Avatar of FourtyTwo


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9 yrs ago
If there are RPs/PM's I need to reply to- I am working on it, I'm a little overladen in life atm. I haven't forgotten about you :)
10 yrs ago
Aaand back.
10 yrs ago
ALERT- I'm going AFK for a week, anyone that sees this on here, I won't be about to respond, this is to both 1x1s/RPs.


I've RP'd for the best part of over 14 years now here on the Guild, and particularly like military settings, both contemporary, past and near future. I have even dabbled in a little more experimental RPs, as well as created a plethora of 1x1s over my time in the guild. I like creating RPs with a distinct flavour- and often shift between narrative-led RPs to semi-randomised plots.

I'm pretty flexible and try and get back to people on ideas and responses, but sometimes, I may become very busy and it will take some time till I am un-busy- though I always come back!

Most Recent Posts

Sounds like the direction in the main to go back to base after- so I'll craft some stuff for later on. A couple more rounds till then so not too far to go!

It's all good, no sweat at all as RL comes first, always. We'll still be here when you want to jump back on :)
Nice posts so far people :) I've started brainstorming the next scenario out (I know, this RP moves fast!)

Due to the intensity of it, would people prefer after we wrap this up mission up (probably around my post that follows after my next one) and give a bit more time for R&R in Kaitiaki for the team to bond a bit more, or straight into another mission that is a bit of the opposite to this? (don't want to spoil it but it's a slow burning, Bond-esque social occasion for the team!)
Massive post coming in. This was meant to be two but I decided to make it one as I felt like we've rampaged well, but needs a spanner to really throw everyone a little. I wasn't kidding when I said I'd keep you on your toes- so rather than kill the mission entirely, we've got a little bit of a spicy end to it with the team turning assault into ambush.

For your next posts, wrap up the scheme you had going on up to now, regroup and play it into the next bit- getting ready for an ambush!

Formatting and fleshing out for Skye is a bit broke but will be fixed tomorrow evening or so but allows for responses in between!



The two hackers had gotten in close, and no doubt that only spelled carnage was going to play out- Sam dropping off the heavy of Asim and the pain in her ass of Xan to sort out the rods and mech respectively, whilst simultaneously fixing the SAM problem...not bad at all.

With a turn of the SAM platform, the missile flew off the rack of the platform that the other Sam had managed to hack into. That however, made the Hind bank out and dump flares, avoiding the first salvo, and before the second then flew out and actually scored a hit, the Hind's stray autocannon fire now ending and opening up the battlefield a bit more for everyone- now they could really go to town on even terms. Even with all of the advanced electronics, the team had fought their own fire with their own fire.

Meanwhile, the mech's pilot evisceration was every part as brutal as a high power uranium-tipped round would be, with Stafford doing his bit with Xan to sort that one out.
"Jesus, you redecorated that thing!" Skye chirped back at Stafford, seeing his scope view as she heard him ask for what next, knowing he was aiming directly at the Hind that had just in that moment, been struck by the missile.

"Chopper's down, so hold on that Stafford. Push in and help us clean up, there's a lot of bodies you'll need to take on. Glitch, take the mech and wipe anyone else out. If you can keep that thing running for longer than five minutes, we might be able to run some diagnostics off it...I want the data from that thing given we don't know precisely where it came from, and what the specs are." Skye retorted, knowing it would have probably stolen his thunder, but he'd done a hell of a service with his rifle today. That mech was no longer a problem they had to deal with, and he was professional enough to know it was an opportunity for a pipe before charging in as cavalry.

"Chaos, sit tight there. Got your feed, you've got more moving near your position but I've got the flank on them. Don't let the bastards destroy it before we have a proper look." Skye replied, knowing she'd probably just made the Australian's day- no doubt that he'd enjoy that, while Sam would need to hold her finding till Skye arrived.


Skye was also now turning her attention to the fact that the ship was going to be a slightly more uncomfortable are to be, with the distant crack of canisters of tear gas giving Skye the initiative to get the fuck out of her position.

"Aye, let's get 'oot of here, Jaguar! Frigga, Ogre, you got plenty of hostiles coming out from the far end of the ship, there's a fucking horde of them, do your thing!" Skye knew that while the gas had gone into the far side of the shipwreck, the gas would gather quickly, and right now, she wanted to be nowhere near.

