant.
Possibly because she's trapped between Death and Life, or maybe it's insanity, but she sometimes see creatures and things that others say are not there. Sometimes they talk to her.
A small medallion that resembles (yet isn't) lead, bearing the ancient mark of the Dead God. It feeds constantly on magic, or perhaps the soul? It makes the skin crawl if one gets within an arm's length. To wear one is an almost unbearable torture. There are three on Cian's iron casket, making her an invalid while inside, barely able to move. Wearing one on a necklace leaves her weak.
This heavy metal coffin has chains to keep it locked up, preventing Cian's escape and allowing her to be safely transported, with three clips securing the Dead God's seals on the lid. A shallow bowl in the lid allows blood to drip into her mouth.
Leather armor A satchel containing a small sharp scalpel, a wooden bowl, a handful of make-up brushes, combs, ointments, lip color, blush, a scrubbing cloth, and a leather-wrapped bar of jasmine soap.
What They Most Want:
If They Had a DnD Alignment, It Would Be:
Lawful evil
Three Likes:
Blood The smell of Jasmine A hot bath
Three Dislikes:
The Dead God's Seal The Geas
- Vampires of Dubhghlass' line can see themselves in mirrors - they just hate them. To see themselves is an unkind reminder of what they used to be. Mirrors also do not reflect glamours cast by her line, so one disguised by such will be revealed if one checks their reflection in a mirror, the forgotten reason why they are often found in entryways.
Do They Follow Their Heart or Their Mind?:
They do as they're told.
Worst Fear:
Crusnik (Krsnik) - Some vampires believe themselves to be on the top of the food chain. They're not. A Crusnik is a type of vampire that preys on vampires. Some can even manipulate their own blood. Having been drained once by Dubhghlass was nightmarish enough, she does not want to experience that again.
Favorite Color:
Most Like The Animal:
That is, which animal they are most like- not which one they like the most. Badger
Favorite Time of Day:
How They Dress:
Cian wears a strangely repellant metal seal as a pendant on a necklace. A hard tug on the necklace will cause it to break away, she is forbidden from removing the seal herself.
Her wardrobe is a dark hooded woolen cloak, leather armor styled in some ancient pattern, and an adventurer's satchel, with pockets along its wide strap.
Favorite Season:
Winter. The cold no longer bothers her and the nights are longer.
What Gods/Spirits/Whatevers They Worship (If Any):
As explained in Justin's post, there are five wagons: The prince & fortune teller's wagon (pulled by horses) The wagon shared by the priestess and the apothecary (pulled by horses) The cook's wagon (pulled by oxen and cows) The supply wagon (pulled by oxen) (carries the vampire's iron coffer) The drivers' wagon (pulled by oxen)
Let me know if you need details about the cook or drivers. The prince's retinue are all female, selected by Lucia.
"Just.... great," Ilyana sighs, unsheathing her cutlass. There could just be a few graves or hundreds, possibly thousands inside - and now all of them were likely stirring after an attack on one of their number.
"We're committed now," she scowls, gritting her teeth as she waded in after the others, the all enveloping darkness turning gray as her real eye adjusted, allowing her to see the undead as they ventured forth from their shelves. Stepping forward, her silvered blade cut their souls' connection to their bones, causing them to fall into a loose pile all over the floor, making a trip hazard worse than any storm-swept deck.
"I didn't come here to fight, but if I must, I shall!" Ilyana roared, separating another skull from its body. At least in these upper levels, many of the bones were too brittle, what weapons they had too rusted to keep up much of a fight. This would change, oh yes. This would change.
There was a ramp, heading downwards towards another level below. She took it, but stayed wary as more approached her.
"What, you guys don't have a mechanic?" Black Jack scoffed, eyeing the escort with open doubt on his face. "All ya gotta do is post a decent offer on any job board, you don't have to waylay them coming off a transport."
Okay, he admitted to himself, playing dumb wasn't fooling anyone here, but if it created just a moment of doubt, they might start to wonder if maybe they got the wrong transport.
Like they see transports all that often, he frowned, taking in the vacant field as he followed Richard back to his ground shuttle, keeping his hands open and away from his weapons. Still worth a shot.
Just how many knew they were coming, anyway? Couldn't that guy keep his yap shut?
A large open cavern, without torches. Strange, that. Did the people who tend the torches not come in here? Or did something here like it dark? At least they hadn't taken away the moss that glowed dimly. Still, she could hear others in the cavern, moving about, hunting for something...?
There were ledges along the cavern wall, Sam pulled herself up on one, hampered slightly from having to carry this small blade without sheath.
