Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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Aight, well... We only really need @TheUnknowable to move before I can update, so.

Yeah. A post would be appreciated.
Shokuhou Misaki

Misaki let out a deep sigh as she looked at the figures in the distance, well aware now that her voice had likely not reached them in the least. That was an issue, obviously, considering the fact that the entire road was now torn up like an earthquake or something of the sort had run through it. In other words, if she didn't get to them fast, they were apt to do something even more compromising.

The downside to that, of course, was that she would have to run.

By the time she had reached them, Misaki was already half-exhausted despite the distance traveled and, as a result, ended up leaning against a nearby wall for support.

"You two... Do realize... That police investigations... Have already happened... About the explosions near the Imperial Gardens?" she asked through ragged breaths as she looked at the two. "You two... Stand out like sore thumbs. You're probably going to... Need to lay low a while..."

Once she had said that, though, Misaki leaned her back against the wall and only now attempted to normalize her heart rate.

"Clothes. You need new clothes, for sure. I wouldn't suppose you have the money on you for that?"

Hinanawi Tenshi

Tenshi furrowed her brows as she launched another barrage of rocks at... Well, whatever these weird things were. She wasn't confused about the black dust any more--at least that was fairly obvious after a few moments on thought in the middle of fighting these things. No, instead, the Celestial was more confused by how their numbers seems to never really dwindle. For every one that died, it felt as if two followed...

Or, well, that had been the case until that Nanoha girl decided to level a good section of the city block to deal with the horde of enemies. Tenshi couldn't help but be reminded of that time she fought that nuclear hell raven, collateral damage and all. The question about where all these things came from, though, was still left in the air.

Once the dust and smoke cleared, Tenshi flew into the air and looked around for anything that might have survived their combined onslaught. It took a few moments, though, to see that a few new groups of the enemies were already arriving. The constant white flashes of light from one of the location closest to Tenshi piqued her curiosity, and so she flew over to check it out.

The source, it seemed, was another one of those 'cellphone' things. Every time it flashed, another one of those oddly colored enemies would pop out and begin to march towards where she had just come from.

So, logically, Tenshi simply flew down and stomped on it. The object went down with little resistance, and after firing a few rocks at the enemies from behind, the Celestial picked up the scrap metal the phone had become and flew back to the rest of the group.

"Hey, it seems like these are the source of our current problem," she stated, casually tossing the destroyed phone on the ground before readying her blade once more. "You can find the rest, right?"

It would not be long after the three had moved ahead that they would find the source of the problem--a giant moving blob of sludge, its green coloration invoking ideas of a certain Pokemon (but with far less apparent intelligence). The thing seemed to slowly be inching forwards--for what purpose, though, was still up in the air.

Regardless, the thing still had not noticed them, or so it seemed. It simply continued to move forward, oblivious to the world around it.

The soldier took a few steps back after handing off the earpiece, and though he did have an odd look on his face as the young man in front of him attempted to speak directly into the object as opposed to bring it up to his ear.

"Hello? I am Captain Yamazaki Mamoru of the JSDF," the voice on the other end of the line spoke. "My subordinate here tells me that you aren't... From this time, so to speak? Could I please ask for your name?"

Leonardo Watch

The spectacle that followed Leo's ability was on par with any flashy finisher that he had seen from Libra in the past; the giant meteor, Youmu pulling that giant slash on the enemy, Klaus using his usual techniques...

Honestly, the weirdest part about all this wasn't them or the dragons—it was the fact that there was someone in a mechanized suit straight out of a comic book flying around. Even in Hellsalem's Lot there had been no such technology. Or, well, not that he had seen or remembered as of late, at the very least.

The wyvern that had been engaged on by the two melee users had died fairly quickly following their attacks, the skull still intact (though with one rather large cut through one of them and a giant hole right above), and its body was not simply lying there on the cracked asphalt. The other, as had been noted, had been burnt to near-complete ashes. There were a few scales and pieces of hide that managed to survive, by some miracle or another, though much of the body was indeed gone.

The young man breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the corpse of the wyvern, a smile on his face now that the problem had been handled without much apparent trouble. The only problem now, of course, was that they didn't exactly have the funds from Libra to pay for the repairs...

Nor did they have any way of really... Trying to hide now that there were news helicopters above their heads. It was almost guaranteed that the entire scene had been recorded, and now that all their faces were on live TV...

