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With the matter of handling the fairies settled, the mage-knight calmly followed behind the rest of the group (and away from their miniature guides). It was already settled that their method of assaulting the enemy base (given the current squadron of knights) would be a frontal assault, and given that Tyaethe was probably going to be leading the charge, there wasn't much to worry about in regards to breaking through. The problem instead became protecting everyone else, though. All things considered, it was probably for the best that he would simply act to protect the Captain and the rest of the Knights as they charged in. To that end, though, it was probably better to act independently so as to not be caught up in the crossfire on the off chance that the enemy launched another blast like the one he had deflected away from the captain on the battlefield earlier.

"I second that suggestion," Tiral added, nodding his head in assent. "If anything like the attack that was fired at the Captain was directed with any higher amount of force or intensity towards us, I do not believe we could come out with all our bodies... Well, intact."

Of course, further elaboration on their method of attack would be ideal, as committing wholly towards an attack on a magician holed up within their base was suicidal without proper measures taken...

And, quite admittedly, they didn't have enough of those to hand out to everyone present in the first place. If anything, attacking the base from multiple angles might be ideal, but that necessitated scouting out the enemy encampment first...
Caster - Circe

Circe froze for a moment as her Master caught her unaware, only now realizing that her thoughts had not been contained as she had thought they were. It was, admittedly, a bit embarrassing, and the Caster blushed for a moment before shaking it off and laughing nervously.

"A-ah, yes, of course, I wouldn't mind that~!" she remarked, casually attempting to shrug off her previous misstep with a bit of cheer. Inwardly, of course, the fact that she had let that slip was gnawing at her from the back of her mind. It wasn't likely that any of her minor schemes were made obvious, but even so...

Luckily, any internal conflict that Caster had at that moment was promptly thrown right out the window as soon as her Master introduced herself to another Master-Servant pair. Circe, of course, bowed in turn, a smile on her face as she glanced the pair over.

"Hello, you two. I am the Caster-class Servant summoned here to aid my Master in obtaining what she desires," she added, pausing for a moment as the Archer and his Master seemed to be distracted by the group's Saber. Of course, the immediate reaction between the two Servants (coupled with their near-instantaneous reveal of the other's True Names) caused her to thank Hecate that none of the other Servants present seemed to know who she was. But even so, this seemed like a situation that would probably be better off being resolved now rather than later. At the same time, it wasn't as if she could simply get the pair to put aside what seemed to be a long-standing grudge for the sake of those present now...

Or could she?

"Oh, you two shouldn't be so worked up already; we haven't even seen our enemies, have we?" she asked, quickly pouring a cup of tea for both Mordred and Tristan. Discreetly slipping in some of her homemade medicines to make the pair relax (or put them to sleep; she forgot which she had brought along) into each cup, the Caster cheerfully offered the two the tea.

Well, regardless of what happened from this, the two Servants' reactions to her creations would probably be useful as a point of reference for the battles to come.

And by that, of course, she meant figuring out what would work when it came to calming this pair down in the future; it would be quite unfortunate if they killed each other before their common enemy did the job, after all.
Kawajima Endou

It would be a lie to say that Endou had expected anything that had happened to him over the course of the last week. From being shipped off to another city out of nowhere into being made to summon a Servant, the young man's head may as well have been spinning from all the chaos that had thrown his life into disarray. It wasn't likely, after all, that he would inherit his family's Crest barring any unforeseen circumstances, after all, so he was more or less poised to just live his life... Semi-normally. Maybe travel the world or something.

But... summoning an irregular pair of Servants to participate in some odd Grail War? That was definitely not something he had expected in the least. But here he was now, in an odd Western-style gathering of sorts, surrounded by people and Servants that he didn't know in the least. Aimlessly wandering about, if anything, was probably a more productive use of his time. After all, it wasn't as if he stood out all that much among the crowd of... Admittedly young Masters in the group.

"Ah... It's a good thing I ate some snacks earlier..." he complained under his breath as he glanced around. "This sort of food isn't exactly stuff that sits well with me."

Of course, he wasn't rude enough to not eat anything that had been laid out in the area, but at the very least he would only eat as much as he had to without looking rude. In truth, he still wasn't sure what to think of his Riders—yes, the plural there still baffled him—but at the very least, they seemed affable enough to work with. What was more worrying, at least, were the other Masters; after all, most magi, regardless of age, tended to be somewhat uptight about their heritage... And, well, given his current position, it was really hard to strike up any real conversations. After all, it seemed as if every Master save him was a girl, which was... Odd.

