Avatar of FourtyTwo


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9 yrs ago
If there are RPs/PM's I need to reply to- I am working on it, I'm a little overladen in life atm. I haven't forgotten about you :)
10 yrs ago
Aaand back.
10 yrs ago
ALERT- I'm going AFK for a week, anyone that sees this on here, I won't be about to respond, this is to both 1x1s/RPs.


I've RP'd for the best part of over 14 years now here on the Guild, and particularly like military settings, both contemporary, past and near future. I have even dabbled in a little more experimental RPs, as well as created a plethora of 1x1s over my time in the guild. I like creating RPs with a distinct flavour- and often shift between narrative-led RPs to semi-randomised plots.

I'm pretty flexible and try and get back to people on ideas and responses, but sometimes, I may become very busy and it will take some time till I am un-busy- though I always come back!

Most Recent Posts

Gonna try and post tonight - apologies for the delay.
Bumpity bump :)
Okay all- given there's lots going on I've made a Discord OOC chat! I've PM'd it to everyone.

This should be a bit more live and provide a bit more bullet-point responses beyond the OOC content above as we're ticking along really nicely.

The op we're on will have probably another round of posts and I'll be putting some more exposition in- I feel it's ticked along nicely and soon we'll get to see the threat escalate a little. Good fun.
Sorry for the delay guys- I had to think that post over a little as I wanted to sow a bit more discord in. It's not something to immediately jump on, but just something to play on our characters minds a little as the plot grows.
The scene was disintergrating, fast, and Sean and Bethan both felt the same about how unhinged Melani was being. It was one pull of a finger away from turning dirty, making their Mexican Standoff look almost ordinary in this situation, watching Hayden nearly get stabbed and impaled on a pound-shop piece of metal. The more Bethan watched the more he watched as Hayden seemed to be falling apart, unafraid of dying, unafraid of letting go. Something she'd seen earlier, that fire in his eyes. Like a lack of control was in there, and it worried her. He was capable, no doubt all the shit he'd done was legitimate. But he'd sold his soul to the devil too long ago, and it was gone. Shit, she was feeling the same in this hellhole, Melani now calming down as Bethan looked only to Yekatarina and following her move, not Sean in that moment, a mutual look.

The gang leader explained the job, and the two Brits stayed quiet, listening throughout. It wasn't a lot of money, hell, it was nothing much compared to their last, but it was an in. But this couldn't continue. Sean made a mental note, and didn't say anything stupid. The girl had hung up bodies in here. He had no intention of joining them, as arrogant as he could be, he knew she was batshit insane and if this was the good person in this situation, she didn't want to learn what it would turn into if they were up against Malkia. Nodding in agreement, Sean made sure he made a mental note to make an exit strategy before they ended up way in over their heads here.

Leaving the building, Sean and Bethan didn't hestiate either to agree with Yekatarina, now out of earshot, the former replying first to Yekatarina's shock.
"Well, we're in the heart of darkness now, girl. More skin on offer in there than a whorehouse. Nuke it from space, yeah?" Sean only said to her, a wry fucked up smirk on his face, trying to almost comparmentalise the situation by not staying in horror, but making what any squaddie would do in that situation - call it for the insanity it was. Bethan sighed in response, not taking that same tack, looking across at the map and quickly figuring out the situation and what they needed to do. The suggestion of pairs rung out to her as well- she knew who she'd rather work with.

"Pairs sounds like a plan, Kat. I checked mine, looks like it's fine for now. I suggest we hide our weapons, me and Kat get headcoverings on, Sean and Hayden find a vehicle in the neighborhood to steal and create a distraction while we get some intel, gives us transport outside of SAMC's provision too so when we need to we can get out of here if the situation goes downhill. We can find out where he's based, what his crews do, and then go back. Should be enough for Melani to act on." Bethan replied, her reasoned approach rebutted quickly by Sean, who had seen something the others hadn't perhaps noticed.


"Hold the fuck on. We're getting paid five diamonds. I know it's an intel job, but we just paid 20 to go steal a truck. I'm not saying we're being lowballed, but there's no guarantee we've just been shit up by Victor here, surely?" Sean's comment was horror to Bethan, who was now even further from believing it had any shred of reality left in him after today's incidents.

"What, you've got ideas now? Shit, here we go..."

"We're being paid five fucking diamonds. She's paying us a pittance to go deal with some warlord who would gut us worse than those poor bastards in her house. And if Malkia's a threat, then he can't be alone, I bet you he's got support if he's putting up a fight. No doubt that Victor wants them dead because well....COGS are helping them...and this is the easiest way to get at them. Seems rather fuckin' logical?"

"What, we try and go our own way...against a guy that just gave us a lead up into SAMC's leadership? Oh fuck, and the guys that shot us earlier, Sean? Some psycho warlord who is paranoid as shit isn't going to kill us on sight, you don't think? Fuck, the price of stupid goes up ten dollars a barrel and I'm going to drill a hole in your fucking head at this rate." She replied, almost flabergasted at the thought, totally in disbelief that he would even think that through- he was suggesting playing with even more fire than they had already.

