Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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So do I have to roll to find out what I see in the store?

Yes, you are welcome to roll Perception or Investigation.

When I can, I’ll try and create a list and prices of what is available in the store. Was in a bit of a hurry this morning. ^^”
X_X Sorry for the wait everyone.

@rush99999@LuckyLudor@Crimson Flame

I am so sorry I have been quiet yall.

No worries.

I'm sorry for taking so long. ^^"

Downfall: Toadstool Patch

The elf answers Tsak first, "I do not know. My apologies,"

After Gabriel speaks, he looks to him and answers Gabriel's introduction, "My name is Octavian Meliamne. It is good to meet you,"

He speaks again, his voice still devoid of emotion, "I realize my words may seem disingenuous, but I truly cannot feel any emotion after I lost my heart..."

Downfall: Enroute to D11

The boat comes over to them, and Jub and Brutrumukk are able to jump on the skiff and hop off to reach the next location. In front of them, they see a ramshackle hall built around a big tree. Two of the tree's limbs reach out through the walls like enormous welcoming arms. The interior of the hall is roomy, with an open floor plan that allows occupants of the upper story to look out over the lower one. Bullywug courtiers are crowding into the space, filling it with their guttural croaks. Their clothing is faded and stained with mud.
Who would win?

Bugbear Brutrumukk: Who are you?!
Gnome Brutrumukk: I'm You...from the Future!
Bugbear Brutrumukk: NOOOOOO!!!


Bugbear Brutrumukk: Praise Maglubiyet!
Gnome Brutrumukk: F*** Maglubiyet!
Bugbear Brutrumukk: *Gasp!*
X_X Sorry for the wait, everyone. Family Thanksgiving visit has just concluded today and I am now back from work.

I will get a DM post up, and answer everyone's questions, as soon as possible.
X_X Sorry for the wait, everyone. Family Thanksgiving visit has just concluded today and I am now back from work.

I will get a DM post up as soon as possible.
X_X Sorry for the wait, everyone. Family Thanksgiving visit has just concluded today and I am now back from work.

I will get a DM post up as soon as possible.
X_X Sorry for the wait, everyone. Family Thanksgiving visit has just concluded today and I am now back from work.

I will get a post up for Stargaze as soon as possible.
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