@XxFellsingxX Yes, everything is okay. Sorry for my silence, but I am having a little trouble coming up with a reaction for Stargaze. ^^" Go ahead and skip me for now.
Dear lord, a Gnomish Weretiger on the loose pretending to be our estranged friend Brut after his death in this foul land is nightmare fuel.
Edit: I have regained control of my Mythweavers and it alpears when I last left off we had achieved level 3, judging from my perusing of the other character sheets that seems to still be true. Excellent that makes me officially brought up to speed. Is Zavakri assumed to be tagging along with Gabriel in a broad sense? After the mention of Detara she understandably appears to have become background British noise.
Yes, Zavakri is with Gabriel and Aurora. ^_^
EDIT: Also, I should mention that Zavakri was the one who pointed out that someone guided the Wild Magic Surge with Music during Brutrumukk's Reincarnation. So, she was not only background noise, she was also exposition on why Brutrumukk reincarnated.
Keruzi simply listened as Alessia as she answered her question, and talked more about the recruiter. She gave an impressed nod at the mention that the recruiter dispatched a giant sand serpent and cut open its belly just to deliver a letter to the soldier inside. She shrugged at Alessia's question about her being a chatterbox as though to say that she didn't mind. She did try to make light conversation, during the wait.
Soon enough, Simon had finally entered. When he reached out his hand in greeting, she reached her hand out to clasp Simon's in turn, as a handshake. She answers him, "It's good to meet you, Simon. I'm Keruzi,"
She gave a nod to confirm his words about her curiosity about the job. She raised an eyebrow at his words regarding the cargo and their mission. She asked him, "What or who exactly is this cargo that I will be escorting? And what is their mission? Or, did you want to wait for anyone else you hired before you disclose that information?"
Out of curiosity, what encounter table were you using for these rolls?
<Snipped quote by rush99999>
I'm assuming the section of the book which takes place in that area has like a table of "Thinks you can encounter in the water" or something like that.
You would think so!
The Book does have random encounter tables. But not for the lake. But all the book provides for encounters on the lake are noncombatant bullywugs and the two merrow.
So, there was no table.
For me as the DM it was a quick, "Ok. Depending on the roll of the d100, it'll be some size of fish. If he rolls a 90 or higher, it's going to be the two merrow. How likely is that?"
...And then somebody rolled above 90 on the percentile dice.
@Fading Memory Zavakri has been with the party the entire time. ^_^
*The party found a well that was shooting out water. *Jub used the Charm of the Monarch for the first time in front of the party. *Upon closer inspection of the well, the party finds four trinkets floating on the water. *When Brutrumukk tries to take the trinkets, four Will-O'-Wisps appear and inform the party that the items were theirs...when the Will-O'-Wisps were alive. *The Will-O-Wisps and Brutrumukk made a deal: If the party pursues Bavlorna Blightstraw and deals with her, then they will have the trinkets and a boon. *Brutrumukk accepted the deal. *The Will-O-Wisps also reveal that they died by drowning from the waters Bavlorna invoked from the wells, to make this realm more swampy than it was before she arrived. They also revealed that Bavlorna Blightstraw is in Downfall.
*Brutrumukk, Jub, and Gabriel took a moment to forage around Telemy Hill. *The trees on Telemy Hill moved and greeted Jub as the Witchlight Monarch. *After speaking with the trees, they inform the party that Jingle Jangle lives in the cave. *Jingle Jangle is a goblin wearing a coat lined with keys. She speaks referring to herself in the third person. *Brutrumukk immediately asks for the key to Sir Talavar's cage, and Jingle Jangle willingly hands over said key. *While handing over the key, Jingle Jangle mentions that the bunny brigands robbed her of her truffles. *Brutrumukk immediately frees Sir Talavar, and the knight gave Brutrumukk his sword (which functions as a +1 Dagger due to its size). *Aurora gives Jingle Jangle some of her rations, while Gabriel gave her the food he found while foraging. This cheers Jingle Jangle up significantly. *Jingle Jangle tells the party as much she knows about the Bunny Brigands which includes -Their Leader, Agdon Longscarf -Their hideout, Brigands' Tollway *Jingle Jangle also informs the party that if they want to leave the current realm Hither, and head to another realm called Thither, they need to find pincer clawed scarecrow named Clapperclaw. *Brutrumukk makes a comment about making bunny brigands dinner, but Jingle Jangle voices that she is against killing. *Brutrumukk thinks she's for slavery, but Jingle Jangle denies that as well, and basically shows that she's just a weird sweetheart. *This revelation disgusts Brutrumukk, but instead of giving in to his instincts to kill Jingle Jangle, he leaves with Jub in tow. *Gabriel and Aurora leave shortly after them. *Upon leaving, the two goblinoids were left alone. But the hill moves to dance around Aurora and Gabriel, and thank them for cheering Jingle Jangle up and giving her food. *As another sign of gratitude, the trees give Gabriel and Aurora an iron key.
