Also, if Cleo does get in, can I try desperately to ruin everyone's relationships? Pretty please? :D
Hell yeah, equal discrimination all around bruh.
Also, if Cleo does get in, can I try desperately to ruin everyone's relationships? Pretty please? :D
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Rude. >.>
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I just have the feeling that she would just know!
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I think the last thing Acacia wants is to get on the bad side of an Ares child!
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Blake: *casually sharpens her nails to sharp points* .......
Zeus - Neutral
- Cole Johnson
- Acacia Blackwood
I may change the pic but other wise she's finished
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well she does love creating a bit of conflict, that's for sure.
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or make it rain, than electrocute the rain that everyone is standing in. Everyone loses except the Zeus child! 10 points to Skylar
I suppose Elektra will be sitting alone when she eats