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Yeah, that works, though having it only have been a single generation makes that a bit odd. Could always take the 'reverse-engineering' angle if you want, but that works, too.
Well, yeah, that's essentially what my statements are boiling down to. Logically, if the abilities change, then the backstory as it is now would have have to follow suit, after all.

You're free to pitch any new ideas you have, too.
Sure, all right. Where to start...

For starters, cut out all that stuff about 'heresy' and 'taboo'. Again, if you were doing something the MA didn't approve of, you'd have Enforcers at your neck, and Enforcers do not fuck around.

As for more usable advice... The integration of magecraft and technology is itself not unusable, just that creating something that we could outright call 'magitech' is not something that should be possible. To that end, I'd recommend re-examining the ways in which the two could be used together and concepts from magecraft integrated into technology (or vice versa). The MA can (and probably still will be) stuck-up and elitist about it, which sorta stays in line with the original concept, but that stuff was going to have to be reworked anyways.
@Rezod92: Okay, time to dissect the form.

The primary problems stem from the abilities and history, and if I'm going to be honest, they just don't add up to me.

See, the Mystic Codes that your proposed Master has don't actually seem all that out-of-place compared to a lot of the Mystic Codes that already exist (see: Fiore's wheelchair/Doctor Octopus gear, literally anything made by Atlas, etc.;), and even then that isn't actually 'magitechy' in any way. Even then, the stuff that'd qualify under a contemporary definition of 'magitech' is, again, Atlas... And Atlas isn't exactly known for letting their tech out. I don't see the 'tech' part.

That actually leads to my next point, though: due to the nature of the world that the RP takes place in, this entire backstory cannot function as it stands. The city is a multinational coalition and involves the Mage's Association, and there's a non-insignificant amount of overlap between magecraft and technology ALREADY present in the city.

Also, the MA isn't actually that neurotic about science and technology crossing; once again I will point to Atlas, but even Chaldea in /GO makes liberal use of magecraft combined with the knowledge and specialization of modern physicists and engineers. Aside from that, the utilization of technology and magecraft can also be seen in /Extra (though Spiritron hacking is WEIRD and, again, Atlas-related) but it's not like Enforcers were sent out to deal with the ones responsible. The MA is stuck-up and haughty, not fundamentalist.

In short: rejected; I'm happy to help refine the idea, but as it stands, it's a no-go.
Human Village (Alt)

Koishi's cry out to whoever was laughing was only met with silence, as if mocking her attempts to reach out to them; given the circumstances and what they were doing, though, that much was probably to be expected. Doing something similar within the Human Village itself would elicit a different reaction; though there was a brief silence as there had been earlier, calling for the owner of the now-abandoned fruit stand would be responded to with a knife flying past Koishi's face and into the mist. It had not grazed her, of course, but it was clear that the intent behind it was not particularly kind in nature.

"...Oh, another youkai?" came a voice from the fog as a silver-haired maid stepped forward towards the satori, her eyes sharp as she glanced around for a moment before focusing on her. "I'm in the middle of something, so if you'll excuse me..."

Of course, the knives in her hand and the way she was glaring at the person in her way said more than her mask of politeness did.

@Fractured@Raineh Daze@RolePlayerRoxas

The Netherworld (Alt)

Lyrica was, obviously, caught completely off guard as Youmu slashed out at her, and though she managed to just barely block the attack with her keyboard, being launched into the gate of the Netherworld with such force caused her to slam into it and begin to fall to the earth. The other two sisters, clearly surprised by the sudden appearance of their benefactor's servant lashing out at them, looked at each other for a moment in complete shock before angrily shouting at the half-ghost gardener.

"What's the big idea?!" Merlin shouted, waving her arms at Youmu as Lunasa flew down to catch the falling Lyrica. "You call us out here to perform, and after making us wait here for days, you attack us out of the blue?!"

Before she could continue her rant, though, Tenshi (with a wide smile on her face) flew in and brought her sword down from above onto Merlin's head, only to be blocked in turn by Lunasa's violin.

"Oh? That was rather fast," the celestial said, smiling as she pushed off of the instrument as she moved to Youmu's side. "I'll handle the one in white, okay?"

And without waiting for a response, Tenshi flew forward again, her sword clashing with Merlin's trumpet as Lunasa was left carrying Lyrica in her arms.

"You know, I'm not just going to let this go unanswered," the last Prismriver sister said, her violin drawn to her side as she stared at Youmu. "If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get!"

With that, the violinist began to fly around, shooting danmaku bullets at Youmu as she and her violin darted around the cloud-covered sky.

I'll toss my hat in here.
Uehara Mitsuki

Taking a sip of his drink, Mitsuki simply listened to both the woman and her Servant as they seemed to attempt to deflect blame off of themselves. There really wasn't any way to try and tackle the issue at hand in the way he had intended if the other party involved didn't want to give any actual information, but...

Well, this was still probably something he could work with.