"...Hey, Klaus..." Leo began, walking up to his superior and nervously rubbing the back of his head. "You wouldn't, by any chance, know how we can, uh... Explain this in a pre-Great Collapse New York, right...?"

The sound of police sirens (probably from the police that were waiting a distance away after getting thrown around by the monsters from earlier) was quickly converging on them, and more fighting or running wasn't exactly something that Leo wanted to deal with right now.

Of course, the police that had arrived to see the whole scene could only really gape in shock at how fast it had gone down. After all, their shots had done nothing to the creatures, but these people...

"Ah. They're here."

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Dezuel@KoL@Rin@TheFake@TheUnknowable@Crusader Lord
Tiral quietly massaged his forehead as he listened to the fairy's comments, trying to resist the urge to flick the fairy's forehead as she continued on. It was astounding how ignorant such beings were, and though they had done nothing wrong, the mage-knight had hoped that whatever had brought them into existence would be so apt as to give them a little more than pure naivety.

Of course, that self-restraint soon burnt out as soon as he heard that the fairy was won over by a smile.

A smile.

And so he gave a calm smile towards the offending fairy before flicking her square in the forehead.

"Understand now, then, that people who talk with orcs are the kind of people who would hurt other, more well-intentioned people. Because of that lady, our Captain almost got killed by a blast of energy multiple times this one in scale," he stated, taking a deep breath before shaking his head. He was never one to associate with fairies, as they always ended up causing some problem or another no matter what happened. Indrau's line of questioning would undoubtedly be useful in the long run, but the mage was fairly certain that the culprit had begun talks of this matter long before today.

"Well, the past is the past. That flick should be enough punishment, and hopefully you listen to your friend next time. In any case, I'm going to go see if I can't obtain any information about the spellcaster who caused all of this," he stated, picking up a piece of still-smoldering debris before carefully looking at Indrau's sword. "When's the earliest you can get me a copy of that sigil on paper? While we've seen what this person can do firsthand, we need to understand what they're doing so we can counteract it on a larger scale. If possible, an idea of what it seemed to be composed of would also be quite useful. Catalysts are just as important in this scenario."

After all, a battle was often decided before it even began more often than not.
Shokuhou Misaki

The young woman simply stared blankly at her 'companions' flew off after the bird-like creatures, trying to understand how either of them thought that doing something so destructive was in any way a good idea. While she was also inclined to see those... Things die, to do so in such a flashy manner...

Wasn't that just going to defeat the purpose of her trying to stay undercover?

"...I guess I'll just have to stick with this for now," she sighed, internally bemoaning her bad luck as she walked off to follow behind. Running in this situation would only cause her to get winded, and so despite the insanity of this whole situation Misaki slowly walked through the mess that was gradually escalating in scale. There didn't seem to be anyone else at the MOMENT, of course, but that likely wouldn't remain the case for long.

"You do realize that you've painted a giant target on yourselves, right?" she called out after the two as the last of the corpses fell to the ground. Misaki couldn't help but scowl at the sight; mangled creatures were not something she was particularly wanted to see at all.

Hinanawi Tenshi

Tenshi couldn't help but raise an eye at the enemies that had gathered to surround them. They were, in essence, a bunch of technicolor blobs with vague shapes resembling slugs or people. They didn't look that intimidating; if anything, their appearances reminded her of fairies back in Gensokyo. But the fact that they didn't seem to react in the least to the warning shouted out by her peer meant that they either didn't care or couldn't understand.

Which, quite honestly, only left one real solution.

"Well, if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get!" the Celestial cried out as the enemies began to throw themselves at the group. In an instant, Tenshi launched a few rocks at what was in front of her, her brow furrowing as they seemed to simply dissipate after the impact.

"Eh? Seriously? Are they just really weird-looking fairies or something?"

The private within the van seemed as if she wanted to stop Eva from leaving, but in the end held herself back and let the vampire go off on her own trip. To be frank, if she was in the same situation she might do the same thing. But she wasn't, and she had a job to oversee, and thus she sat there in the vehicle.

Without that awful smell. Especially so.

"Could I please ask you to not try and kill each other right now?" she spoke into the built-in microphone, a concerned look on her face as she stared at Mordred. "There are bigger problems at hand, after all."

Whenever the group decided to enter the manhole, the first thing they would find (past the smell, of course) would be that the slime that was sporadically lying about the area outside now seemed to coat everything within the sewer: the walls, the floor, and even the ladder. Of course, the slime seemed to leave a trail down one direction and not the other, judging by the complete lack of slime from the other direction. The sound of something moving, at the very least, was coming through from where the trail was leading. In other words, whatever it was that had created it was certainly still close by.

