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Just a shark floating through the void with way too many bee's in the brain.

Self taught writer, artist, programmer and whatever the hell else the ADHD demands to be understood.
Still reading? Enjoy a race ship~.

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Edit: Also, Webb has been very obedient, Ezra will still care for him. :>

@SporkoBug *Picks up Webb* You hear that bud? Everyone likes you! You're the best boy! Never in trouble! *Showers all the gold stars*

Also just read Adel/Erza. Goddamn, been awhile since I read some genuine tension, excellent work both!
I have admit the contrast between Khor and Adel is hilarious in my head though XD

Khor - "Well golly gee fuck, this is gonna suck."
Adel - "Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhhhhhh!"

Khor - "Wait you like what's in my head-? WHY DO YOU LIKE WHATS IN MY HEAD?? SENPAI???(jks lol)"
Adel - "Ahhahahaha- *BITEY* Nah!"

Khor - "You mean you're letting me go AND I get to shoot things? Dude- WHAT!?"

Just Erza dumping all the phyiscal damage on Adel with the psychological on Khor, these poor two beans XD
Was Ezra really gonna have her shoot at a box of kittens ;_ ; I knew he was evil but damn.

Look, lets be honest. If Erza pressed the issue Khor probably would've shot both Erza and the guard before running to the box and throwing angy kittens at any guards that dared to press the point (they would have had their tiny and adorable revenge haha).

HONESTLY that was my thought; now I'm unsure even giving Webb back to him.

I mean, maybe Erza will try put Webb in a box as well? Curious to see what end of the gun he'd end up on now at Erza's discretion XD.
Thanks again for the collabs, Flux!

Anytime~, And thank you~! Always a pleasure throwing these together with others ^_^.

Can't wait for the second half to be put out :3.

Flint Weathersteel, Corrupted Akula’s

Elysium Heights - Office Block

In collaboration with: @Estylwen
Interactions: Magna Mafia Mentions: Military

Elysium Heights.

A district that was once proud. Now it had fallen to lawlessness and bickering among gangs, the largest of which Flint and the Akulas stood in front of. An office building of some sort.

They must have known they were coming.

The moment Flint and the Akulas entered the building, there in the lobby, on display like toys, was a row of hostages, blindfolded and bound. Clutching each tight with a pistol pressed against their head was a gang member, bandanas covering their faces.

Flint stared for a moment, before he shrugged. They could play ‘negotiate’ for now.

Mentally. ”One of you who feels strong enough to negotiate, step forward and talk with them.

Meanwhile, one of the gangsters growled at him, grinning. ”Ya really thought ya had the jump on us, huh? You want the district? Ya better worry more about ya own heads. If you don't want the hostages to die, drop yer guns.”

One of the Akula’s nodded, eyes fearless whatever the outcome might be. They discarded their rifle and marched into the building without hesitation. Firearms now facing the lone Akula their eyes simply scanned the room left to right to cover every detail. Without taking the time to process the situation the Akula spoke flatly. “Your position is surrounded. Your decision is to withdraw or die. Rest assured we will ensure your safe retreat or imminent death according to your choice. Do not fear.” The Akula paused for a moment. “Either result will be absolute.”

Flint could feel the connection to the Akula’s around him. From each a line in the aether leading back to him. While the Akula inside spoke, Flint could see everything the negotiating Akula did. Every man. Every hostage. Every trap. Pinging the other lines displayed that the remaining Akula’s all had a bead on each of the gunmen holding the hostages. All they needed was Flint’s order and their guns would sound all at once and once only. Nothing else would be required to finish the fight before it started, at least for the lobby. Only Flint’s mercy held back the inevitable.

The gangster scoffed, clearly grinning behind his bandana. ”Yeah, right. And Nocturnia is full of unicorns and ponies. We’re not giving up our hostages, and you're not gonna risk such a bold move. So, like I said, give up and tell the rest of your boys to drop their guns.

There was only one gangster on the far side, a little smaller than the others, who scooted a bit back with his hostage so he was out of their line of sight. Then, subtly, he raised his hands in the air, gun pointed at the ceiling, finger off the trigger. He'd drop it, but it would cause noise. A move better fit for when all the rest got shot, as he assumed.

Flint could only roll his eyes at the defiant gangster’s words, speaking over the mental link. ”Go ahead.”

A single volley of fire. A short and shrill chorus of screams. The sound of bodies collapsing to the floor. Akulas advanced in unison immediately to secure the lobby and set up to flood further through the building. The negotiator walked past the one gangster who dropped his weapon and hostage in the chaos. “Leave. Now.”

Hostages fled the building along with the lone gangster. Akulas began their preparations at every entry point that led further into the building. Some were preparing grenades at doors, some throwing ropes up to higher windows from outside, three entering an elevator with two climbing through the access hatch above and one ready to hit the button up. The connection pinged ready to Flint. On his order.

