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Zeke von Genbu

Proceeding further into the streets, Zeke found the same sight that the other two had seen, and was just as equally appalled by what he saw as the other two were. Seeing dead monsters lying around from defending a town or looking for materials to sustain a livelihood was all well and fine, but given what beasts they had just killed combined with the sheer irreverence for life...

This went beyond what was by any means acceptable, and the expression on the Driver's face showed his disdain for it all.

"Well, I guess if that's any indication, they're all probably going to be this rude," he remarked, readying his weapon as the other two dove forward. The riflemen were dispatched in short other by his allies, though, which left the rabid dog that was biting at his face to be dealt with.

"Oh, on me, huh?" he asked, casually sidestepping the dog as it dove for his face before cleaving through the center of its body in midair. "Sorry, but putting you down's my only choice here. I don't think you'd meet any cleaner a fate hanging out with masters like these."

With the dog handled, Zeke chased after the other two in order to help disarm the rest of the unruly mob—if there were any left to disarm, at least.

@RolePlayerRoxas@Raineh Daze
Lin Quan

Given his own less-than-stellar landing, Lin found himself somewhat pleased by the fact that his efforts had not all been for naught—moreso after the little girl who had been hanging off of his face for dear life had finally let go, but pleased nonetheless. The mild soreness that reached throughout his body (which, upon closer inspection, was notably longer than he was used to), coupled with the remarks from the child who had been screaming moments earlier, caused him to glance behind himself.

It was fairly obvious now given that he was no longer falling through the sky, but as far as he could tell, he was a dragon. An Eastern dragon, obviously enough, but a dragon nonetheless.

"Mmm... So it seems," he said, lifting himself off the ground to get a view of the forest around them. "It is quite odd, given that I was most certainly not one minutes ago... What was it that Zhuangzi about whom the analogy of the dreaming butterfly was penned? Well, whatever the case may be, it certainly seems that this is who I am now."

Being lost in his thoughts for a moment (and ignoring, to the best of his ability, the child who was rightfully panicking after being placed into such a situation), Lin Quan calmly shook his head and nodded towards the other girl—one who, by all means, was taking this far better than either of the other two had.

"I would think that skydiving with one in the first place would be something to remember," he replied, a single eyebrow raised as he glanced at the group around them. Small as they were to him now, Lin could only assume that he was the only one not not look in any way human. For better or for worse, that had been their salvation, but as things were now, it was far too inconvenient to attempt to move about again.

As he contemplated the matter to himself, though, Lin's body began to glow, and after a few moments the dragon had been replaced by a young Chinese man with long, black hair and a set of robes. It was altogether particularly convenient for him, and with his arms crossed, Lin nodded in acceptance.

"Hm. Interesting; so I can shift forms at will? Something to remember for the future," he said to himself, nodding before turning towards the three girls in front of him and bowing.

"In any case, before I forget: my name is Lin Quan. Given these odd circumstances, I would like to ask if anyone else had any clue as to what has just transpired, but..." he continued, trailing off before glancing around once more. "Maybe it would be wiser to seek a safer place than the middle of these woods for the moment?"

Lin Quan

The last thing that Lin could recall was fading into unconsciousness, the feeling of every one of his ribs stabbing into his organs burned into his memory.

Now, though, there was none of that. Instead, the feeling of falling endlessly was what met him. Though he had not yet opened his eyes, the young man found it odd that the wind was blowing against his face. No, more than that, the fact that he was falling at all was too odd to ignore. Opening his eyes, in turn, had led to an instant realization of two things.

First: that there was a long, lizardlike mouth that extended from where his own was, complete with a pair of whiskers.
Second: that he was ACTUALLY falling through the sky, with a few other people(?) in a similarly unfortunate position.

Panic would have ordinarily been the first reaction, and Lin found it odd that instead of frantically trying to process what to do, his mind was telling him to simply ride the wind... Whatever that meant. There was a brief moment thereafter that he seemed to hang in the air for a moment, though, before another part of his mind, instinctual or not, told him to try snaking through the air instead of simply falling.

Following that instruction, facing downwards as he was, caused his descent to accelerate; ordinarily, this would have been far worse for him, but the general "idea" on how to handle his descent had already rooted itself in his mind.

Snaking downwards through the air, Lin immediately glanced at the others falling and made a move to try and help the ones who were most likely to become red stains on the ground. One of them, a girl with white hair, he barely caught the clothes of with one of his newfound (and comparatively stubby) arms; another, a child with horns, had landed onto his face and promptly used one of his new whiskers as a makeshift rope. Given how close the group was now to the ground, the last thing that the dragon could manage to do was grab the small child who was screaming bloody murder for aid with his remaining spare hand and attempting to slow the group's descent towards the ground.

