Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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I'll see if I can't draft something up, then.
@Crusader Lord: The only iffy part of the form is the NP, but so long as you get double confirmation to use it (from me and @VitaVitaAR) then Li should be fine. Accepted with that caveat.
Hinanawi Tenshi

The blue-haired Celestial paused for a moment as Nanoha intervened, looking as if she wanted to say something to the girl before deciding to step down instead. As things were right now, it wasn't worth the effort to destroy the screen in front of them (especially since it wouldn't really do anything for her), and so Tenshi let out a huff and took a step back from the screen.

"Fine. Whatever," she remarked, arms crossed as she watched Mordred unceremoniously excuse herself from the whole ordeal. "Hey, if you're leaving, I'm coming too. No point in being forced to sit quietly as people insult me from half the world away."

With that, Tenshi quietly followed after Mordred, a smirk on her face as she watched Youmu balk on the other side of the screen. Private Minami seemed as if she was about to try and stop them, but in the end seemed to decide against it and simply let her shoulders sag in defeat.

"I, erm... Apologize on behalf of those two for their behavior," she said, quietly glancing away from the screen before shaking her head. "In any case... I believe it would be best to ascertain what Miss Yakumo's and Altair's current plans are before we attempt anything more than disaster control in our region. If it comes to resources, however, the Japanese government is already willing to help supply everyone present with whatever you need."

"The US government is as well, though, at this point it depends more on what incidents you end up resolving," Mr. Sharpton added from the side, nodding his head. "I can't say that anything that manipulates the space-time continuum or affects parallel universes won't also be heavily desired by every other nation in the world, though; in fact, if my superiors caught wind of the fact that you had success, well... You probably understand by now."

Yuyuko simply nodded, glaring at Tenshi and Mordred as they exited the room on the other side of the screen before closing her fan and sighing. It was a bit odd, having people talk about her best friend's actions without even consulting her, but if there was any time to speak up, it would likely be now.

"I don't believe it would be too hard to convince Yukari to aid us," she remarked, pointing at Klaus with her fan. "The problem is, however, that she likely has her reasons in cooperating with whoever is behind this; I know for a fact that she would never directly intervene in the Outside World without any reason, much less with parallel universes or what have you."

"Hm... Well, it would be helpful if we could ask her directly, but given what happened last night I'm not sure if she's in a 'talking' mood..." the Private responded, glancing at Nanoha for a moment before turning her attention back towards the screen. "If either side wishes to fly over and meet the other, however, that can be arranged. Despite the dangers present in your current line of research, I do believe that creating such a thing might also force our targets out of hiding. For the moment, though, introductions do seem to have concluded. Is there anything in particular you would like to ascertain from the other side? Please, do feel free to speak your mind if you so wish."

The question, of course, was directed at both parties. Even with two less people on one end of the discussion, there was still likely a lot to be gleaned from this line of discussion.

Leonardo Watch

"Ah, um..."

Leo sat off to the side, somewhat speechless at the direction that the whole conversation had taken. He hadn't yet seen Youmu this mad at someone, so that was worrisome in and of itself... But on the other hand, it was good that Klaus was thinking about the problem from another angle. All this talk of dimensional travel, however, was making him feel a bit uneasy. It was as Klaus said, after all; the Great Collapse had irrevocably changed their New York City into Hellsalem's Lot, and so he himself really couldn't put all of his confidence into the plan that had been proposed.

"I... I have a question!" he suddenly shouted as he raised his hand, giving away that his entire body was tensed up in the current atmosphere. "E-erm... I remember hearing that similar incidents were happening all over the world, but no one really told us anything more than what we already know happened here in New York. I'd think that all sorts of stuff happened in Tokyo as well, but... Have you heard anything from any other countries?"

"Hm... Well, since any further talk of dimensional travel might be intercepted by other parties, it might be best to leave this line of conversation to a time where the relevant parties can meet up in person," Mr. Sharpton said, arms crossed as he continued. "The short answer: Yes. The internet is a veritable goldmine of information right now, and despite the fact that many nations are trying to hide their current situations, it is fairly obvious that a few might have already been compromised. Any more than that is classified information, but I would still recommend we place the safety of the US and Japan first at the moment. It would do us no good, after all, if our bases were compromised."