There were a lot of troops ahead and Skye knew she wasn't gonna get involved in that fight, or even raise any attention- as much as she was collecting bodies, today she didn't want to die and wanted the experts at pest control to do their gig- given they carried weaponry the size of her, and the Australian of the team now had a mech that would be able to probably help redecorate that part of the ship, leaving Frigga, Glitch and Ogre to it would be best. So Skye was out, and moving on the find she spotted in her glasses, where Chaos had headed to- hoping Hornet was following her lead.

Skye moved on Sam's position, going topside again on the ship with a leap and a double jump, avoiding the clusterfuck below that was about to untangle- like rats pushed out of a hiding hole, Skye was leaping a container and skidding on the far side of it, clipping a couple more soldiers with her MG3 on the deck as she headed towards Chaos's position, knowing that the American was probably about to take a lot more heat. With a fluid movement, Skye reached the edge of the ship, moving with intent and purpose, her never say die only getting warmed up as she looked down at the camo tarp, and the troops in and around Chaos. A little help was in order, but she wouldn't do all the work, given Chaos had that covered it looked like.

Using her Carl Gustav, Skye picked up the other two exo-armoured soldiers that were coming into position to start suppressing Sam, using a anti-personnel round to literally just blow up the container they were on, given the MG wouldn't get accurate enough from the range she was at. With that expended, Skye lept down, almost cartwheeling down as she used the exo and jump-jet built in to softly clatter into the ground right next to her, thudding with a gentle pat into the soft sand.

"Well, hello. You seem to have had some entertainment out here...and that's some fun bruising you're gonna have from that round, Chaos. Try not to get shot, ey?" Skye noted with a wry chuckle, knowing the American had gotten herself into a spot of bother, but seemed to be holding up somewhat, and her find was particularly interesting. The mark in Sam's ballistic plate was clear to see- nothing fatal, but that would have hurt, and no doubt, Sam was going be aching with it.

Skye herself had taken a couple of rounds, but it looked like none had breached her armour- or at least, she wasn't showing it given the sheer amount of adrenaline in her system and the fact that her body had gone through far worse. Not invincible, no, but the little niggles just poked the fact she was alive a little harder more than anything, that stubbornness just underpinning her character. Her ribs hurt from being kicked by a hydraulic ram of an exo, but then again, she'd done worse as she wiped some of the blood off her face, the brief interlude given their immediate area was clear allowing Skye to take a look inside the camo netting.

"Oh my word...that is quite the stash. Terrorist aliexpress really is getting impressive these days."
Skye added, looking through, it a pile of exoskeleton frames, advanced western weaponry, rocket launchers, and more than enough ammunition to supply two company's worth of troops with modern 5.56 and 6.8mm ammunition. Hell, even a BTR-90 was here, though missing a turret which was located next to it. This wasn't skinnies with AKs, this was a serious setup of equipment, and within the back of it, she could just about see the most concerning bit.

"That is a very copious amount of explosives at the back. PETN. And about a quarter of a tonne of it....which will make a very big boom, and not exactly shite we can leave in the wild. It's more than I'm safely comfortable managing. Detonating it with our own explosives is one thing or trying to make it safe with time is another. But I don't think we have that luxury. What we do have, is a drone with a large ordinance on it which can delete this. Delete the lot of it. But I think there's something far more concerning to look about all of this when we get back to base." Skye commented to Sam, the Scot sincere yet professional, sliding the MG3 onto her back, the unarmed team lead moving inside the camo netting, making sure to keep her sidearm close to hand to take a bit more of a look.

The red-headed Scot adjusted her helmet a little, her gloved hands showing the sign of wear from the MG3 and movement, with the blood at least now wiped off a little now she had a moment. Claret was never a good thing to have, you know, professional image and all that to maintain, well, most of the time Skye thought to herself. She moved with a certain confidence, even despite being shot at, it seemed to her like another day out in the field, doing what she did best. It was strange- the enigma of her was one that certainly elicited respect, but under her blue eyes, you couldn't help but notice the wear that was always residual, like it never left. It wasn't PTSD, shit, she'd seen enough to make that run away in fear.

It was more the responsibility, the constant carrying of it that had gotten her to where she was, not wanting the easy option but taking the hard road wherever she could find it. Maybe it had worked well for her, but in another way, Skye Lyons was not someone who knew fully how to turn off. Family wasn't something she thought of, beyond the team she had, and the luxuries of life were just a comma inbetween the job. It was what made life a little more tangible for her, it felt like her place in the universe made sense doing this. A workoholic special forces mum, now, that was something of an enigma, and that one looked across to the American, unable to see her face through the visor, Skye's features visible beyond her bloodied cheek and blue buff.

