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Clock Tower, 2019

"Professor, are you really sure about this? The balance of power here in the Clock Tower will shift without your presence..."
"Reines is already old enough to handle these affairs, Gray. Besides..."

The short snippets of dialogue, barely audible past the closed wooden door of the office that the two present were speaking in, were punctuated by the noise of books and other documents being shuffled around. The prestigious Waver Velvet (formerly known as Lord El-Melloi II), known throughout for the Clock Tower for how he drew the potential out of his students, was busy packing whatever it was that he needed away. His assistant, a young woman donning a cloak to cover her face, was standing quietly off to the side, a worried expression on her face as they spoke. Waver himself was staring at a single stack of papers, the light filtering in from the windowsill more than enough to let him read the contents out loud.

"Fusang City: built in the middle of the Pacific by a joint committee made up of the U.S., China, Japan, and... The Clock Tower. To think that the Animuspheres would willing to reveal the existence of magecraft to the UN and set this spark off... It's almost absurd," he sighed, placing the papers off to the side. "Despite retreating to the middle of Antarctica, their actions have set off a long chain of events that have thrown the world into chaos. More than that, though..."

Flipping the page over, Waver stared quietly at the line he had highlighted. This, more than the widespread knowledge of magecraft, stood out to him.

"Servant Summoning. Despite not having the Holy Grail as an anchor, the residents of this multinational city are able to summon Servants. Of course, there is no Holy Grail War, so I still question the validity of this matter, but this is something that the Clock Tower is unable to overlook any further."

"That's why you're being sent over?" Gray asked, quietly packing a few more books into her caretaker's luggage. "Didn't they have a few representatives over there presiding over everything already?"

"Well, yes. But for some reason, a certain former student of mine had decided to submit a proposal—without my approval, no less—asking that I teach over there for a few years instead. 'If it's him, he'll certainly find the diamonds in the rough among them and turn them into great magi!' What a headache..."

The way that Waver spoke of the 'former student' only brought one face to Gray's mind, and their name wasn't even necessary at this point. But it was by this point that Waver himself had finished his preparations. All that was left, of course, was the flight over.

"Gray, contact me or Reines if anything goes awry en route; we are flying on different planes because of that, after all," he remarked, closing up his suitcase and putting on his coat. "In any case... We should be off."

With that said, the soon-to-be 'visiting professor' took his leave, his assistant following close behind.

It was a long flight to the other side of the world, after all.

Fusang City

Following the revelation that magic (actually magecraft) was real in the early 2000s, the UN hastily put together a committee to work alongside the Clock Tower in regulating anything even remotely involved. This, in turn, led to another small arms race between developed nations in search of knowledge—this, in turn, was stopped in its tracks by the various factions making up the Mage's Association. Though they loathed their centuries of secrecy coming to naught, a few more progressive magi decided to take this opportunity to seek alternate paths to the Root. Among them, of course, was Fusang City.
Fusang City is less of a city and more its own nation-state. Created on an artificial island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the cooperation of multiple first-world nations led to the rapid development of infrastructure; it could be said that the place had essentially sprung up overnight. What sets this place apart, though, is the ability for the residents therein to summon Servants.
Built on top of a miraculous set of overlapping leylines, the summoning ritually normally reserved for combat has instead become a mainstay of life here for the students that make up more than 3/4 of the city's population. Of course, there are measures in place to stop rampage, but the system itself is somewhat more flawed than the one from which it was derived.
As a whole, Fusang City is a land of high-rise apartments and skyscrapers, and of schools and universities that supply the attending students with knowledge of science and liberal arts. As a result of this multinational coalition, though, students are all mandated to learn English, Mandarin, and Japanese in class. For the few with magical circuits or those with potential to become (or are) Masters, though, there are a scant few classes regarding magecraft and the application thereof.
This is not to say that the city is all modern, though; the efforts of a certain few Servants have led to the development of districts more in line with, for example, classical Roman or Sino-Japanese aesthetics. The former, for example, has a giant Colosseum in the center of the region which plays host to various Servant matches depending on the time of year.
In order to keep the city running, though, there stands at the center a giant building that towers over the rest. Comparable in height to the Taipei 101, this building, shielded by multiple barriers and magical wards (thanks to the various Casters contracted to protect it) plays host to the administrative staff of Fusang City, as well as the main AI and computer systems that maintain the city's infrastructure and transportation network.
Students are officially allowed to summon their Servants at age 14, though the end result is based off of both Master aptitude and any possible catalyst. Of course, anyone who knows the ritual can summon a Servant, so this rules is a bit harder to enforce, but the subsequent monetary fine for an 'illegal' Summon is levied on the person in question (or their legal guardian(s)). They keep the Servant, though, so a few impatient (or rich) children tend to ignore the law regardless.

