Skye Rosalind Lyons
Social Butterfly

The atmosphere was certainly getting busier, as more guests came in, the sleek wooden floor getting more busy as the team were getting caught up, one by one. From Freya tangling up with the guard, Carl keeping watch over the rest, Xan serving drinks, Sam breaking and entering, and well, the others doing what she hoped was their little part to play, Skye kept her own attention turned to the fact this was business, not pleasure. Though the sight of Xander with a tray of drinks, including champagne, as she took the glass, sliding the keycard under.
"Why, thank you...Henry." Skye replied back to the waiter, the incognito Australian fitting in just perfectly. The handoff was slick as anything, the pass sliding across under the other like it was barely a thing, the two proficient at their craft. They had to be, because any slip-ups here meant it was certainly going to hell.
"You seem to be a rather dashing waiter, out of all of them. I'd say you'd almost have a knack for it." Skye added, giggling, making it out she was flirting with him as she walked up to his ear, her height allowing her to just lean in and peck him on the neck, then whisper up in his ear:
"Pavel's behind you. Leave me to this one." She whispered to Xan, using the chance to look over and see him.
And there he was, Pavel Andros, talking to two other businessmen, the late 30-something tech billionaire exactly the depiction of wealth you could imagine. Smart casual with a shirt that on the surface looked not that expensive, but in reality, was in the thousands of dollars, with a watch to match, and sunglasses on his temple that followed. A sharp look in his eye and obviously some physical training at the gym, but one that of course, just masked the nerd underneath. He was a weasel trying to play at being a big man.
Looking back into his eyes, Skye gave a wry blush and left him with that, walking across to the bar, champagne glass in hand and one keycard lighter. The piano playing away, the soft tones filling the void between conversation, it was a rather classy place to be. The redhead certainly felt the part, her presence unlike her usual warhawk self, in this instance, smooth and easygoing, like she was a part of this. A chameleon, moving like any of the bastards she didn't like did.
With that interaction, she kept her ear out, hearing Sam's voice call in her ear, knowing she'd already started her way in but being unable to respond. After taking a separate entry, Sam was headed down into the gutter of the offices, and had gotten her kit, as well as already getting into the cameras. Not bad at all, considering everything- and well, making her moves. No doubt Michelle would be following Sam down into the gutters, the master thief so quiet Skye sometimes forgot how quiet she was in these situations. Alas, you let professionals do their thing, and they got results. Skye knew that all too well in her own method.
While unable to reply just yet, Skye looked back over to Freya, Carl, Jamie and Geza, the sight of them getting together and interacting on certainly enough to turn the heads of the party. Including guards. But not Skye's, as she took her champagne and sipped it down, the red-head, red-dressed Scot moving towards the group, glass in hand. There were security around, but well, it was free-flowing. They were talking all kinds of tech, as Pavel cut away from the group, Skye watching as she knew she'd missed this chance. That was because the twat had something to say, heading towards a raised podium across the floor, where one of his lackeys held a microphone, hooked up to the speaker system of the place. The vibe died suddenly as the speaker kicked in, the pianist finishing his piece, anticipating as the man on the platform put mic to lips.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we thank you for coming to our party tonight, and hope you are enjoying your time! We hope you enjoyed your free drinks, and that the music is to your liking, please give it up for James Nicholls on the piano! And now, for a special speaker, the Chief Executive Officer of Vale Systems, Pavel Andros!" The suited man stepped down as Pavel emerged from the group of suited men he was talking to, the small crowd applauding as he took the microphone, hand up, waving to the group, this corporate little bit of hand waving inevitable. Of course there was something like this.
"Thank you, thank you Christopher! Hello all, once again, thank you for coming and taking the time out of your busy schedules, but I know many of you will have been on our journey as key investors. So many faces I recognise, so many people working to make the world a better place, and without you, we change the world. Vale has been recording record share prices this year, and through my leadership, where would we be?!" Pavel started, the crowd chuckling to his more likely than not, sarcasm that was probably really how he saw himself.