"Keep an eye out for me would you?" Skye commented to Sam with a sincere nod, knowing that as unlikely as it was they would get visitors, she didn't want any surprises. Skye's direct manner wasn't meant to offend- well, she knew it did sometimes, but more to the point, it just kept people on track, and left little ambiguity. That came after a few more drinks, after all.

Going in, she took a couple of swabs of the PETN, and of the weapons too using another set of swabs she was carrying, taking footage through her tactical glasses, and recording the inventory of the pile for the post-mission briefing. It wasn't anything spectacular, but the intel haul on this was good. Enough to at least build a picture of who funded Artemis, who they were buying from, what they were involved in, and their capabilities. Oh yeah, and make sure they couldn't make yellow cake, the kind that tasted the literal opposite of lemon drizzle.

As seen, Raven had already done a number on them, and before that, other missions they had taken the fight to them in had gone their way. But this escalation wasn't good. So far they'd been in front. What happened when they fell behind and they had even more gear? Skye didn't want to dwell on that too heavily, because after all, they had to leave.

Leaving the netting, Skye brought her MG3 back into hands, looking across to the DPV, then across to Sam.
"Alright then lass, drive us back to the rest of the crew. All callsigns, clean up your sectors, and regroup at the position I've pinged to your display once you're done wasting these wankers."
Skye added to the team, clambering into the back of the DPV, MG3 at the ready, as she looked back over to the American, the Scot wiping the remainder of the blood off her face, for a moment, knowing that as strange as a time as it was to admit it, this would be a good opportunity.
"You held up well today, Sam, nicely hacked. I'm shipping you and Xander, mind. I haven't seen him this excited to work with someone since...well, about a month ago." Skye giggled as she spoke directly to her, adjusting her position in the seat, sighing as she knew that she always would find a chirp for her team, not every day, but when it was needed most.



With the clean up of the base nearly complete, all hostiles were about to be out of commission, or running. Short of a smash and grab, what would be a bad day for most special forces teams had turned into an utter hit piece against the Artemis deal. The other troops looked mostly Kazakh in ethnicity, perhaps some gangster outfit from the fact most of them weren't armoured, but there wasn't much left. There were not HVTs that Skye could see from the bodies- this truly was a grey deal, just a simple set up of shop, swap, and leave. Didn't explain the Hind, nor the mech, nor the exos of Artemis's mercs and various militants being more than capable of being a pain in her ass. That would come in the post-mission analysis she would have to undertake, and while this mission had been a relatively simple one, it wasn't over till they were back in the Osprey and homeward bound.

With both DPVs back at the rally point, near where the mech had been prior at the cracked opening of the ship, Skye had the chance to call in her commander, her comms line currently separated to the team.

"Oracle, we've secured what appears to be some fissile material, looks like it's plutonium rods from a Soviet sub. Found a fairly big weapons cache of some advanced kit, I've got photos, swabs and a nice cache of intel. Plenty for us to look at. Requesting drone on station to come and clean up a significant cache I've marked on the AR for destruction. Significant volume of PETN, guns and all sorts that don't tickle my fancy." Skye called out, like it was a takeaway order or something. Nothing too unsettling, even if Skye felt that deep down.

"Affirmative, Queen. Head to OP Delta, extract will be there in 20 minutes. Don't keep them waiting, drone's inbound." Oracle called back, Skye nodding to the invisible handler, the redhead putting hand to ear again.

"Roger that, Oracle."
Skye with that jumped off the DPV's side rail, keeping an ear, about to call the team to get in the vehicles and leave, the words almost leaving her mouth before her comms barked into life.

"Break, break, drone's gone offline, repeat, drone has gone out of link! Get your asses out of there!" Oracle's usual calm breaking completely, Skye stopped dead, in a manner the team hadn't seen so far from her yet.

"Shit! Bomb drone's been hacked, everyone, fucking run and split!" Skye didn't have the time or words to explain what it meant as she yelled to the others, but the team would know that from earlier, the drone that had been loitering and carrying a significant munition was now going to be out of control. And not in the hands of someone safe, either. There was only one outcome if that was the case, and it wasn't that Artemis was stealing the drone as a part-exchange for the plutonium that the team had stolen.

With that, Skye picked her angle, and with pelt, got running. The DPVs were more of a liability than it was worth, so too was the mech- they wouldn't start and get them out in the time they had, because that drone was going to be 20 seconds out in the munition hitting, and no Trophy System even on the mech meant it wasn't going to hold that thing. Glitch and Chaos weren't going to get control of that drone easy- and at best, they weren't going to be able to stop where it was going. Unable to fire the missile attached, Skye could see the propeller-based drone dive out of the sky and come into view, and only had one option in her mind. Don't fucking stop moving and dive for cover.