In retrospect, he stood out far more right now than anyone else might have, given that at least half of the other Servants present seemed to also be girls...
Evan Kim

As the violin he had picked up earlier continued to play its debilitating music, Evan took a few more steps away from all the combat going on. To say that the goblin slaying being done was anything less than a massacre would be a lie; in fact, it seemed as if the enemy forces could barely lift their weapons before being summarily struck down by the flashing silver-white blade of the apparent leader of the knights or the claws of the dragon girl. If anything, the scene reminded the musician of one of those 'musou' games or whatever they were called.

Of course, it seemed as if she wasn't the only one rushing into battle, as the other members of her group resolved to charge forth only a few second after the call had been made.

It didn't take long for the enemy's numbers to thin out to about half of what they had been, and the beautiful field that the group had just been standing on was now dyed a deep hue of crimson from the slaughter. Of course, Evan still wanted to just run away from all of this; despite everything that media might have otherwise told him, he was still a civilian in a war zone. One misstep, and he would lose his life on the spot.

"...Well, given what I remember of the last 24 hours, that's not exactly unprecedented. Dying, that is..." the musician thought to himself as he finally managed to simply brace himself to stay where he was. There was no point in running if someone could close distance like that in an instant, and it wasn't like he knew where he could run to, anyways.

"But... Magic music, huh? I guess it's quite fitting, but... Why this song to this effect? I need to experiment..."
Caster - Circe

"Mmm... Hmm..."

With a half-pensive nod of her head, the Caster of the group slowly took in a sip of the tea presented to those attending this... "Gathering"  of sorts.

There was a great deal of thought going through Circe's head at that moment, and not just regarding the whole 'being summoned to fight in a team of Servants' debacle. Of course, that was chief among her worries: that she would ultimately end up being used and tossed aside once again.

But what struck her as odd was how her Master had treated her. As a magus of the Age of Gods, she knew all too well what dominion over another held in store; it was why she had become a hermit on her island. Granted, she had fallen victim to that same trap... But even so!

Her Master... Circe could only say that she was an oddity among oddities. For once in her life, without having to resort to coercion or begging for her life, someone had been... Considerate towards her. Of course, she knew the moment that the summoning ritual had finished that her current Master had intended for her to arrive in the first place. The catalyst present had made as much clear, after all.

That dried-out flower had far too much meaning for her; after all, it represented her defeat, and... A few other things she would be much happier not remembering.

In the end, though, Circe found it hard to turn down the invitation to mingle when the time came, though she had given her Master the caveat of not revealing her identity no matter what happened. She wanted to believe in the young woman she was contracted to, but in the end this was still a relationship between Master and Servant.

In other words, the sort that she knew all too well.

"If anything, though... This tea could do with some honey. I could probably brew something that would be far tastier than this, to be honest," she mumbled, slowly familiarizing herself with the taste of the drink in front of her.

After all, the fastest way to a person's heart was their stomach, and it would do her no good if she was only here to be used and tossed aside again. If anything, this might have had equal importance to Circe with the upcoming battles.

No, this took precedence over the War itself. Though she loathed to admit it, the fear of being alone again far outweighed her fear of a second death. But she wouldn't repeat her past mistakes.

Here, she would make her Master reciprocate those feelings. That man never did, after all, so it was only fair to correct that error this time.

"Actually, does my Master even prefer this sort of dish? I should ask her after this gathering meets its conclusion..."
Kumozaki Keisuke

Both the Enforcer and the Saber to his side simply blinked, staring blankly at Skuld's attempts to play herself up before awkwardly coughing to the side. Keisuke himself, though, wasn't completely sold on the excuse that the Caster had put forth. It was fairly obvious that something troublesome would've happened by now if she had been playing something, but he wasn't foolish enough to simply take something like this at face value.

"It's not as if I could accuse you of planning otherwise, but..." he trailed off, glancing at Siegfried before sighing. "What do you think?"

"To be honest, Master, there are merits to believing this Caster's words, at least for the moment. While every Servant at hand can handle the undead that besiege the town every night, clearing them all out until morning arrives means that we cannot pursue the culprits any further. Another Caster at hand, however, might mean that the town might be able to hold out well enough for us to do so. Vouching for trustworthiness, on the other hand..."

"...Is dangerous, huh?"

