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With the arrival of the Spring Festival in Avaria comes the 150th anniversary of the Elenti-Amaril Peace Treaty. These two nations, having been at each other's throats until the rise of Vana and its ruler, Emperor Valeyn. Tensions have never subsided between the two nations, however, and even now they remain on uneasy terms, their borders constantly patrolled. None of the three nations has made any major actions in recent years, though, and as the festival's preparations continue tales of espionage and mounting military forces only leads to more unease. Despite the lack of fighting in the last few decades, it is only a matter of time before everything collapses and this delicate balancing act gives way to war.

The World

Elenti is a nation build upon two things: agriculture and seafaring trade. Located on the northeastern section of Avaria, the Elentians have a tendency towards lightning raids and naval battles, as much of the nation's land is bordered by the ocean. The Phelo River cuts through the rest of the nation from the south, though, which fuels commerce throughout the lands as well as supplying the capital its major water source. To this end, the land is rich with funds, but the military is more fueled by numbers rather than quality.

Amaril, on the other hand, is a land more oriented towards defensive battles and siege warfare, a result of being situated near various forests and mountain ranges. The Amarilians are experts not only in sieges, but also in guerilla warfare. Seen as 'uncouth' and 'dishonorable' by the Elentians, the Amarilians have perfected this style of combat during the many offensives executed by the Elentians and still make use of today. They are expert archers and are hardy, which works well with the various livestock they raise on the mountains. They are primarily hunters, but do engage in trade in order to replace the plentiful metals found across their lands for more necessary goods, like food or complex manufactured goods.

Not much is known about Vana, though, other than the fact that it seemed to suddenly explode in power a few centuries ago out of nowhere and easily shoved the two aforementioned nations out of what is now their land. Valeyn, too, remains shrouded in mystery, as not even Vana's citizens have seen him in public.

No need for anything fancy at this point, so let's just get this show on the road.
@KoL@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR
Kumozaki Keisuke

"Loki's children... Wait, are you referring to Fenrir or whatever that thing's name was?" the Enforcer asked as he weaved through the undead in front of him, lopping off their heads with quick, clean cuts as he arrived at the newly-replaced gates of the town. "Ah, not even a day into the job and we're already talking about apocalyptic enemies..."

With a bit of a sigh, Keisuke moved to help Siegfried inside the town's walls as the onslaught of undead continued on. To say this wasn't just the slightest bit absurd would be a lie, but given what was to come, it would probably be the least of his worries in the near future.

"But even so... No clues on the Noble Phantasm? That does make it hard to prepare anything as a direct counter... Hm. It does seem likely that we'll simply have to catch that Servant off guard and simply push through with brute force, then. How unpleasant."

At this, Keisuke turned towards Siegfried, then up at the sky.

"These battles usually last until morning, correct? How much longer will the night last?" Keisuke asked, crossing his arms as he looked at the Saber. "Beyond that, how long do you believe it will be until you are combat-ready?"

Siegfried paused for a moment, staring at the sky in turn as the faintest of light could be seen shining over the horizon.

"It shouldn't last much longer than this, at least; the dawn is more or less upon us already, and those healing restoratives that Caster has prepared combined with my natural regeneration means that I should be able to fight again come nightfall."

Tomoe Gozen

Just as the morning sun began to rise over the horizon, Tomoe began to notice that the number of undead rising from the earth was gradually diminishing. It truly did seem like this was a matter of staving off the horde until night passed, a matter made quite simple by the reinforcement of Elizabeth's Noble Phantasm. Though she knew not of what Nero was planning for the moment, the Archer refused to let up the assault for even a moment as she continued to bring down undead after stray undead. Saber could deal with protecting Caster as she did... Whatever it was that she was doing with the lightning, after all, so it would be left to her to eliminate any stragglers once it was done.

And done it was, as the sudden barrage of lightning strikes from the skies above rained down like a god's wrath made manifest. It was a bit of a terrifying sight, in a way, but knowing that such strength was on their side was a comfort all it's own.

As the sun finally began to rise over the landscape, it would be clear to those defending the town walls that the undead were now naught but stragglers futilely attempting to attack the near-impervious reinforced walls surrounding the town.

Their job, it seemed, was done, and so Tomoe calmly launched herself over the ramparts and onto the ground in front of Siegfried, Keisuke, and the guards from earlier (along with a few people who had woken to see what the commotion—and the new walls—were all about).

"Master, the enemy has been routed," she stated curtly, bowing as Siegfried nodded and shook her hand. Of course, when the others arrived inside, they would be met with applause, however uneasy.

