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I haven't seen any Masters, but at this point it might be better to just assume playing Masterless is the ideal option.

Oh right, for official purposes:
@1Charak2: Quetz okayed. This was said privately to you, but may as well just state it publicly now.
  • Name: Derrick Errance
  • Age: 21
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance: "Nope, not here."
  • Personality: Preferring to take a more methodical approach to problems, Derrick tends to sit back and observe before acting whenever possible. He is rather reserved when it comes to dealing with people and tends to be rather blunt, which can occasionally come off as standoffish or rude to those not used to dealing with him. With that said, he cares quite a lot about those close to him, often prioritizing their health and well-being over his own (and occasionally even those of others).
    Interpersonal relationships aside, though, Derrick is intensely curious about the wider world, and has a non-insignificant number of documents and books scrounged up from traveling around in his room. This has given him a surprising amount of knowledge that one might not expect for someone with his upbringing, and maybe even less so someone of his profession. With that said, his own curiosity may rarely override his tendency towards analysis, which... May or may not be a good thing.
  • Brief Backstory: Derrick was born to a young Embrian woman in the midst of the war; he never knew who his father was, but the bitter look on his mother's face whenever he had asked gave the young child more than enough reason to stop asking eventually. The town where he would have grown up—Kalan—had been razed to the ground by the invading Alvadians, which left a young Derrick next to no time to be a child. He spent much of his childhood away from the ruins that were slowly being rebuilt; few of the survivors (if any) wanted to have anything to do with him, and though the village had since begun to be rebuilt, Derrick had been left with little else besides his mother and the clothes on his back.

    As the war finally drew to a close, Derrick found that the gap between himself and the rest of the townsfolk had only widened. More than a few seemed to dislike him—for what, though, he could only wonder. His mother seemed to receive only pity where he found scorn, but the fact that she continued to give him her affection despite all of this only further question his place here. If it was any solace, though, the young boy found a few books to keep to himself, hidden away from judging eyes in the safety of his home

    Things changed, however, when a wanderer passed through the region. Most of the other townsfolk seemed to pay him no heed, but the young Derrick could not help but be intrigued by the odd-looking case he kept with him. When he collapsed on the side of the road, it was Derrick who acted out to help, if only out of sheer curiosity; though his mother disapproved of the wanderer's presence, she could not well refuse the earnest (if not somewhat self-serving) desire of her son to help.

    Said wanderer, as Derrick would soon learn, was a man by the name of Arden. He introduced himself (however hesitantly) as a researcher from Alvad to the young boy. He explained that he had escaped from his home country once his heart could not in good faith help the war any longer, and that he had taken his equipment with him to assure that he could prevent it from continuing further in what little way he could. Though Derrick's mother seemed less than pleased with that sort of information, the young boy, curious about what that equipment was and about the only other person who treated him with something other than disdain, begged for him to stay—at least, for a while. He wanted to learn, and if nobody else would teach him, then a stranger and a refugee could at least help bridge that gap.

    Eventually, if only through sheer perseverance, Derrick succeeded. Arden had initially been less than receptive to the idea (he would have liked to have sought asylum with what he had and left as soon as he could have), but a few days of rest was probably for the best, given that he had collapsed on the road. Those days soon began to extend, though, as he learned of Derrick's aptitude for knowledge.

    Days turned to weeks, weeks into months; before long, Arden had become more than just a stranger to Derrick; he was a teacher, someone to look up to who he had never had before. But those days soon came to an end; news of a group of hunters seeking him eventually met Arden's ears, and the researcher knew that what time he had left was fleeting. To the young man who had insisted on keeping him around, though, the researcher gave unto him one thing before leaving: the Air Grid, the tool that Derrick had been so curious about until now. There was no guarantee that his work would make it out, and given that it was him they were after, losing the Grid for all the goodwill he had been shown was not much of a loss.

    Arden leaving meant that Derrick was once again left with just his mother, who would continue to work herself to the bone trying to make ends meet. Meeting the researcher had changed Derrick, though, and the young man found himself working to try and understand what it was that had been left in his hands. He succeeded eventually, if only through sheer force of will; understanding everything.