The Enforcer let out a bit of a sigh before thinking to himself for a moment. Siegfried would be fine either Tomoe or Arturia backed him up, at the very least, and all things considered it wouldn't be too hard for another Servant to simply keep her under watch.

"Well, I think the benefits outweigh the costs," he finally stated, shrugging his shoulders as Siegfried slowly relaxed his body. "Which can probably lead into the next line of questioning. Caster, have you ever heard of anything that can corrupt a Servant's Saint Graph?"

Tomoe Gozen

After her (rather fruitless) encounter with the blacksmith, the Archer took a deep breath and resumed her walk around the snow-covered town. All things considered, it was fairly lively—not unlike a small town back in Japan might be during the winter, actually. There were glaring differences, of course—the buildings, the people, and so on—but the atmosphere and mood were close enough for her to feel at least somewhat comfortable wandering about aimlessly.

By the end of it all, though, there wasn't much left for her to do other than regroup with the other Servants under the employ of their Master... Which, if anything, might have been a mistake in and of itself, given how she could see all of the people staring at them from afar. It was to be expected, of course, but the bickering between Caster and Lancer wasn't helping matters much, if at all.

"Erm... Have any of you found anything out about our target here?" she asked, quietly taking note of the fact that Arturia had already begun to speak with some of the townspeople...

And, admittedly, having more progress than she had.

The shopkeeper who Saber had walked up to was a well-built older man. With a scar over his left eye and signs of a recently-shaved beard, he gave the knight a quick once-over and nodded, before motioning over to the food up for sale that day—a few rabbits, a deer, a few birds of some origin, all cleanly cut and prepared. It didn't seem perfectly fresh, but the cold temperature and proper handling meant that it was actually in fairly good condition, given the circumstances.

"Sorry about the stuff on display today, miss," he said, shrugging his shoulders in half-defeat. "Ever since all these attacks have started, our hunters haven't been able to get the usual food... At least, not without some trouble. Those undead seem to not attack game, at least, but since it's winter it's not like we can grow anything, either. If this keeps up, people are probably going to start starving sooner or later... Oh, but who am I to gripe, you're a customer, right? Got anything to trade for? All this meat's still pretty fresh, so if you're looking for something to eat today, this should cover you well enough. If you want preserved meats, though, my friend over there should handle your needs quite nicely. More expensive, though, so hope you have wares worth our while."

@Raineh Daze@KoL@VitaVitaAR
Leonardo Watch

Mr. Sharpton gave a curt nod towards Nanoha as she suggested that the groups trade reports on the recent incidents, but paused for a moment as Meteora suggested that the governments should work towards internet-based warfare. That in and of itself was a bit odd (putting aside how the sites she had mentioned weren't pronounced as such) to him, all things considered, but as the discussion progressed, he did have to admit that as things were progressing now, there wasn't much else to establish other than connecting names to faces.

"Hm... Very well, then. Ms. Takamachi, we'll have the writeup of the recent incidents today sent over in a few hours," he stated, adjusting his tie as he looked at the rest of the people present. If anything, it seemed as if everyone was tiring of the topic at hand, and so it did seem like a good time to split off for now.

"If we're all in agreement, then, should we draw this discussion to a close? I am feeling a bit peckish myself," Yuyuko chimed in before he could suggest doing so. With a glance around to see the rest of the group (on both sides), the ghost smiled and gave a bow towards the screen. "Very well. If you would, then?"

There was a brief pause as the person handling the computer looked towards Mr. Sharpton for a response, and when given a nod, terminated the video feed. There was a bit of a sigh from the UN official as he glanced at the screen before he shrugged his shoulders, but other than that, it didn't seem as if he had any issues with how things had turned out.

"Well, at the very least, that marks the end of my orders here," he remarked, giving a slight smile to the group as people began to rise from their seats. "Before you all leave for the night, though, I would like to treat you all to dinner. I've rented a vehicle to transport everyone over to the restaurant we're to eat at, so if you would..."

There was a distinct blanching of Leo's face as Yuyuko seemed to light up with expectation, and there was a distinct bit of worry on the former's face as the group left the room. After all, given how much she had eaten before (and given how she seemed to still not be sated after the fact), there was a bit of worry that their patron would have a painfully empty wallet by the end of the night.

It didn't take long after the group had left the UN Building and entered the vehicle to be driven to the restaurant in question. It didn't seem all that fancy, all things considered, but Leonardo had to admit that it was definitely beyond what he could usually afford.