"People in this day and age definitely aren't as fit as you're assuming," he said simply, shrugging his shoulders as if to downplay the significance of what he had said before continuing. "But I don't think you should need to be forced outside to at least take a walk outside, at least. It doesn't have to be a run, but even that much should be a start... Right?"

Turning towards his own Servant as she added her own thoughts in, the young man nodded in agreement before his gaze panned over to where she was storing her game console. Given the topic at hand, there was one thought that easily came to mind.

"I'm pretty sure there are a few video games that help with that if you don't want to head outside," he quipped, turning back towards the others with a smile. "It might be fun playing together, don't you think?"

Not like he had ever played any of those types of games in the first place, of course, but there was no reason not to suggest something like that...

"But, well, I'm not sure if that projection of the situation quite applies here. I'm still fairly certain that Servants don't need to be out and about fighting for some lofty goal to make the most of their second lives, after all."

@RolePlayerRoxas@Raineh Daze@KoL

Alter Ego — Meltryllis

The purple-haired Alter Ego watched in mild amusement as the Saber stormed off, moving to the bathroom where her Master had gone earlier to (probably) cry her troubles away. Honestly, someone with such a fragile ego wasn't as fun to toy with as most others were, but this was enough for her—especially as it seemed that very same Saber was unable to mount a proper counterargument towards her own words.

Before she could call for her own Master to finish paying up and leave the shop with her, though, Meltryllis instead found herself on the receiving end of a lecture on what she had said. What little entertainment she had derived from what had just transpired was replaced by mild annoyance, as it felt as if she was being treated like a child who had done something wrong in her eyes.

"Like I said earlier, none of what I had said to start with ever actually directly referred to that one's Master. I only ever talked about you, did I not? And it's not like I'm wrong, either; you haven't been able to move around much ever since getting yourself put into that cast, and from what I know about humans, you're going to run out of breath if she starts sending us out on errands again. What am I supposed to do if you almost slip up again like that time at the building? It's not like I can always make sure that you're not going to throw yourself blindly into danger or get caught up in something out of your control, right?"

After speaking her mind, though, the Alter Ego took a moment to compose herself before sighing.

"...Whatever. Are you going to keep complaining then, or can we buy that jacket and leave?"



Having successfully forced his way into the alley to escape the sudden headwind, the would-be kidnapper, with the young girl still tucked under his arm, took a brief moment to catch his breath. It was quite possible that someone had caught onto what he had done, but so long as the job was done, his client would still pay... Right?

Of course, all those thoughts went out the window once he felt the grasp of someone's hand on his shoulder. Any doubts that he had until then were promptly dispelled, and without a bit of hesitation, he opened a small vial that he had tucked away under his shirt and waved it under his captive's face. Once she began to stir and opened her eyes, though, he tossed the vial away and, fumbling to escape the grasp of whoever had caught onto him, held a small crystal in front of the young girl's eyes.

"Summon your Servant and get rid of the ones chasing us!" he half-shouted, aware that his ability to hide away had become useless. With a gaze that dulled over as soon as the crystal had caught her attention, the young child spoke in an uncannily robotic manner as she seemed to nod in understanding.

"By my Command Seal... Assassin... Get rid of them..."

As one of the Seals faded away, the Servant that Amelia was contracted to—with black hair and limbs that seemed to belong to a puppet more than they did a human—seemed to appear out of nowhere and lash out at the woman who had restrained the kidnapper. There was obvious discomfort on her face as she considered the situation, but even so...

"...I cannot disobey my Master's orders," she said, blades sliding out of her arms as she stood at the ready. "...Forgive me."

And with that, the Assassin moved forward, striking out at the woman's neck soon after.

@RolePlayerRoxas@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR
Alter Ego — Meltryllis

There was a somewhat snide smile on Meltryllis' face as she watched the Saber's Master leave the area in a haste, her eyes following the girl in mild amusement before her Master attempted to intervene in her fun. Before she could casually brush off the accusation like she had considered, though, Suzuka had come over and brazenly insulted the both of them with no hesitation.

It was one thing to insult her, of course, and it was a given that she would retaliate in turn, but insulting her Master like that...

"Hmph. Well, I suppose that if your own excuse for a Master took my words as an insult to herself, then maybe she's the one at fault here. I only spoke to my own, after all, so I don't get why you're trying to heap the blame onto me," she responded, leaning forward and glaring right into the Saber's eyes. "Of course, if I was you, I'd already be feeling embarrassed. Forget causing a scene here like you are now—imagine having to fake being an idiot because you couldn't bear to be seen next to someone like that without putting on an act. That fake schoolgirl act would be amusing if it wasn't so pitiful to begin with."

With that, the Alter Ego straightened her back, and, looking down upon Suzuka for a moment, turned back towards her Master with a smile.

"But I suppose that a rabid animal has no use for knowledge in the first place. With all that yapping, even a saint would want to put it down. Don't you think so, too?"

Really, as irritated as she was, seeing that Saber so riled up also lit a fire in her heart; this was fun, and there was no point denying that fact.

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