The drone whistled in, and thankfully, hadn't honed in on the team- instead aiming for the DPVs and the mech where they had stood 20 seconds ago, be it thanks to pure luck or shit hacking with a lag, Skye didn't know, but she'd ran her quarter and knew that the GBU-27 that was attached was now going to be set to do the damage they had wanted elsewhere, at another time, right here, right now.

The explosion was significant, blowing up the ship's fore entirely with remarkable destructive power and sending shrapnel flying and the mech into pieces with a secondary blast, with the explosion entirely throwing Skye off her feet as she dove into sand, aware that she had run the shallowest angle compared to the rest, who could at least run towards a dune for cover. Still, nothing had hit her apart from the percussive impact of the shockwave knocking almost all of the air from her lungs, the explosion mushrooming into the sky with a weapons cache inside the ship going up, shaking the ground and lighting the dawn chorus with a bright light.


It Wasn't Over

Coughing a little as she looked back at it from being thrown in the soft sand that had taken much of the impact, Skye took a moment to sit back up, and her audio barked in once again.

"Queen, you breathing? How copy, Queen?!" Oracle's comms chirped into her headset, the comms broken but clear enough for her to react, coughing sand as she looked around, dazed and a little confused.

"Just about! What the high wain fuck was that?" Skye crawled up, her exo helping but her body trembling, the adrenaline rush coursing out and in, with her face an almost splattered mix of dirt and blood, completely removing any humanity that seemed to be left from her pretty face, her glasses playing up a little too and coming off fairly immediately.

"I've got multiple armoured signatures inbound to your location, looks like six to eight IFVs about four kilometers out to the west...break.....comms and any networked electronics on the line is likely to be compromised too...and we don't have any further assets on line....going onto radio silence until we know the encryption's back. Hold tight." Oracle called out, and Skye swore, the only reaction it deserved.

"Bollocks! Affirmative...." Skye looked to the rest of the team, just hoping they were holding together- and for a brief moment, even the Scot looked bemused as to what the fuck was going on. A million thoughts were in her head...was this a trap, an opportune moment to bag them, or just pure happenstance? It didn't matter right now. The decisions made were going to decide if they were going to all get clapped or live, and given there was a number of infantry fighting vehicles, equipped with autocannons coming in on the ship and cleaning house. Oh yes, and they were in the middle of the desert, with limited anti-tank, and already depleted as is with ammo, weapons and their armour.

Even by Skye's high standards of bad days, this ranked pretty highly.

With it being bleak as it is, Skye killed the team's networked electronics where she had access, including her display connecting to the team, and almost everything else bar the team's shortwave comms and exos, encrypted thankfully to a different frequency and from what she could tell of her arm's display, not currently frazzled by a cyberattack. It was strange as hell, but whatever it was, they'd surged something- this wasn't someone pulling strings, this was someone crudely trying to do as much damage as they could. Which didn't help her understanding of the situation, in fact, this was getting weirder by the moment. So she was effectively blind now to her team's actions, but she could still talk and move, and more importantly, frag the bastards delaying their return home.

Chaos and Glitch's hacking was going to be offline now too, their stolen mech was dead as was their two DPVs, and a significant amount of the ship had been removed from existence into shrapnel but remarkably, the weapons cache that Chaos and Queen had gotten to hadn't been blown up, located next to the intact part of the ship's aft. Of course it was.

In spite of the fact they were now very much screwed, it was time to put things back into their hand. Skye wasn't backing down today, as she dusted herself off, and looked across to the others, knowing they'd probably be asking as many questions as she was right now. There was no point talking to Oracle- the line was dead, and until the mysterious commander had restored that connection, right now, Raven Squad was on their own against whatever was about to be thrown at them. If they could destroy the counter attack, they could improvise something to get out, or at least await an alternative. Hell, even stealing an IFV was half an option, but survival came first when in a crisis like this.

"We all still alive? Christ, that was close....we're not done yet. We're going to get a counterattack come our way, armoured no less with a platoon's worth of IFVs coming our way. Likely to be highly armoured, autocannon carrying and full of infantry. They'll probably go for the front of the ship, try and secure the bomb site and anything else left."