"Here we are," Mr. Sharpton said, leading everyone out of their ride and gesturing to the entrance of the restaurant as an older man in a chef's uniform calmly stepped out to greet the group.

"Ah, you must be the group that Mr. Sharpton was referring to," he remarked, snaking the hands of everyone in order before opening the doors leading inside. "Please, do come in and make yourselves comfortable. I couldn't bear to leave my old friend's guests waiting."

Once he was inside and had taken his seat, Leo simply picked up a menu on the table in front of him and began to scan through it intently. A waiter, of course, simply stood by to take their orders as they came.

"Mmm... You know, I don't actually remember the last time I've been able to eat at somewhere like this. What to get, what to get..." he muttered to himself as a glass of water was poured out for everyone present by the aforementioned waiter. "Actually, can I just have whatever the special is today?"

"And I would like to try one of everything~!" Yuyuko chimed in, to which Leo simply stared blankly in shock. "If you would, of course."

"Certainly, madam," the waiter responded, seemingly unfazed as he waited for the rest of the group to order.

Of course, the slight vibrating of the water inside the glasses might be a clue for as to something else going on, but Leo himself didn't notice in the least.

As soon as the call had ended, the Private let out a deep sigh of frustration at what Mordred and Tenshi had done before taking a deep breath and looking at the others who had decided to not just leave rudely in the middle of the talk.

"Ahem... Well, um... I'm not sure what else to say, to be quite honest. We'll get your IDs ready by the time you return, but until then you're free to walk around the city as you please. If you don't feel like going to find a place to eat on your own, though, I would be happy to guide you someplace to eat at," she said, trying her best to hide her displeasure at how things had played out. "Actually, speaking of which... Has anyone seen Tohka at all today? I thought she was here when the call started, but..."

Shokuhou Misaki

Misaki paused for a moment as she watched both Hibiki and Ben fly off after the wolf, leaving both her and Miku standing on the street awkwardly. The two paused for a few awkward moments before they noticed a girl with a sword flying up after Hibiki.

"I don't like the look of that..." the esper trailed off before Miku grabbed her arm and began to run off after Hibiki. "Hey, wha- What are you doing?!"

"I'm not going to simply stand around on the street, you know," Miku responded, dragging Misaki along. "If anything, standing around like this means that we might get spirited away or something; if we're close, we might be able to help or something, at least."

"You realize that we're probably the worst people to provide aid even IF we got there, right?" Misaki quipped in return, stumbling a few times as she attempted to keep pace with Miku. "What makes you think that getting any closer is going to help?"


Miku paused for a moment, trailing off as Misaki caught up and glanced around at the nearby area. It was clear to Misaki at a glance that the girl was hiding something, but even now she felt as if it would be problematic if she attempted to dive into Miku's mind to find out what that was.

Or, more accurately, that it would result in a punch that would likely separate her head from her body.