After all, Siegfried had been their savior until now, and it would be rude to disparage the ones who saved him (and themselves), but even so...

"What strange clothes!" one young girl pointed out, clutching onto her mother's skirt as she pointed at the group. Keisuke held back a slight grimace and instead forced himself to smile as Siegfried walked forward amidst the nervous chuckling of the townsfolk.

"These men and women helped us out last night, and I would not be here if not for their timely arrival," he stated simply, motioning towards the ground before smiling. The Saber quickly turned towards Keisuke, as if expecting a followup, and it took a few moments for the Enforcer to read the situation and step forward to speak himself.

"We mean no harm, and shall only be here for a day, at most. Think of us only as travelers, please," he stated as an old man walked forwards from the crowd.

"I am the leader of this town, Adalbert Larsen. Of course, Lord Siegfried's allies are our own. Please, if you have any needs, do not hesitate to ask for assistance," he stated, slowly making his way forward to be made known by the party in question.

"Of course, Mr. Larsen," Keisuke responded, bowing deeply in response before turning to the rest of the Servants behind him. "I think I'll be going around gathering information as best I can today, then. The rest of you are free to wander about as you please. Maybe the townspeople might take a shine to you."

Tomoe nodded in agreement before turning towards the other Servants and thinking to herself for a moment.

"Hm... Siegfried is likely to be guarding our Master, and he has Command Seals to call us if he needs aid... I believe that it would be the best if we split up to talk with the townsfolk as well. In any case, I shall be off, then," she stated before walking towards the dispersing crowd of people.

After all, the day was young, and they still had work to prepare and lives to live.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@KoL
Hinanawi Tenshi

Tenshi's eye twitched as she saw a strange old man come out of the ruins, offering some words of "praise" with what she saw as nothing but an air of arrogance. To call the way that fight ended a "fantastic display" was akin to spitting on her face, if anything—Yukari had left with their escort and it was clear that she had been simply toying with them to buy time. The youkai's words weren't lost on Tenshi, though; the fact that someone had attempted to 'interfere' with the duel was likely an excuse, but in some ways the Celestial felt as if Yukari was actually somewhat displeased at this turn of events.

For whatever reason, though, she didn't quite know.

The Celestial girl quietly listened to Nanoha as she interrogated the old man, though in noting that the one in front of them was not the real one Tenshi slowly pieced the few parts of the puzzle together.

"...You were the one who started messing with Yukari, then?" Tenshi growled, readying her sword as she stared at the man at their feet. "Forget it. We're not going to do anything that'd let you keep tabs on us. I'm with Nanoha; why would we trust you if you're not—"

The sudden sound of her phone ringing cut Tenshi off, and with a huff Tenshi let her sword disappear before picking up.

"Hinanawi, what's the situation over there? We sent a helicopter over to monitor the situation, but something suddenly warped it back to the landing pad over here," the voice on the other end replied, which Tenshi could only vaguely remember as that female person meant to look over them.

"...We cleared out whatever weird problem it was over here, but someone by the name of Yakumo Yukari—you should know her by now, I'd assume—came in and spirited away the person we were bringing back to base. There's some weird old man trying to offer his services to us right now, and I've got half a mind to just beat him into the ground," she responded, glaring at the illusion as she spoke.

"Wha—no, don't do that! Look, just calm down; get back to your home with Takamachi and Vita, all right? We've gotten some news from the United Nations that might be of use to everyone, and wasting time trying to fight someone else right now will only lead to more problems!"

"But this guy's probably the reason we lo—"

"Don't argue with me right now. Please. You'll get a chance at a rematch with Ms. Yakumo later, but for right now you can leave that old man behind. There are more important things to deal with than cleaning up the area; that's what we're here for."

"Hmph. Fine, then; but you'd better compensate us for this later. Or, at the very least, me."

"Of course."

With a swipe of her finger, Tenshi glared at the shell before turning towards the two girls flying in the sky next to her.

"The people 'in charge' want us back at base and said to not wait around dealing with this... Person," she said before turning and flying off. "Whatever it is, it'd better be good. I'm not in the mood for formalities right now."

As soon as the call ended, Private Minami let out a sigh and massaged her forehead. Having to deal with characters that were relatively temperamental was a bit trying on her mind, after all, but it was hard to argue against the allure of being able to interact with people who were formerly "fictional" to the world. Granted, said world was also devolving into utter chaos at the moment, but there was some solace to be taken in the fact that things were... Kind of okay here in Tokyo. For now.