"We have been at the cutting edge of technology for over ten years, and our time in Singapore has been one we have seen particular growth in our design and sustainability sectors, through engagement with the local market. Our journey has proven that we can disrupt the market, and do things better, cleaner, faster. From cutting edge solutions in electronics and computing, to our proven record in ore to chipset management, we have proven that the future is Vale."
"But most of all, I wanted to take this opportunity to say to you now, that your trust in Vale's values is one I take to heart, and it's why I take the opportunity to announce our investments in our new, large-scale, Vale Systems, World Engineering team. For too long, we have suffered the effects of climate change and resource scarcity. No more. Our Ferrovia One project starting later this year in the Canary Islands is on the front line against our changing climate, stabilising and bringing frequent rain back to North Africa and Spain after years of drought, and with our new satellites, we are finding new deposits of rare earth minerals that will better humankind and allow us to optimise the way we find, mine and manage our vulnerable resources, making Vale a market leader. We are investing in AI systems to help us fix the big problems, the challenges of the world through connected, linked systems for major infrastructure providers. "
The bit people didn't mention, or at least, if you were somewhat read up enough was that Pavel was full of shit. Ferrovia-One was an overhyped idea of hybrid iron fertilisation blended with wind, solar and seed fertilisation for clouds- and was incredibly inconsistent as an idea. Incredibly risky even, and even national governments had an issue with it in dealing with multiple heatwaves, and given it was being funded to protect agricultural interests, was rather closed in on a certain problem of other companies Vale worked with. So too was the satellites, that bit in particular, Skye knew something was sneaky there. And the AI? Shit, he was getting his claws inside the system. Not because he was with Artemis as a goon, but no doubt, it would be rather handy.
The crowd took it in, but deep inside, Skye had her concerns- sure, it was noble, but once again, overpromise, lie, and turn the wheel. Oh, what a guy.
"We are delivering the future of that world you once dreamed about, today, and we have natural computation models that are years ahead of the curve. We have invested in computational power that now makes us a market leader, and we are putting that to use, while generating record growth, return and achievement. And I thank you for your investment, because you're with us on this journey to make a better world."
"You can all sleep easy that you may be drinking champagne, but you are all making real change. So please, enjoy yourselves, and enjoy your evening with Vale. Thank you, once again for coming, and thank you for your support."
Pavel finished to the crowd's applause, stepping down from the platform after drinking it in, the crowd calming down and back to their conversations.
After Pavel's little speech, Skye knew he would be swamped. So she gave it a little while, finding a corner to drink her champagne in, before looking back to Xander, then back at Pavel. In time, she'd make her move, as the team went through the site.
Skye had the chance in the interim to chat with other guests, keeping up her façade, aware that right now she needed to move off that whole idea of a bodyguard, and well, someone who fitted in here. She was a ghost, and no doubt, she'd have a fair amount of bullshit to get through, but if you believed your story well enough, it worked. As Sam would have seen, this place was full of well to do businessmen, Vale employees, execs and directors, even a couple of Sheikhs, but worse than that, well, Andreas Tejador. Shit. That one wasn't part of the plan, but then again, he was milling around the rest. She adjusted her frequency, picking up Mateo. She'd seen him come in, and mingle a little himself before likely going downstairs to join Sam on the servers.
"Mateo, recommend you don't come back up. There's one of the Tejador boys up here. Looks like he's out of the way, but don't get tied into anything. Stay focussed on the task at hand. We'll sort him another day." Skye commented calmly, out of earshot and mumbling into her comms, before recentring herself, looking around, and then finding Pavel once again. Right by the side of a bar, under a little porch area, and right for the taking. She had to hope Mateo had his wits on him- he'd figured it out no doubt the sort of crowd that was here, and she hoped he trusted her enough with her word. There were bigger fish to fry, and Skye was very aware she was depending on a lot of trust here to get this done.