There were a few moments of chatter between the soldiers in front of Inuyasha and whoever was on the other end of the line before the soldier (hesitantly) stepped forward and handed the earpiece to the half-youkai.

"Bring it to your ear. My superior wants to speak with you directly," he stated flatly, waiting for him to take the object in question.

Leonardo Watch

Leo's usual screaming could be heard as he gripped onto Youmu's ghost half for dear life. The speed he was moving at was beyond anything he was used to, and it was definitely comparable to Chain's own, if not faster.

She would probably get revenge on him for even thinking that, but that wasn't something to worry about for the moment.

The second that he and Youmu landed, though, Leo rolled over and seemed to just lie flat on his back to let his heart stabilize for a moment. Even though he lived in Hellsalem's Lot, being dragged at that high a speed was not any better for his health. A familiar voice, however, would give him more than enough reason to be happy.

"...Klaus? Is it really you, Klaus?" Leo asked, taking a few moments to process the situation before scrambling to his feet and turning to face his employer. "It is! A-anyways, I haven't seen anyone else from Li—Work! Right, I haven't seen anyone else here; it's just me and Sonic right now."

Of course, turning to face Klaus meant turning to look at the giant wyvern-dragon-thing blasting fire at his face. It would only be natural to try and assist him...

If there weren't another two people trying to order them all around to handle the situation in the first place. Leo wasn't fazed by the number of people from what were apparently multiple different genres of various sorts, at the very least, but so long as their efforts were unified against the monsters then their origins didn't really matter in the end.

As soon as Stark shot the flying wyvern in the eye, it roared in pain and immediately lost all capability of flight at that given moment. In an instant, the monster nosedived towards the ground and unceremoniously crashed into the asphalt, leaving a giant crater in its wake. It was stunned and in pain, but alive and most definitely still in fighting condition. At the very least, though, it seemed to be wounded from the blow in the first place and was now on the ground, so the attack could probably have been considered a pretty big success.

As soon as Leo saw that was the case, though, he bit his lips and stepped forward.

"I'm going to scramble their vision! Once they're reeling, hit them with everything you've got!" he cried out, opening his eyes and staring at the two wyverns. A pair of blue sigils immediately appeared in front of his All-Seeing Eyes of God, and two more sets soon appeared in front of those of the wyverns. It didn't take long for the one that was firing away at Klaus to stop at this sudden change of vision and begin to flail around in a desperate attempt to attack anyone who would come near.

Not that it mattered to this group, of course.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Dezuel@KoL@Rin@TheFake@TheUnknowable@Crusader Lord
Tiral nodded his head quietly as Indrau spoke, quietly clenching his fists as he stepped away from the tree stump. Such power, concentrated in a sigil of all things... There was no way around it, to be frank. Though he was apt to deal with magic on his own, something of this caliber was far too insane to take on with a small group of knights, much less alone.

The arrival of the fairies made Tiral's eye twitch for a moment, but luckily enough the fairies were not able to catch a glimpse of that in the least. A nuisance though they could be, the young mage was not so foolish as to turn down any possible leads from them.

"I would appreciate a sketch of whatever was engraved on the tree, Sir Indrau," he commented before turning to face the fairies. "And... May I ask, little ones, what you mean by 'dark lady'? She did fairly... Dangerous things to my friends, so I would like to hear if you have any way of finding her."
Shokuhou Misaki

Misaki stared blankly at the other girl as she rushed forward at the animal, trying to contemplate if she was too brave or too foolish for her own good. The answer, it seemed, was neither—in an instant, said girl had changed into a different (and more revealing) outfit before punching through the creature. The subsequent splatter of flesh and blood that came about as a result caused Misaki to duck back out of the alleyway to dodge the mess, only to peek back in a few moments later to see that the man that the thing had been eating a few moments ago was now perfectly uninjured.

There were questions to be asked, of course, but at the moment the spontaneous healing was less of an oddity than the spontaneous music number. There were a lot of things that could have been done, but...

"Singing? You—Really? A song?" she asked incredulously, trying to wrap her head around such a thing before sighing and checking the status of the man who was now covered in the blood and guts of the bird thing from earlier. "Hm... Well, his vitals seem to have stabilized. Not going to wake him up, though—it'd probably cause more harm than not."

