Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Well, let me put it this way - imagine the mind of Delilah Briarwood, a touch of Harley Quinn, and the body of a red Tiefling Warlock/Wizard XD.

Delilah Briarwood with a touch of Harley Quinn?
Uh no...Delilah Briarwood alone was dangerous/scary enough! O_O
OK! Got the theme song for Ciel (my Djinni Warlock). It might not play now, but this would definitely come into play once she becomes more confident. This would also be a full on retort to her evil Ex who was Isekai'ed with the group.

....Oh no.

I need to find a theme song and not use Disney Aladdin songs...
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Veeery interesting. Carbuncle's description in particular is already giving me a few ideas to work with.

One thing though: can you you come up with different name for Sunglow? We already have an NPC called Sunglow (it's one of Garrock's parents who he mentioned to Skobeloff earlier)

Whoops! Sorry about that!

Let’s go with Dandelion then. ^^”
@Dark Cloud@XxFellsingxX

Who's dragging Brutrumukk out?

The disgruntled peasants stare at Mabel in disbelief after she made her comment that she went through the jungle just fine. They look at each other and they answered, reasoning out her words, "Well, yeah! If you stuck to the roads through the jungles, then of course you would have been fine. Going off of the road is what will kill you,"

Then Shang spoke up and spoke to both Mabel and Ariel. After he finished, the disgruntled peasants gestured to Shang with all of their arms as if to silently exclaim, "THANK YOU! Somebody understands! What he said!"

The peasant who had the summons, is now standing as Shang approached him, apologized, and asked his question. He answered Shang, while awkwardly trying to do the bow as well in return, "Ah, yes. Yes, I was summoned by Emperor Kuzco. I'm not sure why, though. Especially on his Birthday!"

He then looks to the disgruntled peasants, and he asks, "So, you wanted my summons to ask the Emperor for help?" After getting an affirmative nod from them, the peasant sighed, before digging through a coin purse, "The emperor's messenger provided this in case I was planning on staying in the city for the night. But, I'm planning to head home after I'm done with the meeting, so please use this,"

He pulls out a single gold piece and gives it to the disgruntled peasant bandits.

They looked shocked before the bandit answered, "Thank you! You're so kind!"
Another bandit spoke up, "But...that won't be enough for all of us..."

The kind peasant apologized, "I'm sorry. That's all I can spare...
I can finally post again! XD

Character sheet when.

I kid, I kid. lol

Although, I might go ahead and throw something preliminary together that I can convert to whatever the preferred format is later.
I've already got a CS in D&D Beyond that I'm going to use as a basis for all the fun class stuff.

I'm going to get a D&D 5e CS for my character ready as well. XD
@Guardian Angel Haruki While we're waiting for Vertigo's response, I do have a couple of questions for you: besides the clutch, has Stargaze made any friends since leaving her island? Have there been any other people who have made her feel welcome in dragon society?

Hi! Sorry I took so long! ^^" I needed to think over this.

At first, I was thinking that the clutch are the only ones who became close enough to be her friends. But after mulling it over, I think there would be one or two older dragons who would have made her feel welcome when she first arrived to dragon society.

One of the older dragons in question is a Rebel named Carbuncle, a dragon who intentionally left the House he was a part of. When asked why, all they answered was that "It was the right thing to do,". They won't elaborate any further on that. They are considered eccentric in Dragon Society. They are not one to say friendship is worthless, but they are not a fan of the Houses. Their scales were once a vibrant red, but now, they are pink. They won't say if it's because of time and age, or if it was because of an accident or event. They met when Stargaze was alone (or had to be alone) and some other rawscales were bullying her. He chased them off.

The other is a canary yellow scaled dragon named Sunglow. As part of House Tessith, she was the one who helped Stargaze enter Dragon Society and helped her meet the other rawscale dragons so she can find a clutch and truly rejoin Society. Without her help, Stargaze never would have met Fellwing, Skobeloff, and Shieldwing, or have gone on this adventure.
Sorry for the wait, everyone! Had a sudden family visit. ^^"

OK! Now for this...

@Lurking Krog
I would like Aurora to do a grapple check with either Athletics or Acrobatics. Brutrumukk (@rush99999) can contest this after Jub's (@XxFellsingxX) Tasha's Hideous Laughter wears off.

If you guys want to drag Brutrumukk out of the hut, I will need a Strength Athletics check. It can be either a group check, or one person doing it with advantage. Or it can be just one person doing a straight roll if no one wants to help with this. ^^"
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