Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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This would be Kim's Ringtone. XD


Kim's voice can be heard on the other side of the phone,

"Sorry, Kendra. I'm afraid it's not a social call. I witnessed a kidnapping and I don't really know what to do about it. I have it recorded, but I'm guessing there isn't some sort of...supernatural police force to report this to,"
Character App Requirements:

D&D 5e sheet with your stats. If you need help, please ask.
Backstory! Why is your character adventuring? What's their story so far?
-If you have secrets, you can PM them.

Accepted Characters
@Crimson Flame as Ariel, the Sea Elf Noble Bard
@LuckyLudor as Mabel Pines, the Human Guild Artisan Artificer
@rush99999 as The Huntsman, the Human Servant Ranger
@InnerFlame as Kovu, the Leonin Outlander (Exile) Rogue
@Lucius Cypher as Shi Long, the Earth Genasi Sage Artificer
@Double as Captain Li Shang, the Variant Human Soldier Monk
@Benzaiten as Kidagakah Nedakh, the Human Acolyte Monk
@Martian as David Xanatos, the Human Charlatan Archfey Warlock

World-Building Links for Reference
The Three Fairies' Weavers Guild/The Three Fates' Weavers Guild
Locations in the World
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Kendra: More guests. Oh joy.

Kim: I'm not darkening your doorstep...!

@Guardian Angel Haruki Sounds like you are leaving the current scene. What is your next move?

The next move is to go to her apartment, and use her smartphone to communicate with someone she trusts, Kendra.

Kim knew there was no way she was going to be able to pursue the van. Right now, it was just best to end the recording and head out. With a few taps on the smartphone, the recording finished, and she put her smartphone away in her purse.

Realizing there were cameras here, she knew that directly leaving wasn't a good idea. So, she made her way into the nearby Bed, Bath, and Beyond. After a little bit of window shopping, she left the store and made her way back to her car.

Once she makes it to the car, she drives away from her workplace and drives back to her apartment. She needed to process this and decide who to send the video to.

She trusts Kendra and she seems to know the workings of the Supernatural world better than she does. It might be good to ask her for advice. There was also January...he has agents helping her out. She might have to send the recording to him too..
Hah! Well, well, well... Er, change of question.. Player, hehaha! When will I need to advance to more dice. Like level 5?

Throughout the game I will be using Milestone Experience (meaning it'll be based on the story), so leveling up will be at my discretion as the DM.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Almost like being the Champion again, Why thank you. I will place my Eeyore in the Characters section.

Please don't put Eeyore in the Characters section yet. ^^"
@Penny OK. Going to spend the last hold for "What’s my best way in/out?"
Better to be safe than sorry as she makes her way to her car.

Kim watched what happened take place. Upon looking over the man, she came to realize that he was a Red Cap! A malicious winter faerie that murders and kidnaps. She clenched her jaw.

She wanted to save that woman, but she can't do much against the fae. She only managed to escape the last time she encountered them, so there was no way she could fight one head on. She's just lucky that she has a taser on her for self-defense. At the very least, the woman was alive, so that was some sort of relief.

Kim decided the best she could do right now to help the woman was to make sure that her smartphone recording caught the Red Cap's face, what he did, and the license plate number. Of course, she made sure to remain hidden from the Red Cap's sight so that she didn't get caught herself. She had to make sure that she would be able to send this video to the police...or someone supernatural who can help with this kind of situation.
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