    Having been long since aware of his status as a pariah, Derrick chose to leave Kalan and pursue work elsewhere once he came of age. A single letter to his mother was all he had left behind as he travelled to the border, and the young man eventually found himself employed as a mercenary at Wild Rose. Even if he didn't have any direct combat experience, the group accepted him so long as he was willing to put in the effort—something he was more than willing to do.
  • Skills: Rather than being specialized for combat like many of his peers, Derrick has placed more of his effort into making sure that everything remains running smoothly. In other words, things like gear maintenance and medical work are a part of his usual activities. As a result of using the Air Grid, Derrick is also uncannily apt at multitasking, leaving him able to flick between multiple jobs at once without losing track of himself in the process.
  • Abilities: Derrick's spells mostly focus around supporting and reinforcing his allies, mitigating the damage they take and keeping them alive enough to continue fighting. The method for doing so—the Air Grid—allows him to use Cure and Protect where it might prove dangerous for most other medics, though it may take up his concentration in the process. He can also cast Ruin with the Grid, but as it is not optimized for offensive spells, doing so may put unnecessary strain upon its equipment.
    The number of Conduits from the Grid that he uses to cast spells also affects their output; while a Cure may be cast with one, for example, two would be optimal; similarly, while he could cast it with two Conduits, three would be optimal for a Protect.
    • Limit Break — Aegis of Heaven: Derrick overclocks the Air Grid, pushing it beyond its usual capabilities to create a massive barrier in front of him. This barrier is able to protect him as well as anyone behind him, and is able to deflect or absorb an absurd amount of damage before faltering. This ability is not without drawbacks, though; the barrier is incredibly taxing upon the Grid, and the heat damage that they sustain can outright put Conduits out of commission if not damaging the mechanisms within.
  • Equipment:
    • Air Grid: A prototype tool 'relieved' from Alvad in the years prior to their collapse. The Grid itself consists of five 'Conduits', prism-like structures with a refined Lumo core at their center. Each Conduit is able to fly about according to it's user's commands independent of any physical command, and unlike most other magitech objects, does not need to be refueled with Lumium to function. Conduits can also be used to cast spells—a function that would have in theory made Alvadian combatants all the more problematic should the project have reached fruition.

      With that said, the Grid itself is not without faults; in exchange for not requiring Lumium to function, each Conduit requires a near-constant stream of mana when in use, and that amount only increases when used to cast spells (hence the term 'Conduit'). Despite the high barrier of entry to being able to use the Air Grid, its versatility and maneuverability allows Derrick and any of his allies a lot more breathing room in the heat of battle.

      The Air Grid can, in theory, be upgraded, and the Conduits increased in efficiency and power; that would, however, require finding someone who could create the components necessary to do so. Derrick himself understands the fundamentals of how the Grid works and has learned to use it effectively (enough) in the decade or so to be able to maintain and repair it, but the possibility of him screwing something up in the process has given him enough pause to at least find someone who has more 'professional' experience before attempting anything.
Misaki opened her mouth to respond to Enli's statement for a moment before deciding against doing so entirely. Everyone from Earth had been brought here by the machinations of a 'deity', so to speak, and even if she was by no means religious, denying the possibility of powers that were beyond their (current) understanding would be the height of folly. With that said, she still could not believe that humans could have the ability to process infinity in the first place; just as well, though, the possibility of having to take on a god, if even by subterfuge and knowledge...

Well, JRPG-esque thoughts like that were better suited for people who had the confidence and ability to back that up—neither of which she had at the moment, of course.

With that said, the matter regarding teaching was not something she could not discount the potential of. Granted, it would be far from simple to act as one, but referencing the diagrams and schematics of tools that would be the next logical step in their technological progress to give them and edge, then inciting them to pursue further improvements as a matter of course...

That much was at least tempting, and intellectual work like that seemed to suit her better than the subconscious weight on her mind that was being a noncombatant in this world of swords and magic.

Before she could come up with a response of her own, though, her companion decided to insert herself into the conversation. The fact that she had a pre-existing arrangement only now returned to her mind, embarrassing as it was to admit now given how recently it had transpired, and the foxgirl found herself nodding in turn. If she didn't have the luxury to stay here, then it was probably for the best that she leave behind what she could for those who had given them shelter.

