Avatar of Fabricant451


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5 mos ago
Current Jenny Nicholson's four hour takedown of the failed Star Wars hotel is the most entertaining thing Disney Star Wars has provided in seven years
5 mos ago
Train isn't a real band, it exists just to be played softly in clothing stores or the few malls that still exist in America. You can't convince me otherwise. RIP to the bassist though.
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5 mos ago
Discord really did ruin everything, now people can't even air their grievances publicly like the good lord intended
5 mos ago
Someone grab the lid before the worms escape the can.
5 mos ago
The real status bar drama are the friends we made along the way.


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

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Void Bastards is a fun game that I really only want to play in like 45 minute bursts.
<Snipped quote by Kuro>

We know the Star Wars universe has the ability to clone people. We also know the clone army was altered to be cloned so they can grow up to be adults twice as fast as the normal practice. If force users live longer than regular people, would you not want your children to live a longer lifespan? Would anyone ask a stupid question to a mother with a newborn this question: Do you want your child to live to be 5 years old or 90 years old? The Star Wars universe does have a wealthy class society, so someone would alter their children to be force users so they can live a longer unnatural lifespan. So you would not have Sith and Jedi, you would have a third class of force users.

The Force isn't some Gattaca thing where parents can choose to make their kid Force sensitive or not.
<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

I think it is worse, he introduces ideas without explaining how it got there in the first place and how to end them.

We see the final battle, with the Resistance fighting on the hidden Sith planet that Rey discovers for the Resistance. For some reason the Resistance was down to a few ships in the last movie, and getting defeated because they were running out of gas, yes gas. They must have missed the Shell gas station. For some reason, everyone in the galaxy decides to show up with identical ships of the Resistance. They are all fighting at this hidden planet, and than, when the battle was won. The Ewok's look up in the sky and notice this battle going on in orbit of this home moon of Endor. So how do you have the same identical battle going on, with a secret Sith planet and Endor that everyone knows. They can be hundreds of light years away from each other. The victor is done, and everyone enjoys a party on Endor.

Than, we have Rey killing her grandfather, and than Rey dies. She is a dead corpse, and she is just a dead corpse. She is dead like any other human being, no special showing she is dead like a Jedi. Than Ben comes around, and now he has been turned to the good side and he is a Jedi again. He finds Rey, and gives all his force healing to Rey so she can come back to life. Since he gave his entire life force to Rey, Ben dies. Ben is dead, and he fades away like a Jedi.

This is the problem. The last movie was Star Wars: The Last Jedi. When she was dead, she did not fad away like the Jedi do when they die. NO ... she was a corpse. If she is a corpse, than it begs the question if she was a Jedi at the end of this movie. If she was not a Jedi at the end of this movie, than she was not a Jedi during Star Wars The Last Jedi. Well, you can say Luke Skywalker was the last Jedi and he died during the last movie. But oh no, we noticed his twin sister was also a Jedi too. Rey did call her Master, and was having her as her trainer to become a Jedi. So Star Wars The Last Jedi had Luke, his twin sister, and maybe Rey as Jedi so how do you really call it the last?

Please explain!

I will explain this section by section.

We see the final battle, with the Resistance fighting on the hidden Sith planet that Rey discovers for the Resistance. For some reason the Resistance was down to a few ships in the last movie, and getting defeated because they were running out of gas, yes gas. They must have missed the Shell gas station. For some reason, everyone in the galaxy decides to show up with identical ships of the Resistance. They are all fighting at this hidden planet, and than, when the battle was won. The Ewok's look up in the sky and notice this battle going on in orbit of this home moon of Endor. So how do you have the same identical battle going on, with a secret Sith planet and Endor that everyone knows. They can be hundreds of light years away from each other. The victor is done, and everyone enjoys a party on Endor.

Ships in Star Wars have always run on fuel, hell planes in the real world we live in require fuel and as far back as A New Hope there are people fueling X-Wings before the Death Star battle. The attack on the Resistance at the start of The Last Jedi happens basically hours after the end of The Force Awakens and the Resistance is basically caught with their pants down. The people arrive at Exegol because Lando uses his sexual charisma to do it; a core part of the previous movie was how the Resistance still had allies but no one was coming to help them before Luke showed up. One would naturally think that in the span between 8 and 9 that allies would show up prior to the end of 9 or else part of 9 would be rallying and recruiting the backup but hey what do I know. If they wanted their Avengers Assemble moment they did it poorly.

As far as Endor and the Ewoks are concerned, it's just references and for the audience to go "I know those!" while being a callback to Return of the Jedi where the galaxy immediately knows the Emperor has been defeated.