"They're both gangsters playing each side. Way I see it, law of the jungle, everyone's a fucking psycho and they're hoping we stay on side. There's no loyalty here, and this gets us nowhere but loyal to Victor. Which may I remind you if you didn't so fucking noticed, Victor's doing this outside of SAMC's remit to make a point. If he pisses it up, he's dead meat. Malkia on the other hand, might reward the intel we have and give us an idea of who his contact is in COGS. They don't know us personally after all, and in exchange for a favour, we get closer. Then we can find and whack this Hyena bastard and get out of here. Not sure about you, but this place is hardly five stars."

"Sean, WE are dead fucking meat if we do that. You cannot be serious." Bethan looked over in Yekatarina's direction after, hoping she agreed in the least, that her partner was being ridiculous at this point- for her, a veteran medic it just seemed out of order to break from that line of control. Whatever his fucked up mind had in play was clearly willing to play the sides, but with that came the risks involved.

"I'm not saying we do it. I'm saying we think about it. Staying loyal to Victor is going to last us so long, Hayden, you must agree, right? Just remember that when Melani has us hanging by meathooks and Victor is smiling when he realises he could abuse some Westerners for nothing. The guy has plenty of diamonds and clearly wants to be a bigshot, and that road is gonna run out sometime. I've seen fuckers like them. Bigger they are, harder they fall. There's no single way up the chain here, way things work here, you beg, borrow or steal to get somewhere." Sean added, sighing, checking his shitty mobile over, then turning back to Bethan.

"Fine. Let's try your plan. Hayden, I guess we can go find a Hilux or something to go steal. We need wheels, gives us more of a chance later. Yekatarina, Beth, if you find out what you can and call us, we'll go from there. If you need help, we'll join in. Try not to get shot at though, yeah?" Sean relented, knowing that even if he had a point, it was probably best not to go with it yet. But the thought was out there now, and he knew that if there was another job that paid as badly as this, Sean was going to reconsider the arrangement here if they weren't getting anywhere and were being put in harm's way.


The scene outside in the winding road upward into the mountain in the green wooded valley was chaotic to say the least, dead helicopters, squads and anything else being pciked paart.

Black Flag had one last card left to play, however. They had what appeared to be a couple of Pandur IFVs coming up the hill with 20mm autocannons and ATGM missiles attached, the eight-wheeled Austrian IFVs packing a serious amount of firepower, and a cutting edge piece of equipment. This wasn't a shitty BMP, this was something that was well armed, and both were even equipped with Trophy Systems- so would need to be taken down through other means than firing an RPG at it, but with bullets or something ele. The lights would be relatively underequipped to take on that fight, but they did have one thing up their sleeve- between both Su-Cheong and Howard, they'd be virtually unknown to the enemy and in a place where they could intercept it.

There was about a squad's worth of troops to deal with too. But if the IFVs reached the base, they'd encircle the heavies.

"Copy, Dollface, Lasanga. There's gonna be more coming. Go finish the job." Skye simply replied to them, the Scot moving forwards as Mazi and Ban cleared the forward area.


@Jamesyco@Laser Kiwi

The scene in the hangar and at the front of the base was also a maelstrom to say the least, and the fire and ballistic damage to Black Flag's heavily armoured troops were getting ripped to pieces. Laura now was going further into the hangar, and had the last remennants to clear, the flamer moving around past the containers and starting the fire again, a squad unfortunately in her path as she roasted them alive, another throwing an RPG near her as her Trophy didn't even pick it up and it went flying past her big side, the suited pyro then burning that soldier alive to show her appreciation. It was hardly Geneva Convention stuff, but hey, who was regulating this facility anyway? When the rules were broken, every one of the others seemed to join it.

Taking rounds always felt odd, as she lobbed a couple of incendiaries over a container and omminously walked over, the large German then setting fire to that area, the last little pocket in here driven out as another soldier got a solid bead on her and unloaded his AK into her helplessly, Laura only making sure it was quick. She didn't really think about it much, there was so much fire after all, the smell of home-brew sticky napalm was delicious, an addictive, aromatic fragrance that now lined the entire place, perhaps a little too much. Bullets were a point, fire had none apart from destroying all it touched.

With that, Laura heard the call from the other Heavy, trying to take down the helicopters.

"No eyes on...wait, Tiny Nord, did you go up the mountain?"

The last Lynx came around and with a hail of Hydra rockets managed to blast the area near the top, exposing itself but unloading a small shit-ton of munitions near him. Likely with the intent of realising if they couldn't find the .50 cal minigun firing on them that it was best to take down the whole slope. It wouldn't have been where Howard was on another face, but it would have riled him, that was for sure, as the rockets blasted apart the snowpack and rockface to create a small avalanche.

Laura could see through her tactical link just where he was, and watching the massive pile of snow, debris and crap coming down right at the front of the hangar- not enough to block it but enough to cover a good portion was something she prayed he wasn't in. He was way too hot for that, not in the pyro sense but the...other sense?