This RP is essentially a mix of Fate/Requiem, A Certain Magical Index, and a bunch of other miscellaneous stories and series. Similarly to the former, those living within the city (assuming they have the qualifications) have Servants, who themselves have become a major part of daily life. As a large majority of the population is made up of students, it is also assumed (though not mandated) that a majority of Masters within the RP's cast would also fall under than umbrella.

For the most part, players will be playing students or other residents of the city (who may or may not yet be Masters) and Servants; the focus won't be placed as heavily onto the 'school' aspect here, if at all.

As for Servants... There's only one major set of rules.
Unless you are:
  • A 'Top Servant'*
  • A Lostbelt King (e.g. Ivan, Qin Shi Huangdi) or from a Lostbelt (e.g. giant horseman Xiang Yu)
  • A collab Servant (e.g. Shiki, Prisma Illya, etc.;) or from an 'alternate' universe (e.g. any Servant Universe Servant, such as MHX, Jane, or Space Ishtar)
  • A Pseudo-Servant

, anything's fair game.

*Despite the mention of 'Top Servants', though, I am not wholly discounting their presence within the RP, nor am I completely denying the existence of such Servants as able to be played by RPers. Those that fall under this category (e.g. Artoria, Enkidu, Karna, etc.;) will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and generally on a more critical level than most other Servants.

Players are able to make up to one Servant and one Master each. Self-pairing is not ideal, but if necessary, will be done. Both my co-GM and I will generally do all that we can to pair characters off otherwise, though, so as to facilitate interaction between RPers.

There will be a posting schedule for this iteration of the RP, though; barring extenuating circumstances, RPers should ideally move at least once per week. Missing a week without a reasonable excuse is when we'll take note; two in a row, though, and we'll assume that you have left and will adjust accordingly.

Third time's the charm, right?

In any case... Forms.

Speaking of, though, I'd like to point towards @VitaVitaAR as my co-GM for this. All questions, concerns, and whatever else can be directed at one of us.
In the end, there wasn't much that Misaki could actually say about how the negotiations had panned out. In the end, the foxgirl found herself more than thankful that Mie hadn't pressed her further regarding her origins, despite her apparently fumbled lie. It wasn't like the conversation didn't at least give them some information to work with, of course, but it really seemed like she couldn't even get away with half-truths at this point.

There wasn't a reason to decline the offer that the shopkeeper had given them, though, which really just meant that Misaki could simply respond with a nod of assent before the two of them were escorted out of the tent. At this point, they had already seen what they needed to see from the shop itself—namely, the lack of any proper quality goods to make use of here beyond the rations. It wasn't like they could purchase them in the first place, though, but that was a different problem altogether.

Figuring out what to do after being pulled aside for a sudden conversation was a bit trickier, though; with Lazirha and the others off exploring a temple or something of the sort, both she and Nobunaga were left in town with less direction. Without Novak, diving into the forest seemed stupid, especially considering that she couldn't fight, which really only left one path forward.

That path, of course, was the tried and true RPG method of 'chat with people who look interesting around town to see if you can't find anything out'. The memory of the goddess' 'gift' to her meant that she could use this time to scrounge up information about... Well, anything about the world, really. She was a historian, not a survivalist, after all, but starting to form a mental encyclopedia of edibles and medicinal objects seemed like a better way of spending her time than moping about being unable to fight.