Now a little higher, she looked down into the gloom, hoping to spot whoever else was in this dark place with her - and she did. Were these goblins, like herself? It was looking at something gray in the dim light - but what wasn't gray here? Was it food? Was it alive? She couldn't tell. Inching forward, some pebbles got knocked loose and fell off the ledge,
Sam swore as the falling pebbles hit the stone floor of the cavern, echoing in the small space. She better move, now.
"You say that," Jack says with a shrug, "But how could any of us possibly surpass the Glen? Especially in running! You've quite the advantage in that department."
He couldn't remember seeing any former Olympic runners in the crew manifest, or among the people they'd dragged along with them.
"And I'm not so sure I would be comfortable partnering with a monastic order. What they might ask for in return may not be mine to give," he added. "You see, I follow a difficult path we call the Prime Directive, which forbids us from interfering in the development of other cultures. At least not without learning everything we can about them, first. And our wise ones caution against interfering with a planet's social development."
"It's similar to an oath our doctors take, which is to do no harm," he added. "First, we must learn more about this custom before we could hope to participate, so as to not do any harm to your reputation."
He hoped that Silbermine would accept that, for now.
He only smiled when Shirik gave his warning. Had his people found an alien ship had scattered bits of itself across the world, they wouldn't necessarily tell them about it all at once.
"I dunno," Black Jack Doe says with a shrug. "If she's shillin' for 'em, they probably have lots of eyes on her, too."
Even grabbing her would get them noticed. Whatever they did, it had to be quick and away from prying eyes. They were going to need something non-descript, generic, just like hundreds more still about in the town. Definitely nothing corporate. And they'd need to sweep her for trackers, hope she didn't have something internal.
Without wanting to, his eyes flickered to the girl in the holo. In the streets, everyone said how they were related to this or that corporate bigwig, how one day a limo would pull up and they get whisked away into the lap of luxury, a corner office and more credits than you could know what to do with. Well, sometimes a limo would stop, but what they wanted was an hour or two with you tucked away in some hotel room. It was at least warm, with a bath, and sometimes something to eat before they threw you out with a few extra credits in your pocket "for your time."
Some of them, you were lucky if you could walk out. Sister Mary found him a few times in some back alley, all cut and beaten black and blue, and dragged him to the free clinic or the mission to recover.
And this crazy chicka actually walked out of that, leaving behind all that safety, good food, comfortable rooms, soft clothes, and hot baths whenever you wanted?!? What was wrong with her?
Black Jack's eyes flickered to Sunrise, wonder if she'd...? No. She looked hard, alright, body screaming you can look but you don't touch iffen you want to keep your hand. Probably shot the first guy ever to ask. She wasn't street kid hard. Probably grew up someplace nice, away from the city. If only that judge's kid had handed over his ride when he lost....
He was only dimly aware they had landed, then the pilot interrupted his pleasant daydream, followed by the suit and his muscle showing up. Black Jack wondered what sort of shakedown this guy was gonna try to pull.
The others were staring past her. Ilyana turns her head and nearly fell over in surprise to see Terilu striding up and introducing himself.
She shuddered, remembering the dark cells in prison, the bats nesting above, rustling, chirping, covering the floor and herself with their guano....
But after Terilu talked to one of the undead, she shook her head to clear it.
"Invade...?" she demands hoarsely, pulling herself upright. "It didn't attack us, nor do we know the numbers down there. Look how wide that opening is, it's designed for several people to come and go. There could be hundreds down there. If we go rushing in, they could retaliate and go after the caravan. They...."
There was a rumble behind them. "What the...?" she demands, turning around. Something unseen hit, making the ground shake and knocking her off her feet as the trees swayed above her. For a moment, there was silence, then what wildlife that still lived in the Emerald Forest began screaming at the top of its lungs.
Somewhere, on the other side of the caravan, there was smoke rising.
"That would have woke the dead!" Ilyana yells, then glances worriedly at the tomb entrance.
Appearance: This gentleman makes you think of a strutting cat. He has round chestnut eyes. His fine, wavy, neck-length hair is the color of varnished wood, and is done up in a pompadour. He is very short and has a graceful build. His skin is pale. He has a wide forehead and small hands. His wardrobe is utilitarian, with a lot of blue and black.
Background: No known family, a street kid with a juvenile record, mostly for petty theft - and one incident of grand theft auto at 17, Jack claiming he won the vehicle from its owner in a bet, and the punk was trying to get out of paying. Realized too late the punk was the Judge's son. Judge gave Black Jack the choice of going to prison - or be conscripted and spend four years in the CorpArmy.