The animals that were flying above head, though, immediately began to fly away once they saw that their feasting comrade had not only been blown to bits, but also because the one who had done so was now chasing after them like a bat out of hell.

Hinanawi Tenshi

Once the rest of the group arrived, Tenshi let her shoulders slacken a little before glancing around a bit more. The sheer amount of ash in the area was nothing but disconcerting, but that was only really painful combined with the lack of ambient noise, If anything, it was a good thing that they cleared out the area once they had discovered this scene, but...

"Mmm... Killed? As much as I don't like to admit it, that feels like the only answer here," she sighed, glancing around warily before turning to the two newcomers. "You two must be... Nanoha and Vita, no? My name is Tenshi. Hinanawi Tenshi. As for any sort of tracking... I'm sorry to say that you're asking the wrong person for that."

Nanoha's scan, however, would immediately pick up signs of movement—not of any life, obviously, but movement nonetheless. There were a few dots on the map for the moment, but the dots soon began to surround their current location and increase in density as they drew closer. For the moment, they remained out of sigh, but it was very clear that something was after them.

With everyone else having left the vehicle, the private poked her head out of the truck to look around at the area a bit more. The smell was multiple times as unbearable outside the vehicle as it was inside, and it didn't take long for her to regret her decision and roll the window back up.

"Well, I'll be waiting here for you four to explore the place. I don't want to deal with that stench at all right now," she said through the radio, shaking her head in disapproval.

The ooze, of course, was giving off a very powerful magical residue, and the trail only seemed to grow stronger the closer to the manhole it got—assuming anyone could sense it, of course.

Leonardo Watch

"E-eh? Ride? I mean, uh... If you say so, Ms. Konpaku," Leo said, carefully trying to figure out a way to get a hold of the young woman's ghost half before deciding that a straight hug was the best option. Just as it looked, the thing was fairly soft and malleable, but at least it wasn't hard to get a half-decent grip on the thing.

"Okay, I'm ready to go whenever you are!"

The pair of wyverns in the middle of Manhattan continued to flail about, and though one was now being bashed around by weapons of blood and lightning from the heavens, the other was seeing significantly less attention as it took to the skies. Seeing its mate being attacked, the beast roared and, deciding against attacking the large man in front of them, chose to attack the more-apparently dangerous young child that had fired the lightning just moments ago.
The other one, of course, took a few moments to recover from the shock it had just received before screeching and taking to the skies. Flying over the group's head, the wyvern quickly spat out fireballs at the large man (and, by proxy, the young woman near him) before soaring down in an attempt to pin him down and tear at him.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Dezuel@KoL@Rin@TheFake@TheUnknowable@Crusader Lord
Shokuhou Misaki

One the other young woman had dashed off, Misaki quickly moved to follow, sifting around in her bag for the right remote to use. Obviously, there were only so many to use when it came to addressing the need of "helping someone in trouble", but for the most part it wasn't as if she couldn't attempt to control whatever thug it was that was causing the problem.

Unless, of course, they ended up like that old man somehow and obtained immunity to her ability. In that case, well... The others could probably handle it.

The group didn't take long, of course, to trace the source of the noise to a dark alleyway. Misaki herself found such a setup somewhat typical, but at the very least the option of rubbing out the memories of any witnesses was an option.

"...elp... me..."

The same voice seemed to slowly cry out from further within the alleyway, but before Misaki could take another step forward, the ball of light that Ben had created shone a spotlight on the source: an eerie creature, its body hunched over what seemed to be the body of a somewhat-overweight middle-aged man lying near a bunch of empty bottles. The pungent smell of blood soon hit Misaki's nose, and the young woman recoiled in disgust.

"...elp... me..."
The creature, turning towards the group, parroted the same call that they had been hearing over and over before returning its focus to the meal in front of itself. Gritting her teeth, Misaki turned her remote towards the man and, praying that any such recoil wouldn't strain her mind, attempted to take control.

There was a faint response, but as the man seemed to be both heavily inebriated before this incident and was... Well, currently having his insides consumed, it wasn't as if she could do anything in particular... Except maybe dull the pain (assuming he still felt any). It was at this moment that Misaki noticed that there was something... Peculiar about what memories she had seen.

"...More than one? Oh, they're a pack animal?!" she involuntarily cried out, glancing up as a few more of the creatures seemed to circle overhead.

Her abilities were worthless on animals, so this was far more than she had bargained for.

@TheFake@Raineh Daze
Should be fine.