"Well done, you two," she said, ushering Mordred and Eva (with her newfound clothing) into the vehicle before starting up the engine again. "We'll be getting some other military personnel to move that... Thing... Off to a safer location to be studied, but for now we're headed back home. You're free to relax the rest of the night once I go run everyone down on the current situation. There's something you'll have to wake up a bit early for, but after that you're free to move about as you please."

Once everyone had returned back to the apartment complex, Private Minami wasted no time in quickly relaying how events had played out on the other side of the world; of the arrival of Yukari and Altair at the UN, of the other people in similar situations also banding together, and the subsequent trans-national alliance being forged between multiple nations in order to deal with this oncoming threat.

"So, in other words, we're going to have a video conference in roughly 10 hours with the group of people that have gathered in New York City to discuss a plan of action from here on out. There might not be much that we can do barring international flights, but that in and of itself should be more than enough to facilitate discussions. For now, though, we have dinner prepared for everyone; eat, take a bath, and get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow will be busy, what with ID registrations and this conference and whatnot, but it also means that everyone's free to explore as you please. Just... Please don't destroy any more buildings."

With that settled, the Private brought the group of girls over to a large table lined with various dishes, all of which were clearly prepared by a chef of some prestige. Of course, this was nowhere near gourmet fare, but at the very least it was something that the Private might consider a bit of a splurge... Especially considering the number of people that it was meant to feed.

"Please, enjoy yourselves. Despite everything that's happened, the least we can do is show some form of hospitality for your work today."

Leonardo Watch

The meal came and went without much issue, as did the money which was used to pay for it. There was a bit of pain in Leo's heart as he emptied his wallet (and the various places he hid his money in), but aside from not being burdened by money any longer there wasn't much left to worry about.

And so, the next few hours were spent guiding the rest of the group around as a de facto tour guide before finally returning to the UN building. The walk around had taken more than a few hours, and by now the city had grown dark. Lights had long since begun to brighten up the sidewalks by the time that they had returned to the location, and it wasn't long before Mr. Sharpton had arrived to escort the group back upstairs. This time, however, their destination was not the chamber where they had been earlier, but instead another, smaller conference room with a large monitor set up on the other side.

"Erm... Mr. Sharpton? What's all this?" Leo asked, a quizzical look on his face as he watched someone fiddling with a computer that was connected to the monitor.

"I apologize for the abruptness of this, but there were some further talks here after you and the others had left in pursuit of Miss... Saigyouji, was it? Seeing that you have found her is a great relief, of course, but as of right now we are currently in the middle of preparing a video conference to another team over in Japan right now. They are a bunch of people in a similar situation to you as of right now, so we believe it might be for the best that you talk with one another to see if you can't ascertain any further details of the situation. Of course, you'll be given dinner and led to your homes for the night afterwards, but as of right now it might be for the best that everyone meets what we could... Possibly call a 'sister team' to everyone else here now."

With that, Mr. Sharpton stepped off to the side (along with three other men, who Leo assumed to be either bodyguards or overseers) as the screen flickered on. Immediately, the group on the other end was visible, but before any introductions could be made, a blue-haired girl on the other side of the screen suddenly slammed the table and pointed at them—or, more accurately, at Youmu and Yuyuko.

"Huh?! What are you two doing here?!" she cried out. Yuyuko simply fanned herself for a moment, a smile on her face, before she glanced at Youmu.

"Youmu, I leave this problem child to you. After such a great chance to explore the Outside World, I'm not quite in the mood for spontaneous arguments."

Shokuhou Misaki

The rest of the night had gone by relatively uneventfully, barring the sudden earthquake that had people milling about worriedly outside for a bit. It wasn't an issue though, given that Japan was used to earthquakes and the buildings were meant to resist them, but it wasn't exactly the most pleasant way of being half-woken up right as she was about to fall asleep.

But some way or another, the esper managed to get some amount of sleep before waking up early the next morning. Miku, it seemed, was already awake, given the fact that she was by Hibiki's side and trying her best to shake the girl awake.

"Hibiki... Hibiki! It's already almost 7, you know..." she said, still shaking the girl beside her as Misaki slowly dragged herself out of the sleeping bag.

"As I expected, I miss my bed already," she groaned, peering outside the tent and glancing around. Nobody else, it seemed, was really awake, nor was the person who she has sent around to relay information to her. All things considered, that might've been for the better.

"Come on, you two; Ikebukuro's no small distance away, if my memory is correct, and it'll likely be more than an hour's walk if we want to get there without running into any trouble," Misaki stated, brushing herself off before sighing. "Oh, how I wish I could've just rented a hotel room instead. A shower would be so relaxing right about now..."

