The Lyons Roar
Skye gave the go signal, and like a symphonic orchestra coming to life, the entire scene erupted. The hack from Xan and Sam, the sniper fire from Stafford, the weight of Freya in the back and the other DPV following with the two hackers and heavy aboard made it all as intense as could be.
"All ops, let's raise hell!"
Her call was simple as, as Skye looked across to Michelle, or Hornet right by her side. So far, nothing had been given to her yet, but that was all about to change.
"No problems, Hornet. Just doing what we do best. Pick up targets as best as you can, I'll bloody show them a hiding or two so follow on my lead, and don't stop. We're on security while Jaguar gets our docs, and Ogre prevents the bad guys getting their hands on some wee plutonium. You know, the usual!"
Skye's accent came back with the slight tinge of rage, yet light-hearted now she was back in her element, now fully engaged whilst sending it through another dune, the suspension clattering as she looked across at the mech, and drove directly around, bullets flying now.
Skye flanked the rusty ship, the mech and rods being the domain of the other DPV. For Skye's group, they were on the duty of distraction, and taking down the more specialist teams on the flank of the site. The comms hack had given Skye a perfect chance to listen in- no HVTs sadly, but the material was exactly what they were targeting. The only issue was, there was a lot more inside the ship- and while the bulk of the weapons had left, the rods hadn't yet. So it was all to play for, in getting the big thing that mattered. Getting comms and the EW advantage was going to play nicely- any AT systems were going to be moot, and most of all, Skye knew where the enemy was clustered. She was going to make them feel that.
With Freya launching herself out, Skye watched as she took some heat, but still, Skye could hear bullets flying, and even with the bravado of the heavy making an entry, and nearly tipping their DPV over in the process, they could still get after it.
"Hornet, bail out, ASAP! Trust me!"
Skye yelled out, as she put a smirk on her face, turning in a skid a little, and with that, unclipping herself from the harness of the buggy.
Throwing the DPV in neutral, Skye sat up in the driver's seat and brought her MG3 into hand and using the exo, ejector-seated herself out, letting it roll forward without her in it, and yet allowing herself to get the jump on the team right in front who wouldn't have the reflexes to point up. Skye had previously been only able to use her exo in a more linear fashion, but right now, she seemed almost like a ballerina in it, coiling and flipping over, and more importantly, pulling her trigger.
"Fucking ey!"
Skye yelled, the Scottish team lead now going into her own red haze, knowing she had nothing to think of. The team below quickly got filled with lead as she clattered into sand, leaping up onto a container and skidding along the metal, yelling as she filled another soldier with rounds, rolling down off of it and watching the carnage unfold.
"Team, grab those rods, and get tae fuck, that mech needs to go and that Hind too! I don't care in which order you do it, but let's sort this! Hornet, follow me up onto the ship and pick off any stragglers from above with your rifle- Jaguar, I'm coming up on you shortly. I'm gonna sort the innards of that ship out, and make the bastards come find out how done I am with their bullshit. They have plenty inside...oh, and thanks for the patch in, hackers."
Skye called out, hearing the helicopter rumble closer and closer, and Skye for one, did not want to be out in the open when that thing came around. She moved from container to container, avoiding fire and knew that Freya would soon collect it herself- that said, the ship's top needed to be cleared, and she had a fast way up.
With a leap of her exo's jump jet, she jumped up onto the deck of the ship from the sandy soil, flanking another group of soldiers laying fire down onto Freya and the rest of the team, sliding into cover as she came about, lobbing a frag cluster over the container she hid behind and moving round the other side. One thing had to be said- Skye seemed to almost be dancing, this fast-moving, hard hitting ball of energy that seemed to just read and breathe the firefight back, and that was what she did, the MG3's silly fire rate allowing her to spray rounds inaccurately, yet broadly at anyone in their way as she moved, covering Hornet and really embracing the idea of pushing forwards. She'd taken a couple of rounds, but when you were fast moving and hard hitting, it was difficult to get a round onto them. Especially if you were Skye Lyons, and the normally cheerful team-mum now had vanished into a relentless, unstoppable shooter that unlike a heavy, could almost gracefully bounce across the warzone and let loose.
Another exo-suited operative lept up onto the ship in pursuit, and Skye didn't need to even take much time as she let him come up from above, already aware that while he might have had the toy, he didn't know how to use it all to his best, and Skye barely had to react much to his presence. A gentle jolt and the suit threw her own exo upwards, Skye clattering into him and with a gentle twist, kicking him straight into another container, the empty shipping container itself being jolted a moment by how hard he went into it, as she landed back down with an uncomfortable roll.
"Always trying to get the jump on me, try that again, ya' wee bastard! Hornet, pick off the exo soldiers from up top with your rifle, they're like fucking wasps but we're better!"
Skye yelled, looking onto Hornet and giving her a nod, as she continued on, knowing she had to regroup with Jaguar, and more importantly, clear the innards of the ship out while Freya incinerated the others outside, and the rest of the team were on the duty of grabbing the fuel rods, taking the mech down and taking the helicopter down, among the littony of other jobs they had.