Than, we have Rey killing her grandfather, and than Rey dies. She is a dead corpse, and she is just a dead corpse. She is dead like any other human being, no special showing she is dead like a Jedi. Than Ben comes around, and now he has been turned to the good side and he is a Jedi again. He finds Rey, and gives all his force healing to Rey so she can come back to life. Since he gave his entire life force to Rey, Ben dies. Ben is dead, and he fades away like a Jedi.

Not every Jedi dies like that. And we can't even assume they all do because Anakin Skywalker didn't, that we saw, and the ones that died in Order 66 didn't all have such luxuries. Qui-Gon didn't vanish, he lived long enough to have final dying wods in Obi-Wan's arms and then they burned his body at the end of the movie, and then two movies later Qui-Gon is said to be the one to teach Yoda and stuff about the Force Ghost shenanigans. Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Luke were, at the time of their death, fully in tune with the Force and masters in their on right. Rey not vanishing doesn't make her not a Jedi, it makes her grounds for the worst type of redemption arc.

This is the problem. The last movie was Star Wars: The Last Jedi. When she was dead, she did not fad away like the Jedi do when they die. NO ... she was a corpse. If she is a corpse, than it begs the question if she was a Jedi at the end of this movie. If she was not a Jedi at the end of this movie, than she was not a Jedi during Star Wars The Last Jedi. Well, you can say Luke Skywalker was the last Jedi and he died during the last movie. But oh no, we noticed his twin sister was also a Jedi too. Rey did call her Master, and was having her as her trainer to become a Jedi. So Star Wars The Last Jedi had Luke, his twin sister, and maybe Rey as Jedi so how do you really call it the last?

Luke Skywalker, at the end of The Last Jedi, literally says "I will not be the last Jedi." He is, at this point, referring to the fact that Rey will succeed him and, having learned from his failures and the failures of the old Jedi order, would hopefully 'do it right' with the Jedi this time. This is why the villain, who has failed twice now and learned nothing, has lost everything while finally getting the power he so craved and why the girl who had nothing now has everything. Leia was hinted to be Force sensitive as far back as Empire Strikes Back - and don't say that Luke speaking to her in the Force was because they were siblings because they didn't know that yet.

Again, the furious retcons and undo's in TROS just diminishes the previous two movies - let alone the OT and PT. Suddenly Rey's actions weren't her own, suddenly Finn's arc is regressed back to just screaming after Rey, suddenly Anakin's lightsaber is some sacred thing despite Luke not giving a shit about it after losing it on Bespin and using a green one the rest of his life, suddenly Poe has a criminal past with a character who is in the movie just so audiences know that Poe is a not gay, suddenly Luke was 'wrong' despite JJ putting him in that situation in the first place, suddenly the last Star Wars movie in this 9 movie saga is the cinematic equivalent of a video game side quest.

But hey, subscribe to Disney Plus where you can pretend The Mandalorian is excellent programming and not just a vessel for Baby Yoda merch!
How they manage to do marvel right but star wars wrong is a mystery...

Marvel isn't a slave to a trilogy format. Marvel also isn't afraid to introduce new characters and let them have the spotlight while the sequels seemed to have no confidence in letting the new characters have their own stories so everything still had to tie into fucking blood relations because in Star Wars movies everything only happens to the same group of people.

Getting away from the weird reverence of the 'Skywalker Saga' is the best possible move provided they trust their directors to have their own vision and freedom to explore it. Star Wars is a setting full of infinite potential so the need for the new movies to just still be about shit and people we already know, even in the lame anthology movies, is bizarre. I don't want to see Old Han Solo just doing the same things he did in the old movies only now he's slower and older. Incidentally I do want to see a Jedi Master and Hero dealing with his own myth and the failures of his actions and those of his order but I guess some don't.

Point is, what doesn't work about the sequel trilogy isn't the lack of a plan (the originals weren't exactly meticulously planned in advance) but the lack of trust in the audience to care about new characters without the old characters there too. Resetting the universe to just 'Empire vs Rebels 2.0' was creatively bankrupt but at least it gave us three (and a half if you count Poe) interesting characters that we all thought would carry the legacy and tradition of Star Wars without needing validation from the characters we already knew.

Episode 8 at least was willing to pass the torch but then TROS was like "Actually no".
It's going to be as irrelevant as the prequel trilogy.

In that case I eagerly await the day people break the sequels down into the same five memes over and and over again and act like the whole time they've just been underappreciated masterpieces of world building and story telling!

Battle Chef Brigade owns
To be fair, Force Healing has been part of canon in the EU (and let's not pretend Disney didn't just pluck things from the EU for the new movies anyway) and the only reason they put out episode 7 of The Mandalorian the day before Episode 9 came out was because Force Healing also plays a factor in that episode.