"I... Believe that books would be fine. I could offer some designs and manuscripts, and maybe if they turn out to be useful, then maybe the other villagers would become interested of their own accord," she said, stroking her chin lightly in thought. "Better weapons, for example, would mean less strain placed on the hunters; better metalworking, better tools... And so on and so forth. I think that much could be motivation enough to look into things, no?"

Uehara Shou

The focus Shou had placed upon the Master and Servant at the forefront of the carnage was pulled away as he heard the young woman at his side—Xiaoyu, if he remembered correctly—chime in nonchalantly about his earlier quip. The Assassin he was contracted to seemed to already be moving to get a better feel for the situation, and so the young man felt like he had enough leeway to be able to speak without being wholly on edge.

"Ah.... It's Shou. Uehara Shou," he began, shifting himself to a less open position as he glanced at his now-ruined food. "But, uh... Right. It was more of a coincidence, really, but if I recall correctly, the dorm buildings in particular are held to a higher standard than most of the other places because they're residential areas. The cause was something too mundane for something large enough to blow a hole in the wall, though..."

As he trailed off, the onmyoji turned his attention back towards the pair who his Servant (and a few others) were already attempting to pull the information out of them—something that neither seemed all too pleased by.

"Didn't I just say to stay out of this?" the Master apparent asked, gripping the small object in his hand tightly as it began to glow. "How annoying. Look, it's none of your business, so..."

As he was talking, the Lancer at his side had taken a step towards one of the injured—another employee, given her now-bloodstained outfit—and leaned forward to examine the damage. The barely-visible sight of something moving under the skin of her neck was more than enough reason for her to take up a defensive stance once more. Her Master, who had been speaking until now, ended up trailing off as he turned to look at what his companion was wary of.

"...Lancer?" he asked, taking a step towards the injured employee before his Servant blocked him from proceeding. "Something wrong?"

"Don't get close to her. Felt the same magical energy as I did from that explosion just now when I got close; probably not the only one," she said, glancing at the old man and blonde knight trying to accost them for information. "Just tell them about the damn clown; trying to keep quiet's only going to get us into more shit than we're already in."

The thug seemed to pause for a moment before clenching his fist and gritting his teeth.

"Long story short, some bomb-loving asshole's been trying to take us out for the last few days. Guess after the last few attempts failed, he and his Master decided to try a less subtle approach," he spat, tucking away the object he had held in his hands as his phone began to buzz. Carefully glancing around to make sure that neither of them were near any of the civilians being dragged out of the wreckage, the thug slowly pulled out the device from his pocket and glanced at the notification before slipping it away. "Still somewhere close, though. Crazy bastards probably want to check if we fell for their trap."

Clicking his tongue, the thug nodded towards his Servant before they split up, the latter leaping through a broken window in what could only be seen as the start of a hunt. The Master, on the other hand, simply walked past the carnage and around the injured as he followed after the third Servant that had darted into the kitchen.

"I wouldn't doubt it if they packed this place to the brim with bombs anyways," he remarked, pausing right before entering the gaping hole in the wall. "Maybe if I set one off, they'll come in closer to check..."

Whether or not he would or if it was a good idea or not in the first place remained to be seen.

@VitaVitaAR@KoL@Rune_Alchemist@Pyromania99@Raineh Daze

Alter Ego — Meltryllis

"It's long past time for breakfast."

The quip from Meltryllis, however curt, was all that she had left in her that she wanted to say. Nanako was already active and not fumbling about on the floor like a newborn child by this point, so any further prodding was apt to do more harm than good. With the matter with her Master settled for the moment from her perspective, though, the Alter Ego promptly made her way back to the couch before unceremoniously planting herself down in it. As much fun as it had been watching Nanako struggle to do even the most basic of things while injured, doing so for over a week made things feel... Stale.

If she was going to be bored, then she would be bored on her own terms.

"I certainly hope you won't break three eggs on the floor this time, though."

It wasn't a venomous jab, per se, but some teasing like this was at least a nice change of pace.


Guess I'll toss my hat in the ring here, if only tentatively; not in many RPs at the moment, so I don't see why not.

save me I'm stuck in e12s hell
Though it was slightly disappointing that the young fawn was disinclined to follow her as she headed back to the village, Misaki could at least take solace in the fact that the matter with the Kyrinth had been settled... In a way. The rest of the walk back had gone without incident, and she had ultimately come out of it all with whatever spare plants she had gathered in the process.

