Avatar of Expllo


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6 mos ago
Current I fell in love with a girl I’ll never see again lmaooooooooo character development I guess
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1 yr ago
NGL I haven’t roleplayed in years but I still log in every so often to see if any friends from the old days hit me up. It’s nice to see that every once in a while
9 yrs ago
I'd dropkick my 14 yr old self
9 yrs ago
People who get excited to talk about music are my favorite kinds of people
9 yrs ago
Positive vibes time! I hope you get that job you're applying for! I hope you pass that test coming up! I hope ya'll achieve what ya'll set out to today!


Most Recent Posts

Kenta's eyes widened in shock as Juki announced Captain Kuchiki's death. He clenched his fist and grit his teeth looking down at the ground. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Not him! Of all people why him!? Kenta thought. Hikari put a hand on his shoulder then felt Tabo's hand on his other, it caused him to raise his head look between the two before looking back up at Juki as he began speaking Kurisa's final worlds. He showed no emotion what-so ever as Juki spoke the words, looking around he saw the heartbroken faces. Once Juki finished speaking Kenta turned around, "Don't follow me," were the only words he spoke as he began walking. He stopped walking once beside Rio though his hair hid his face, he put a hand on her shoulder with a light squeeze. He opened his mouth to say something but he didn't, simply dropped his hand and walked away leaving her with that one moment of comfort from him whether she took it that way or not.

Kenta headed to his old training place, the place he always used to go during his early days within the Gotei 13. So much had changed since then, some for the better, some for the worst. This death could go either way. He looked at his old cabin, the shit was basically falling apart but it was still holding strong, funny how you could relate people and houses. The ringing started in his head but he didn't let it control him. The Woman then appeared smirking, "Oh, look at you. Running away once again, that Rio girl was right, you coward. Oh look at that, you're crying too~ Are you realizing now that you bring your bad luck wherever you go? As soon as you start going back to the Seireitei, Kurisa dies~"

Kenta stood beside the woman though was looking in the opposite direction of her. He smirked and chuckled, "You bitch, you address him properly. It's Captain Kuchiki, he may not be a captain anymore, hell he hasn't been my captain for over a year. You still address him with the utmost respect. As for crying? Running away? I'm crying of happiness, Captain Kuchiki died doing what he loved. He knew it was a possibility he could die with every mission, and he continued on. So I'm going to honor that, I'm not going to be sad that he died but I'm going to be happy that he got to live. He made many happy, inspired those in and out of the Seireitei. He thought highly of those even if he didn't show it, even if he couldn't show it," Kenta said as he let out a breath shivering, "Now I'm here. Juki told us to spend this thinking of Captain Kuchiki as tomorrow we'll train 'till we drop. But fuck that, I'll do both. If that somehow makes me a coward then so be it, I couldn't actually give a fuck."

"Hm, so be it then," The Woman said before she disappeared suddenly.

Kenta clenched his hands into a fist. Holding one in front of his face he stared at his reflection. "I got your message Captain, don't worry. You thought I was one of the most excellent Shinigami in Squad six, now I'm going to aim to be one of the best in the whole Gotei 13. Those were your final words to me, if I could have given any to you...It would have been thank you. Thank you for inspiring so many Shinigami, thank you for helping those achieve their goals. Thank you for living...And even in death you are still inspiring so many. Your name will live on for centuries and beyond, I'll make sure of that." Kenta gave a small moment of silence for Kuchiki, Kurisa before raising his head and opening his eyes letting the sun hit his face. This was the start of a new era for Shinigami, it was their New Dawn, starting today.
Kurisa said
o.o Huh? xD

You'll see >.>
Not gonna lie....I might have teared up from that T^T but hell was that inspiration <.< -Goes to post-
You didn't have to change it o.o pretty sure we could tell the difference between an s and no s
KabenSaal said
Joor Zah Frul!

Kenta: -Giggles- It tickles
Zane620 said
Takara: -wakes up- I DID IT FIR -falls asleep-

Ain't she just adorbs
Zaheer isn't your typical peaceful air bender either, so it's all good.

I like Kitty's name logo thing for Peeka.
Kenta: YOU CAN'T KILL A -Falls off cliff like Takara- DRAGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!

The Woman -Evil giggles-
Zane620 said
Hyperion listened and watched her take out one of the hollows, which was good, yet then she followed up with another line that would make one doubt a person. "You think? Well.... I'll just take your word for it, you do use two sai's after all. Well we should get down to business. So we go at this pace, or whatever pace we feel comfortorable going, and we don't take big risks. If you feel too much pressure just let me handle the rest." Hyperion said dropping out of the tree onto a hollows back, and thrusting his zanpakuto through the back of its head and through its mask.

"And feel free to fall back yourself once you feel tired, I'll continue to protect ya~" Keina joked with a wink before kicking a hollow that jumped at her. The mask cracked almost immediately as the body flew back soon turning into ash. Four jumped at her from each angle though she used Hōzan Kenbu quickly slicing them up with both of her sai. She did it pretty quick and skilfully too. "Dude, this is awesome," she mumbled as she looked at her sai not paying attention to what was coming. A hollow resembling a spider jumped down at her aiming to crush her, though she barely rolled out of the way. "Wow! That was so rude!"
Kenta: I have a meeting! -Runs off-

He actually does have a meeting soon in the ic. I think you know with who -Chuckles evilly-
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