It was a strange place to be. Skye knew that the themes that Pavel had touched on were the very real problems that many wanted answers for. Inequality, climate change, all noble things to try and fix. Even she had to admit, some of it felt needed. But the encroachment of that world on politics, the order of things, it felt like it was in the tipping point. Artemis was chaotic and fuck, they weren't eco-terrorists, they just wanted carnage. And to make money, which just felt at odds with Pavel, and what he was doing. If they were tied up, then Skye's concern was more significant than that. They were up to something in the end, and while Skye knew how close previous groups like Artemis had come before in establishing a new world order, or straight up destroying the world as they knew it, just bombing things felt like a misdirection for a greater play. One that needed some answers.
With a sly move through the crowd, Skye came up through, seeing Pavel just about finish up with one group, making her way through, seductive as ever, her Scots accent sticking. There was relatively little in the way of guards, now that Freya had most of their attention, leaving a only a couple of bodyguards in the close vicinity.
"Pavel, that was an excellent speech, aye, no' bad at all. I think we met last year, back in....Dubai, I recall?" Skye introduced herself, knowing full well that well, rubbing ego was the way to go. When you were working on social engineering, you became an echo, and slowly, but surely, you crept in. It was confidence trickery- you made them believe you, get in close, then bam, get them. You play a very specific game, Skye said to herself. This wasn't like trying to convince someone in her team to work, no, this was getting inside his head without losing your own. Making rapport, getting confidence, and then in exactly the right moment, making them do what you want.
The fact she was also a redhead in a red dress, and rather ripe for the taking was always a thing. Pavel was a serial womaniser, suppressed enough by an army of lawyers to make sure nothing ever got out, and while his business mind would tick, Skye's mere presence would start it away. A sultry-toned Scot, her voice like a Highland breeze just being enhanced by the champagne she'd been drinking. She looked every part of the elegance she was, and Pavels' heart rate only increased, even in his confusion.
"Maybe? I am not sure, but thank you. Sorry, who are you again?" Pavel replied, turning his head across, Skye standing at the same height at him, and no doubt catching him off guard, her charm back on again.
"Skye Caldwell, freelance consultant. Used to work for Jottunheim a while back, but doing my own thing...we met while I worked there. I heard a lot about your own work on superconductors, so just had to meet the man who's big in the game for them again, we chatted a bit about it last time?"
Skye remarked, back to her usual game. There was a way to play social engineering off, and she was experienced enough a field operative to know how to do it. Her stoicism paired with a little ability to play naive, be someone she wasn't could come out to full effect.
"Really? I had some run in with your old boss....she is quite the character, hey? Talk about dominating the could make someone want to get out there." He smugly remarked, not giving anything away, but oh, Skye knew it all in the here and now, and played along.
"Yes, you could say that....I was in her R&D team, a while back. Needed my own thing after a while. But your business is certainly doing well. The industry turned their heads after your work in South Korea on their new Maglev line."
Skye started, making sure she could tap into that ego of his. It got him good, that was for sure, the Eastern European accent of Pavel broken up with the Greek Cypriot and predominantly Americanised, Silicon Valley exec tone he held.
"It did very well, yes. You know, I don't think I'd get anyone who knew superconductors here. Tell me, where was Freya up to?"
Skye had him in. Oh, but she didn't know much, but well, this was what she had gambled on a little. That initial confidence, curiosity would just keep digging.
"Well....NDAs and all that, but she was doing some very interesting tests. I can't say, but near room-temperature superconductors for coil and electromagnet systems. Really interesting. The industry will be certainly changing again when that stuff gets to market, including your material sciences program and engineering consultancy." Skye knew a little jargon, she'd gone in prepared, well, enough to hold her own here.