The Rise of Skywalker is bad but it's bad because JJ Abrams' entire thing is that he likes introducing story ideas but doesn't know how to end them, which is why Episode 9's ending is so hollow and ultimately does a disservice to the characters across the board. It doesn't help that the movie feels so 'written by committee' in a terrible attempt to please everybody rather than letting a director have a voice and vision for the story...which they had with episode 8 like it or not.

Personally the 'canon' of Star Wars is a weird thing to get hung up on because the canon and abilities of Star Wars are constantly changed and enhanced anyway that it becomes people unwilling to accept one thing because it 'breaks canon' despite it just being the same thing the other movies did: introducing new Force Powers or techniques. Star Wars canon had tiers of what was and wasn't 'true' canon so really, Star Wars canon was fucked and the slavish devotion to it having to be one way or no way is pointlessly limited. 'Why can a Force Ghost use lightning?' Because fuck you, their creed ends with 'there is no death; there is the Force' that's why. 'Why can Luke use the Force to jump out of the carbonite chamber?' Because fuck you, that's how the Force works.

So her first meeting with a fellow student didn't go exactly according to plan, but when did anything ever go according to plan? Plans changed all the time! Once, her parents planned on taking her to an amusement park but then she put herself in a coma and also the amusement park was damaged heavily in some kind of fight between The Avengers and something evil and bad. Plans changed! For Riley, the new plan was simply to find someone - or something - else to focus on before her viewers got bored and left to go watch something else. Still, whatever that weird moody girl's problem was, Riley hoped she figured it out. How could anyone be sad or moody at a place like this? There were in the sky! At a school! In the sky!

Riley wasn't sure how long she could get away with live streaming her misadventures at hero school, but she figured if she was violating some kind of sacred rule that S.H.I.E.L.D. or something would do whatever they did and shut down her stream, though Riley figured if a government organization cared what some teenager did on the internet then it was an incredibly slow day. It wasn't like she was on the dark web or downloading a car or something. Harmless! What was the harm in showing people what the next generation of heroes would look like? Kamala Khan was once like Riley, a fangirl of the Avengers and such and now she was a top ten hero! Why, then, couldn't Riley follow in those embiggened footsteps?

One day, the top ten heroes would have all been featured first on HulkStan62's stream. How cool was that?

As Riley continued to wander around like a deer in headlights, balancing her act between looking at her stream chat and moving the phone camera in a circle as she spun-walk around the place, she hadn't planned on almost running into someone until, well, she did. The girl in question was taller than RIley and looked more mature by half, but Riley was focusing on two very specific things. The first, this girl called Riley pretty; the second, a question about 1-D. Somehow Riley didn't think she meant that one band that was hot for about a year.

"Oh! Hello, didn't see you there. Are you okay with being recorded? I'm kinda live right now to....wow, I'm almost at ten thousand. I'VE NEVER BEEN THAT HIGH BEFORE! Those are like...famous numbers! Anyway, my name's HulkStan62...err...it's Riley. I don't know what a 1-D is, but it sounds like a place I should check out. Also, my chat is asking me to ask you if they can see your....tats? Oh, wait, no, that's an I not an A. Ignore that."

Riley had a feeling this one would go better. It had to!


Slower? Slower? Said the brother who needed an accessory to fly. The room clearly heard that she was first, though Soren never missed an opportunity to try and jab an elbow into her side. It was only fitting given that she would do the same if the opportunity presented itself. It was part of their charm. Charm that Charlotte had hoped to display to at least one of the two girls that had been in the room her brother and she entered. What could she say? Charlotte was a creature of confidence and she took charge. She might not have known the others, but calling dibs was as much an admission of curiosity as it was a declaration of intent to wow an to woo. "Please, you only called dibs because I said it first. At least I remember their names. Speaking of-." Smooth. In her estimation anyway.

"I'm-" Before Charlotte could properly introduce herself, there was a sudden noise and an unexpected arrival in the form of a girl literally falling into Soren's arms like the gods were simultaneously rewarding him and aiding her. "You see, this is what I mean. You call 'dibs' but the second someone else so much as...falls into your lap you change your mind. It's a wonder anyone gives you the time of day."

Charlotte was sure Soren wasn't even paying attention, which was why she took the time to sigh, shake her head, and return to the more immediate matter of introductions. "Anyway, the idiot who thinks only with his smaller head is my brother, Soren. I'm Charlotte, and I apologize for calling dibs, though unlike my brother I obviously meant it." Never miss a chance to jab the elbow into the side.

"Are either of you a...HulkStan62?"

@Hey Im Jordan@KZOMBI3@Silver Carrot

I try to play Skyrim with mods more often than I care to admit. I recently bought Skyrim for like the hundredth time on the Switch a few weeks ago and I genuinely found myself playing more of that than I thought so maybe I just wanted to play it vanilla. Something about the winter just makes that game feel cozy.
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