It was fairly obvious what Mr. Sharpton's goals were, but Leo did have to admit that he had a point. With that being said, though, if they did succeed in winning Yukari over to their side, then it was possible to start fixing up all the problems that had piled up in front of them, if only a little.

Maybe. Hopefully?

Shokuhou Misaki

Once Hibiki had woken up, the three girls had promptly gotten up to start their walk towards Ikebukuro. Seeing Ben already having arrived at their intended destination despite not having been told as much, though, was... Odd. And somewhat creepy, to be quite honest.

"Hm... I don't see any police blocking off the area..." Misaki said to herself quietly before turning towards Miku. "Last night, you said there was building damage, right? What caused it again?"

"Oh, I think it was closer to the center of the city..." she began to respond, only to freeze up for a moment and grab onto Hibiki's hand. "Hibiki, look!"

Following Miku's finger as she pointed towards a towering office building a little ways off, Misaki could barely make out the silhouette of what seemed to be a wolf as it stood tall for a moment. It took a few moments for the beast to move, with speed abnormal for a creature of that size, and Misaki watched as it leaped from rooftop to rooftop without much delay.

"A... Wolf?" she asked as a biker with a yellow helmet covering their head drove up to them. Instead of talking like she had expected, however, the biker quickly pulled out a phone and began typing a message before showing it to the group.

"What are you doing here?! Haven't the police told you it's dangerous in Ikebukuro right now?!
Go get somewhere safe; there's no reason for you to get hurt."

After a few moments, the biker silently pocketed the cellphone that had just been shown before speeding off after the wolf, passing by a girl staring at a vending machine in the process.

"Erm... That was... Odd..." Misaki trailed off, realizing a few moments after the fact that she had been unable to read the biker's thoughts at all. "Should we follow after her? I think she's definitely hiding something about all of this, but..."

@KoL@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR@Crusader Lord@TheFake@Rin
Tiral gave a slight nod towards Fanilly as she split the knights up, noting to himself how the team to take out the witch was structured. If anything, their team would be enough to handle the culprit of this whole ordeal.

"I have no complaints," the mage-knight responded, the ice crystal from earlier now having been shrunk to a manageable size. "Pass this on to the Church or the College; they're likely used to dealing with this sort of item."

With all of that said and done, of course, Tiral calmly spent his time waiting for the others to prepare multiple protective wards and other such defensive measures. Attacking was simple, but to counteract a more concentrated barrage directed towards not just him, but the rest of the knights, meant that he couldn't simply spend time wholly on defense. That took far longer than simply firing ice at a target, after all.

As he left with the other knights, though, the mage-knight simply looked ahead, trying his best not to become wrapped up in the mood of the town's fervor. Moments like this would only get to his head or pull him from his combat preparations. As things were now, if they failed then there would be hell to pay in the future for all of them.

"Hm... I would suspect that clairvoyance would fail if I attempted it, so we really are going to have to rely on those things again, aren't we...?" he sighed, shaking his head in annoyance. "I'll leave the matter of the fairies to you all, then. Involving me would only end up causing more harm than good."
Kumozaki Keisuke

Keisuke took a step back as Siegfried moved between him and the new Caster, the tension in the air palpable as he replied.

"Caster... Skuld. Given that you have introduced yourself by your True Name, I should assume that you have no ill will towards the inhabitants of this town. At the same time, it is not as if I am not aware of your deeds, and I am not so naive as to leave myself undefended as one such as you," the Saber replied, sword still sheathed as he stared at the little girl. "Despite your appearance, you are capable of far more than you let on, correct?"

Keisuke simply pondered the situation before taking a step to the side, opting to not remain wholly behind Siegfried's back. Now that he could see the Caster in full view, he did have to admit that the girl was indeed... Short. Almost childlike, in a sense.

Also that she probably needed more clothing, but given the outfits of his other Servants, that... Something like that could be put off for the moment.

"More than that, I am more curious about why you decided to make yourself known to us. I would presume that you knew we were here once the day had come, so it would have been simple to simply lurk about. Is it simply the fact that we two are here alone, or is there something that you wished to discuss without the interference of other Servants present?" the Enforcer asked, staring straight at the Caster with stone-faced resolve.