"Shortwave comms is still secure, otherwise we'd have been hit by that cyber attack...if you have anything left that gives a long range signal, turn it off or else they're going to direct munitions on your wee fuckin' arse, first class. Oracle ain't getting us any goodies. We're on our own till we sort this out. Get yourselves patched up, and get some air in your lungs. We're gonna be busy."
Skye started, moving with a bit of a stagger, still a little shell shocked and feeling a little weaker, her energy sapped by the shockwave, but she knew she had to remain strong to direct the team. They had limited time, and were very up a creek without a paddle.

"Alright then, let's give it back to the wee bastards. I was sick of watching yous on feed anyway."

"Ogre, bury and tag the rods for now. You and Frigga need to hide in the intact end of the ship and come out only when they're right in front to take out the infantry, and go head on into the IFVs at point blank, and destroy any Trophy System or anti-missile systems they have, likely one or two has one for sure to help protect the cluster. That gives your various weapons systems the best chance to work and you can run at the bastards getting out, mortars, direct energy, anything to basically blast them open. I'll be with you above on the ship, so I'll cover your flanks from anyone trying to give you shit. If you can take the weapons out of one of them, see if you can make it spare to steal. Hornet, you're with me on top of that ship, see if you can grab any anti-tank, RPGs or anything that might be able to help us defend."

"Glitch, Chaos, I need you both to go to the weapons cache, I spied a few guided AT launchers in there...you can steal those and some LMGs, then find a position in the remains of the ship to defend from. We'll use those to ambush the IFVs masse when they get close and the Trophy Systems are dead. Bring spares, and we'll then decimate them. There's nothing you can do about that network- the hack's hit mine and Oracle's link, so we aren't going to be able to patch it locally and without that, we have no way out. Once our network's online, we need to keep any hackers off our patch and ideally, light their server up before they try again."

"Stafford, Jaguar, set up a sniper position south of the ship, and get ready to snipe off troops coming in. Cloaking and camo will be needed- you need to make them confused from your firing positions, more chaos the better when they're figuring out who's shooting. Your systems might be fine, but don't count on them entirely."
Skye looked across to the team, knowing all of them were weary, and likely very pissed off, but right now, they had no choice but to get this done, literally, it was do or die.

"We're going to let them come to us, so don't fire till they're close- I give us about five minutes till they arrive. They'll know we're here, but they just won't know where. Let's make them work for this arms deal in bits, aye? On my order, yous' can unleash hell, so let's show them some proper hospitality if they want to come visit, ey!" Skye yelled, getting them back into a positive frame of mind, knowing with tasks to complete, they were going to get through this.

Some team leads would have panicked, but Skye seemed to be a bastion of trust, knowing she believed in them as much as they would reflect it back. Their tech was fancy and gear was good, but now with what little they had, they were going to hold their own. And use their own weaponry against them, no less. Deep down, Skye knew she was weary, but the illusion had to remain. A good leader led with example, and enough fire to throw it back. She wasn't letting that die down, they'd have to try better than that.

There's some great comedy setup here all round here

"You've got red on you"
"You seem to have more, what did you do, vaporise someone?"
"I'd laugh more if I hadn't been sobbing from getting tear gassed"


Nice posts :)

Gonna try and settle a rhythm generally with an end of week IC post on Sunday to keep things pumping and keeping a rhythm (post length will vary though my end!)

With the sight of warfare raging, Natalie had the chance to lay down fire, laying waste to the barracks, the defences and all sorts, acting as a real anchor to the team, and allowing Ross and Vicky to push forwards, cover from Victor lacing up the IFVs and other armoured vehicles on the tarmac as they could get through the mesh fencing and towards the portacabins that were now getting blown and shredded apart. They were not stopping here, but the diversion would at least knock out a significant number of the Network forces that the combined forced were able to clap out, and it was a direct stop to the bunker complex, right on Thule AFB's footprint. Getting in there would be a hellish CQB fight- and no doubt one that would be relentless.

With the cover of Natalie and Victor, Ross and Jenny peeled to the side, Jenny laying down fire on a group of soldiers running out of one building, before charging in himself, swinging her AA-12 off her back and barging in. The shotgun made short work of kevlar-equipped enemies due to the flechette rounds she had packed, and even for hardened ceramic and dragonskin compounds, any exposed flesh was getting blasted. With a full auto drum, it left little to the imagination as she pushed through the prefab, an explosion opening the other side as Ross pelted M32 rounds into another one, blasting the structure apart and disintergrating it, dropping a machine gun squad laying out fire on Natalie. The latter Russian now was back on the move, and as an RPG flew through, her Trophy whipped it out of the sky, sending a shockwave through the
"Less looking more fighting! Blyat!" Natalie yelled out, charging in her armour and now letting the barrels cool as she pointed her arm at one of the other portacabins, and with a flick, sent the grapple flying, retracting and pulling half of it down as she yanked back, the motor screaming as it exposed another MG position that received fire from Ross's M32. It was a symphony in motion, as the snipers picked off runners, RPG fighters and other troops- Andrew sitting there and picking up soldiers with the .50 and watching the insanity play out below.

