Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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A complicated expression crossed Deneb's face as Viri praised her, and the ninja looked as if she was wavering between correcting the healer on her remark about her being a girl or simply ignoring that sentence. To say that she hadn't been experienced would be an outright lie, but to affirm one thing and deny the other would only bring up problems. of course, the look on her face right now was just as troublesome, which meant that a response was all but necessary right now.

It only made sense, then, that the ninja would simply give a wordless nod in return, acknowledging what had been said and no more. Her party member could interpret her words as she pleased, but the matter of completing what they had set out to do had taken priority.

"Mmm. I'll take the lead, then," Deneb said shortly after, hands at her side as she quietly glanced to and fro across the fields. As far as she could see, the boars seemed to be minding their own business. So long as they weren't the aggressors, it seemed, they wouldn't strike back.

"They seem far more passive than they were in the game," she remarked offhandedly, moving to create a bit more space between herself and Viri as they continued to move. "More hostile enemies should appear the further we get—at least, that's what I'd assume."

A few minutes of walking later had left the boars and their food behind altogether, and the unnatural pressure that seemed to hover in the air around them gave Deneb a reason to be mildly worried. The game had always broadcast messages with flavor text that conveyed similar feelings whenever a field boss had spawned, and nothing being visible to her right now didn't take away from the problem hovering over her head.

"The field bosses in the region... I think the main ones were the Flametongue Bear, Boar of Ara, and the Silver Wolf. As we are now... I don't know how safe it'd be to face any one of them," Deneb remarked, clicking her tongue in annoyance. "Can't take anyone away from the infrastructure team to handle this, and I have zero confidence in my ability to take one of these things down as I am now, even with buffs and healing..."

Ignoring the pressure bearing down on her, the ninja crossed her arms and closed her eyes in an attempt to think about the best course of action. To cede ground now might mean that they might lose track of whatever this enemy was, which would put everyone at risk if it drew closer to town. On the other hand, taking the enemy down as they were might be tantamount to suicide without a proper plan.

"Hmm... Ah, this would be so much easier if this was in the game. Kiting any of these three around would've been child's play, but I can't trust my own body to act perfectly despite that field test just now..."


Seeing as how the apparent tank had found better things to do with his time (whatever that was), the ninja turned to face the healer at her side. Apparently, she had found a pair of boots in that inventory of hers. They were meant for a lower level, but the stats on them weren't something that the ninja was particularly worried about.

"That's... Good, I guess," she said, hesitating on whether or not to praise Viri for finding something like that in the time that it took for that introduction to unfold. "But first, I'm going to test my capabilities in combat. I hope you don't mind a little bit of waiting."

With that, the ninja took a few steps off the beaten path and surveyed the land around her. There were a few boars still sniffing around, and it seemed that they hadn't noticed her. With a deep breath, the ninja drew a kunai from her side and held it in her hand. Despite having never actually thrown a weapon before, something about the motion felt... Natural to her.

With a leap and a flick of her wrist, the projectile landed directly in the eye of a boar, which proceeded to squeal in a mix of fear and rage before it turned towards Deneb. In an instant, it began to charge at her location, only for it to find a bunch of caltrops stuck in its feet.

"Huh. It seems that imagining the skill can invoke it. Convenient."

As the caltrops on the ground disappeared back into the air, Deneb leaped at the boar (which was still apparently in pain) before grabbing the kunai still lodged in its eye and tearing it out on her way past. Landing on the other side of the boar, Deneb threw the kunai back into her inventory before drawing the dagger at her side. With only a second to react, the boar could do nothing as Deneb flew by under its head, dragging the knife along and cutting its throat wide open as she went. The aftermath after the beast fell to the ground and bled out was a bit gory for her liking, but a kill was a kill.

"I guess that's something to note, then. We're not wholly incompetent at combat and won't have to train from scratch, so that's convenient," she said to Viri, taking note of the interface to loot the corpse before using it to take whatever she could from her kill. With that, the ninja sent a note off to the other group still working inside the town before walking back over to Viri's side and equipping the boots she had presented.