Tomoe Gozen

Once the pair had made their way to the backyard, the old man set up a shield against a log—a rather old one, however sturdy it seemed to be—and gestured for the Archer to cut through it if she could. Tomoe found it odd how he had moved so quickly despite the situation, but let out a huff and took a deep breath.

"Focus..." she muttered to herself, closing her eyes for a moment before drawing her katana and bisecting the shield in one fell swoop. The shield took a second before the seam began to show, and in a few seconds the old wooden shield fell apart into two clean halves. The old man stared at the shield in shock for a moment before grumbling and setting up another shield in the same spot.

"That one was rotting; surely you can't cut through THIS one!" he boasted as the Archer calmly cut that one through in a similar manner.

"Are we done here? I came to examine your arms, not to humiliate anyone," Tomoe sighed as the old man angrily set up a test dummy clad in armor and slapped it on the back.

"This is the last one! The last two were simply defective," the old man spat out, flustered at the situation as Tomoe glared at the test dummy.

"This is the last one, then? No more?" she asked to confirm, to which the red-faced old man nodded vigorously. "Very well. Let me demonstrate what this blade can do."

With a nod, Tomoe took a step back and adopted a battle stance before dashing past the dummy, her sword outstretched beside her as she moved. At first glance, it looked as if her weapon had done nothing, which led the old man to smile triumphantly. It was only after a few seconds of that short-lived joy, though, that the dummy's top half slowly slid off and fell on the ground with an underwhelming 'thunk'.

"There," Tomoe said, calmly sheathing her katana before turning back to the old man. "Keep your word."

"I—You—Fine!" he spat before angrily lowering himself on the ground in front of the Archer and, through gritted teeth, promised to the Archer's terms. It wasn't as if she could enforce it, anyhow—

"And so it shall be. I shall speak with that... Mr. Larsen, was it? I'm sure that he'll make sure you keep your word," Tomoe said, a smug smile on her face as she calmly left the store. It dawned on her after a few moments, though, that she hadn't really... Accomplished her initial goal.

"Oh, what am I doing? I should be gathering information, not acting like some lord or ronin from a play doling out justice," she chastised herself mentally before walking away. "I wonder if the others have had any better progress; being sidetracked like that was a mistake, if anything..."
Evan Kim

Once his concerto had finished, Evan let out a deep sigh and wiped the sweat off of his brow. There was no doubt that this violin was well beyond what he should have any right to have (monetarily, at least), but for the moment he could relish the fact that he had been able to play a piece on it.

He'd apologize to the owner later... Assuming there was one, of course.

It was then, of course, that he noticed the small crowd that had gathered around him. He hadn't noticed the young girl tugging at his clothes while he was playing, but now that he could focus his attention towards something other than his music, he could see that she was... Definitely not human. It was at this point that Evan started vaguely considering the possibility of this actually being a different world entirely.

The arrival of a hooded traveler (who, for all intents and purposes, had assumed something odd about the child next to him) and a group of knights led by a young girl didn't exactly... Help matters much at all.

"Ah..." he began, wondering where to start before sighing and shrugging his shoulders. "Okay, let's just answer the questions in order. One: I do not know where this is, nor do I know where the nearest town or what have you is. You could call it amnesia or what have you, but quite frankly all I know is that I found this violin here and decided to test it. No use lugging around a broken instrument, after all. Next: I would be happy to tell you about the piece once... This has been resolved. It shouldn't be too hard to rewrite the sheet music if need be. And finally... Goblins?"

Almost as if on cue, the rumbling of the ground beneath the group caused Evan to turn around, looking for the source. If it was an earthquake, an open field like this was the safest place to be, but...

"Is that... Oh, god, you weren't joking," he said under his breath as he found the source.

A giant wave of green-skinned creatures, half-clothed and carrying rudimentary weapons, seemed to be rushing towards the group. Evan took a few steps back out of instinctual fear, his violin beginning to glow a faint blue as he shook his head.

"Alright, I did not sign up for this. I'm a musician, not a warrior," he said before the instrument in his hands slipped out of his grasp and floated above his head. "Aaand I've gone crazy. Okay."