With those in hand, the foxgirl silently followed Nobunaga back into Enli's house, listening in silence as the older man gave them a quick synopsis of their mythology. Given that this was a world predicated on magic instead of science (for the most part), Misaki could not discount the possibility that the myth that had been summarized to them had some ounce of truth to them. Given what she had heard from the Kyrinth, though, it seemed obvious to join hands with a being willing to parley, rather than one who would throw others aside for their own ends.

"Forgetting knowledge, I suppose I can understand... But beholding 'infinite' possibilities is where the logic of this story falls apart. There is no way that they could know every secret of the world, else the place we are now would be vastly different..." she mused to herself, considering how to tackle the issue of rewriting the issue in their favor. "The impossibility of the omniscience of humans... Would it be better to create an Enlightenment-esque revolution as they did in the west? Treat this world as one not of gods, but..."

The foxgirl continued to brood to herself for a moment, thinking about what to suggest, before finally nodding her head towards the other two in the room with her.

"Inciting a desire to learn is one thing, but feeding the curiosity of the young and old alike should help to weaken the hold that this so-called 'God' has over them more than anything else I can think of. I understand the importance of tradition, of course, but given the recent issues that the residents here have had as of late, would it not be prudent to experiment and try things you might not have before? Improvements in the designs of your tools, the quality of your products, and so on and so forth... Wouldn't finding any of these both increase the quality of life of those living here and reduce the dependency that they have towards this god that gave them 'everything'?"

It was a long shot, admittedly; the Kyrinth had agreed to act as a teacher, but that only worked insofar as the natural world was involved. Things that could be done with techniques rather than observation—in other words, the world of practical sciences—was something that they would have to pursue for themselves.

Uehara Shou

Shou returned the sole acknowledgement to his existence with a smile as he took a seat, pulling out his phone to check on the day's news (and to refresh himself on what he had to finish before the next lecture) as he waited for their food to finish cooking. There wasn't anything pressing to discuss—not at this point in time, at least—but a single article did catch his attention.

"An explosion at a dorm? That seems... Less than ideal," he mused to himself, slowly scrolling through the details before his buzzer began to light up. Their burgers had taken less time to prepare than he had expected, but it was hard to hold back his curiosity about how this odd Japanese-American fusion burger would even taste like in the first place.

After paying and bring the platter of food back to the table, Shou unboxed his burger and, after looking at it in mild curiosity, decided to simply let his curiosity play out and took a bite.

"...Mmm. Not bad."

The odd mix of sour and salty notes on a burger was not by any means unpleasant, and when mixed with the vegetables layered within, Shou could reasonably see why this odd specialty burger was still being sold.

Before he could even get halfway through his meal, though, a deafening explosion rattled throughout the building, and the young man almost instinctively ducked, his back against his seat as debris flew overhead. With a frown, the onmyoji slowly glanced around from behind his seat to look at where it had originated from, only to see the kitchen and front desk nearly completely decimated. The injured and bloodied bodies of a few of the workers and customers laying about were by no means a pretty sight, but what really stood out to him was the tanned Lancer with her shield aloft and the thuggish student (presumably her Master) standing in shock behind them.

"Looks like that bastard was waiting for us again, huh?" she spat, an irritated look on her face as she lowered her shield. "Damn, can't even get a bite to eat without something blowing up."

Her Master, looking equally as irritated after recovering from the shock of what had just occurred, slowly took a step back to survey the damage before noticing that a few people had managed to avoid the brunt of the attack.

"Oi, if you value your lives, it might be a good idea to leave before things get any messier," he called out, pulling a small carved object out of his coat. "Maybe drag a few of these people out with you on the way, hm?"

@KoL@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist@Pyromania99

Alter Ego — Meltryllis

Despite her Master's obvious lack of grace, Meltryllis found at least some part of her wishing to eat. She was far from used to being limited by someone else's capabilities, and having to eat food to lighten the magical burden upon her Master felt like a bit of an inconvenience. At this point, though, the matter was less about her eating than it was Nanako eating.

