Avatar of Expllo


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6 mos ago
Current I fell in love with a girl I’ll never see again lmaooooooooo character development I guess
1 like
1 yr ago
NGL I haven’t roleplayed in years but I still log in every so often to see if any friends from the old days hit me up. It’s nice to see that every once in a while
9 yrs ago
I'd dropkick my 14 yr old self
9 yrs ago
People who get excited to talk about music are my favorite kinds of people
9 yrs ago
Positive vibes time! I hope you get that job you're applying for! I hope you pass that test coming up! I hope ya'll achieve what ya'll set out to today!


Most Recent Posts

Also, if Cleo does get in, can I try desperately to ruin everyone's relationships? Pretty please? :D

Hell yeah, equal discrimination all around bruh.
<Snipped quote by Expllo>

Rude. >.>

To be fair to Cole's "flirting" problem real quick. Part of his life was taking care of his mother, the other part dedicated to finding a mommy to take care of him (;p). Blake is his first close relationship, and romantic one at that. In other words, he has no idea what the fuck he's doing! We can cut him a bit of slack if he can't knock old habits quickly xD especially when it's all he's known.

<Snipped quote by Expllo>

I just have the feeling that she would just know!

That's most likely true. But to be cereal for a moment, I think interactions between Cole and Acacia could be interesting. Her whole thing is justice, and Cole has done many bad things in his past. While with good intentions, still bad things nonetheless. Wonder what her opinion would be :p
<Snipped quote by Expllo>

I think the last thing Acacia wants is to get on the bad side of an Ares child!

We ain't gotta tell nobody.
<Snipped quote by Expllo>

Blake: *casually sharpens her nails to sharp points* .......

Zeus - Neutral

  • Cole Johnson
  • Acacia Blackwood

"You're Zeus Neutral, I'm Zeus Neutral. Baby, it's like we were made for each other!"
No -Leaves so it's 9 guests-
I may change the pic but other wise she's finished

The pic is fine q.q
<Snipped quote by Expllo>

well she does love creating a bit of conflict, that's for sure.

<Snipped quote by Expllo>

or make it rain, than electrocute the rain that everyone is standing in. Everyone loses except the Zeus child! 10 points to Skylar

Skylar is gonna take over the camp. That kind of dominance makes you Cole bait, and that's probably the last thing you need.
I suppose Elektra will be sitting alone when she eats

Cole would make sure she wouldn't, at least if he sees her being alone. He was a lonely fifteen year old at one point as well. He might be a bit of a dick who only thinks with it but he has sympathy at least :p
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