As the horde of goblins neared, Evan took a few steps back, moving away from the goblins. For some reason, however, a certain music piece popped into his head.

And the violin... Well, it started to play it.

As the sound resonated throughout the field, the oncoming goblin horde seemed to slow down, their arms slackening. They continued to charge forth, of course, but at a far slower pace than before.

It took Evan a few moments to process the scene, but he could at least parse a few things: namely, that the violin he had just been playing was linked to him, and that it was applying some sort of... Magical effect on the enemies in front of them.

"...Okay, you know what? I'm just going to accept this fact and go along with it," he said, throwing his hands up in the air in exasperation. "Magic? Sure, why not?"
Kumozaki Keisuke

As the rest of his Servants split off from the group to go around the town, Keisuke and Siegfried slowly began to walk along the outskirts of the town. The buildings closer to the wall were obviously a bit more worn-down than the ones closer to the center, which was to be expected. But even with that fact in mind, it wasn't as if the threat of any enemies attacking in broad daylight existed. After all, he had Siegfried to help defend him as he traveled the area to examine the town's defenses.

Yes, that was more or less the goal of his current exploration: gathering information on how to have the town defend itself sufficiently against such issues. Elizabeth's Noble Phantasm wouldn't exist forever, after all, and Keisuke himself would prefer it if he could recruit Siegfried to help resolve this whole matter directly rather than just strictly defending the town.

"Hm... I think a bounded field around the town could work as a basic method of keeping those undead out, letting the guards simply clean up the next day, but maybe..." he pondered to himself before Siegfried quietly gripped onto a shoulder.

"Hold a moment; I sense the presence of an unfamiliar presence," the Saber stated calmly before taking a few steps in front of Keisuke. "My name is Siegfried, slayer of Fafnir. Nameless Servant, could I request you reveal yourself? I would rather not cause an unnecessary scuffle within the town here in searching for you, and given that you aren't immediately out for my blood I would hope to assume that you are at least willing to speak."

Tomoe Gozen

Tomoe, unlike the other Servants in her group, had opted to split off and head towards the blacksmiths of the town. It was a given, of course, that she would be interested in a culture so different from her own. The Grail had not given her any knowledge of past eras such as these, and given the situation the Archer believed it would do her well to learn something about this world, so as to know how to combat her opponents better.

Granted, it didn't matter as much because she was a Servant and could shrug off attacks from normal human weapons with ease, but understanding how an opponent fought and what they fought with would never be a waste of time.

Once she entered a building that had a simple 'smith' sign on its storefront, though, Tomoe found herself looking straight at what seemed to be a grouchy old man tending the storefront. There were a variety of weapons on display, but before the Archer could even examine the first one, she heard the storekeeper scoff.

"Crazy girl. How'd you even survive that horde? No armor or anything," he grumbled. The Archer paused in place for a moment before standing up straight and walking over to him.

"Pardon me, but did you just say something about me?"

"You heard me," he spat, glaring at Tomoe for a moment before forcefully drawing her katana from its sheath. "What the heck is this weird sword? So light and flimsy... How do you expect to cut through armor with this thing, anyways?"

The Archer had, of course, been far too focused at the prior affront to her pride that she hadn't stopped the old man from taking her sword, but his comments were far too aggravating for her to let them slide. Moving faster than the human eye could perceive, Tomoe snatched her weapon back from the old man before he could realize what was going on, glaring at him with irritation.

"Do you not know the meaning of the word 'courtesy'? Are you the only blacksmith in this town? Have you no one to humble you for such arrogance?" she asked angrily, flicking the katana off towards the side as she stared the man down in anger. "Where I come from, you would be shamed and beheaded on the spot."

"Huh? You, a traveler, lecturing me about what I can and can't do?! Anyone could tell that your sword won't even cut the flimsiest of my shields!" he spat back, wholly undeterred by Tomoe's outburst.

"Would you like to test that theory?" the Archer responded, taking the man's comment as a challenge. With a confident smile, the old man glared at Tomoe and pointed to a door leading out behind the store.

"Gladly. If I'm right, you get right out of this shop this instant and never come back."