As to where to start... Well, she'd let her senses lead her somewhere where that information was likely to hide. The beachfront seemed a good a place as any to start (maybe there was some sort of salt production here?), but it wasn't like that was the only place here that she could examine. Maybe there was an herbalist or something of the sort here, too...?

The end was nigh.

The future that had been forecast by seers past seemed to point towards oblivion. Gates from beyond opened up, endless maws from which otherworldly beings seemed to spill forth. The weaponry man had devised seemed to mean nothing—even the nuclear arsenals of which they had been so afraid of seemed to do nothing at all. Quickly, the world fell, leaving nothing behind but a barren planet devoid of life.

What, then, were the Overseers of Earth to do? They had long since lost their right to overturn the laws of the world, which meant that they could do naught but stand by and watch as the land beneathed turned to ash.

Or so it might have been, had the impending future brought about another change within.

The destruction of the world then would bring about more than just a simple apocalypse—a complete erasure of humanity would mean that all of them would follow suit. The demons and angels, beasts and heroes, spirit and deity—for once, all their goals aligned.

"Find a way to allow man to overturn this otherworldly cataclysm."

The solution, as it turned out, was oddly simple—bestow upon the worthy the strength and feats to overwhelm the enemy. It was a trick that many among them had used in the past; using humans as proxies, lending them tools and skills to clash against those with overpowering might... Who was to say that they could not do the same with those of the modern era?

The creators quickly began their work, fashioning another realm to which those who showed potential could be brought to in order to train. The cities, empty of people, were filled by all manner of mythical creatures to sustain those who chose to undergo these trials.

And the rest of the overseers? They began to work tirelessly, sifting through each person to choose those who had the potential to become humanity's vanguard and to create adequate trials to test their limits.

Despite all their efforts, though, the overseers could not return to their own unequivocal declaration of mortals to be under their wing. The power of humanity now was the power of choice, and it was that power that the overseers finally deferred to. They could only offer rewards for trials—under aliases, no less—and it would be up to the mortal to decide whose to choose.

With the stage set, the overseers—the gestalt of humanity's past—sent a simple question to those who they had chosen.

"If the world was to end, and you had the power to prevent it, would you?"

This is... A weird RP, inspired by a bunch of Korean WNs/manhwa (among other things). The setting is a parallel Earth, in an almost 1:1 reflection of Earth as it is today. Players will be dropped into this parallel Earth and will work their way up to become representatives worthy of preventing the fall of the world. Of course, this journey won't be easy for any of them (because when have trials ever been easy?); failure is quite possible, and even despite our main cast's best efforts, they may still not succeed—at least, maybe not the first few times. But should they persist, the rewards may be well worth the cost.

There are a few things to note, both within context of the player characters and to the RPers (you people) who join them. Let's start with the PCs.