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@KoL@Rin@TheFake@Crusader Lord
Tiral crossed his arms and nodded as the Earl seemed to recover, taking note of how the Earl seemed rather disoriented after the spell had been lifted. It was a bit of a given, of course; the level of mental suggestion and the apparent strength of the spell meant that it would be odd if the Earl wasn't a bit out of it. But, all things considered, the Earl's recovery was lower on the list of things to be handled than anything else right now.

No, their current target was more apt to be the one who had cast the spell in the first place.

"The Earl should get some rest for the moment; we should be moving out on a manhunt in short order," Tiral remarked, slowly compressing the crystal of ice to be disposed of later by people with more experience in the matter. After all, even if it was just determining the nature of the magic, that level of concentrated dark magic was probably better off being handled by a priest or something of the sort.

"A small team of elites should suffice on that end, at the very least; moving out in full force will only end poorly for us."
Kumozaki Keisuke

The immediate reaction by his Servants was was more than appreciated by Keisuke as the group continue on towards the town. The first wolf that had been taken by surprise by Arturia was immediately cut down, and Elizabeth's followup may as well have destroyed the hearing of the remaining three, seeing as how two of them seemed completely stunned in place, their ears bleeding as they shook in place. Of course, that itself didn't last for long as Nero's conflagration found its mark, incinerating the two that were stunned and blowing the fourth a fair distance away from the town. It paused for a moment, as if trying to collect its bearing after the sudden series of events, but soon began to run off, howling through the night. In its wake, however, came more undead rising from the earth, as if they had been waiting for the initial wave of wolves to fall.

"I'll leave the rest to you, then!" the Enforcer shouted as Tomoe picked up Siegfried and began to dash towards the town at full speed. Meran's words were not lost on his ears, however, and the Master nodded as he took in that information that was given to him.

"Brynhildr, then? Do we have any details that might alight towards a Noble Phantasm? We should be prepared to deal with it as soon as possible, in case we have to engage her in combat once more."

Tomoe Gozen

Reaching the town before her Master (or the rest of the group, who was a fair deal away), Tomoe quickly leaped to the town's gatekeepers before slowly placing Siegfried and the basket of assorted goods down near them.

"Who...?" one of the men asked before Siegfried raised a hand to stop them.

"This woman and her allies saved me while fighting that woman as usual," Siegfried said as Tomoe leaped onto the top of the walls and drew her bow. "I owe them my life, so please, do not think ill of them."

"E-er... Of course," he responded as Tomoe began to launch arrow after arrow at the oncoming horde. "A-actually, you mentioned being 'saved' just now. Are you injured?"

"Yes, somewhat. But given enough time, I should recover well enough to support this place once more."

Keisuke's brow furrowed as the undead began to rise from beneath the snow, in a matter not unlike the ones they engaged on their arrival here. It was likely that they would fall with relative ease just like them, of course, but the issue was that they were appearing in the first place.

"Hm... Troublesome. They're being treated like cannon fodder, though, which means it should simply be a matter of regrouping at the town and mowing them down," he remarked, slicing through a zombie as he began pushing through to their destination. "There should be a link between the wolves and the undead, though, if this is how things are panning out..."

@VitaVitaAR@KoL@Raineh Daze
Shokuhou Misaki

"You two do realize that I am still awake, correct?" Misaki asked, shifting her body in an attempt to get the slightest bit more comfortable. "I wish I could simply stand by and let others do this sort of job for me, but normal people can only get so far. Besides, I don't feel safe in this area, and as much as I would prefer to say otherwise, I have to admit that Tachibana here is probably safer to be around than the shelter."

"That's a little... Rude. But I think I kind of understand what you're saying," Miku sighed before lying down on the ground. "If we were with Genjuro or the others, I would be fine waiting, but... If this is really another world, then I agree with Shokuhou-san."

With that, though, the black-haired girl pulled Hibiki to her side and giggled.

"All we have to do is be close enough for you to reach us, right? Then I'm confident that you'll be right there if we need you, no matter what happens."

Hinanawi Tenshi

The next half a minute or so was spent with Tenshi focusing wholly on evasion by instinct. Ordinarily, she would have simply attempted to shoot Yukari out of the sky, but for some reason the youkai had turned this into a survival card instead of leaving it as it was. In that case, though, then all she had to do was time it out...

"Hm? Oh, someone's attempting to interfere? Well, I would prefer that a match like this stay with the participants, so our deal here is broken."

