Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@XxFellsingxX@Guardian Angel Haruki

Unless there are further moves we can skip to you two meeting up. At least you have Chinese food now!

Let's do it. ^_^
@_@ Sorry for the wait, everyone.

Bavlorna's Cottage

The lornling looks to Jub expectantly and asks for reassurance, "You spare me? Yes? Yes?!"

After it receives an affirmative answer, the lornling nods rapidly and says, "Okay! Okay! Give you password! Uhhhh..."

It seems to be trying to recall what the password. She proceeds to attempt to say the password,

"Blunder Scratch? Bangle Stash...? Banter Catch! No...Bandy Crasher?"

@Guardian Angel Haruki 11hrs at work eh?

I was there for 8 hours. I posted my note while I was eating breakfast before leaving for work. -_-“

I’ll get a post up.

EDIT: Plus, there's commute. Blegh.
"One hero comes from the depths,
On land, she takes her first steps.
Passion bids her to Adventure,
But to Darkness, she did indenture...

@Crimson Flame has been accepted with Ariel. ^_^
I'll get a DM post up after work. ^^"
How do you guys make your link into a number to show your rolls?

You attach the url to the number,

[url=Insert URL Here]Number here (Finish bracket here with /url)

"You got it. I'll send you the recording I took, just in case. Thanks, Kendra,"

After that, Kim ends the phone conversation. After a moment, there would be another sound of Kendra's ringtone, as the recording Kim took earlier is sent to Kendra via text.

"I'm at my apartment right now. The door's locked for now. I should be okay here,"
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Is this an anime intro song?

Not that I'm aware of, No.
It was just a song I found on YouTube. ^_^

I just like the lyrics a lot. It's very inspirationally rebellious.
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