Avatar of Expendable


Recent Statuses

4 days ago
Current I got a notice from the 3-D Warehouse that someone liked my model of a prison cell desk. Whee.
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28 days ago
@Someone 343 - try going to the Introduce Yourself forum (roleplayerguild.com/forums/…) and post a bit about yourself, the sort of games that interest you, etc.
2 mos ago
Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy has an ordinary-looking MC that to the world he'd been Isekai'd to, the humans find him incredibly ugly.
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2 mos ago
I have the flu. Wheee.
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3 mos ago
Gkids did a special theater showing of My Neighbor Totoro, tonight was the last night. Pity.
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I am a seven-foot tall minecraft-playing hindu guru drag-queen alien.

Possessor of an Ancient Device™ Model 17. No, I don't know what it does. No, you can't play with it.

Pronouns: It. As in: "What is it? What does it want? Why is it here? Oh my god, it's got my... <insert random body part or object here>"

Likes: World Domination, Writing, Rpg, scifi/fantasy, anime, sketchup 3d models, and anime music videos.

Companions: a host of characters from other games, my personal muse Penny (as in Bad), and the Badger gang - Toothpick, Buttons, Shark, and Mongo. They grew up in the balcony of an old theatre that played a lot of gangster movies. Normally benign, but may invade the OOC forums.

Most Recent Posts

In DeadLiNe 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@ChronicFor your approval
In DeadLiNe 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
<Snipped quote by Chronic>

Can my character be a vampire?

My character was a feral child, not a werewolf. And she's lucky the farmers that found her in the chicken coup didn't sell her to some circus sideshow first. Chronic says your character must be human, not a supernatural. Mine was not, but I'm sure someone's whispering she is, and is likely the first suspect in an animal attack.

Assuming she's still rejected, I'll hit the character tables and come up with another one.

In DeadLiNe 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
With that background, I'd thought there would be many possible plots.

In DeadLiNe 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Expendable I shoulda put you can’t be a supernatural character since this is about an human group of friends. Sorry for you makin that character for nothing

Sorry to hear that. However, Narcisa is about as supernatural as Mogli from the Jungle Book - she's a human who was raised by animals, a feral child, not a werewolf. She doesn't transform, she can't talk to animals but she does have an impressive growl and howl. Narcisa is just a girl with a strange past that makes others whisper behind her back and pull cruel tricks.

The museum might have an exhibit on feral children, which might explain why Tara was offered the job as a deputy director.
In DeadLiNe 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Are the players human, supernatural, a bit of both...? I've got a half-demon who might be interested. (don't ask what the other half is.)
Sounds quirky. Sure, could be a lot of fun.
Blackjack (Ziggy)

"Never set the cat on fire," John Tyrell sang softly, eyeing the Spirit of Adventure as he awaited his turn, "You only will annoy it. The heat will make the beast perspire, she surely won't enjoy it."

There were transforming mecha out there, which made him heave a sigh. Elegant machines, to say the least, but many were shop-hogs, requiring difficult repairs. His Zacarias-Geiger unit, however, was just tailored made for the army. The idea was simple to grasp - a basic humanoid-shaped unit, on which you could then install modules to enhance the unit, allowing you to adjust it for various missions as well as quickly replacing damaged ones. But in practice, the machines became a hodgepodge of different modules - and Zacarias-Geigers' certainly were not elegant, even if it looked like they were wearing bits of armor.

After the last scratch up, the only headpiece they could find for his unit was a prototype. Barely field tested, prototypes tended to flake out at the worse possible times. Or was this an Army cost-saving thing? Keep the better modules for the units in the field and give the prototypes to the detached duty units?

"Well, at least they managed to get it all painted up for me," he muttered, then continued singing softly. "Likewise do not ignite the dog, the snake, the gerbil, or the frog. No, never set the cat on fire. And mind your manners..."

"Ziggy, this is Spirit of Adventure, over," sputtered in his headphones above the chatter. "Ziggy, please respond. Over."
"Spirit of Adventure, this is Ziggy. Over," John grinned, keying on the mic.
"Ziggy, you are cleared to land on deck. After landing, follow the deck marshal for your bay assignment. Over."
"Spirit of Adventure, I received cleared to land on deck and to follow the deck marshal for my bay assignment, confirm. Over."
"Ziggy, confirmed, Over."
"Spirit of Adventure, roger wilco. Making my descent. Over.

The transatmospheric turbine built into his flight unit made a whine he could hear in the cockpit as he jetted over to the deck, flipping at the midway mark so he could slow the unit down to hover above the deck, then used his maneuvering thrusters to lower his mecha to the deck, feeling that moment the ship's gravity kicked in. He flipped the landing switches, hearing the clunk as the locks disengaged and the motors started rotating this wings overhead, making it look something like a peacock's tail towering over Ziggy's headpiece as they locked in place in this new position. Definitely not elegant.

"Spirit of Adventure, I have touched down. Turning myself over to the deck marshal, over."
"Ziggy, touchdown confirmed, over."
"Spirit of Adventure," John called out. "Do you know if my luggage has arrived? Over?"
"Blackjack, do I look like a gigin' bellhop to you?" the controller complained, clearly annoyed. "Get that piece of umbela off my deck so the next mecha can land. Over."
"Spirit of Adventure, roger wilco." John grinned, "Over."

Giving a hand salute to the deck marshall-bot, John followed it towards the hanger and atmosphere. He hated the thought his gear might not have made it. Last time someone pulled a prank on him and swapped out his spare uniforms for a damned tuxedo, command definitely didn't approve. With this ship mostly alien, this meant B ration packs, probably TravelRation, so he'd arranged for a care package to be delivered to the ship - two pallet loads of coffee and peanut butter, and a coffee maker for his berthing compartment - wherever that was. At least he had his thermos.

"And mind your manners, as circumstances may require, and never set the cat on fire."
What's the penalty for pick-pocketing and theft in the Vale? Would we have heard about this penalty?
@Rhona W - Okay, I think I have my mecha spec'd out.

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