With the barracks now decimated, the team were approaching the start of the bunker complex, a large set of steel reinforced doors that had a couple of BRDMs defending it, the kind that Natalie could easily pick up. As Ross and Jenny ran for cover, Natalie sent hot .50 lead through them, blasting them apart and forcing them to detonate, rather than wasting AT munitions on them.
"Cordite, get us some more boom on this!" Natalie yelled into comms, seeing more of them come out at the front of the bunker complex, and even her armour was getting pelted, making her move away and towards a container, aware that Victor had cover fire to give- but here, they needed to soften them up.

The other defenders were firing everything back, and combined fire from the group quickly obliterated their barricade, which was followed by more munitions from the sky, one of the F35s on station dumping a JDAM straight into the entry following a lase from Cordite, and blasting apart the concrete even wider, and the reinforcements that had come out. It was quite the scene, as the jet screamed in danger close, a scene that no pilot would ever go for- but made damn sure that they could avoid any distant fire from AAA or SAM sites they were unaware of yet. Or simply because he didn't feel like they were in the action enough yet. Either way, the explosion was immense, and none other than Natalie was running directly into the smoke, straight into hell, even in spite of rounds.

Running forwards, she let the orange-hot minigun swing and drew her blade, hopping over sandbags like a roadbump to a car, and began to pick up on thermals a few stragglers, cutting down one, then another like they were made of paper mache, taking rounds in the process yet aware she was in the moment. It was a good one, to say the least, every single one of them honed on the mission at hand. That was, until the noise of whirring could be heard coming from the now demolished entry to the bunker, an entry that was about as wide as a road and had capacity for vehicle storage. That whirring was not good...it wasn't theirs, and it wasn't a tank, or anything like that.

The sight of the exos was enough to make Natalie quiver, knowing that while the forces they'd been slaying were well armoured, the two that were coming were as big as them, if not just as well equipped. Twin .50 cals, and plenty of tech of their own. It seemed like the Libyan they'd slayed in Afghanistan, or that heavy armour in China that Cordite once told them about. Whatever it was, the two of them had a match...and at a moment that they really didn't need.

"Get to cover! I've got the right one, Victor, go for the left mech!" Natalie yelled, throwing a smoke out in the front, and with sword in hand, knew that they really didn't have the time for this. The exo was going to make a dent in their own armour, but not before Natalie showed them the meaning of French hospitality, on the end of a pointy stick.
The Lyons Roar

Skye gave the go signal, and like a symphonic orchestra coming to life, the entire scene erupted. The hack from Xan and Sam, the sniper fire from Stafford, the weight of Freya in the back and the other DPV following with the two hackers and heavy aboard made it all as intense as could be.
"All ops, let's raise hell!"
Her call was simple as, as Skye looked across to Michelle, or Hornet right by her side. So far, nothing had been given to her yet, but that was all about to change.
"No problems, Hornet. Just doing what we do best. Pick up targets as best as you can, I'll bloody show them a hiding or two so follow on my lead, and don't stop. We're on security while Jaguar gets our docs, and Ogre prevents the bad guys getting their hands on some wee plutonium. You know, the usual!"
Skye's accent came back with the slight tinge of rage, yet light-hearted now she was back in her element, now fully engaged whilst sending it through another dune, the suspension clattering as she looked across at the mech, and drove directly around, bullets flying now.

Skye flanked the rusty ship, the mech and rods being the domain of the other DPV. For Skye's group, they were on the duty of distraction, and taking down the more specialist teams on the flank of the site. The comms hack had given Skye a perfect chance to listen in- no HVTs sadly, but the material was exactly what they were targeting. The only issue was, there was a lot more inside the ship- and while the bulk of the weapons had left, the rods hadn't yet. So it was all to play for, in getting the big thing that mattered. Getting comms and the EW advantage was going to play nicely- any AT systems were going to be moot, and most of all, Skye knew where the enemy was clustered. She was going to make them feel that.