"Those sandals aren't as uncomfortable as I had expected, but it's better to be safe than sorry. We're probably fine spending an hour exploring the region for any changes, at least; we can regroup back at town with return scrolls afterwards. Don't hesitate to call anything strange out, though. We want to secure the town as soon as possible."

@liferusher: All right, form analysis time.

1. No subclasses. Wipe that from the form. No need for it.
2. There are a bunch of chronological inconsistencies with the backstory. For example, the character is 23 and has been a shut-in for 6 years, but 'aced school [and] got a decent job'. Logically, there is a buffer window between that and the withdrawal from society, but given that the character would have to have been 17 when that happened... Yeah, things don't add up. Also, online job with what must reasonably a high school diploma at best seems sketchy and at worst feels like a complete and utter scam.
3. Oh boy. Solo clearing endgame. Where to begin...
Okay, the big problem here is that content developers for an MMO are not incentivized to make solo content aside from MAYBE story. That remains the case here; allowing players to run through an entire game on their own devolves it from an MMORPG into just an RPG, which defeats the purpose of multiplayer. Heck, many bosses these days have mechanics that require multiple party members to cooperate in order to accomplish. I doubt that'd change here.
So... Big no to that. No endgame player should be soloing endgame content meant for party play.
4. Dual wielding katanas...
Can I just give that a no based on swords? Katanas are generally able to be wielded with one or two hands, yes, but the balance on having to dual wield them is bad. You've got other swords as options, but still. If you really want them, you'll have to make a case.
5. Level a tad too high. A bit lower, please.

I think that's it for now.
Ah, alright. Congratulations and g'luck in the future, bud.
Yukine Chris

"Oi, hey wait a minu—!"

Once Hibiki had taken her arm, the unfortunate young woman already had a feeling about what was to come. She had seen her friend act like this many times in the past, and much to her chagrin, each of them ended up...

"Aaah, fine!" Chris declared in half-defeat, resigning herself to being dragged along like a ragdoll in Hibiki's search for whatever it was that the crystal was pointing them towards. It was better than waiting around for something to happen to them, at least. It took a few blocks of weaving through the crowds of people (who, as it seemed, were still half-ogling their outfits) before the pair came across... Whoever those people were.

Unlike the two high school girls, the ragtag group in front of them looked far from simple cosplayers. Putting aside the fact that they didn't look quite Japanese at all, there was the matter of one of them with a distinctly sharpened spear and another with what was obviously a sword. Be in ornamental or not...

"Erm... Are you... Cosplaying tourists, by any chance? You know that there's a law preventing people from walking around with weapons in public, right?" she asked as the crystal in Hibiki's hand suddenly began to shake and float into the air. The two other jewels present in their immediate vicinity, conveniently located within the hands of the others in front of them. That, of course, made it abundantly clear to Chris that the ones present here were also likely on the receiving end of whatever off phenomenon had struck earlier.

After the three jewels rose into the air and circled their heads a few times, they immediately crashed into one another in the circle they had formed. There was a brief pause and a slight wince from Chris as they collided, but where she expected to see dust there was instead a translucent white orb in its place. It seemed to float there in the middle of their two groups, but oddly enough nobody else on the streets seemed to be looking at it.

Or them anymore, for that matter.

"Er... Are we going to run into another issue?" Chris asked, eyeing the orb warily as she freed herself from Hibiki's ironclad grip. "I don't see any more weird shadow people or things blowing up..."

@Rabidporcupine@VitaVitaAR@TheFake@Raineh Daze
@liferusher: been a while, huh?
Yeah, you can join.
@Ozerath: You've been mia a few days; any news on the update?

