Avatar of Fetzen


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current 'been going through a lot of shit recently. I will try to start catching up soon. Sorry to everybody who's waiting on me!
4 mos ago
When you have to disable a new 'advanced' search to get proper search results and learn that 'advanced' means 'AI'. Let's rename it artificial superficiality, short 'AS'. Not to be confused with...
4 mos ago
I'm slightly proud of myself having overcome my hate for indoor spiders a bit over the years. In my youth I often eliminated them, now I carry them outside in a jar. Spiders here are harmless though.
4 mos ago
Believe me, if they could, the entirity of Southern Germany would send you all the rain they had over the last couple of days. I'm just not sure you'd actually want the widespread destruction.
4 mos ago
Finally managed to catch the mouse. Our cat must consider me the most incompetent person of all times given how she watched instead of helping. She dragged the problem in though!


Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

Randomly dropping bones from a corpse sitting in front of a computer still running and causing random input by hitting the keyboard reporting for duty!
*votes for The Eye of the Storm*
Name: Kerylun
Level: 1
Race: Gargoyle
Class: Archer
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak
Tagging: @Ayemdar @KoL @Holy Soldier Mentioned: @JackalopeLove @Raizin @Vec

"I'm doing quite fine. You ?" It was a bit of a lie. With humans in close proximity he did less fine and more boiling. Yet it wasn't him who seemed to have the need for letting off steam. No's facial expression towards him was enough to make the decision to not even try and engage a friendly dialogue with this guy who had just tried to 'explain' his name. Perhaps 'No' was just short for 'Nobody you should take care of because he's a big fat a****** ?'. The gargoyle didn't say this, he just thought it and let go of a subtle grin while doing so.

Kerylun felt being stared at. It took a noticeable moment for the gargoyle to recognize the tiny person that had required a crate to be stacked onto the chair to reach a proper height. Gosh... was this a gnome ? A shiver ran down his spine when he tried to imagine being that small... She could accidentally get hit or even stepped on at any time, Ker thought. He would have to be careful. Perhaps it was this why she tried to bore a hole into him with her stare ? He stared back, his huge pupils being black holes that tried to suck out Lizzy's thoughts, but not for long. He didn't dare to extend his claws towards her for a greeting, perhaps it could be misinterpreted. Ker made a mental note to try and talk to her later.

It was only after three more persons, a seemingly very casual human that appeared like the opposite to No with his complete lack of grumpyness, another man who seemed to have the same attitude when it came to clothing like himself, and an Elf that just had escaped major disturbance by not openly telling him that he was the ugliest statue in the world, that the largest of the other men got his response for his... let's say quick approach. It was a fierce one and the sight of a weapon being drawn and directed at one of the future party members at THIS early stage made him arch his eyebrows. But it got even worse when No decided to start yelling and throw out random accusations.

Ker slowly, but audibly clenched his claws, causing them to leave superficial scratches on the wooden table. "Well, don't look at me. If I had had any interest in your purse I would have ripped it out of your pocket and spread its content across this whole floor so everyone would have been able to participate." The gargoyle's voice was as calm as it could be considering his stature, yet it was cold like stone. There were humans and humans - this one seemed to be the latter category!
If No's chair already creaks beneath him I'm wondering what is going to happen to the ones Ker is sitting on in the continuation of the scene lol xD

@Ayemdar Sorry. Took me a while to write the post.
"I think this is bugged."
"Make a GM ticket."
"Which GM ? The OOC GM that created this game or the IC GM ?"
"Isn't the latter one played by the first one ?"
"I'm confused."
"I'm rubberbanded!"
"IT DOES!!!"
The DM hates us ? Shit... An Asshat is currently alone in the forest :O I get to roll a new character...

Name: Kerylun
Level: 1
Race: Gargoyle
Class: Archer
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak
Tagging: Open Mentioned: @Holy Soldier (No), @Cyrania (Gwendolyn), @Ayemdar (Raven)

Damn appointments... He hated appointments! At least it was in the morning, the time the Greased Oak would be rather empty. At least that was what people said. The gargoyle had not yet experienced this himself due to a significant lack of coins to spend for the delicious meat they offered. Again, that was what people said.

In the cold morning air, Kerylun discharged a cloud of condensed water every few seconds. The rather loud breathing noise was telling a story about how much air he needed just for maintaining his usual, slow pace that gave most people ample opportunities to pass him or cross his way. It raised the question why he was walking when he had wings to fly with. It would certainly have been faster and saved his naked feet from unrecognized and direct contact with a tiny bit of disgusting dirt here and there, but what would people say when he would circle above their heads until they finally made enough room for a proper landing ? Not that he cared that much about the welfare of humans, but he cared about the welfare of his nerves!