"I think you should eat, if anything," she sighed, shaking her head in mild disappointment. "Who knows how long you've spent dozing off already? I might at least be able to do something if you're not still bedridden after the fact."

Knowing their luck, though, that stupid AI could send them off on another wild goose chase before she was even halfway done...

Despite her apparent silence as she continued to pet the deer at her side, Misaki almost instantly snapped to attention the moment she heard Lazirha's name mentioned by the Kyrinth. Rather than worrying about any diplomatic relationships between the two groups in question, the fact that she had been called out by name emphasized that there was more to her than she had initially thought. Of course, it had been Lazirha who had set them down this path in the first place, so a relationship between the two was already possible, but that didn't make it any less noteworthy.

"I thank you for your time in speaking with us," she finally said as the conversation concluded, standing up and bowing towards the Kyrinth before giving the younger deer one last scratch under the chin. As much as it seemed to have taken to her, bringing it back and away from the forest it called home didn't feel like the right thing to do. If it followed her on its own accord when they returned to the village then by all means she would keep it as a companion, but ultimately it was still a wild animal.

Or, well, 'wild' by a modern definition of the term, at least.

The foxgirl's move to start leaving with Nobunaga was paused by the person who had abruptly entered the conversation in the first place, and Misaki had no desire to deal with him after seeing how he had acted thus far. She could not deny the intent he seemed to have, but the way he carried himself and spoke...

It just rubbed her the wrong way, and that dislike only seemed to intensify once he attempted to sidle up to them. As much as she would have preferred returning to town and speaking with the other team that had left with Lazirha (because this was most certainly relevant to them), not speaking up about the way he was acting now would be difficult at best.

"What do you mean, 'we'?" she finally asked, breaking the awkward silence that had come about as a result of the young man's assertion. "Our goals may be similar, and I cannot speak for my companion, but I have no intent of working with someone so flippant as you."

There was a variety of reasons for leaving things at that, but speaking bluntly about all the reasons why she didn't wish to associate with him wasn't something she would do unless pressed for that information.

With that, Misaki nodded towards Nobunaga before starting down the path back to the village, come what may.

Speaking of (sorta) reviving this thread:

Pairs shuffled around; Old Li now paired with my Master, Vita's new one paired to Beni. Things should proceed with retcons from there accordingly.

Just making the statement as a case of recordkeeping here.
The fact that the deer seemed to not shy away from her touched gave Misaki more than enough of a push to actually begin petting the animal, her hands scratching behind its ears and under its chin as she might a dog or cat. The foxgirl took care not to be too rough with her touch—though it did seem to enjoy what contact she had given it—and the reaction given in response to that was positive enough for her to keep going.

It was this action that she chose to use as cover against the newcomer's words; if she did not yet trust the others who had so suddenly come up to her the day before, then what reason did she have to act the same towards this one? Reasonably speaking, though, their desire to return to Earth was not something unwarranted, but considering that statement brought to mind her last moments. "Going back" probably wasn't an option for her, loathe as she was to admit it, which meant that their goals did not so easily align.

It wasn't like she had a clue as to what this person had in store or if he could be trusted, either, though.

Nobunaga's suggestion, though, had caught the young woman off guard. To suggest that the Kyrinth be a teacher to the residents of the town... The thought hadn't crossed Misaki's mind, but the way it was framed made it seem like a fairly reasonable way to repair the broken contract between the two factions. It wasn't foolproof, of course—if there were people working against the Kyrinth still milling about, then it was possible that they could incite ill will as rogue agents. That much needed to be addressed, else their efforts go to naught before 'proper' negotiations began.

"I think that replacing that 'god' would go a long way," Misaki began, slowly turning to face the Kyrinth as she continued to pet the deer's head, "but that's not really a 'true' solution, is it? People aren't ants or bees; not everyone will unilaterally agree on a course of action. But it might be better to at least reward the ones who maintain this relationship, rather than only punishing those who do not."

What that might entail, though, would probably fall to the townsfolk; it seemed that they already feared the Kyrinth prior to their meeting now, so turning it into something more benevolent (in their eyes) rather than purely terrifying... Logically speaking, it'd probably be better for everyone in the long run, right?

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