I'll give another 1-2d buffer before we push on regardless.
Astrid Kim

Blue flames wreathed the land, stretching into the sky as if to block anyone else from bearing witness to what was within. She, of course, was in the middle of it all. In her arms, an older man, bearing on his face a pair of glasses, lay limp. She, too, seemed to have no strength in her limbs; her legs refused to move, and her hands remained firmly clasped in place.
And as the flames grew brighter, the heat grew, until finally——

Astrid opened her eyes as the apparent nightmare ended, the mild concern evident on her face as she groggily got up from her bed and stretched her arms. The scene that presented itself was unnaturally vivid, and the young woman could feel the cold sweat on her forehead slowly dripping down. While the caffeine from last night's coffee had done its job well (down to the perfectly timed crash following her shower and change of clothes), the scant hours of sleep she had been given were just a few too little. The sun seemed to barely rise over the horizon, judging by the light barely streaming through her window, but that meant this was probably one of the best times to handle any other issues at hand. It was definitely far too early to go shopping—that'd have to come after some breakfast—but at the very least, she could attempt to contact her mother. It was probably sometime in the evening in Korea, anyhow, and it wasn't as if she was a magus with the ability to prepare. She could make a few runes, yes, but without actually having burned any resources during their scouting last night there wasn't much of a point in doing so.

With that in mind, the half-valkyrie pulled out a laptop from her luggage and, after setting up whatever needed to be set up, attempted to contact her mother. The miracle of the internet was not something to be underestimated, and Astrid wasn't so fixated on tradition that she would pass up the opportunity to use this on the job anyhow.

"Oh, right, Lancer," Astrid remarked as the somewhat obnoxious sound of the call connecting bounced through the room, "we should visit the Church before buying you a change of clothes. I believe that was something mandatory to be handled...?"

Before long, the sound resonating from the computer stopped, and after a second of pause, the sight of a woman with blonde hair chatting with an older Korean man popped up on screen.

"Oh, Astrid!" the man said, waving at the screen from the other side as she waved back. "I heard you went to America for—"

"Not now, Seong-il!" berated the woman next to him, and before long the old man was shooed off somewhere to the side. "So, young lady, did you meet any troubles over there?"

"Er... No, not particularly, but I did meet... I don't know, one of my aunts? I think that's the best way to describe the situation..."


Given that her father wasn't exactly aware of anything involving magi, Astrid found this to be the easiest way of dancing around the issue. It was possible that Lancer would poke her head in to speak, but... Well, she'd cross that bridge when she came to it.



Once the matters for the night were handled and his Master returned back to his base, Archer wasted no time in slipping out and scouting the rest of the town out. Finding 'contacts' was far easier than he had expected, and the funds that he had obtained from his Master were enough to at least set up a basic information network. Despite learning of the marvel that was modern technology, the idea of having something so easily traceable by others turned the old dandy off from the idea of utilizing it altogether. While it might be easy to connect with others, a system like that made it just as simple for any plebian to follow the tracks back to him.

That was far from the ideal.

Once that was handled, though, Archer returned back to the hotel where his Master was and took some time for himself to sleep. Despite being a Servant (and, by all means, dead), the feeling of rest after having accomplished something was still something worth savoring. There was still more to be done later, but for now...

This would do fine.

Awakening early the next morning was a simple task, but it was a matter of waiting for his Master to be awake and alert before seeing if any of the seeds he had sewn had borne fruit.

@King Cosmos
Once the barrage of magical missiles had finished firing and the vanguard had cleaved their target in two, Tiral, though still wary, allowed his barriers to drop. Despite the distance from where he was relative to the witch, the apparent lack of blood from Tyaethe's swing was quite apparent. It was a given, then, that once that body double had dissipated into a swarm of butterflies that he would move to examine the leftovers. At the very least, the mage-knight assumed that it might be possible to trace the source. Puppetting a copy would likely leave something behind, which would make finding a trail far simpler.

"Pardon me," he said, running up the stairs and setting up a magic circle to attempt something, with a singular needle of ice floating above it to act as a compass. The results were made apparent in a few minutes: the needle spun around a few times before pointing in a direction that caused Tiral to balk.

"...The town? We need to move."
@Sync: Fine now. Accepted.
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