Time: Evening
Location: Aboard the Righteous Tern, Northbound on the Eastern Sea
Interaction: Zeva @Pink Khione
Mention: Bardulf @Lava Alckon and Masako @dreamingflowers
Equipment:Fancy Ring, Cold Ring, Oak Wood Staff IS BACK, Brown Leather Fingerless Channeling Gloves (not worn), Transmission Bracelet, 659 Amas.
“Well, uh, thanks. Sure.”
Zeva’s lack of sincerity did not go unnoticed but at the same time, he could hardly blame the young elf. As much as he loved the idea of a young upstart inquiring about magic, especially light magic, taking his full attention off of Bardulf was not an option he was comfortable with. He only hoped the girl would make some progress in her untapped arcane talents. As ugly of an explanation as it may have been, Mister Luum did give her two paths. Zeva could choose to follow the path of magic laid before her by sticking to whatever she happened to have an aptitude for and leaning on that or she could very well forge her own path. A path she chose to take despite what she may have had a knack for. Either way, Mister Luum would learn just a little bit more about Zeva’s nature.
But what if she’s good at something enjoys? Damn… my wise-elderly-fellow-that-gives-cryptic-advice-that-happens-to-be-helpful act needs work. Good thing I have a few more centuries!
Mister Luum kept up his grin as he nodded with optimism while Zeva’s attention was pulled away by her surroundings. He kept quiet, casually watching Bardulf as she searched for something to latch her mind onto.
“Any chance you know how long before we reach our destination?”
“North Pass? Um… Should beee… Carry the three- no, the FOUR, minus five, yes…” Mister Luum squinted as he raised his free hand and did some sort of obscure math with his fingers. “We should make it by tomorrow afternoon at the latest but hopefully, we make it right before lunch. You’ll like North Pass plenty, I believe. There will definitely be some action for our party to get into there. You can test those new daggers of yours out. BUT first, we need to acquire that warforged and find a nice place to lay our heads during our stay. Take this time on the sea to relieve yourself of any doubts and regrets about undergoing this journey. This could be the last moment of calm we have the luxury of basking in. Enjoy this calm. Trust me.”