With a snap, Yukari removed the suppression on everyone's senses, letting everyone see (and hear) clearly once more. The illusions, too, were immediately dispelled, leaving a lone Yukari quietly drifting over to Altair's side.

"Since your side was the one to break the deal, then we shall be taking our leave here. I hope that next time you will be more respectful of a duel's rules. You know who you are," she stated calmly before opening a gap in front of herself. "We're leaving, Altair. Ms. Priscilla, all shall be explained in short order."

And with that, they were gone.

Tenshi blinked for a few moments before gritting her teeth in irritation and chucking her sword at the ground, causing a massive earthquake to erupt from where it landed.

"You're joking, right?! All that work, and we STILL lost her!" she shouted, forming a keystone in her hands before lobbing it at a high speed at the ground. Said keystone caused a second earthquake, though this one was more to dampen the impact of the first one. "I'm going to get that old lady back late—Ow!"

Just as she was complaining, a small gap popped out of the air behind her and threw a bullet into Tenshi's head before disappearing again, which only served to further her exasperation.

"I still hate her. Whatever. I'm heading back; do as you please."

Still grumbling to herself, the Celestial slowly began to fly back towards their residence, irritated that only half of their goals had been fulfilled.

The icy prison beneath the elemental did not initially deter its movement, but after a few moments of attempting to drill through the ice, its movements began to slowly grind to a halt before it stopped moving altogether.

Private Minami, at this point, had already moved their transport over to pick up Eva from her recent shopping trip, a smile on her face as she exited the vehicle.

"You did it! I got a bit worried when that thing started coming out of the ground, but I think we're done here. Let's head back; I'll call the base to get someone to pick this up... Whatever it is."

Leonardo Watch

"Hmmm? Oh, so you didn't go out to buy groceries? I was wondering where you had disappeared off to..." Yuyuko mused to herself before the next dish she had ordered came out in front of her. "But... Wyverns? Strange? Yukari was acting as usual when I last met her, so... Did something happen while we were separated?"

Meteora's comment on paying, though, let Leo breathe a little bit easier.

"Really? That's good; I think I can barely cover the rest of the cost, then," he said, patting his chest as if a giant load had been lifted off his shoulders. "I thought I might have had to borrow money or something from somewhere else—thank god for all-you-can-eat buffets. Excuse me, but could we get a menu, please?"

Of course, Leo was just as aware of the attention that they were currently garnering just by being there. Their faces had just been all over TV and all, despite what he (and Klaus) might have liked, but in a situation like that it probably couldn't have been helped.

"But, erm... To add onto the conversation, it does seem like this Yukari person isn't usually like this, then? She kind of—ah, thank you," Leo began before a waiter handed him a stack of menus, which he promptly handed out to the rest of the group. "As I was saying, though, she dropped someone into the room we were all in, let her make a speech against someone else who kind of... Teleported in... And then... Brought her out."

"Hmmm? Well, Yukari's been a long-time friend of mine, and I can tell you for a fact that while she likes scheming, what she does is often what she thinks is best for Gensokyo. I'm not sure who this 'person' you're referring to is, though, but I don't think Yukari would normally ally with someone planning to end a world or anything..." Yuyuko finally said before beginning to dig into her meal. "Mmm, this is quite good. Youmu, you should try some of this—maybe it'll give you some ideas for the future~!"

"What the hell?! That bitch is alive?" one of the thugs shouted as they turned to fire on Ennis, only to be promptly thrown to the ground and knocked out. The one who had shot her was soon to follow, and it wasn't long before she was out of their sight.

"Shit... Get those two out of here! We can't salvage this shipment, so we're just going to have to suck it up and tell the boss!" one of the older men said, directing whoever was left up to pepper the area with the occasional shot as they attempted to drag the unconscious members of their group out of the way. "Move, damn you!"

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@KoL@Rin@TheFake@Crusader Lord
The second he saw the crystal turn pitch-black, Tiral made haste in distancing himself from the Earl. In all his time manipulating magic as he did, something this dark and ominous almost never made itself known. It was, essentially, one of the worst possibilities that could have come up, which would mean that resolving the issue would likely take time, lest the target face dire consequences.

Of course, with one of the twins now spontaneously deciding that attempting to dive straight into an attempt to diffuse the issue without studying the problem carefully, the mage-knight couldn't help but hold himself back from immediately moving in and stopping the affair. One wrong move, and it was very likely that the Earl would be missing a head in a few moments.

"This is going to be one of those cases where things get worse before they atart getting better," he muttered as he forced his body to stand by and watch. He was already crafting a defensive measure to block any sort of collateral damage from his current analysis, but any interference on his part in regards to the curse would provide no solace here... Or, at least, not in any immediate capacity.