In any case, a quick update because this is mostly just... People gathering. Not much action to play out quite yet and all that.
Justin Tsao

The sudden surge in activity in the area caused Justin to snap out of his self-induced trance, and in turn faced the man who had come to question him first. It was an odd feeling, getting called out to in the first place, but if anything it was a feeling he'd (probably) get used to soon enough.

"Liam, was it? If you'll have me, I'll join up with you. If you don't mind me asking, though—"

Before he could continue the conversation, the sound of what... Felt like was a young girl seemed to echo through the place. Quite honestly, it was a miracle that anyone thought that such self-advertisement was a good idea, but as far as he knew there were all sorts of people in the city. To acknowledge the girl's efforts or not, though... That was a different story entirely.

"Hm. Well, I would assume that you have something in mind? If not, we could always merge with that incredibly socially awkward girl's group... Or something of the sort. I'll leave the choice to you; if there's a place you have in mind, though, feel free to lead the way. We're in no real rush right now, after all," the young man concluded, taking a sip of water before continuing to eat.
Shokuhou Misaki

Having found the paper money she was looking for (only a few thousand yen bills, sadly enough), the young blonde quickly readjusted her bag and placed the money in an easier-to-access location within before quietly following the other two, taking care to attempt to blend in as easily as she could. The streets were becoming less populated as time went on, likely as a partial result of the night growing deeper, but in the end the two remained on streets with enough people to warrant no issue.

Misaki stopped, of course, as the other girl seemed to have some sort of mental freakout upon reaching her "intended" destination. By this point, the amount of people in the area had thinned out, oddly enough; the only ones left on the street at this point were those two... And herself.

"Well, I guess I could've kept the charade up a bit longer, but micromanaging random people at this time of night seems fairly rude. Even for me," she sighed, brushing the dust off her skirt before taking a few steps forward. "I had figured you'd do something shady, but going after another young woman? Honestly, I'm not sure what I should make of you any more."

The silence of the road only made Misaki's statement all the more awkward, but seeing that the young woman beside the creepy old man was still staring into space like she was the witness to some unspeakable horror, the esper only shrugged her shoulders and sighed.

"I've seen that look before. Taking into account that outfit and dumbfounded reaction mixed with her method of getting here, though... I think I've pieced the issue together. Probably."

Though she was loathe to admit it, the old man that had kidnapped her a while ago was also probably one of the tickets to get her out of this mess. That didn't mean she wasn't going to try and not be sardonic about his actions, of course, but in the end she would... Probably need his cooperation one way or another.

Before she could attempt to move and bring the other girl back down to earth (so to speak), though, an odd noise seemed to pass by Misaki's ears. The street was all but silent, of course—save the faint sound of something. Shutting up for a moment, the young woman stopped in her tracks and tried to listen further; it wasn't rare for signals like this to be the precursor to something worse, of course.

"...elp me..."

"Oh. I don't like the sound of that," Misaki thought to herself, glancing around to try and find the source of the cry. She was no altruist like a certain spiky-haired boy was, of course, but something about this situation just didn't sit right with her.

Hinanawi Tenshi

Having polished off the peach that she was so casually snacking on, Tenshi got up from her seat and decided to dig around a bit more. There was a set of drawers off in another room that had a bunch of basic clothing, but compared to the outfit she was wearing they didn't feel as... Eye-catching, to say the least. Needless to say, she didn't bother changing her outfit out—at least, not yet. Despite the suggestion to go to sleep early, the Celestial wanted to explore the city more. Besides, if she wasn't tired, what point was there in trying to sleep? She'd only be wasting time she could have used otherwise, after all.

Deciding to take a quick shower before anything else, though, the young woman quickly doffed her outfit and washed herself. The warm water felt nice, at the very least, and the shampoo and soap had a pleasing aroma for what it was, but aside from that it wasn't anything to write home about. With that handled, Tenshi grabbed a towel and dried herself off before putting her old set of clothes back on.

Having taken enough of a break from being curious, Tenshi was about to head out the door and bother someone else before the sound of some sort of alarm went off. Freezing in place, the Celestial looked around and found the source to be a smart phone that had been put off to the side.

"O-oh. This. How was it supposed to be...?"

Picking the device up, Tenshi rotated the phone around before slowly sliding the green button off to the side, then putting the object to her ear (as she had remembered a few people doing earlier in the day).