The remaining gangsters holed themselves on the second floor, pacing the hallway and guarding over a certain conference room with the blinds drawn. In this particular room, a lieutenant of the defunct Magna Mafia stood, his men within watching the door and windows.

Flint could see the glowing lights of these pests desperately clinging for, what. It wasn't life. Maybe their pride.


”Let's finish this.”

The breach was sudden and brutal. The action of violence manifesting over just a few scant seconds. The elevator beeping got their attention. Akulas scaled for a window breach. The doors were prepped with charges. Then as the elevator opened to no one within it went off all at once. Door’s exploded. Windows smashed. Bullets flew. An Akula heading up the stairs kicked a tripwire priming a grenade only for the one behind to reach down and throw it to the floor above. The Akulas on top of the elevator fell through the hatch to begin clearing from an unexpected angle and those through the windows prevented any retreat.

Silence again. A few survivors held at gun point and dragged to Flint to decide their fate. “Orders?”

Flint looked over the survivors. There was one that held himself resolutely, without the grit and sweat of war.

”Name and title?” Flint asked.

The man gave a grim smile. ”Anton Cartello, Lieutenant of the Magna Mafia Family. The last sect of it.”

Flint could feel the gears turning in his head. ”So those weren't just hostages in the lobby. They were…”

”Specimens to be shipped out, yeah.” Anton said with a shrug.

Flint’s gaze darkened. ”Specimens… huh? You military dogs all sound the same.”

He blew air through his nose, clearly irritated. Anton was clearly the leader of this defunct sect, might as well shut it down, and let Flint get his own satisfaction in.

Flint glanced at the Akulas. ”Let the subordinates go. Kill Anton.”

The gunshot rang out immediately. The rest being sent to the exits. As the chaos died Akulas took defensive positions in the building ready for whatever would come next. The Akula who acted as negotiator approached Flint, posing queries as if a machine. “Magna? Military?”

Flint glanced over, his gaze hardening, remembering a darker time. Images would flash in the negotiator’s head as Flint shared his thoughts.

”There was a time no gyft user would go out by themself, some non-gyfters as well, back when the Magna Mafia Family was in their prime. Kidnappings were at an all-time high. And after they crumbled, the truth got out, likely from beating some of their members, that those who were kidnapped were sent across the Wall. Bastards sold out their own people for God knows what…”

He pursed his lips slightly, feeling the shift of Akulas guarding the building. ”Building clear?”

The Akula nodded once. Flint allowed himself to relax a little. ”Then this fight is as good as over. Word will spread that the last Magna sect is destroyed, and the remaining insects will depart on their own.”

Akula's invade Elysium Heights

Rada Hanak, Puddle

Riverside – Apartments on the border

Interactions: None. Mentions: None.
Puddle led Rada up the stairs. While he trudged upward, Rada was practically skipping. The second he told her he was going to teach her how to shoot she squealed with delight. In fact he almost had to start kicking to displace the bear hug she placed him in. Either way they were finally where they needed to be. The battle had begun but hadn’t entered full swing yet. It was a good time to set up an observation nest.

Puddle dumped his backpack and rifle on a table within an abandoned apartment. The occupants seemed smart enough to get out before the fighting intensified. They were the smart ones, the lucky ones, who had mind enough to leave and live to see another day. Those that remained he just hoped hunkered down and the fighting stayed clear of them. As he placed down his rifle and retrieved some binoculars he looked to Rada who was standing there grabbing one hand at a time in the air with a dopey smile.

Puddle huffed. “Not yet. Need to teach you some basics first.”

Rada’s hands closed. “Wait what- oh this isn’t some dirty trick where I get shitted out of getting to try shooting again is it?” She began to bounce her head. “Every freaking time-.”

Puddle interjected. “No, I’ll be teaching you how to use this today, but first I’m teaching you how not to get shot in the head. Listen to that out there.”

Rada’s head tilted taking note of the sporadic gunfire and shrugged. “Just sounds like another gang war that can’t decide to die out. Come on I’m no Nocturnian green horn I’m used to violence in this city.”

Puddle shot back. “Not like this you’re not.” He sighed. “Just listen to me. This is important. I want you to stand at that window there. Right at the edge.” He gestured for her to do so. “Go on.”

Rada rolled her eyes and did so, speaking dull. “Oh my what a view. What’s your point.”

Puddle didn’t miss a beat. “How many windows can you count.”

Rada looked back confused, then silently began to count before throwing her hand up and back to the windowsill. “I don’t know. Hundreds? Thousands? It’s Nocturnia there’s towers for days.”