"Hm... In any case, I should begin some purification of this mass; leaving it be would only cause issues," he muttered as he continued to set up more defensive barriers and blockades in the area before attempting to stabilize the flow of energy from the curse to the crystal. It'd probably blow up it if was overloaded too quickly, after all, and that would likely be just as catastrophic to everyone present if not handled correctly.
Kumozaki Keisuke

"Aah, the first time I encountered her? I believe it was a short while after I had arrived at the village; after I had repelled the first wave of enemies, she had shown up. At the same, it seemed as if only a small part of her gauntlet was tinted black, and so I assumed it to be a Noble Phantasm. I should have realized it sooner... Sorry," Siegfried responded to Arturia, shaking his head. "As for anything out of the ordinary... She seemed to be lamenting something during our first bout of combat, and constantly referred to me by the name of some other man. 'Sigurd', I believe it was?"

"Sigurd, Sigurd... Hm... That name sounds familiar, but... I don't recall from where," Keisuke replied with a sigh as the group continued on to the village. If the dragonslayer's word was to be believed, then it was possible that they had already handled the issue of zombies the moment they had arrived. The wolves, on the other hand...

"How many wolves usually attack the village at once?" the Enforcer followed, carefully priming his blade in case of an ambush. "Even if there are multiple packs, they can only number so many, after all."

"On average... Three or four wolves, I would guess? Ah, but don't assume that they are normal beasts; their size dwarfs the average man," Siegfried replied as the village, lit by dim torches in the distance, finally came into view. "At the very least, it doesn't seem like their usual assault has begun. But in any case, I apologize, but I will have to rely on you for this upcoming fight. Please, protect these people in my stead, if only for the night."

Tomoe Gozen

"Sweet cakes...? Ah, like mochi, then?" Tomoe asked as the Caster requested a few pieces of food from the basket. it was certainly a bit more sizable than the Archer had expected it to be at first glance, but after shuffling through a few times she realized that no, the food she was searching for was not mochi, but instead a Western-style cake that was more like... Bread? She didn't quite know how to describe it, considering how she tended to only consume rice with sides as she did in life at the cafeteria, but it seemed to be somewhat like the food that had been described to her.

With some degree of confidence that she had picked the right foodstuff, the Archer walked to keep pace with Nero before attempting to hand Siegfried one of the cakes. Though his right hand seemed to be somewhat damaged, his left seemed to be well enough such that he could take the cake and begin eating it.

"This is fairly tasty, miss Caster. I sincerely thank you for allowing me to have some," he said after finishing a bite. The Saber could feel his wounds recovering, at the very least, but it would definitely not be complete before the night's battles were over.

Just as the walls of the town began to come into clearer view, though, the howling of wolves began once more, though this time it seemed to be far closer to them than it had been a while ago. The silhouettes of four wolves, as Siegfried had predicted, were rapidly making their way towards the town.

"I guess their size has made these beasts less careful about subtlety, then. Saber, Lancer—engage the enemy. The rest of us will continue towards the village to make sure that this isn't a diversion and give you support from afar," Keisuke stated as he began to pick up his pace a little.

@KoL@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze
Shokuhou Misaki

The blonde esper continued to quietly eat her meal for the night, quietly waiting off to the side for that scout of hers to report back with any new information. A small net, of course, wouldn't return much, but that simply meant that she'd just have to worm her way deeper into this whole state of affairs.

Via proxy, of course. She, of all people, knew how utterly suicidal it was to attempt to dive into a mess like this without ample barriers to hide behind, and that was all the more important considering how her abilities seemed to...

Well, not be completely usable here. It wasn't like with that certain spiky-haired young man, where the abilities were negated, after all; in the end, all it really meant was that she needed better proxies. Preferably ones she could assume direct control of, obviously, but the likelihood of any of those appearing was more a coin toss than anything else.

Just as she began to finish her meal, though, the person she had... "Chosen" to act as her eyes and ears sent some more intriguing news to her. Aside from an absurd lightshow that she was inclined to stay as far away from as possible, the news of more incidents happening around the Ikebukuroko area—where that Miku girl had come from earlier, no less—seemed to point to that being a possible place of interest. The talk of a giant wolf and black bike... While sending in her scout to go poke around the area would likely get them outed fairly fast, it didn't seem as if it'd be too difficult to go and explore the situation in person.

Maybe not tonight, though; sooner or later, it'd become late, and it'd be much easier to slip around in the morning than it would be in the middle of the day (where she assumed most of the people in this place would end up waking up).

