Human Village
Tenshi had simply watched as Youmu had scrambled out of the room to go in an entirely different direction from the others, who seemed to already be walking off towards the bookkeeper's store. The Celestial briefly considered the situation and, deciding that it would be more fun to go for the group with less people, decided to follow after the half-ghost gardener instead. Throwing the book nonchalantly towards Akyuu (who barely managed to snatch it out of the air as it was about to fly over her head), the young woman gave a slight shrug towards the historian before running off in pursuit.
Upon seeing over half of those present leave the room, Kosuzu quickly stood up and half-ran out of the room after them, making sure to try and keep pace with those who were already moving towards her bookstore. Luckily, their nonchalant pace made taking the lead easy, and with a nod, the young girl wasted no time in guiding the group over to the place she had mentioned earlier. Indeed, it was as just as she had remembered; there was an odd space that seemed to waver in existence next to a nearby tree that seemed to stand out all the more if you focused on it. If it hadn't been for the remnants of blood-red mist that seemed to slip out from it, the anomaly would likely have gone wholly unnoticed by anyone without a sharp eye.
"That's... New..." Kosuzu trailed off, taking a wary step behind the four who she had guided here. "I, uh... I know that Akyuu wanted you to look into them, but..."
There was a bit of excitement in the young girl's heart, but the uncertainty behind the situation and the knowledge of the Scarlet Mist incident that she had made her all the more wary of even trying to go near it.
Entering the space would provide an immediate shift in scenery, though; just as passing through one of Yukari's gaps in reality, walking through this one would seemingly transport whoever did so into what appeared to be a parallel version of Gensokyo to the one they had just been in. The scarlet mist that blanketed the Human Village here seemed to be as dense as a thick fog, and though it was still possible to see more than a few feet in front of one's face, that was about all that could be done. The entrance to the locale seemed to exist all the same, of course, so returning was still an option, but even so...
The sound of laughter in the distance made the mood all the more uneasy, though...
@Fractured@RolePlayerRoxas@Raineh Daze@Sylph de Graaf
The Netherworld
The distance between entrance to the Netherworld and the Human Village was surprisingly short when considering how fast the residents of Gensokyo were able to fly, and before long Youmu (and soon after, Tenshi) had arrived at the gates without much issue. The space high above the skies was tranquil, save for the occasional fairy (Tenshi had a bit of fun cutting down the ones in her way en route), but in front of the gates themselves...
"...Snow and flower petals...?"
A distance away from the pillars in front of the gates proper, there seemed to be an odd distortion that seemed to be releasing a few in equal quantity into the clouds. If the Celestial had to guess, this was probably something similar to what had been mentioned earlier at Akyuu's house, but upon looking at it proper, it was definitely odd enough to warrant poking at.
Upon approaching the gates, Tenshi noticed that a pink-haired ghost was already there, floating around the odd space and catching a few of the cherry blossom petals that had already slipped out. Upon hearing of the approach of a few others, though, she turned around and, seemingly without a worry in the world, waved towards Youmu.
"Ah, you're back! I got a bit bored while waiting for the groceries and found this outside. Cherry blossoms at this time of year... Oh? Youmu, where are the groceries...?"