With Freya launching herself out, Skye watched as she took some heat, but still, Skye could hear bullets flying, and even with the bravado of the heavy making an entry, and nearly tipping their DPV over in the process, they could still get after it.
"Hornet, bail out, ASAP! Trust me!"
Skye yelled out, as she put a smirk on her face, turning in a skid a little, and with that, unclipping herself from the harness of the buggy.

Throwing the DPV in neutral, Skye sat up in the driver's seat and brought her MG3 into hand and using the exo, ejector-seated herself out, letting it roll forward without her in it, and yet allowing herself to get the jump on the team right in front who wouldn't have the reflexes to point up. Skye had previously been only able to use her exo in a more linear fashion, but right now, she seemed almost like a ballerina in it, coiling and flipping over, and more importantly, pulling her trigger.
"Fucking ey!"
Skye yelled, the Scottish team lead now going into her own red haze, knowing she had nothing to think of. The team below quickly got filled with lead as she clattered into sand, leaping up onto a container and skidding along the metal, yelling as she filled another soldier with rounds, rolling down off of it and watching the carnage unfold.

"Team, grab those rods, and get tae fuck, that mech needs to go and that Hind too! I don't care in which order you do it, but let's sort this! Hornet, follow me up onto the ship and pick off any stragglers from above with your rifle- Jaguar, I'm coming up on you shortly. I'm gonna sort the innards of that ship out, and make the bastards come find out how done I am with their bullshit. They have plenty inside...oh, and thanks for the patch in, hackers."
Skye called out, hearing the helicopter rumble closer and closer, and Skye for one, did not want to be out in the open when that thing came around. She moved from container to container, avoiding fire and knew that Freya would soon collect it herself- that said, the ship's top needed to be cleared, and she had a fast way up.

With a leap of her exo's jump jet, she jumped up onto the deck of the ship from the sandy soil, flanking another group of soldiers laying fire down onto Freya and the rest of the team, sliding into cover as she came about, lobbing a frag cluster over the container she hid behind and moving round the other side. One thing had to be said- Skye seemed to almost be dancing, this fast-moving, hard hitting ball of energy that seemed to just read and breathe the firefight back, and that was what she did, the MG3's silly fire rate allowing her to spray rounds inaccurately, yet broadly at anyone in their way as she moved, covering Hornet and really embracing the idea of pushing forwards. She'd taken a couple of rounds, but when you were fast moving and hard hitting, it was difficult to get a round onto them. Especially if you were Skye Lyons, and the normally cheerful team-mum now had vanished into a relentless, unstoppable shooter that unlike a heavy, could almost gracefully bounce across the warzone and let loose.

Another exo-suited operative lept up onto the ship in pursuit, and Skye didn't need to even take much time as she let him come up from above, already aware that while he might have had the toy, he didn't know how to use it all to his best, and Skye barely had to react much to his presence. A gentle jolt and the suit threw her own exo upwards, Skye clattering into him and with a gentle twist, kicking him straight into another container, the empty shipping container itself being jolted a moment by how hard he went into it, as she landed back down with an uncomfortable roll.
"Always trying to get the jump on me, try that again, ya' wee bastard! Hornet, pick off the exo soldiers from up top with your rifle, they're like fucking wasps but we're better!"
Skye yelled, looking onto Hornet and giving her a nod, as she continued on, knowing she had to regroup with Jaguar, and more importantly, clear the innards of the ship out while Freya incinerated the others outside, and the rest of the team were on the duty of grabbing the fuel rods, taking the mech down and taking the helicopter down, among the littony of other jobs they had.

Running along the deck, she found a gap in the containers rusted out and dropped down, rolling as she landed inside the sand-filled hull of the ship, flicking her thermal imaging down as she found the stealth operative, hard at work and cloaked up. She'd seen him through her feed, and knew he had been up to all sorts in finding paperwork, data and all sorts inside. Nothing to analyse now, but for later, it would be very useful indeed.

"Got you there, Jaguar. Nice find on what you have so far. I'll take the fire, just flank and maneuverer around. These bastards have a fair chunk of body armour, so if you're putting rounds down range, pick the head and double tap." Skye commented to him, the Scot adjusting her glasses as she kept her goggles down in the dark of the ship's hull, moving around the corner and aware that any enemies would know she was here, but not Mateo. And no doubt that would come in handy, as she moved through the hall of rusted containers, slow now and listening out.