With that in mind, Misaki finished whatever she had left in front of her and, with a single graceful movement, threw the container into the garbage before walking back over to the other two near the tent. They seemed to be making full use of the water the had gotten, at least.

"I'm going to go rest now, you two. As much as I don't like the idea of walking headfirst into danger, I don't think I have much of a choice... So tomorrow, we're going to be checking out Ikebukuro. I know that you just came from there from something... Dangerous, I presume, but we probably won't learn anything from loitering around."

With that, the young woman quietly slipped into the tent and attempted to lie down.

"This... Is far more uncomfortable than I expected it to be."

Miku looked at Misaki for a moment as she entered the tent before sighing, nervously rubbing her hands together as she took those half-commands into her mind. She had heard nothing other than rumors about what had been there, but 'giant wolf' and 'black bike' were ominous regardless of how it was stated. But now that she knew Hibiki was here, even that didn't seem as dangerous.
No, well, it still looked and sounded fairly dangerous, but at the very least with Hibiki there it wasn't as if it would be impossible for them to overcome whatever stood in their way.

"Hibiki... Are we going to go with Misaki tomorrow? The buildings in the area seemed to be getting damaged even as I was leaving with the rest of those policemen earlier, and it didn't look like they'd stop any time soon..." she trailed off before looking at her companion straight in the eyes. "I know that you have your Gear to help you fight, but please, if you're going to go, don't push yourself too hard."

Hinanawi Tenshi

"Hm? None of your usual bravado, Ms. Hinanawi? It's rather unlike you to be so cowardly," Yukari taunted, smirking at the Celestial as she continued to let loose a barrage of bullets at her opponents. "Airsick, maybe?"

The blue-haired young woman simply glared back in return as she focused wholeheartedly on dodging the incoming bullets, trying her hardest to judge where the heck everything was coming from as she moved about. it wouldn't be an understatement to say that she'd taken multiple blows all across the body, but luckily for her it wasn't as if they had worn her down any. A benefit to all of this insanity, at the very least, was that her sense of pain seemed to be dulled... If only a little.

Yukari smiled for a moment as she watched the overenthusiastic young lady with the hammer rush after for a follow-up attack, only to smile in return and casually slip off to the side to dodge the blow.

"Haven't you figured out that your eyes will betray you?" she asked, smiling as she fired a few barrages of bullets at her back before the rays of light from the other side of the fight caught her eye. It took only a moment for Yukari to spin around and barely dive out of the way of the two that were targeted at her. Her dress was a bit worse for the wear after the fact, but that could be repaired later. What "mistake" she had, made, though, was that she had allowed Nanoha to launch an attack straight at her at point blank.

"Hmph. Not so different from that little witch, then?" she asked as she dodged to the side in attempt to avoid the giant laser of energy that had been fired right in front of her. Said attempt, of course, only half-worked; unlike the Master Spark that she had become somewhat used to seeing, this blast was a tad larger than expected, which in turn caused Yukari to immediately cancel her attack and pull out another Spellcard to block.

"「Quadruple Barrier」!"

Just as the blast ran right through the left side of the youkai's body, a multi-layered array of magical circles appeared and temporarily put some space between the two. The recoil, of course, pushed her a fair deal back, and though she didn't seem anywhere near defeated, her clothes seemed to say otherwise.

"Ah... Careless, careless. It's been a while since I'd had to deal with that degree of firepower," she chastised herself before smiling at Nanoha. "Well done. Of course, this is only the introductory course. You can ask that hot-headed child over there about what's in store, but I think we should conclude our match for tonight with this next attack."

With that comment, the youkai pulled one more card out of her sleeve as the bullets lingering from her earlier attacks seemed to fade away into the dark of night.

"Think of this as... 'Training', though I am certainly not one to ask for much of that. Boundary 「Balance of Motion and Stillness」."

At once, the sounds of the night seemed to disappear, as did every other apparent sound that was being made. The manipulation of the senses of all the combatants were gone, of course, but when Tenshi attempted to speak, not a noise came out. When she swung her blade, not even the sound of the wind being cut was there.

"Come now, don't stop moving. Or do. Hopefully, you know how to fly without knowing what may lie behind," Yukari's voice echoed through the sky as she began to fire out magic circles behind each of the combatants, occasionally slipping into and out of her gaps to fire another blast at someone else. "You can't hope to win if you stay in place forever, you know."