"Hello? Are you there? I'm sorry to bother you all so soon after you settled in, but I need you to check some things out at the moment. Tenshi, Emilio, Vita, and Nanoha: I want you to investigate an incident further to the west. The location's been sent to you on a map; if you don't know the way, follow the latter two. Since you all can fly, we're skipping the escort.
Next: Eva, Mordred, Alberich, and Menomaru: we'll be sending a truck your way momentarily. Your destination's been marked to the southeast; you'll understand when you arrive. I'll be coming with the latter group, of course."

The voice on the other end was unfamiliar to Tenshi, but Nanoha and those with her at the time would likely recognize the voice as that of the female Private who had negotiated with them earlier.

With that, the message ended, and Tenshi cocked her head to the side in confusion as she looked at the device. It definitely seemed like something the kappa would produce, but so much... Simpler. She could probably figure out how to use it in the future, but before she could mess with it any further, the sudden popup of a map caused the Celestial to instinctively poke at it. The screen was now showing a map of the area, of course—far more abstract than she was used to, but a map nonetheless—and a red dot with radiating circles out somewhere off to the side. It didn't take a genius to piece two and to together, and so the young woman walked out of her room and quickly took flight.

"Hm... That lady said four names, didn't she? I recognize Emilio, but the other two... Well, i guess I'll see soon enough," she said, quickly flying around in a few circles and staring at the phone. It seemed to be pointing wherever she was facing, at least, which... made figuring things all the easier.

"...But honestly, I'm going to need someone helping me figure out how to use this thing later," she mumbled as she flew off towards the blinking dot on her screen.

Once she arrived, though, Tenshi was met with the sight of a few odd lumps of... Well, what seemed to be charcoal or something of the sort. Wrinkling her nose at the sight, the Celestial drew her blade and looked around warily. The place was cordoned off by police, but...

"What the heck caused this?"

As soon as Tenshi had left, a truck, as promised, pulled up in front of the building. The one driving, of course, was the Private who had sent the message in the first place, and she waited patiently for everyone she had asked for to get on.

"It'd have been nice if Mordred and Nanoha could come but... Mmm, orders!" she griped internally while waiting for the group to board.

Once they had, though, the truck would take off through the streets at a breakneck pace and, soon enough, reach another area marked off by the police. This one, however, seemed to be slathered in some sort of sludge. Private Minami immediately grabbed a cloth to put around her mouth to breathe in an attempt to filter out the smell.

"So, uh... Here we are. Apparently, some people saw whatever left this here go into... A manhole or something? The trail of sludge cuts off there, but it's too dangerous for us to send in normal personnel. I'll leave this one to you."

Leonardo Watch

With all the chaos of earlier having settled down, Leo finally decided to relax a little. After furtively asking if he could sit on the couch in the living room (the answer was yes), the young man turned on the TV, only to see news of Iron Man flying around the skies. Holding back the urge to let his eyes pop out of his skull, Leo pulled out his smartphone and, this time, asked if he could access the Wi-Fi here (once more, a yes). With no time to waste, Leo quickly began to fish through the news that he had missed in the last hour or so in the midst of that earlier chaos, only to notice that there was something new crowding out the Iron Man news—both on the TV and on his screen.

"Two giant unidentified objects have been spotted flying around the midtown Manhattan skyline. If you are in the area, do NOT approach. We repeat..."

The news showed pictures of two silhouettes that, to Leo, looked oddly like...

"Oi, hold on a second. Hold on."

The pictures that were all over Twitter right now were a pair of large wyvern-like creatures flying around the skyscrapers like they owned the place, occasionally with a shot of them in the middle of firing fireballs at the ground. A lot of messages were screaming about it being a publicity stunt for a new game that was announced, but...

"Um... Miss... Konpaku? I'm hesitant to ask, but... We should do something about this, right?"

The two creatures in question, of course, had just flown right above the heads of the two mages sitting within the Starbucks, one after the other, causing many of the previously-dumbstruck passersby to crowd into the building for safety. They didn't seem to be actively attacking anyone at first, by some miracle or another, but the two beasts quickly turned hostile as military personnel (moved over after the earlier incident near Rikers Island) began to fire their weapons at them. The bullets seemed to bounce off of their shells without much effect, and the two creatures soon took to the ground, both giving off an ear-shattering roar before rampaging through the barricade of cars (and the unlucky officers as well). To say it was utter chaos... Well, that might have been an understatement.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Dezuel@KoL@Rin@TheFake@TheUnknowable
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