All of the player characters will be given the following information at the start:
1. So long as you remain in this world, time will be frozen on Earth.
2. You may choose to return at any time. Doing so will not forfeit that which they have gained, but anything in that vein will become unavilable until the cataclysm occurs.
3. Technology functions as it does in our world, unless a Trial causes it to act otherwise.
4. The Earth is perpetually watched by 'Overseers', which are composed of almost every major mythological and historical figure throughout Earth's history. Of course, there are more than a few whose deeds are so aligned against humanity that they are excluded from this pool, but you likely know who those people are.
5. There are various trials set forth across the world, either as passing events or as perpetual challenges that stand as tests to those who may pursue them (otherwise known as Grand Trials). Clearing Grand Trials may net you the particular interest of an Overseer (or a few, depending on what it may be), and it is in your best interests to clear as many as you can.
6. After clearing a Trial, Overseers may choose to offer rewards (Boons) to you. The type of Boon will be revealed (items, skills, or other such things), but their name will be replaced by an alias. Upon receiving a certain amount of Boons from a specific Overseer, their name will be revealed, and any subsequent rewards from them may have amplified effects. Only names that have been revealed in this way will be eligible for this bonus.
7. Travel between locations is very similar to how it would be on Earth; there is no magical teleportation between places; there are, however, flights and boat rides that function just as well to move people from one locale to another.
8. Death is not the end—at least, not in this parallel world. Dying within a Grand Trial causes you to revive where you entered it, but also prevents you from entering it again until a set amount of time has passed. Dying during a normal Trial causes you to revive outside of the bounds of the Trial, after which you will be unable to re-enter. Dying otherwise causes you to return to the last safe zone they were at. This does not remove the pain of death, of course, so choose wisely.
9. At any time while not in a Trial, players can choose to return to a safe zone.
10. The goods and services offered by the residents of cities will change depending on how distinguished you are. Choosing to live here and aid those from Earth is just as viable a path to becoming recognized by Overseers, but whether or not that is a path to choose is up to you. At the very least, you'll be guaranteed basic sustenance and water, so don't worry about starvation.
11. There may be some hidden events or Trials that might be off the beaten path. The conditions to clear them might be difficult, but reward will likely be worth the effort.

As for information that the RPers should have...
1. Feel free to try and puzzle out the names of the Overseers among yourselves; that meta-knowledge might become useful. Who knows? Just don't try and metagame too hard; for example, if a moniker is too vague or the character you play might not have the knowledge of a specific Overseer, don't suddenly give them that information. People tend towards what they know rather than what they might not, after all.
2. A lot of figures of the Abrahamic faith are in the pool of Overseers, but don't expect to see the really big names here. By that same logic, don't expect people who are a) not dead or b) too nefarious to pop up in the list either. You know exactly who I'm talking about here, and if you have to ask, the answer is probably "no".
3. Just because characters who are usually 'evil' are Overseers doesn't mean you have to act like an edgelord or a psychopath to get them to notice you. There'll be more than enough conflict between people naturally anyways.
4. Characters start as normal people when they drop into the world; I, as GM, will give everyone a set of starting Boons to pick from. Don't expect anything too fancy to start with, though.
5. Expect groups to shuffle around a lot. Trials can pop up as solo, duo, or group activities, and it's pretty obvious that some people are going to chase specific Boons and Overseers regardless of what I as a GM would try to pull. Do remember, though, that the bigger the name, the harder the Trial will probably be. Don't get in over your head, or you might not have fun.
6. Post clock! Unless life stuff comes up, I'd like if everyone could post once a week, minimum; feel free to post more if you prefer. Without a proper excuse, though, one week missed is a warning; two is a boot.

As a pre-emptive thing, here's a form if you're interested. I won't be accepting until an OoC goes live, though.

Questions? Concerns? Anything I missed? Feel free to ask down below.
The fact that Misaki hadn't realized that Novak hadn't rejoined them the night before was more than a bit embarrassing to herself, even if she took into account the relative lack of space in Lazirha's house during their overnight stay. To that end, the foxgirl found herself unable to do much more than smile and wave in response to his morning's greetings, at least for the moment; the embarrassment was almost wholly internal, at the very least, and it would go away in due time.

The young woman's attention was quickly brought back towards Lazirha, though, as she mentioned of a land to the west by the name of 'Chagawa'. Misaki's first instinct was immediately to try and internally assign kanji to the name mentally, but after a few moments she realized that it wasn't necessarily a guarantee that they would share the same language (which would thus make the action completely meaningless)... Even if the apparent merchant of the hour seemed to have what could pass a Japanese name. What was more noteworthy to her, though, was the mention of a prevalence of mines... In an archipelago, of all places. Of course, Japanese arms had been created to make up for the fact that they had access to precious little metal in the first place, and so to hear that some sort of culturally similar analogue for her nation of origin...

It would have been a lie to say that she wasn't curious to see how exactly they had come to similar developments despite having enough of an abundance of resources for metallurgy to export in the first place.