The second that Mordred's blade met the creature's core, a white light seemed to break out of the sludge, sending out a shockwave that blew all the remaining detritus (crystals included) away from itself. That, in turn, revealed the item at the core of it all—a large glowing ball of what seemed to be concentrated energy, surrounded by high-pressure water that seemed to continually spin around it. As soon as the sludge was clear, the ball paused in place for a moment, the water around itself spinning around faster and faster until it felt as if the winds could reach the other side of the sewer. In an instant, the ball seemed to turn around, revealing a pair of glowing white eyes on the creature, before it seemed to look around for a moment. The apparent lack of sludge on its body now seemed to be acknowledged, but instead of opting to go further into the sewers, the thing blasted the sludge-crystal mixture on the ground with a whip of howling wind before blasting its way through the ground above its head. In a manner not unlike a drill, the ball began to bore through the ground, and it didn't take long before it had carved its way back to the surface.

It took a moment for it to find its bearings, of course, but after a few seconds of looking around, the ball began to hover off towards the city's center through the streets. Despite being faster than it had been whilst covered in muck, the object still seemed to be moving at a relatively slow pace as it moved on ahead.

Maybe that had something to do with the crystal fragments that had, for some reason or another, managed to remain attached to its body and were slowly growing. The pressurized water was constantly chopping off anything that grew past a certain point, of course, but the trail it left behind would be quite obvious to follow.

Leonardo Watch

"Ah! Youmu! You're here, too?" the woman at the table asked as the person in question came over, clapping her hands together as she turned to look. "Ah, but first, you should take a seat and eat, no? It's not often that we get to visit anything like a restaurant, after all."

The forced smile on the face of the waiter who was catering to the ghost at the table seemed to be screaming for help on the inside, but the job that he was left to do had not changed a bit, and so he offered the swordswoman, Sanaki, and Meteora a seat at a nearby table (given the dangerous stack of plates that was being dismantled by some of the other staff) before returning to take even more of Yuyuko's orders.

"Mmm... Oh, right, your question! Sorry, I was just wondering to myself if I had tried everything on the menu yet. Let's see..." the woman wondered for a moment before turning towards Meteora and nodding. "Hm... Oh, right, right! Yukari said that she had some things to do and invited me out for a meal, but all of a sudden she disappeared in the middle of our walk around town! So I took it on myself to explore a little more around here, and before long I found myself here. As for the food... Hm... I can't say it's the best I've had, but the novelty of a place offering all that you can eat certainly piqued my interest~!"

With a smile, Yuyuko turned to look at the rest of the group before looking at Youmu with a quizzical look.

"Actually, Youmu, how did you get here? And who are these people that you've brought along? Don't tell me—did you make some new friends this morning?" she asked, a smile on her face as she cleaned up her mouth with a napkin.

Leo simply gave an awkward stare towards the group before taking a seat as well, quietly thumbing through his wallet to make sure he had enough money to pay for all of... That. It was a buffet, so there was obviously a set price, but...

Well, hopefully the people from the UN could help him foot the bill or something later...
Maybe Meteora or Klaus had some cash to spare?

The moment that some of the men caught a glimpse of a forklift running full speed ahead at their truck, the firearms that they held in hand were pointed at the vehicle's driver in haste. When they saw it wasn't going to stop any time soon, of course, there was a bit of hesitation before one of the "newer" members of the group let his trigger finger get the best of him. Before anyone else in the entourage could chastise him, though, the sudden impact of that ton of metal crashing into their transport caused the truck's container to open up, revealing the goods inside.

"Ugh... You idiot! Din't you realize shooting someone ain't gonna make 'em stop any faster?" one of the men shouted, slapping the culprit upside the head before slowly looking over to the wreckage. "You know how much time body disposal takes? Coverup is always annoying..."

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Dezuel@KoL@Rin@TheFake@Crusader Lord
Tiral took the Captain's words and paused for a moment as he ran through his mind for a possible response. If the Earl was not responding to any sign of bloodshed or combat, then whatever had him in its grasp would likely necessitate some more... Definitive measures. To that end, the mage-knight calmly drew his dagger and, seeing that it would likely cause issues if he created anything permanent on the floor, quickly crafted a magic circle of ice in front of him before taking a few steps back and pointing at the Earl.

After a few moment, a crystal of ice—translucent, of course—rose from the center of the sigil and pointed itself at Tiral's target. Magical energy seemed to pulsate from it as it seemed to oscillate, pointing up and down the man's body as it slowly began to change color.

"If it is an enchant, Captain, then we shall see from this spell's outcome. The origin should also become clear, though if the location of whatever is causing this is situated elsewhere, then we may have some issues at hand," he stated as he waited for the spell to complete its work.
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