The weight of the three of them at once, though, proved too much for him to sustain on his own, though, and despite his best efforts to stay afloat, Lin began to fall towards the ground. His pace was considerably less than terminal velocity, though, so by the time he "landed" the worst of the damage was from his own body hitting the floor.

"That... Could have been less painful..." Lin groaned, letting go of the two in his hands as he lay on the ground. "And to you, hanging from my face: could I ask if you could please let go before you tear that off of my face?"

Jason Liu

Though Jason had no particular reason to make remarks about the situation he was in, being able to barely catch what his overseer had said under her breath caused him to pause, if only for a moment. It was not his place to pry into the matters of others (doubly so given his current position), but at this point there was nothing to be done other than follow the Master and her Saber as they left the building.

The address provided with the transcript was not too far from their location, for better or for worse, and soon enough the group of three were standing in front of a Buddhist temple, its exterior stylized to fit in with the rest of the city. Opening the door inside, of course, would cause the smell of incense to rush out from inside. To Jason, the scent was not particularly unfamiliar, though it was a bit too overpowering for his tastes.


From inside the temple itself, the woman who had requested Hakuno's presence—one Sesshouin Kiara—promptly got up from her prayers in front of the Buddha statue in the center of the hall and gestured for them to enter.

"Please, come in; I am happy to see you responding to my request so soon."

Name: Lin Quan
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Appearance: "A simple affair."
Though he is most often seen with this appearance, Lin's true form is far closer to what one would expect of a Qinglong—in other words, a large serpentine dragon of about 7.5 meters in length covered in azure blue scales, with deer-like antlers in the place of horns and a pair of 'whiskers' extending from near his nose.
Personality: Compared to what one might expect of a 'dragon' in context of the 'New World', Lin Quan is far less greedy and self-serving, often acting to benefit a whole rather than just himself. Though he is not wholly selfless in his mannerisms, those who he deems as allies can expect aid should they ever desire it. That being said, he is not necessarily the most outgoing of people, often taking a more distant tone in conversation in most scenarios. However, when issues arise, Lin is often one of the first to posit possible solutions or answers in turn.
Despite his apparent lack of relevant social skills, he can read people to an extent and is more than willing to continue conversations should he be prompted. Often times, he demonstrates by means of actions, not words, and thus gains relevance like that among his peers instead.
History: A college student from China who had traveled overseas for his studies, Lin had never stood out by any means other than his own studies. Even as a student, Lin had mostly kept to himself, mostly engrossing himself in exam preparation and experiments during his free time. His own successes then had led to his subsequent eligibility to study overseas, and the young man had gladly taken that opportunity when it presented itself. Once he had left the endless cycle of examinations and studying, though, Lin found himself with far more free time than he had expected; one thing led to another, of course, and soon enough he had come to engage himself with the global presence that was the internet far more actively, and with it all of the cultures of the world in turn. He did not stray from his studies despite this, though, but being dragged left and right by classmates who wanted to introduce, watch, or play things with him made that far less of a priority.
Though the world had opened up to him, Lin found his time cut abruptly short due to a particularly nasty car crash; the details of the incident were never fully known to him, of course, but all that he knew before his consciousness had faded was that his death was all but certain. Imagine his surprise, then, when he found himself as he was now!

Well, you said you'd cut a deal for me, so here we are. I'm fine with editing if necessary, though.

Name: Lin Quan
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Appearance: "A simple affair."
Though he is most often seen with this appearance, Lin's true form is far closer to what one would expect of a Qinglong—in other words, a large serpentine dragon of about 7.5 meters in length covered in azure blue scales, with deer-like antlers in the place of horns and a pair of 'whiskers' extending from near his nose.
Personality: Compared to what one might expect of a 'dragon' in context of the 'New World', Lin Quan is far less greedy and self-serving, often acting to benefit a whole rather than just himself. Though he is not wholly selfless in his mannerisms, those who he deems as allies can expect aid should they ever desire it. That being said, he is not necessarily the most outgoing of people, often taking a more distant tone in conversation in most scenarios. However, when issues arise, Lin is often one of the first to posit possible solutions or answers in turn.
Despite his apparent lack of relevant social skills, he can read people to an extent and is more than willing to continue conversations should he be prompted. Often times, he demonstrates by means of actions, not words, and thus gains relevance like that among his peers instead.
History: A college student from China who had traveled overseas for his studies, Lin had never stood out by any means other than his own studies. Even as a student, Lin had mostly kept to himself, mostly engrossing himself in exam preparation and experiments during his free time. His own successes then had led to his subsequent eligibility to study overseas, and the young man had gladly taken that opportunity when it presented itself. Once he had left the endless cycle of examinations and studying, though, Lin found himself with far more free time than he had expected; one thing led to another, of course, and soon enough he had come to engage himself with the global presence that was the internet far more actively, and with it all of the cultures of the world in turn. He did not stray from his studies despite this, though, but being dragged left and right by classmates who wanted to introduce, watch, or play things with him made that far less of a priority.
Though the world had opened up to him, Lin found his time cut abruptly short due to a particularly nasty car crash; the details of the incident were never fully known to him, of course, but all that he knew before his consciousness had faded was that his death was all but certain. Imagine his surprise, then, when he found himself as he was now!

