Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@Guardian Angel Haruki

Could Brut throw down some more pie bits to keep the mouth open longer?

Yes. Brutrumukk has enough Duskmallow Pie to keep the fish there for 2 more turns (in initiative).
<Snipped quote by XxFellsingxX>

Looks like you have a second chance.

The fish does only have the mouth open to eat the Duskmallow Pie bits.

I'll need an Initiative roll from Jub to see if he can use Mage Hand in time before the fish finishes eating the pie if Jub wants to do this. @XxFellsingxX
While I think about it....

@Lurking Krog@Dark Cloud@Cao the Exiled
I realize a lot has just happened. ^^"

Here is the link to the recent DM Post for you guys, just in case you need (so you don't have to search for it) : Recent Toadstool Patch Post

If you have any questions or need me to edit that post to address anything, don't hesitate to let me know. ^^"
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Since Brut is still convinced that he's a weretiger and therefor immune to mundane damage, could he get advantage on the save? If so, 13. If not, 3.

Brut did take everything from the shop. That would include the needle used to give him the "Lycanthropy".

If he hasn't poked himself with the needle again to take away the "Lycanthropy", he would still be convinced that he's a weretiger. So in that case, he'll have the advantage.

Unfortunately, 13 does not make the save.

The memories of his death in the previous life begin to overwhelm him as he stares into the maw of the giant fish. His body is locking up on him and screaming at him to get away from the creature.

Brutrumukk is now Frightened of the fish.

Downfall: Trinket, Bauble, and Charm's (D10)

As Brutrumukk collected the items in the shop, he notices that a lot of the items are just junk. The only thing that seems to be of value is the Moonlight Monocle. When Brutrumukk takes the marbles that held their colors, they seep back into his being. The bells on the outfit jingle and ring as he moves about in this jester costume.

He does manage to get the fish's attention, and it does swim to eat the bits of duskmallow pie that was crumbled into the water. Brutrumukk would see the fish open its maw. It's not just large enough to swallow him whole, but it has circular rows of sharp, shark like teeth. The herbs seem to be deep in its gullet now, because he cannot see them in the maw.

But taking in this sight...a primal fear starts to make itself known to Brutrumukk.

@rush99999 OK. Since Brutrumukk took the things he paid back, there is now an update to the items.

The Jester's outfit no longer grants advantage to Dexterity Saving Throws, and the Duskmallow Pie no longer has the healing effect.

As for why...I'll leave that to Jub. ^_^
@Guardian Angel Haruki

What size category would you say the fish is?

It's Large. It's bigger than the Merrow.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

How deep is the water?

20 feet deep.
Natural 20

O_O Bejeezus!


Brutrumukk sees the herbs weren't thrown very far. But he does see that not only has the herbs sunk to the depths, but he also sees a really large fish swallow the herbs whole.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

How far out into the water did Trinket manage to throw the herbs?


Make a Perception check. ^_^
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