"Chagawa, was it...? I can't say I'm not interested..." Misaki trailed off before the mention of visiting the temple came up. As much as she wanted to resolve the issue at hand, it was obvious that she was most certainly still ill-equipped to do much of anything. Of course, window shopping still didn't quite sit well with her, but if this supposed 'Lady Mie' was willing to speak at length...

Actually, did she even need to worry about anything beyond that? A traveling merchant was already a major source of information, even if she refused to talk beyond wares. A lot could be learned simply by examining and learning about those, after all.

"...All right. Well, in that case, I think I'll pass on exploring the temple for today," she said, nodding towards Lazirha before glancing once more at the bustling marketplace. "It'd be rather dangerous to go in with empty hands, so I'll stay behind. Good luck."

With that, the foxgirl took a deep breath before walking into the crowd. How hard could it be to navigate a place like this?

As it turned out, the marketplace was only slightly less suffocating than a Tokyo sidewalk during rush hour, and the foxgirl was not having the best of times weaving through the people milling to and fro to catch a look at whatever stalls had been set up. The glimpses of armor that she could catch as she passed through were rather interesting, if only because she could only now get a closer look at them. Other than the rather detailed masks worn by what she could only assume were other oni, though, Misaki found that the pieces of armor were actually rather reminiscent of late Kofun era pieces, rather than the more ornate (and rigidly structured) armor that started appearing during the Heian period. It was a start, of course, but the only thing to be done from here was to actually examine what goods were in stock and ascertain the level of technology that they were using to make it.

With that thought in mind, Misaki slowly made her way towards the main tent and, after reaching it, slowly poked her head inside and glanced around before entering.

Who knew what sort of goods were present here, after all...?

@VitaVitaAR@Click This@Crimson Paladin@Rune_Alchemist
After leaving Lazirha's house, Misaki found herself hard-pressed to ignore the sudden surge in activity within the town. It seemed like it was only right to go check out the source—if there was anywhere abuzz with activity, Lazirha was likely to be nearby. She seemed like the sort of person to get wrapped up in that sort of thing, given her affability towards them when they had first met.

As she slowly strolled over to the north, Misaki found herself pausing and staring at the few apparent newcomers (well, besides themselves) who were milling about. Given her heritage, it would have been comically ignorant of her to not notice the oni decked out in what was almost unmistakably Japanese-style equipment. The fact that she seemed to be staring back was not lost upon the young woman, but to drop her initial task to find their benefactor would have been rather flippant at best.

Luckily enough, though, it seemed that Lazirha had found them instead, and as she bounded over, Misaki watched the other masked visitor leave. The offer to look at the shop was tempting, but given that they had no money to speak of...

"You really do have an obsession with tails, don't you?" Misaki asked, shrugging her shoulders before turning back towards the way the oni had gone. "Rather than that, though... What of the other visitors here? Are they all together...?"

If Lazirha couldn't provide her with a sufficient response, she'd go and talk to the oni herself; it seemed much more efficient than window shopping with empty pockets, after all.

@VitaVitaAR@Click This@Crusader Lord@Crimson Paladin@Rune_Alchemist
As she continued to experiment with her newfound abilities, the arrival of one of the other guests—not the exploding catgirl, luckily enough—caused Misaki to pause for a moment before nodding in response to their request. The company of the young woman who had accosted her earlier that day was, while unexpected, not wholly unwelcome. Though complete concentration to probe into the inner workings of magic might have been 'optimal', being aware of someone chasing after a similar goal meant that she had a reason to at least push herself further. She was already conscious of how much of a burden she would end up if she didn't at least pick up her slack, and as much as she wanted to explore the depths of that 'gift' that the goddess had given her, the acquisition of at least some combat or field utility had to come first.

At the very least, though, by the end of her tests, magic made at least a bit more sense to her; it wasn't anything groundbreaking by any means (at least, not by the standards of isekai in her eyes), but even that steady progress was more than she was hoping for.