I guess I'll also tentatively throw my hat in the ring. Hopefully I get something in mind before capstone guns me dead in a ditch somewhere.
Byron Cauna

The ensuing discussion caused Byron to shrug his shoulders in a non-committal manner, as he had no personal preference one way or another regarding their method of assault. Of course, he was one to prefer a more stealthy manner of taking the stronghold down—using a diversion to draw their attention while striking at their heart—but given the presence of one bloodthirsty demigod, that seemed almost impossible.

"Mmm... Well, it'd certainly make our jobs easier if they did surrender," the beastman ceded, nodding his head in assent before realizing that Izel had already made herself known to the bandits. Sylphie followed suit (as he had expected her to), causing Byron to sigh in turn.

"Guess we're just punching right through them, huh? No, wait..."

Given the way that the two girls were positioning themselves right now, the beastman took but a moment to realize that they were (perhaps inadvertently) causing a ruckus within the base. Though Izel along had raised a few eyebrows, Sylphie's arrival heralded a problem far more prominent, and it seemed that the bandits present were already ringing a gong of some sort to call for more backup.

In other words, all of their attention was focused on the two at their gates.

"I believe we can work with this," he began to say, turning towards the three who were still on standby. "If we use those two to draw their main force, we can slip through those haphazard defensive measures unnoticed and pincer the group from behind. While I'm fairly certain that they don't require our assistance in routing such... Poorly-equipped enemies, it would also allow another group to split off and possibly rescue any captives that might be on the mountain."

Distorting the light and masking their footsteps would be a straightforward matter, of course, but the problem thereafter was whether or not they would all group up to punch through the main entrance instead...

Anyone else who agreed would, of course, immediately move forward to sneak up the mountain in turn with him.

The bandits facing both Sylphie and Izel, of course, had already mobilized to match them. The name 'Sylphie Sorvost' had already long since been written off as a myth from centuries past, and so those present had already written off the one threatening them as a copycat who had, more likely than not, found a weapon and was attempting to flaunt its power with no experience.

With that said, it was obvious that they couldn't let either of the two leave now that their base had been reached.

"Alright, men! Take them down!" one of the bandits cried before a surge of them rushed at the pair.

@Crimson Paladin@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR@Rune_Alchemist@Lugubrious
Jason Liu

Hearing the words "continue the investigation" caused Jason to pause and glance off to the side. Given what had happened the day prior, it wasn't as if he was in any particular mood to further dig himself into this pit, but if there was something that still involved him going on it would be all but impossible to get out of it now. Voicing any complaints at the moment was meaningless, but even so...

"Message for Kishinami Hakuno at the main desk. Priority B; please report to the main desk."

The voice had arisen from the radio terminal on the Master's hip, and given that there had been no other ideas to be had at the moment, the three people soon moved over to receive the message.

Once there, Hakuno was thus given a single transcript, which read as thus:

Something about yesterday has been bothering me. If you don't mind, could I ask if I could speak with you sometime later today?
--Sesshoin Kiara"


Alter Ego — Meltryllis

With a relaxed yawn and a stretch, Meltryllis woke up from her nap (which had, once again, taken place on the couch). Given her condition, she couldn't actually do much of anything while her Master was out cold.

Which, in other words, had left her with a good 24 hours to simply sneak out and explore the nearby area on her own terms. Luckily, she was agile enough to simply leap from rooftop to rooftop, and in making sure that her presence wouldn't be made known by watching the crowds, gave herself a somewhat better view of the area than she had been given when forcefully dragged around two days ago. Her own Independent Action only served to allow her to move around further in spite of her Master's current status, and by the end of the night the Alter Ego had mentally mapped most places of interest.

With that said, the sudden rush of activity from Nanako as she barreled out of the room she had been resting in promptly caused Meltryllis to get up from her resting position and watch in half-amusement as the girl rifled through the fridge... Only to find out, of course, that there was none. That soon turned to mild concern, however, as the girl rushed through her morning routine and ran out of the complex without a moment's delay. After a brief pause, the TV in the room turned on, with an irate BB staring at Meltryllis.

"Go after her. Tail her from a distance if you want, but there's something off about today; it's very likely that she might be targeted after what I had you handle already."

"Fine, fine; no need to tell me twice," Meltryllis responded, waving her arm as she left the room to follow after Nanako. Hopefully, BB's warning would have nothing come of it.


