The focus Shou had placed upon the Master and Servant at the forefront of the carnage was pulled away as he heard the young woman at his side—Xiaoyu, if he remembered correctly—chime in nonchalantly about his earlier quip. The Assassin he was contracted to seemed to already be moving to get a better feel for the situation, and so the young man felt like he had enough leeway to be able to speak without being wholly on edge.
"Ah.... It's Shou. Uehara Shou," he began, shifting himself to a less open position as he glanced at his now-ruined food. "But, uh... Right. It was more of a coincidence, really, but if I recall correctly, the dorm buildings in particular are held to a higher standard than most of the other places because they're residential areas. The cause was something too mundane for something large enough to blow a hole in the wall, though..."
As he trailed off, the onmyoji turned his attention back towards the pair who his Servant (and a few others) were already attempting to pull the information out of them—something that neither seemed all too pleased by.
"Didn't I just say to stay out of this?" the Master apparent asked, gripping the small object in his hand tightly as it began to glow. "How annoying. Look, it's none of your business, so..."
As he was talking, the Lancer at his side had taken a step towards one of the injured—another employee, given her now-bloodstained outfit—and leaned forward to examine the damage. The barely-visible sight of
something moving under the skin of her neck was more than enough reason for her to take up a defensive stance once more. Her Master, who had been speaking until now, ended up trailing off as he turned to look at what his companion was wary of.
"...Lancer?" he asked, taking a step towards the injured employee before his Servant blocked him from proceeding. "Something wrong?"
"Don't get close to her. Felt the same magical energy as I did from that explosion just now when I got close; probably not the only one," she said, glancing at the old man and blonde knight trying to accost them for information. "Just tell them about the damn clown; trying to keep quiet's only going to get us into more shit than we're already in."
The thug seemed to pause for a moment before clenching his fist and gritting his teeth.
"Long story short, some bomb-loving asshole's been trying to take us out for the last few days. Guess after the last few attempts failed, he and his Master decided to try a less subtle approach," he spat, tucking away the object he had held in his hands as his phone began to buzz. Carefully glancing around to make sure that neither of them were near any of the civilians being dragged out of the wreckage, the thug slowly pulled out the device from his pocket and glanced at the notification before slipping it away. "Still somewhere close, though. Crazy bastards probably want to check if we fell for their trap."
Clicking his tongue, the thug nodded towards his Servant before they split up, the latter leaping through a broken window in what could only be seen as the start of a hunt. The Master, on the other hand, simply walked past the carnage and around the injured as he followed after the third Servant that had darted into the kitchen.
"I wouldn't doubt it if they packed this place to the brim with bombs anyways," he remarked, pausing right before entering the gaping hole in the wall. "Maybe if I set one off, they'll come in closer to check..."
Whether or not he would or if it was a good idea or not in the first place remained to be seen.
@VitaVitaAR@KoL@Rune_Alchemist@Pyromania99@Raineh Daze
"It's long past time for breakfast."
The quip from Meltryllis, however curt, was all that she had left in her that she wanted to say. Nanako was already active and not fumbling about on the floor like a newborn child by this point, so any further prodding was apt to do more harm than good. With the matter with her Master settled for the moment from her perspective, though, the Alter Ego promptly made her way back to the couch before unceremoniously planting herself down in it. As much fun as it had been watching Nanako struggle to do even the most basic of things while injured, doing so for over a week made things feel... Stale.
If she was going to be bored, then she would be bored on her own terms.
"I certainly hope you won't break three eggs on the floor this time, though."
It wasn't a venomous jab, per se, but some teasing like this was at least a nice change of pace.