Most of his service time was spent in the motor pool, maintaining the corporate military vehicles, including the aircraft. To learn about those, Jack had to extend his contract by another two years, but it included some basic flight training. He was also quite the scrounger, and managed to work out a deal to spend a little more time with the flight simulators.
Jimmy, another mechanic in the motor pool, got seriously hurt in a hit-and-run one night by a drunk officer, Lt. Sims, a rather pompous twit but one with powerful family corporate connections, who went to work squashing the investigation and blaming Jimmy. A few days later, someone overrode Sim's vehicle control system to temporarily suspend the brakes, and the drunk lieutenant ran into the General wife's vehicle. Nobody was hurt, investigators were unable to prove tampering. Lt. Sims within a day of the Corpos' report found himself reassigned to the Antartic training facility as its new weather officer.
Now out of the service, Black Jack provides a transportation service, able to talk and deal his way past the various corporate, gang, and rebel roadblocks. Sometimes called on to act as an intermediary or to investigate. And always a person of interest by the corppos.
At A Glance: While Black Jack is definitely shady, not opposed to bending the law (or breaking it, if the situation warrants it), he has his own code of honor that compels him to get justice for his friends.
Streetwise - no matter where he is, he can generally blend into the background and go unnoticed. It's amazing what he can do with a pad. Can read and write street code, used to mark hazards, friends, and territory
Gunslinger - not the fastest, he's a fair shot.
Mechanic - Can weld, cut, and reconstruct just about anything with the right tools and materials.
Scrounger - able to make deals and arrangements, has a lot of personal connections so he can get information, tools, IDs, etc.
Persuasion - He can tell you to go to hell and nine times out of ten, you'll actually be looking forward to the trip.
Slight of Hand - it's amazing the sort of things one can palm.
Concealment - with a little work, he's able to conceal just about anything.
Driver - has commercial license, can drive just about anything.
Pilot - sans license, but he's spent a lot of time in the simulations.
Shotgun, 16 guage with folding stock. Has ammo.
Bullpup - 6.8 mm ammo. CorpArmy records list it and its brothers as destroyed four years ago. Backup weapon kept in cache. Has limited ammo.
Judge revolver - long 45's and 410 shotgun shells, doesn't leave brass behind. Backup weapon. Has ammo.
Sap - basic tool, useful for knocking someone out.
Multitool - handy dandy pocket tool box. Has the Jack and the Ace engraved into it.
Omni - military surplus version, your basic burner smartphone with custom encryption. He has four of them stashed away.
BigCasino - hacking tool to get past smartlocks, override control unit on 3d printers/autofacs. Looks like a beat-up mid-range portable game console.
Leather jacket - with body armor lining to protect the torso. NIJ Level II protection against handarms and blades.
Steel toe black boots - good for kicking and protecting the toes.
Delivery van - looks ordinary, interior is lined with 2 inches of bundled paper (from print books being thrown out from a sale) to give it some protection from gun fire, explosions. Windows are poly-carbonate reinforced, and the tires are improvised run-flats. Various magnetic signs for phony businesses are in the back of the driver and passenger seats. There's a teddy-bear Brown bobble head on the dash.
I am a seven-foot tall minecraft-playing hindu guru drag-queen alien.
Possessor of an Ancient Device™ Model 17. No, I don't know what it does. No, you can't play with it.
Pronouns: It. As in: "What is it? What does it want? Why is it here? Oh my god, it's got my... <insert random body part or object here>"
Likes: World Domination, Writing, Rpg, scifi/fantasy, anime, sketchup 3d models, and [url=]anime music videos[/url].
Companions: a host of characters from other games, my personal muse Penny (as in Bad), and the Badger gang - Toothpick, Buttons, Shark, and Mongo. They grew up in the balcony of an old theatre that played a lot of gangster movies. Normally benign, but may invade the OOC forums.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">I am a seven-foot tall minecraft-playing hindu guru drag-queen alien. <br><br>Possessor of an Ancient Device™ Model 17. No, I don't know what it does. No, you can't play with it.<br><br>Pronouns: It. As in: "What is it? What does it want? Why is it here? Oh my god, it's got my... <insert random body part or object here>"<br><br>Likes: World Domination, Writing, Rpg, scifi/fantasy, anime, sketchup 3d models, and <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="">anime music videos</a>.<br><br>Companions: a host of characters from other games, my personal muse Penny (as in Bad), and the Badger gang - Toothpick, Buttons, Shark, and Mongo. They grew up in the balcony of an old theatre that played a lot of gangster movies. Normally benign, but may invade the OOC forums.</div>