Finally, Kerylun had reached his destination and squeezed through the doorframe. Another gasp, but this one broke with the rhythm. Was that smoke ? Sure, there were candles all over the place, but this smelled different. Yet the creature had arrived too late to observe the cause for it. He looked around, his ember eyes scanning the room. Three persons were sitting or standing around the table in question: A half-elf, a quite large human-looking male and another elf that seemed to be busy taking care of him. The gargoyle reached for two chairs, turned each of them around so that their backs faced the table and slowly sat down with straddled legs and his tail not being blocked by a backrest. He really wasn't sure if and how long the furniture would support his weight. "Good morning. How are you doing ?" His words were more adressed towards the elves than to No, who seemed rather busy dealing with whatever had happened to him. Maybe this guy would continue doing just that... it would be a nice thing.
@Holy Soldier
Character Name: Kerylun
Alias: Lucy - that's short for Lucifer, because of his appearance.
Age: 36
Race: Gargoyle
Height: 9'4 ( 2,84m )
Weight: 928 lbs ( 421kg )
Hair Color: Matt white. In contrast to humans, it is not a sign for old age, but a natural phenomenon. His hairstyle is a badly organized mess: As long as it stays out of his eyesight, everything's okay for him. Helping with this is the fact that his hairs are long, easily covering his shoulders, thick and sturdy. He also has a short goatee.
Eye Color: His eyes are amber with a white clarity around it that is very susceptible to reddish traces of blood vessels appearing inside of it.
Visual Description:

Written Description: The picture only represents how he would look if he would not wear anything. He usually does however. It is a simple pair of trousers and a shirt that almost doesn't cover anything of his back because of the wings. Both items are made out of thick linen and look quite cheap. No boots. He doesn't use any armor and would not be amused if someone tried to squeeze him into one, especially if its made out of inflexible metal. His skin is of a very dark grey color that competes with a slight touch of red in form of an irregular pattern across his entire body. Judging by the tightness his skin wraps around his muscle one could assume that he is seriously undernourished, but that's only mildly the case. His hands and feet are formed as an array of vicious natural weaponry. The wing surface consists of a highly flexible, surprisingly thin, leathery skin. Fully deployed they stretch out for several yards on each side to be able to actually support him. And he has a quite long and sturdy tail.
Level: 1
Class: Archer
  • Fly - These wings aren't for pure decoration. However deciding to engange a combat flying is an ambivalent decision: On one hand you obviously don't have to worry about melee attacks, on the other hand a significant bit of precision in own attacks is lost along all chances of staying hidden. The real benefit is terrain-independent relocation. As long as a person is physically fit and not too heavy (~1/3 of his own weight), he can carry someone on his back. That someone then won't be able to do anything but look around because he would have to hold on to Kerylun. Grabbing an enemy and dump him from a proper altitude would theoretically be possible, but he could as well get his arms cut off in that attempt.
  • Petrification - This is an active ability that doesn't last long, but grants him increased damage resistance so he can engage in melee combat and make full use of his physical prowess.
    • Level 1: Kerylun's upper layer of skin becomes tough as granite. It becomes very resilient to superficial damage like cuts and scrapes. Exposure to excessive heat that would cause 1 degree burns, mild frostbite, mild electrical shock or other elemental effects to minor extent causes reduced damage.
    • Level 2: The effect expands inwards, now involving the entire thickness of his skin. Damage reduction is also applied to stabbing/impalement, deep cuts that an average being would need stitches for, second degree burns, severe frostbite, and nerve damage that would be caused by electrical attacks.
    • Level 3: The effect expands further inwards, including his muscles and tendons. Damage reduction is now granted against all kind of physical attacks except very heavy blunt weapons. His dense defense can be shattered by continual bombardment from level 3 non-elemental magic spells.
    • Level 4: Kerylun now basically has the consistency of a tank. Damage reduction is granted against all kinds of physical or elemental attacks/effects. Level 4 non-elemental magic spells are the only spells that can harm him.

  • Inhuman physique - While with his size he is certainly prone to suffer from accidents and embarrassing situations in unprepared households, it is obvious that there could be situations in which this is very advantageous - and be it just for a bar fight.
  • Night vision - Imagine a creature of the night that doesn't have this...

Weapon: A large longbow.
Personality: He's quite intelligent, often to the surprise of the people around him. He also has a rather smooth temper as long as you meet him with respect and not the usual bullshit. In the latter case the outcome depends on where he is: In a city with its many guards he'll probably bare his teeth, hiss and hit you with deliberate blasts of bad air. In the wilderness where noone's looking... it gets dangerous. Very dangerous. He's become adept in pretending obedience while internally ripping you into pieces and hatching plans to put such plans into actions. To sum things up: it's not far away from the truth to consider him a walking social catastrophy, but only partly for reasons he can be claimed responsible for.
Quirks: He needs to eat a huge lot and is purely carnivorous, ideal conditions for very low standards when it comes to quality - his body can take it. Slain enemies are not on his list however, except if the situation's really dire. It's needless to say that people can consider him quite intimidating, resulting in a social barrier he has to get over first.
Likes: Meat, wilderness, buildings of adequate ceiling height, a good fight (with him winning, of course), flying.
Dislikes: Humanity as a whole is his social problem. It gets better with other races, depending on what they think about him, but humans... someone hit Alt+F4 for them! Or wait, that's not possible. They already run on Windows 3.1 bluescreens in their heads. He can work with them if he must, but he hates them. The reason is that a hunting party once crossed his way and what the nobles did was to quarrel about who would be allowed to claim the prize and enslave him. The winner did so with success for several years until he managed to escape by force. This is not commonly known, but he still is pretty much a savage that plays and has to play the poor man's role in human cities.
Inventory: Empty.

Greyed-out text is used to keep track of which level(s) he has not reached yet.
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