Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Kim waves the apology, as though to tell Kendra to not worry about it. She listened to Kendra as she explained. She answers Kendra, "It's alright. If anything, I think talking to you is what I need right now,"

She then brings up, "Well, at least you have something in the form of seeing the future. You can prepare! Me? I've got nothing! If I got into a fight, I would be as good as dead if I don't have my taser. It's a good thing I held off on contacting anyone on the force though,"

It is clear that Kim has just as much nervous energy as Kendra. She continued, "I did get some information though. That kidnapper in the video is a Red Cap, if my research is right. And this took place on the border between Mortality and Werewolf territory. That woman was still alive, thankfully,"

She then pointed out, while taking out the laurel twig, "The weirdest part is that the crows led me to this. They dropped this and were saying Zeke's name. I wonder why though,"

She commented, "This mystery is definitely not something I can tackle alone. But the problem is, I'm not sure who I can contact. Especially now that it seems that something's going on with the force. Maybe January? But he'd probably use the opportunity to put me further in debt with him,"
Alrighty then....

We're going to do a contest roll, similar to Grappling...

@rush99999 I will need Brutrumukk to roll a straight Wisdom check. He is still Poisoned.

@Lurking Krog Go ahead and roll either a straight Intelligence or Wisdom check (you're check).

If Aurora succeeds, then she will successfully redirect Brutrumukk back the way they came.
If Brutrumukk succeeds, then he will continue through the mini door. Note, he will not do harm to Aurora, and the alcohol is keeping him in a euphoric state.

Cascade realized too late that she must have hit a nerve with her question about Aura's genie parent. She answered hesitantly, her cheerfulness replaced with awkwardness, "O-Oh. Sure. Let's get back to them,"

She then quickly gave an apology, "Sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up..."

Upon seeing that Kendra was at the door, Kim unlocked the door and let her in. She accepted the Chinese food thrust into her arms with surprise, before closing the door and locking it behind Kendra.

It never hurt to take precautions.

She answered Kendra regarding the Chinese food, "Thanks. Let's split this,"

She quickly moved to throw the food in the microwave so everything is heated.

Once it was ready, Kim spoke to Kendra,

"Thanks for coming. Did...something happen on the way here? Or when I texted you earlier?"
@rush99999 Interesting! XD
The Huntsman is accepted! Feel free to post the character in the characters’ tab.
Sorry I have not posted yet been a little bit busy and distracted. I'll try to get a post up.

No worries. ^_^ I understand.
Looking forward to your post.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Chora? Not Greece?

Changes are bound to happen when time is rewound like it has been.

Plus, with the world, I intend this to be more of a D&D world than the real world. That way it won't be too weird to have two Disney movies that took place in two different spots in the world occur at the same time in an area (within reason of course. So you won't expect to encounter both Aladdin and Frozen happening at the same location at the same time).

Speaking of...
Let's get the major countries up here...

((Still in Progress...))
This is just a little bit of world building here...

There are numerous different guilds, and it's not uncommon for different guilds to deal in the same trade or practice.

So, the specific guild Mabel is part of is the 'Three Fairies' Weaver's Guild'. Mabel knows that this guild is a prestigious and wide spread Weaver's Guild! A lot of the higher standing members are fashion designers. Some of the more famous members have provided the finest to famous figures, such as royalty. And we're not talking just the Disney Princesses, we're also talking about the Kings and Queens!

You've also heard that for some reason, in the Olympians' Country, Chora, they insist on calling your guild the 'Three Fates' Weaver's Guild' for some weird reason. You're not sure why though.

The symbol of the Guild is a red flower, a green butterfly, and a blue cloud, forming a triangle of thread, intertwining with each other on top of a spinning wheel.

Right now, Mabel is considered a Junior Member of the Guild. Mabel has proven herself in her skills, so she doesn't really need an apprenticeship, but the Guild is concerned that potential customers or clients won't take Mabel or her work seriously due to her age.
@Dark Cloud That's an interesting choice.
• Inspect the illuminated table on the right.
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