"And if I'm correct, you shall prostrate yourself and learn to stay your tongue in the presence of others."

"Deal," the old man chuckled, getting up from his seat and walking to the door he had pointed to moments earlier. "You'll regret this, girl."

"Likewise," Tomoe said, following the shopkeeper out back as she sheathed her katana. "My pride shall not be so easily trampled, but yours might be dust by the time I am done here."
Evan Kim

The sight of those two headlights was burned into his mind.

There was nothing else to say about that moment, other than how unfortunate the young man had been. There was the sound of a tire popping, a few screams, and nothing more to warn him about the oncoming vehicle. It was nothing more than an extremely unfortunate accident at the curb, but even so, the result was obvious.

But even so, the pain the musician should have felt from being run into by a truck wasn't there. He theorized, of course, that the truck would probably have killed him on impact, but that made his current situation even odder.

Was he truly 'dead' if he was still thinking now? Did some form of 'afterlife' really exist? Or was he simply drowning in some form of unconscious thought while in a coma?

It was then, though, that Evan finally managed to open his eyes. It was nothing as dramatic as media had portrayed it to be, it seemed; he was simply here, lying in the middle of a field that seemed to be a far cry from the city streets he had just been walking through, and with nary a scratch on him.

"...Hm? Wait, this... I wasn't wearing anything this fancy, was I?" he asked himself, brow furrowed as he slowly pushed himself off the ground and brushed himself off. To be sure, a fancy suit complete with a cravat might be something he would wear at a performance, but simply walking towards his ride so he could transfer to an airport? Absolutely not.

After a few moments of looking around to see if there was any other sign of civilization, the musician simply let out a sigh of defeat and glanced towards the ground and noticed the form of an all-too-familiar object.

"A... Violin case?"

Figuring he really had nothing else to lose, the young man knelt down and opened the box, only to reveal that there was indeed a violin inside. Unfastening the bow and instrument from their positions, Evan slowly looked over the latter. The way the violin seemed to catch the eye was notable on its own, but after a few minutes of closer inspection (and recalling the various times he had seen such instruments in real life), the young man simply stared at the violin in shock before staring at each section of the violin in turn, as if checking for a forgery (which he really was). He was no expert, of course, but even so...

"I... This can't be real, can it? I never had the money to purchase one of these back home, so... Is this a joke of some sort?"

A Stradivarius violin... There was no way that someone would leave such a valuable instrument simply lying around in the middle of a field, and so Evan could only really draw one of two conclusions from its existence: it was a very well-made replica, or... Well, it was really a Stradivarius and he had just come across something that could go for millions at an auction.

"...As if. But... I need to confirm if this is a real Stradivarius. Yes, if it's me, then it should be fine," he said to himself quietly, as if attempting to rationalize the whole ordeal. "But what to play...? Hm... Well, for starters, let me try something simple. But first, tuning."

Taking a deep breath, the young man brought the violin up to his shoulder and immediately began to test the strings. The violin, amazingly enough, seemed to resonate with life in his hands even as he played a few test notes, and in an instant Evan felt confident that, even if this wasn't a Stradivarius or some other famous instrument maker's work, it would surely be well beyond what he had ever been able to play before now. With renewed confidence that the object in front of him was a quality work of art, Evan recalled a piece from his mind and began to play.

"Yes, this sound... There is strength behind it. This instrument is itself a masterpiece, but to think I would find something like this here and now... Ah, life is truly full of miracles."

And thus he continued to play, losing himself to his craft and putting aside all his worries for the moment. He could fret about the situation he was in later; to play this violin now was nothing if not a once in a lifetime experience that he couldn't afford to pass up.
Hinanawi Tenshi

As soon as Youmu spoke out in response, the blue-haired Celestial moved to her feet, half-ready to draw her sword and cut the monitor in front of them into pieces. It was only at the intervention of another young woman off to the side and a bit of whispering into Tenshi's ear, though, to simply bite her lip and take her seat once more.

"If you weren't half the world away, I would shoot you into the ground," she said, glaring at the half-ghost gardener with irritation as she calmly brushed off Sanaki's own introduction. "Too formal. Too long winded. Do you really think that you need to act so proper right now, little girl?"