Puddle stared out, eyes going distant. “Well in every one of those windows there could be a man on the lookout. Every bit of rubble, every concrete corner potentially hiding a rifle ready to take your head off. Think you can cover all those windows at once?”

Rada chewed his words before instinctively walking away from the window, eyes laced with worry. “You know I never… I never really thought about it like that.”

Puddle nodded. “If you can be seen, you can be killed.” He stood aside now. “Stand where I was and look out the window. How many other windows can you see now?”

Rada did as she as instructed. Looking out she her eyebrows raised. “Oh, only like, three, and I can see down the whole open street.”

She was starting to get it. Puddle gave a small smile. “Only ever expose yourself to what you can cover. If you can’t cover it, that’s an unknown. Leaving unknowns to luck is a great way to get dead.” Puddle proceeded to set the rifle up on that table. “The moment you pick up a gun, you declare yourself as apart of the fight. Everyone else is just trying to stay alive and they aren’t going to stop for a girl in over her head.” He rested his hand on top the rifle. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

The realization of the moment finally hit Rada. “You want me to shoot people?” She raised her hands. “Hey, look I know I was talking a lot of smack but that’s a hell of a step. I don’t know if-.”

Puddle's head bounced to the side. “Not people. Monsters.” He took in her confusion. “You’ll see what I mean. It’s the safest way to get you up to speed and ready for the real thing. Trust me, I can tell you without a doubt you want to be as ready for the real thing as you possibly can be.” His expression hardened. He wish he knew better the first time. The least he could do now was give Rada some hope of being prepared if she ever found herself in a similar situation.

Puddle set up with his binoculars. “We’ll start easy. Just get you hitting some street signs. Then we’ll likely just be taking notes on everything we see. Don’t expect you to shoot anything or anyone. Only if the opportunity comes up and you want to try and prepare yourself should you ever have to do it again.” His eyes focused down the street ready to observe and later report back to the Akulas and Canary’s alike. “Once the worst of it is over we do a quick patrol to make sure we didn’t miss anything. Then we go home. You up for this?”

Rada hesitated. She was wondering what the hell she was doing here. The same feeling that Puddle felt when he was at the door with Dave. The only difference here was that Rada had a choice. She didn’t have to do this. She could just leave and go on living her life as she knew it. He knew though that if she didn’t have the chance to make this decision today that she would’ve found herself in a situation where the decision was made for her. She at least had a choice, regardless of what the future exposed her to.

Rada nodded slowly and took her place behind the rifle. “It’s only going to get worse isn’t. Better now than never.”

Puddle gave her a light slap on the shoulder. He had to admit he had a lot of respect for her decision to stay and face the fight. It was coming for them all, but even given the chance to pretend things would be ok for a little longer, she stayed to prepare herself for the future. Puddle began instructing her on how to shoot properly. Rada used her Gyft to preempt the bullets path. Not long after the suppressor had puffed a good many times Rada was already becoming a crack shot.

Now all there was left to do was watch the horror unfold when the battle for Riverside decided to reach a deciding crescendo.
I had so much fun writing it, I hope Flux and Yankee felt the same ahaha
Webb is definitely under threat of adoption; he's just a little guy!

Was definitely fantastic to interact with Webb being a goober haha, looking forward to more collabs in the future with him~!
Someone's gonna have to make an artificial beach, we land locked in here :')

Part of Asterion's lil utopia, a faux beach?

The water is just a hologram. Khor breaks her nose diving into the 'water'. There are no sharks to punch.
It is tragic day comrade. Hahaha
It could be cool to have off-topic episodes like that where things are smooth or "alt-verse" types of deals in the future. If capable.

It is fun having characters interact inside and outside of the main plot. I love reading little snip bits of people adding things like that into their writing.

Honestly might be a good way to wrap up 'chapters'! Just something fun and easy without consequence to enjoy at the end of major events or actions, like the current war~.
You know what in my head when I made Siena and Dom I had the idea of just...writing little side stories of the crew hanging out ans getting into shenanigans. Idk I always enjoyed seeing stuff like that in shows. Characters just chilling

It adds a lot to the world, plus can be huge for character development and upping the stakes immensely when shit does hit the fan ^_^.

I like to think that's Donkey, Snaptrap and Puddle. No one special by any means with no real impact on the story at large, a number in game terms but people with lives none the less~.
<Snipped quote by flux>

Burberry PD is always recruiting. Lmao

XD in another life where she made better decisions, the way things are going for her I can't see a reality where they'd accept her lol

As things develop some more can we please, just as a one off unrelated entirely to main plot, have a beach episode where these characters are just trying to be normal people without ending up strangling each other to death XD

Khor in a wet suit running at the ocean screaming "I'M GONNA PUNCH A SHARK!" as things devolve back on shore. I think I'd lose my mind hahaha.
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