"In any case, I'll agree with you that we should get somewhere where we can observe them. That's why I came here in the first place, after all," Misaki sighed, walking along the road with Miku as they eyes Ben, Hibiki, and the wolf from a distance. Said wolf seemed to recognize the presence of the new people in the air, though, causing it to turn for a moment and reveal the slight silhouette of a sword in its mouth before it began to bound away once more.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@KoL@Rin@TheFake@Crusader Lord
  • Name: Kawajima Endou
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 18
  • Appearance: "Alright, bring it on!"
    Endou stands at about 5'8" (172cm) and... Usually only wears these clothes during combat or wants to look dramatic.
  • Personality: An adventurous, semi-reckless young man with a penchant for trouble, Endou isn't one to simply back down from a challenge. Though he tends towards a more headstrong approach in terms of dealing with problems thrown his way, Endou has learned over the last decade that trickery and ploys, however annoying they may be to set up and wait for, is just as viable a strategy. He isn't much for the whole 'Master-Servant' relationship, though, and would much rather figure out how they work and play by ear than make some convoluted strategy that relies on them perfectly obeying his every word.
  • Skills: Endou is surprisingly adept at using technology, which itself is an oddity for a magus. Unlike the more conservative magi of the last generation or so, Endou himself is more inclined to fiddle with things in the modern era that might give him an advantage... Or simply to kill time. To that end, he's become okay at figuring out how to do things like jump-start cars or fix any tech piece of his that might be broken. Nothing too complex, though. As a result of his status, though, Endou has spent more time focusing on normal school curriculum (and thus learning more about physics than the average magus), which thus plays into his understanding of his abilities while using magecraft.
  • Abilities: Endou, as a third generation magus of a branch family, has some experience in the usage of onmyoji—more specifically, in using shikigami and ofuda—to manipulate light and sound to create illusions and act more as protectors towards the main family. To this end, he can do things such as refracting light into lasers, create flashbang-esque traps, or even create lifelike illusions (complete with sound) to throw his opponents off.
  • Short History: Endou is, as mentioned earlier, a third generation magus of a branch family that focuses less on furthering themselves as magi but instead places the safety of the family heads at the forefront of their minds. The eldest child of the branch family—in this case, Endou's older sister—was chosen to inherit this role, so Endou was given a little more leeway in terms of freedom (though he still had to learn magecraft just in case his older sister was to fall in battle or become ill or something of the sort). The call to arms by the Tohsaka was more of an afterthought for the main family, as the threat of losing their only heir was too high to warrant sending him off to help. And so, in his stead, Endou was shipped off to Fuyuki City instead to participate in the war.
  • Other: N/A
  • Name: Kawajima Endou
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 18
  • Appearance: "Alright, bring it on!"
    Endou stands at about 5'8" (172cm) and... Usually only wears these clothes during combat or wants to look dramatic.
  • Personality: An adventurous, semi-reckless young man with a penchant for trouble, Endou isn't one to simply back down from a challenge. Though he tends towards a more headstrong approach in terms of dealing with problems thrown his way, Endou has learned over the last decade that trickery and ploys, however annoying they may be to set up and wait for, is just as viable a strategy. He isn't much for the whole 'Master-Servant' relationship, though, and would much rather figure out how they work and play by ear than make some convoluted strategy that relies on them perfectly obeying his every word.
  • Skills: Endou is surprisingly adept at using technology, which itself is an oddity for a magus. Unlike the more conservative magi of the last generation or so, Endou himself is more inclined to fiddle with things in the modern era that might give him an advantage... Or simply to kill time. To that end, he's become okay at figuring out how to do things like jump-start cars or fix any tech piece of his that might be broken. Nothing too complex, though. As a result of his status, though, Endou has spent more time focusing on normal school curriculum (and thus learning more about physics than the average magus), which thus plays into his understanding of his abilities while using magecraft.
  • Abilities: Endou, as a third generation magus of a branch family, has some experience in the usage of onmyoji—more specifically, in using shikigami and ofuda—to manipulate light and sound to create illusions and act more as protectors towards the main family. To this end, he can do things such as refracting light into lasers, create flashbang-esque traps, or even create lifelike illusions (complete with sound) to throw his opponents off.
  • Short History: Endou is, as mentioned earlier, a third generation magus of a branch family that focuses less on furthering themselves as magi but instead places the safety of the family heads at the forefront of their minds. The eldest child of the branch family—in this case, Endou's older sister—was chosen to inherit this role, so Endou was given a little more leeway in terms of freedom (though he still had to learn magecraft just in case his older sister was to fall in battle or become ill or something of the sort). The call to arms by the Tohsaka was more of an afterthought for the main family, as the threat of losing their only heir was too high to warrant sending him off to help. And so, in his stead, Endou was shipped off to Fuyuki City instead to participate in the war.
  • Other: N/A