It was clear that Tenshi wasn't the most pleased about having to deal with Youmu and Yuyuko, and her somewhat surly attitude could possibly also have something to do with having to wake up early enough to be here in the first place. The latter, of course, seemed to be marginally aware of that fact. Smiling behind her fan, the ghost girl glanced towards Youmu for a moment before speaking in turn.

"After last time, I'm surprised your babysitter allows you to even move about freely. Is she really so occupied with handling your mistakes that she can't even pay attention to you any more?" she asked, giggling slightly as Tenshi visibly tensed up. "I certainly hope that the people you're 'working' with can deal with your little temper tantrums."

"Do you want to fight again? I don't care if I lost last time, I'm seriously going to get you two if you're going to keep spitting in my face like this!" Tenshi hissed back, ready to sping at the screen as the girl from earlier hastily waved her arms as if begging them to stop.

"Could I ask if you could refrain from aggravating Ms. Hinanawi, Ms. Konpaku and Ms. Saigyouji?" she asked calmly, hoping that one of the most physically adept members of the group would be enough to get Tenshi to calm down. "For now, let me introduce myself—Private Hanako Minami, at your service. As of right now, I am working as the formal adjutant and overseer of the Japanese team you see in front of you."

There was a moment of silence before the Private sat down, waiting for the rest of the people present to speak up. By this point, she definitely couldn't rely on Tenshi being professional, and given Yuyuko's and Youmu's recent actions...

"Hmph. Very well, then. My name is Saigyouji Yuyuko, and this is my gardener, Konpaku Youmu. We live in Hakugyokurou, which itself is situated in a land called Gensokyo. Shall that suffice for now?" the ghost girl finally stated, watching as Tenshi used all of her willpower to not go flying at the screen. It wasn't as if she could reach them anyhow, so it was quite satisfying watching her as she was now.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@KoL@Rin@TheFake@Crusader Lord
Name: Evan Kim
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Appearance: "A bit of an odd look for me, but I'll live with it."
Personality: With a calm head and a love of music, Evan is the sort of person who works tirelessly in pursuit of his passion. He is stubborn to a fault, at least when it comes to music, and refuses to budge an inch when it comes to moving pieces closer towards perfection. When it comes to working with other people, however, Evan is a lot less selfish, though he still has a tendency to look down on others if they tend towards inanity. There is a slight air of arrogance about him regardless, though, but he does well to hide it as best he can when in the company of his peers.
Native/Not?: Non-native.
Abilities: Despite not having much physical ability to speak of, Evan possesses what is, for all intents and purposes, a Stradivarius violin in peak condition (without actually being one, of course). Said violin is also the outlet for his music, though, and Evan can play it remotely without needing to use his hands should he so choose to. By using the aforementioned instrument, the young musician is able to cast various buffs, debuffs, and spells on anyone he so chooses. The effects of the music are determined by the song that he plays as well as its complexity, and the violin itself is more or less impervious to damage.
History: To say that Evan was a musical prodigy would not be far from the truth. Though his parents had planned to have him learn an instrument a few years into elementary school, the young child was already entranced by the world of music far before then, and thus sought to have his parents let him start learning a few years earlier. Parents being as parents were, they ceded ground, and the young child thus began to learn the violin. Of course, learning one instrument did not stop him from learning others as he grew older, nor did it cause his ability to play any one instrument to dull in turn.
Such a lifestyle was not perfect, however, as it meant that the young Evan seldom interacted with other children his age. It was only around high school did all of the insanity and buzz about being such a 'genius' begin to finally die down, despite all the accolades and tournaments he had piled up thus. It was then that he finally began to learn how to interact with people and expand his world beyond simply "music".
High school transitioned into college, and with that came time for Evan to travel and take classes abroad. Four years came and went in the blink of an eye, but the day he was to leave for his flight back home, the prodigy instead found himself staring down the shining headlight of a bus, and then—.
Other: Classical music is obviously his forte, but acquaintances have led him to learn various other genres of music, which in turn comes out in the pieces that he tends to play. Tends to stay away from punk and more avant-garde pieces.

Here's what I've drafted up for the interim, then.
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