"Well...whatever NDA it is, I'm sure I could pay off her lawyers. That is, if you were willing to discuss a little more?" His business brain turned, because well, that instantly got something going, as he leaned in close, a little too close. Fuck, he was a freak. But of course he was, with his history and Skye looking the way she did, the athleticism rather than sheer muscles making her look like she was just some runner of some description while out at the party. He got in close, eyeing up Skye, already giving her absolute creep vibes. It felt odd, he wasn't obviously attracted to her like the 20 year old girls he probably courted, but hell, even this felt weird. Skye had dealt with worse, but hey, you did what you did to keep their attention, as Pavel put a hand on hers, Skye slowly pulling back as she replied.
"Uhhh....we get on well. In fact, as an old colleague, and she invited me too.....shit, I wasn't sure about this. Feels bad. But...I guess I kind of made most of it happen. So thought you might be partial to it. Though if anything, purely because I'm looking for work..." Skye played that fiddle rather well, the other one that didn't have strings and was quite small. Pavel had strict orders to his team to not let in anyone else beyond Freya to this party, given their past run in, but right now, this was too interesting. Skye knew that she had to risk it with that, but it gained trust, and established that well...maybe she was smarter than she seemed. Unluckily for Pavel, this was working nicely.
"You don't need to worry with me. It is more than consulting makes, yes? I get it, you're worried about trade secrets you worked on, and you sound honest. Come on, let's grab a drink and talk more. I'm rather interested in what you have to say, and make some introductions. Dave Harris there, Director of Materials Science there would love to..." He started, Skye putting her hand up, shaking her head knowing this had to be contained- the guy across the other side of the bar couldn't join. Not for their chat.
"Oh no, that's ok. Look....if it's alright, I don't want anyone to know. I'd prefer if we could talk about it in private. " Skye added, pulling out a document from her handbag, sliding it in front. This was a bad time to realise it, but she'd....borrowed? Borrow, yes, borrowed, one of Freya's documents. And it looked like one of the composites that Freya had gotten from Vale, albeit modified, in a way that no doubt, would raise some eyebrows. A glance from Pavel confirmed it was the real deal, well, passing enough to look like something confidential.
"Interesting. Why pick this party, Skye? You could have just gone to Dave if you were looking for work, and look, he knows..." She had him now. Hook was in,
"Because any other way gets me sued to oblivion by her. And this got me in. I know what Freya does to people could we grab a quiet spot downstairs instead? I'm not sure how else this works, without the two of you killing each other, and she is over there, your security looks like they've got a handle on her. It's not something I can do easy. Then we can get the contract drawn up with lawyers tomorrow morning, and get back to this party." Skye astutely responded, knowing this was tapping into all of it. She was making it clear she wasn't stupid- no, she got this full well, right when it mattered.
The history with Freya, and the others. In a way that suggested she knew the rumours, and yet was on Pavel's side, with a goldmine of something he wouldn't be able to turn down. That and for him, it was a spot of revenge. Skye knew how to get inside people's heads, and very expertly, knew she could make Pavel see things in a particular way. No matter how clever he was, no doubt he'd made his own hole and right now, Skye was giving him the option to be clever about it. That, and well, her charm had burnt through the remainder of his defence, leaving him fixed on her, and wanting only that time. She knew what she was doing, Skye very much aware while she wasn't some casanova, she was honeypotting him quite well.
"You have my interest. Fine. You don't mind if Alexei comes with me?" Pavel suggested, looking over his shoulder, the bald-headed guard coming through.
"Sure." Skye replied, letting it sink in.
Ahh fuck. He may not have been as big as the giant Freya was currently holding up, but he was at least 6"8, and an absolute beefcake. There was no way in hell that the pepper spray would work on him. The sleeping agent would basically be like trying to use it on a bear, and the acid, maybe that would hurt a little. Which left the other tools. And putting them together. Finding a way to do that would be tricky, but it would get her the seclusion she needed.
With that, the three broke from the crowd, and heading down to another set of stairs, headed down, into the offices. Where they were going, Skye wasn't too sure, but she made sure Freya had seen them going, as well as Xan. They were headed down to a meeting room from the mumbling Skye heard Pavel call to Alexei, and the Scot only hoped they weren't going to get into the way of the others.