The night, for the most part, had gone without incident. With the two new arrivals apparently sleeping in Lazirha's house with them, Misaki found it prudent to simply speak in Japanese when prompted by the warlord at her side. It was more than likely that they might be able to recognize the language itself, but to see if they could understand what they were saying...

Well, it'd be impressive if they could, but who knew where their origins and past studies lay?

Misaki woke up with a yawn and a slight stretch, glancing around for a moment before dragging herself to her feet. Though this body was by no means less physically fit than her old one, getting used to it in its entirety would definitely take a while. She had ignored the problem until now, but that didn't mean it had gone away entirely.

Of course, the first order of business right now was to secure supplies before a foray into the forest; other than food, though, that really just meant 'find Lazirha and get directions to not get lost'.

"Morning..." she called out, almost by instinct, as she walked over to the table and glanced at the food laid out. Assuming it was for them was logical, but just to be safe, Misaki chose to take a single slice of fruit and eat that in lieu of a proper meal.

They could get something heartier once they were out and about, after all.

@VitaVitaAR@Click This@Crusader Lord@Crimson Paladin@Rune_Alchemist
Okay, first batch of Masters to be accepted...

@VitaVitaAR@Vahir@Raineh Daze: You three are all clear. You can start making Servants for people now or hold off 'til the last 3 are ready before making any commitments.

I've already given my comments regarding the other ones elsewhere, but otherwise... Yeah. Get crackin', people.
Alter Ego — Meltryllis

Though she was rather unimpressed with the massive ghost's prodigious size, Meltryllis found herself rather annoyed at the fact that it was simply abnormally persistent rather than properly threatening. She and the cosplaying fox had already proven that its size meant nothing, but given that it seemed to lack any proper sapience, their ability to dispatch it seemed to mean nothing.

If only it could simply die like any other ordinary enemy...

With a curt 'hmph', the Alter Ego jumped backward as the odd tendrils struck out at her, her gaze sharp as she watched the billowing smog flood the area. It went without saying that actually fighting the monster would be more of an exercise in patience than it had been for the Shadow Servants prior, but going straight for it with reckless abandon would be the height of stupidity.

"Well, given how enclosed this place is, it's only a matter of time before the ground is flooded with... Well, whatever that vile smoke it. In that case, the only solution is to avoid it entirely, no?"

Though the smoke was flowing rather freely about, its mass seemed to be heavy, hanging closer to the ground while leaving the upper areas intact. Of course, as a primarily melee combatant, Meltryllis noted to herself to at least be able to strike and retreat without fail.

Not like she had any belief that she would fail, of course.

"Perhaps you should use your head more often; it might suit you better than acting like an airhead all day," she concluded, leaping towards the nearest wall and using it as a springboard to propel herself further upwards. At the very least, moving up above the mindless monster where its attacks could not easily reach would give her time to figure out if she could execute it and melt it down.

Even something like this had to be of some use as EXP, after all.


Fusang Streets

If he had to be honest, Waver found Conner's own restraint in getting involved in the affairs of others like this rather commendable; of course, if he didn't pry into matters further, then that was that. Then again, he had gotten his own students involved in a great variety of problems of his in the past, so maybe this was for the best for now.

"Alright, then. I suppose we'll see you again during our next lecture," he said, bidding the young man and his Servant farewell before turning back towards the other pair. Of course, he still had a bit of trouble looking the Saber in the eye, but at the very least, he could half-address her by referring to her Master instead. "I should probably go and cancel my appointment, then, but I can do that on the way. Follow me."

At the very least, calling in to do so was notably less mired in paperwork than doing something similar back at the Clock Tower...

Compared to his old office, the new one Waver found himself using at the university notably less cluttered. There was enough space for all of the documents he had decided to bring with him on the move over, but most of the other things he had used to decorate had been left behind. For the moment, though, that bare minimum—a desk and a few chairs scattered about—would be sufficient for the sake of an impromptu meeting like this.