A few squads were moving, so she moved to the side of a set of containers, and with a spring, lept forwards knowing Mateo would likely be able to shoot from cover while cloaked, Skye moving over the pile and back to her dance. A burst of the MG3 and no kevlar was going to stop what she had on tap, clattering the group as an exo-clad soldier lept back over and ran down onto Skye, where he lept onto Skye's position faster than even she could react from above. With a turn, Skye felt him try to kick for the head and sprayed his G36 around her- before she could take those rounds, Skye ducked and rolled despite getting kicked directly by him, charging back at him with her MG3 pointed directly into his chest, and bursting away as she pushed him against a container. Exos were tough, but not THAT good, making bolognaise of the situation that left a bit of claret over Skye. Pulling back, Skye sighed out, the glowing orange barrel of her machine gun telling all with splatter on her face. The redhead had inadvertently gotten her warpaint on, just not the kind she'd personally choose, but if anything, it just kept her rampage going.

"You're worse than fucking midges, I tell yous, Christ." Skye spat blood back, taking a moment to breathe, winded by being hit pretty hard but pushing down the pain in her ribs to keep going. There wasn't much ship left at all, as she heard the sound of an HMG spray into the containers ahead, making Skye dart back behind more solid cover, at least two containers thick, pulling a smoke grenade off her harness, and taking her own action.

The normal thing to do would be to ask Stafford to drop the HMG with a shot, but Skye wasn't stopping today. Besides, he had more important work to do covering the rest of the squad. Skye was here as a distraction, and right now, anything detracting from that wasn't in her favour. With a pop of smoke, the HMG sprayed wildly, but Skye took the widest angle she could, far from where she was before, and with one leap, was over the position, this time with her MG3 holstered back and her forged tactical knife in her right. With a slash, she slammed into the heavily armoured gunner and whisked the knife into the female gunner's neck, the MG3's burst fire in one hand going into her assistant in the little position that had been set up at the ship's split position, where daylight now came through and poured in. Breathing out, Skye looked around at the scene, knowing Freya and Ogre were no doubt collecting a hell of a kill count, but she was making it seem like there was one more inside. Nobody had been watching, not unless they were on her feed, but the amount of blood on her face that wasn't hers, and the carnage she'd caused was indicative. It was very easy to underestimate her, but when Skye was in her element, she didn't need to be afraid. There was a reason there were hushed stories about her. She got the job done, and always found her method in. Her team had helped her to do that, much like she'd pointed her team in the direction of fire and gotten half of the job done already, the majority of longwave comms dead and the shortwave now hit too making the enemy radio chatter nearly vanish. What seemed to most like an impossible job was just another Thursday. It was what quietly added to her legend- even without an exo, Skye was fast on her feet and knew how to flank, move and always get the drop, and know sometimes when to pick her own fight and save the support for elsewhere.

"Jaguar, you're clear. Might be a nice spot for some silenced shooting here. Team, can I get a status update on those rods?" Skye started, knowing the chain of orders was significant, but she had to ensure they were all on focus, and getting their tasks done. As nice as she was, in times like these, being direct and to the point got things clear, and she knew they knew she meant well. And at the moment, as dry as it felt just going in and taking down the deal, the game had changed when nuclear material was on the line.
"Frigga, clear up any remaining pockets, turn it to cinders. Glitch, Chaos, whatever the fuck you're doing, make us an exit strategy and sort the mech and the heli how you've got it lined up, ASAP. Stafford, pick up any other machine guns, armoured vehicles, snipe it out and pick off any stragglers or runners. Hornet, make sure Ogre's got no beef when he's grabbing those rods, and regroup on me. As soon as Ogre is clear with the materials, we're making fucking haste out of here!"

Skye barked out, stealth gone now completely and what was left was anarchy. She checked herself over, and dusting herself down, flicked her thermal goggles back off, knowing that the team would now have a clear shot to execute their plans- casually borrowing a mech, recovering nuclear rods, clearing up a mix of regular and exo-armed soldiers that were taking more than their fair share of hot lead today, and oh, an attack helicopter coming in hot and fast with an autocannon, rockets and missiles that would kill any single member of the team without issue.

Skye sucked on her water carrier a little, and only wished it was last night's whisky, because today was just getting more complicated by the second.

Post is coming up shortly! I said it'd be short, but once again, curiosity got me :)

EDIT: Had a lot of fun writing that one. Part of Skye's fluidity is down to decisions made by the team so it gives her the ability to go as freely as she does- and basically low-key run absolutely riot! There's a setup out of a couple of scenes in there, but more or less, next post round lets you run with the schemes you setup in the first bit, and indulge in some chaos. Don't worry, Artemis has more to give than exoskeleton equipped soldiers, attack helicopters, mechs and all sorts but that is to come :)
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