  • Class: Caster
  • True Name: Circe
  • Appearance: "Are you hungry?"
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Personality: An eternal maiden as frivolous as she is famous, Circe is a Servant who tends to her own desires before anyone else's. She, who experienced heartbreak and unbearable loneliness after Odysseus left her for his homeland of Ithaca, is famed for keeping various victims of her magic as pets under her care. To that end, Circe is amazing at household work—cooking, cleaning, and taking care of her Master—and will dedicate herself to pleasing her Master, but she is also completely willing to turn them into another animal to care for should they not desire to reciprocate her love or bore her too much.
    For the most part, though, Circe covers that loneliness up with a bit of joyful cheeriness, acting quite silly and joking around with those in her company rather than let her true feelings show openly. Given the circumstances of the current War, though, Circe is inclined to not only not reveal her True Name or Noble Phantasm to anyone, including her own Master, but also to not use her various animal familiars at all; after all, she is too afraid of being rejected or abandoned once more to even attempt to show her true specialties as the Witch of Aeaea.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: E
    • Endurance: B
    • Agility: D
    • Mana: A+
    • Luck: A
    • Noble Phantasm: C
  • Class Skills:
    • Territory Creation: B
    • Item Creation: A
  • Personal Skills:
    • High-Speed Divine Words: B
    • Intoxicated Meal: A - A skill that manipulates the desire of a target to consume the food Circe offers. In using this skill, Circe causes a target to be affected by a mental debuff that causes them to want to consume her meals. The effect increases in strength the longer the target is in the presence of her food, but the presence of Magic Resistance or any similar skill can cause it's effect to weaken. Of course, this skill isn't always active, and not all of her food is drugged.
    • Advice for Sailing: A - A skill representing the advice she gave to Odysseus before he left her. To make use of this skill, Circe must first designate an area as her Workshop, and then establish who her allies are of that group. If any of her allies is to leave the area denoted as her territory, Circe can thus forewarn them of any major ploys the enemy may have in store for the future. In a sense, this can be seen as an offshoot of Clairvoyance, but with one major caveat: in doing so, Circe cannot leave the area until either the aforementioned allies have returned or news of their passing reaches her ears.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Metabo Piglets: Forbidden Revelry
    • Rank: C
    • Type: Anti-Unit
    • Appearance: N/A
    • Effects: Upon using her Noble Phantasm, Circe spontaneously summons a giant buffet of food (along with an army of various animals, mainly piglets) in front of her. Anyone who consumes the food that she presents will become another animal in her thrall, though for how long it lasts is dependent on the target's Magic Resistance or other such factors. Any non-Servants who consume the food are wholly at risk for the change to become permanent, so caution is advised when she deploys the food. If the enemy does not decide to consume anything, though, they are swept up by the beasts under Circe's command and are trampled underfoot, swept up by the current of the festivity around them.
  • Changes: N/A
  • Class: Caster
  • True Name: Circe
  • Appearance: "Are you hungry?"
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Personality: An eternal maiden as frivolous as she is famous, Circe is a Servant who tends to her own desires before anyone else's. She, who experienced heartbreak and unbearable loneliness after Odysseus left her for his homeland of Ithaca, is famed for keeping various victims of her magic as pets under her care. To that end, Circe is amazing at household work—cooking, cleaning, and taking care of her Master—and will dedicate herself to pleasing her Master, but she is also completely willing to turn them into another animal to care for should they not desire to reciprocate her love or bore her too much.
    For the most part, though, Circe covers that loneliness up with a bit of joyful cheeriness, acting quite silly and joking around with those in her company rather than let her true feelings show openly. Given the circumstances of the current War, though, Circe is inclined to not only not reveal her True Name or Noble Phantasm to anyone, including her own Master, but also to not use her various animal familiars at all; after all, she is too afraid of being rejected or abandoned once more to even attempt to show her true specialties as the Witch of Aeaea.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: E
    • Endurance: B
    • Agility: D
    • Mana: A+
    • Luck: A
    • Noble Phantasm: C
  • Class Skills:
    • Territory Creation: B
    • Item Creation: A
  • Personal Skills:
    • High-Speed Divine Words: B
    • Intoxicated Meal: A - A skill that manipulates the desire of a target to consume the food Circe offers. In using this skill, Circe causes a target to be affected by a mental debuff that causes them to want to consume her meals. The effect increases in strength the longer the target is in the presence of her food, but the presence of Magic Resistance or any similar skill can cause it's effect to weaken. Of course, this skill isn't always active, and not all of her food is drugged.
    • Advice for Sailing: A - A skill representing the advice she gave to Odysseus before he left her. To make use of this skill, Circe must first designate an area as her Workshop, and then establish who her allies are of that group. If any of her allies is to leave the area denoted as her territory, Circe can thus forewarn them of any major ploys the enemy may have in store for the future. In a sense, this can be seen as an offshoot of Clairvoyance, but with one major caveat: in doing so, Circe cannot leave the area until either the aforementioned allies have returned or news of their passing reaches her ears.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Metabo Piglets: Forbidden Revelry
    • Rank: C
    • Type: Anti-Unit
    • Appearance: N/A
    • Effects: Upon using her Noble Phantasm, Circe spontaneously summons a giant buffet of food (along with an army of various animals, mainly piglets) in front of her. Anyone who consumes the food that she presents will become another animal in her thrall, though for how long it lasts is dependent on the target's Magic Resistance or other such factors. Any non-Servants who consume the food are wholly at risk for the change to become permanent, so caution is advised when she deploys the food. If the enemy does not decide to consume anything, though, they are swept up by the beasts under Circe's command and are trampled underfoot, swept up by the current of the festivity around them.
  • Changes: N/A
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