Ruler — Shelock Holmes

Despite the evident apprehension in the air, the fact that none of his three companions had suggested that they fall back was a fact most appreciated by the Ruler as he led the way. The reports of people being attacked did nothing to help assuage his own worries, though even those were drowned out by his own desire to push through. He was no stranger to combat, of course, but if at all possible avoiding that altogether would have been ideal.

The path continued to wind on for a period of time, at least until the group came across what was apparently a small room with branching paths that led off one way or another. In front of those, thought, were a pack of what seemed to be...

"...Wyverns? I did not expect such creatures to be here in the first place..." Holmes muttered to himself, moving his flashlight off to the side as the creatures milled about. They did not seem to have noticed their group yet, but their presence alone was enigmatic, if not worrisome in its own right.

"What shall we do, then...?"

@KoL@DocRock@Raineh Daze

The Arena

Once the King of Knights and her companions had arrived, both Fionn and Munenori rose to meet them, exchanging greeting and formalities before Chiron led the four of them over to the stage. Unlike yesterday, where the matches occurred almost entirely as a spur of the moment thing, today's were the highlight match double feature. Already, the crowd had filed into the arena—which, this time, meant that instead of the smaller demonstration grounds, the main stage had been reserved for usage instead.

"Well, in any case, King of Knights, I hope that you can show me how you bested my right-hand man," Fionn remarked as they walked out into the corresponding area, causing a large ruckus from the viewers above. "Of course, we should show those present a battle worthy of praise regardless, else our own honor be called into question."

A few moments after they had entered, though, one more Servant barreled in after them, almost accidentally colliding headfirst with Chiron as they came to a stop. The Knights, of course, would recognize her instantly, as would a few people closer to the bottom of the arena.

"U-um! Mr. Chiron, sir! I've found someone willing to duel me!" she said, gesturing towards the entrance to the battlefield. "Is there enough space here for a third match?"

There was a brief pause as Chiron closed his eyes and held his chin before nodding in turn.

"I think that we should be able to fit your match in if we shift some things around. We may have to dynamically alter some barriers are the matches conclude, but... Yes, Gareth. May I ask who your opponent is, then?"
Caules Forvedge

In the small room that had been reserved for his exclusive usage, Caules sat quietly in front of his desk, staring intently at the empty letter in front of him. The plan he had in mind, of course, was to tell his sister Fiore about all of the madness that he had gotten himself wrapped up in... For better or for worse, of course.

"Ah... But where do I start?" he asked himself, leaning back in the chair and staring up at the ceiling. The most problematic part about this was, in fact, how he had gotten involved in the first place. There hadn't even been any warning about the matter; one minute, he had been listening to a lecture in Lord El-Melloi II's classroom, and the next, both he and his classmate Rin had Command Seals on the back of their hands. To say that their professor promptly freaked out and put the class on temporary hold as he dealt with that fact would be a bit of an understatement, but one thing had led to another and brought him to where he was now—a room in a Western-style mansion owned by one of the most decorated magus bloodlines on Earth.

For him, who was by no means a standout magus in the first place, he felt like a little fish in a big pond, this was particularly jarring.

"...You know what? I think I'd be able to explain this better in person," he said, deciding it better to put the idea of writing to the side for the moment and choosing, instead, to get up and leave his room. "I think I mentioned that I'd like a computer installed here, but who knows if I can connect to the internet from this mansion. Actually, I don't even think the Einzberns would let me..."

With that, the young man left his room in pursuit of a drink of water and some fresh air, if anything. He was still on edge about the whole process—doubly so, given how far the odds were stacked against them—but there was merit to be had based on who had been summoned already. It was little solace, if any, but that was still better than nothing.


With a model of their surroundings laid out in front of himself, Rider simply stared at the current position of both sides of the war relative to what stood between them. The nature of their conflict was different from the 'war' he had come to know during his lifetime, and so by nature his tactics would have to change in turn. Time and time again, he shifted around, walking from one place to another as he attempted to discern locations of attack, places to ambush his opponents, and whatever else he could make use of in combat.

"Hmph. We are on the offensive in this scenario, which would make our own job exceedingly more difficult than I would prefer," he said, stroking his beard with one hand as he took a step backwards. "If at all possible, I would prefer that they attempt to strike at us..."

It only made things more worrisome that the Masters present for their faction were a group of children, who themselves seemed almost laughably unfit for the fields of war. He knew better than to judge things at first glance, of course, but to send them instead of soldiers...

Well, in the end, that was simply the hand that fate had dealt him. They were, as a collective, under his protection, which changed nothing about his plans in the end. He would protect them as he saw fit, come what may from the opposition, and so long as he drew breath he would not allow harm to befall them.
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