"Tiny Nord...you better not be getting buried up there, or else I'm gonna have to put my fat ass in that snow and find you, how copy!?" Laura seemed almost a little sarcastic more than anything else. More likely than not he'd avoided it, but if he hadn't killed that heli, she was gonna be up against more with Thirteen in support.

"Queen, Big Bertha has cleared the hangar out of anything else left. Recomend you use the corridors to leave, lots of fire here, and I can feel the heat in this thing and uhh, it is sweaty as fu..."

"Donnae' give us details, Bertha. Nicely done. You three secure that area, and help the lights down the valley below. We're nearly done here. Let's get it done." Skye replied, watching ahead as they carried on moving, slowly and tactically through the corridors into the main area itself.



The soldiers that Mateo was no doubt worried about did make their way over, moving in, and it was something that Skye responded to, guessing Jaguar had gone ahead and sliced his way inside. Now he was there, no doubt he would see the scale of the operation here, row after row of servers deep inside a dark, secured room. A timeclock meant the data couldn't be removed without destroying it, and that clock was counting down into minutes now, nor hours. Raven had turned up at the exact moment they were thinking they'd get it- a specific choice to catch them off-guard through a hasty assault.

But the soldiers were there to destroy it, and find out who the hell had breached their defenses. Infiltrators were something they knew of, but perhaps not just how capable Jaguar would be.

"Copy, Jaguar. If you're in, get ready for more of them to come, the system says it doesn't have long at all to go. The system is on a timelock, and the moment it goes, they are going to try and start stealing drives directly rather than copying the data. Or, they're going to try and blow the place to kingdom come - and more likely than not they'll try and figure out what EM signals you got. Go radio silent, and do what you need to do. We'll see you shortly." Skye called out, as they came up to the beginning of the next room, and she got herself ready for it.

Jaguar had always been reliable- like Su-Cheong, infiltrators were like gold-dust when handled correctly, and she knew his history had been one of dealing with corruption and evil that seemed to never stop. Perhaps he found a reliability in Skye, and she found the same in him, able to stalk and rip apart defenses like there was no tomorrow.



A hail of bullets around the corner that Skye peeked made it clear they weren't welcome, Skye tutting as she almost felt inconvenienced, looking back to the other two.
"Typical welcome." Almost with an annoyance, she had a look at the concrete wall to bound something off of, and quickly formulated how to clear the admin room- a larger room than the smaller ones in the corridors with more specific offices. This one seemed larger, and was the last room before another door headed through to the server rooms, a route that Jaguar wouldn't have taken.
"Alright, Wolf, you're on the left, Shimura, you're on right. There's a direct route to the server room through here...I'll keep moving, you two shore it up." Skye mde it seem easy, but given the rounds still flying, the red-haired Scot seemed calm and precise under pressure. She'd done this before. And while an assault on this scale might have seemed out of the ordinary,

With a Flashbang lobbed at the wall opposite them, leaving almost a mark in the wall from how hard she'd thrown it, the echoing concrete bounded it back to them, but it was enough to suppress for a moment and give the assault team a chance to charge in.

Going past overturned tables Skye had the chance to unload with the AA-12, blasting a cluster of Black Flag militants, knowing Shimura would be a blur and already moving forwards, and Mazi would be snipping out anyone on the left quickly and relentlessly. Skye herself was fluid as ever, leaping right behind a desk as rounds flew all over the place, using the AA-12 to pepper the room with suppressing fire, knowing the other two would clean up the other side of the larger room. The soldiers they were up against weren't badly trained so were using cover and had body armour, making them of course more difficult to kill, but still, they would bleed. And Skye knew that full well, moving from cover to cover from a table to a concrete pillar, the AA-12 barking into wooden barricades they'd made and blasting apart holes that Mazi could more likely than not shoot cleanly through, that and dropping any hostile that was in their way.

Jesus, if Laura was in here, it'd be 500 degrees with all the nice furniture, and more likely than not, an absolute logistic mess to clean up afterwards. That and speed was key, in here, an armoured giant would be too heavy a liability to risk compared to three faster and more agile operatives.

"Fucking have at 'ye!" Skye yelled out, her rare anger surfacing as she reloaded her mag, taking a minute to reposition herself and allow the others to push the flanks, while she stood firm feeling the fire blast around their side of the room.
Awesome round of posts all! I'll be posting soon, her things moving :)

Mine should come tonight, it's been a rough few days my end
Bumpity bump! Hope everyone's enjoyed the weekend, there's no post order so post away as you wish :)
Character List:

Team Lead:

Skye Rosalind Lyons - Queen - FourtyTwo


Kim Su-Cheong - Dollface - VeyrinDay

Mateo Saceda - Jaguar - Theyra

Howard Davis - Lasanga -BigPapaBelial


Mazi Zamiyr - Grey Wolf - Gunther

Ban Kingo - Shimura - BigPapaBelial


Tylar Lee - Thirteen - Laser Kiwi

Oliver Black - Tiny Nord - Jamesyco

Laura Zeiss - Big Bertha - FourtyTwo
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