With both Charlotte and her Saber haven taken their seats, Waver took a moment to compose himself behind his desk. Gray seemed to be looking at the two with mild worry, but given that she had at least elected to take a seat, the professor could at least focus on explaining the situation.

"...Right. Well... To put it simply, my assistant here did not originally appear as such. Her family had originally intended to turn her into a perfect copy of... Well, yourself," he stated coldly, gesturing towards Artoria before turning back towards Gray. She gave a slight nod towards the two to confirm his words, after which point he continued his explanation.

"Of course, things had escalated twice in the past, both of which coincided with your repeated incarnations in Fuyuki City in the last three decades. The first had brought about her initial change in appearance to something one might call an 'uncanny resemblance', but the second in 2006 has brought her even closer to your form in life, including that which resides here," he said, pointing towards the center of his chest. "In other words, your being summoned here once more..."

"...Means that professor is worried about what might happen to me again. Isn't that right?"

Of course, Waver hadn't expected Gray to speak up, but the fact that she at least had the strength of mind to look at the two head-on already meant that the shock from earlier might have already worn off, if only slightly.

"...Right. Of course, there is also the matter of her carrying the Holy Lance around, but at the very least, those are her circumstances. That aside, though, I would like if you could not spread the truth behind all this around. Though I have no doubt that others might 'understand', getting wrapped up in more trouble due to loose lips would be rather... Problematic, to say the least."

With that, Waver straightened his back and looked at the two in front of him, waiting for some sort of response. He couldn't stop them by any means if they decided to go against his request, which meant all that he could do was wait and see how they would react.

Given that she had no adrenaline pumping through her system like she had earlier, Misaki was at the very least able to take a few deep breaths in an attempt to ignore the pain running through her body. Though she was no longer deafened by the makeshift flashbang, the ringing in her head still seemed to remain. Shakily rising to her feet, the foxgirl gave Nobunaga a slight nod in return before turning to Lazirha with a half-smile.

"A-ah... I feel about leaving that to you, but if you insist..." she trailed off, glancing at the soup before slowly moving to seat herself in a place closer to the fire.

And, of course, away from the walking fire hazard. Even if the incident was an accident, Misaki was not particularly inclined to associate with a scantily-clad catgirl with the inability to prevent the equivalent of a stun grenade from blowing up indoors.

Once the meal had concluded, the foxgirl quietly excused herself from the house and stepped outside, making sure to take a deep breath of the cold evening air to shock herself slightly more awake than she had been before. The headache had all but left in the time it had taken to eat her meal (which, while impressive given what she had tasted, was still immediately lacking in the wonders of modern seasonings), which gave her more than enough time to consider what to spend the night on. Given that Lazirha would not allow her to help fix things up again (the small spot on her head where she had been smacked by her ladle showing as much), the foxgirl considered focusing on her newfound magical abilities before night took over anyhow.

Taking care not to stray too far from Lazirha's house, Misaki quietly began to focus as she held her hands out in front of herself. Despite ending up as collateral damage, the foxgirl found at least one positive takeaway from that debacle: the ability to manipulate the 'type' of magic cast.

For starters, then, she would attempt to see to what extent that theory held firm. Fire and light were obvious, but what of water? Stone? Could she generate electricity from nowhere? Given that 'gift' that the 'goddess' had given her, being able to use electricity would be a major boon, should it prove to be manageable.

Of course, she would not go so far as to test her limits; small quantities of whatever it was she was trying would be more than sufficient for the sake of trying.

@VitaVitaAR@Click This@Crusader Lord@Rune_Alchemist
Hey, co-GM clocking in here.

Just to give a head's up: I'm not going to be making or applying any GMPCs of my own to the RP; my job is solely focused on the more administrative side of this RP (so mainly form analysis and review), so don't think that there's going to be one less slot around because I'm hanging around.

That being said, I'm probably going to be a bit more critical of characters in general now that I'm in this position, so expect a lot of questions from me digging into what has been presented. You know the deal.
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