"A-ah... Yeah, probably."
Shou's words wre somewhat unfocused as he continued to center his attention upon the group of Servants entering the kitchen with the long-haired thug before shaking himself off. His classmate was right, regardless of his own curiosities; there were injured here, and given what he had caught from the exchange between the Lancer and her Master, whoever had caused the explosion hadn't been reserved about getting more civilians involved than a bomb already would have. It left a bad taste in his mouth, but as she had said, the only thing he really
could do was try to help stabilize the injured before proper staff arrived.
Shaking his head, the onmyoji carefully made his way over towards the ruined counter and opted move people away from the kitchen; it wasn't unthinkable that the source of this carnage would use them again, given the Lancer's earlier quip, which meant that keeping them from further harm was the only proper course of action to take. With a deep breath, Shou began to drag the unconscious victims closer to the entrance of the building, taking care to not injure them further along the broken glass and debris scattered about.
One of the injured—a woman whose body was covered in dust and blood from the explosion, it seemed—clutched at her arm in silent pain as she slowly pushed herself off of the ground. Despite her apparent injuries, though, it seemed that she was forcing herself to move about. Though she seemed to take a moment to steel herself mentally, her choice to try and help the Masters who were attempting to help the injured seemed a bit less productive—doubly so, given the blood streaming down her injured arm and from the gash above her left eye.
@VitaVitaAR@KoL@Rune_Alchemist@Pyromania99The explosion had originated from within the kitchen, which made the fallout all the more apparent. A few sinks had burst, leaving water to spray out across the now-dirtied floor, and the stainless steel equipment that had lined the area was left blackened and warped from the damage. But what stood out the most in the middle of all of this carnage would be the blonde-haired teenager sitting casually on top of one of the assembly tables. His cheeky grin was by no means fitting for the scene, and his clothing—a brown jacket over a black t-shirt—would most certainly out him as someone who wasn't meant to be back here in the first place.
"Ah, guess that one was a bust too," he complained, spinning a key ring around for a moment before catching it and glancing back towards the massive hole in the wall. "You and your Servant are
seriously way too..."
The teenager's words slowed down as he watched a small girl fly into the room, only to be followed by his target and, eventually, an old man. There was no doubt that at least
one of them was a Servant, but...
Really, he couldn't help but hold back a laugh.
The thug glared at the person on the countertop, his fists clenched as he attempted to take a step towards him, only for the person of his ire to hold out a hand for him to stop.
"Take one more step, and that explosion's not going to be the last one you see today," he said, smirking as he hopped off of his seat. "Same goes for your new friends over there. But... Come on, now. The rules made explicitly clear to fight your own battles. What's up with the cavalry here? Cheater."
"Stuff it with that shit! With all the bombs you've set off, someone was bound to come after you sooner or later!" the thug shot back.
"Ah. Hm. You know, I guess that's fair. But what's the point of signing up for something like this if you're not going to have a little
fun, right?"
@Raineh Daze@KoLThe Lancer had given Li little more than a slight nod of acknowledgement as she ran outside, the blonde Saber following after her as she swung around the restaurant's entrance and into a nearby alleyway. As both she and her apparent companion for this hunt would soon discover, though, the 'clown' seemed to have expected resistance. Just as she took a step past the restaurant's entrance, she would find something
jumping off the wall towards her face. Out of hand, she swatted it to the side, but the moment that it made contact with her shield, whatever
it was blew up. The recoil was enough to catch her off guard and cause her to blow her back into the wall, which in turn ended up revealing a few more as they came crawling out of the woodwork.
All the while, of course, the shadow of something purple sadistically staring at them from a distance with a smile on its face seemed to run further in.
"Shit...!" the Lancer swore under he breath, shaking herself off before rolling forward to dodge the bugs attempting to jump on top of her. "When I get my hands on you, I'm going to tear that stupid grin off your face with my bare hands——!"
@VitaVitaARShrugging her shoulders at her Master's lack of response towards her remark, Meltryllis chose to make herself a bit more comfortable on the couch...
Or, rather, she
would have done so, had that all-too-familiar jingle not started fading into the room from the television's speakers. As soon as she heard the words 'BB Channel!' chime in, the Alter Ego closed her eyes and sighed. It was about time for that stupid AI to come and make a mess of things; in fact, it was probably more of a relief that she hadn't up until now, given her Master's injuries.
Whether or not it actually
was because of that or because of a lack of work to handle, though, was up for debate—one she was most certainly not interested in getting involved in.
"From the digital ocean straight to your little home, BB-chan is here to give you a news flash~!" a sickly-sweet voice chimed in as the TV seemed to turn itself on. "Senpai, I hope your arm's fully healed by now~! Seeing you be stuck in bed all day is sort of depressing, even for me, you know? Though I'm sure you kept yourself occupied on your phone, your devilish little kouhai has got a new request for you~!"
Of course, given their 'deal' this was less of a request than it was an order, but arguing that point with BB was an exercise in futility by now.