Running along the deck, she found a gap in the containers rusted out and dropped down, rolling as she landed inside the sand-filled hull of the ship, flicking her thermal imaging down as she found the stealth operative, hard at work and cloaked up. She'd seen him through her feed, and knew he had been up to all sorts in finding paperwork, data and all sorts inside. Nothing to analyse now, but for later, it would be very useful indeed.
"Got you there, Jaguar. Nice find on what you have so far. I'll take the fire, just flank and maneuverer around. These bastards have a fair chunk of body armour, so if you're putting rounds down range, pick the head and double tap." Skye commented to him, the Scot adjusting her glasses as she kept her goggles down in the dark of the ship's hull, moving around the corner and aware that any enemies would know she was here, but not Mateo. And no doubt that would come in handy, as she moved through the hall of rusted containers, slow now and listening out.
A few squads were moving, so she moved to the side of a set of containers, and with a spring, lept forwards knowing Mateo would likely be able to shoot from cover while cloaked, Skye moving over the pile and back to her dance. A burst of the MG3 and no kevlar was going to stop what she had on tap, clattering the group as an exo-clad soldier lept back over and ran down onto Skye, where he lept onto Skye's position faster than even she could react from above. With a turn, Skye felt him try to kick for the head and sprayed his G36 around her- before she could take those rounds, Skye ducked and rolled despite getting kicked directly by him, charging back at him with her MG3 pointed directly into his chest, and bursting away as she pushed him against a container. Exos were tough, but not THAT good, making bolognaise of the situation that left a bit of claret over Skye. Pulling back, Skye sighed out, the glowing orange barrel of her machine gun telling all with splatter on her face. The redhead had inadvertently gotten her warpaint on, just not the kind she'd personally choose, but if anything, it just kept her rampage going.
"You're worse than fucking midges, I tell yous, Christ." Skye spat blood back, taking a moment to breathe, winded by being hit pretty hard but pushing down the pain in her ribs to keep going. There wasn't much ship left at all, as she heard the sound of an HMG spray into the containers ahead, making Skye dart back behind more solid cover, at least two containers thick, pulling a smoke grenade off her harness, and taking her own action.
The normal thing to do would be to ask Stafford to drop the HMG with a shot, but Skye wasn't stopping today. Besides, he had more important work to do covering the rest of the squad. Skye was here as a distraction, and right now, anything detracting from that wasn't in her favour. With a pop of smoke, the HMG sprayed wildly, but Skye took the widest angle she could, far from where she was before, and with one leap, was over the position, this time with her MG3 holstered back and her forged tactical knife in her right. With a slash, she slammed into the heavily armoured gunner and whisked the knife into the female gunner's neck, the MG3's burst fire in one hand going into her assistant in the little position that had been set up at the ship's split position, where daylight now came through and poured in. Breathing out, Skye looked around at the scene, knowing Freya and Ogre were no doubt collecting a hell of a kill count, but she was making it seem like there was one more inside. Nobody had been watching, not unless they were on her feed, but the amount of blood on her face that wasn't hers, and the carnage she'd caused was indicative. It was very easy to underestimate her, but when Skye was in her element, she didn't need to be afraid. There was a reason there were hushed stories about her. She got the job done, and always found her method in. Her team had helped her to do that, much like she'd pointed her team in the direction of fire and gotten half of the job done already, the majority of longwave comms dead and the shortwave now hit too making the enemy radio chatter nearly vanish. What seemed to most like an impossible job was just another Thursday. It was what quietly added to her legend- even without an exo, Skye was fast on her feet and knew how to flank, move and always get the drop, and know sometimes when to pick her own fight and save the support for elsewhere.
"Jaguar, you're clear. Might be a nice spot for some silenced shooting here. Team, can I get a status update on those rods?" Skye started, knowing the chain of orders was significant, but she had to ensure they were all on focus, and getting their tasks done. As nice as she was, in times like these, being direct and to the point got things clear, and she knew they knew she meant well. And at the moment, as dry as it felt just going in and taking down the deal, the game had changed when nuclear material was on the line.
"Frigga, clear up any remaining pockets, turn it to cinders. Glitch, Chaos, whatever the fuck you're doing, make us an exit strategy and sort the mech and the heli how you've got it lined up, ASAP. Stafford, pick up any other machine guns, armoured vehicles, snipe it out and pick off any stragglers or runners. Hornet, make sure Ogre's got no beef when he's grabbing those rods, and regroup on me. As soon as Ogre is clear with the materials, we're making fucking haste out of here!"
Skye barked out, stealth gone now completely and what was left was anarchy. She checked herself over, and dusting herself down, flicked her thermal goggles back off, knowing that the team would now have a clear shot to execute their plans- casually borrowing a mech, recovering nuclear rods, clearing up a mix of regular and exo-armed soldiers that were taking more than their fair share of hot lead today, and oh, an attack helicopter coming in hot and fast with an autocannon, rockets and missiles that would kill any single member of the team without issue.
Skye sucked on her water carrier a little, and only wished it was last night's whisky, because today was just getting more complicated by the second.