*They run into the Inn at the End of the Road! It is a strange building with numerous pairs of feet that literally walks through the swamps of Hither, and stops to let guests in. *The party finds that it is a peaceful inn, and they were treated to food and rest. *Gabriel finds that the inn has no alcohol because Bavlorna's minions took it all for the hag. *When asked about recompense, the elderly innkeeper, Tsu Harabax, informs them that any old trinket would do, but if they were going after Bavlorna Blightstraw, then she would consider that recompense enough. *The party talks amongst themselves as they rest here. *They did not take a long rest. *They leave on good terms and continue on their way.
*The party reaches Brigands' Tollway. But before they even realize it... *Zavakri and Brutrumukk took a hit each from a cloaked figure's branding iron! Not only did it send them to low HP, but they found that they could not see the assailant after that. *The assailant was none other than Agdon Longscarf! *During the attack, Agdon Longscarf successfully stole Sir Talavar's sword from Brutrumukk and Aurora's Thieves' Tools. *Due to the fact that Brutrumukk has proclaimed that he was going to kill and eat the bunny brigands, and he butchered Agdon Longscarf's song, Agdon Longscarf has a great number of bandits as reinforcements ready for the party. *After a valiant fight from the party, they fall to the bunny brigands, but thankfully this is not a true TPK.
*Cages dangling over murky lake water. *Brutrumukk and Aurora are in one cage, Gabriel and Zavakri is in another cage, and Jub finds himself in the third cage with a cheerful satyr named Vansel *They got a long rest from sleeping in the cages. *They also learn that the Bunny Brigands brought them to Bavlorna's cottage. *The party escape from the cages. *After escaping the cages, they encounter the Red Cap trying to chase out vultures out of the bloody kitchen. *Brutrumukk helps kill the vultures and the Red Cap introduces herself as Bloody Toes. *The party try to hide that they're here to kill Bavlorna, but failed their Deception checks. *Bloody Toes, upon realizing this, gives them Bavlorna's weakness! *Bavlorna has a Widdershins Allergy. Bloody Toes also informed them that she is in the study with another guest. *The party does not know what Widdershins are, but Vansel was willing to help and perform Widdershins. *The party planned a sneak attack. *However, that plan goes sideways as Zavakri's sister, Detara was brought up in the conversation. *Zavakri barges in to interrogate, and Gabriel also goes into a rant.
*During that rant, Gabriel asked what Widdershins was and basically let slip that the party knew her weakness.
*Aurora and Gabriel was able to do some damage control so that the hag doesn't attack them and gives them chores. *While talking with Bavlorna, Jub and Brutrumukk headed to the Hooch Distillery. *Brutrumukk drank a whole barrel of hooch and basically had his own episode of Pink Elephants on Parade. *He wanders around and the party tries to control him, but it was a difficult task. *Eventually they do manage to incapacitate Brutrumukk and drag him out of the cottage!
*The party takes a boat to leave the cottage and reaches Big Barkless, the tree. *Once there, Vansel thanks the party by teaching them how to do the Widdershins, and he gives Jub an enchanted stick that acts as a Stone of Good Luck for 24 hours. *After that, Vansel leaves the party. *The party is then poked, prodded, and jeered at by a bunch of bitter pixies living in Big Barkless. *Brutrumukk, who is still very much drunk, decides to take Jub, hop in the boat, and go fishing. *Due to a really unlucky random encounter rolls, instead of fish, he encountered two merrow. *Brutrumukk and Jub were pulled into the water by the merrow. *Gabriel tried to put the merrow to sleep, but instead the spell affected Brutrumukk and he started drowning. *With that, the merrow effectively attacked Brutrumukk and are able to kill him. *Brutrumukk does one last sacrifice, and throws Jub to the surface, so the goblin may live. *During the battle, Tsak the fairy returns from wandering off.
*Brutrumukk dies, but thanks to the Wild Magic Hooch, and the button he gave to the monkey in the Witchlight Carnival, he is reincarnated! *Brutrumukk is now a Forest Gnome!
*Brutrumukk is hellbent on becoming a bugbear again. *Brutrumukk and Jub split from the rest of the party and headed to the storm cloud, while Aurora, Gabriel, Zavakri, and Tsak went to the Toadstool Patch. *At the Toadstool Patch, the four adventurers met Octavian, an elven man who had his heart literally taken by Bavlorna Blightstraw. *After speaking with him, they go to the empty house.
*Brutrumukk and Jub found that the storm cloud is the only shop in Prismeer. *After making a couple of dealings, Brutrumukk, while believing that he is now a weretiger, proceeds to attack and kill the two shopkeepers who were there. *In the process, they lose the components needed for Jub's Find Familiar spell. *They then left the crime scene and met a Bullywug Knight named Morgort. *It turns out that Morgort and another knight helped Sir Talavar escape! *After speaking with her, Brutrumukk headed off and is now facing the Bullywug King Gullop the Nineteenth.
The last part I realistically recall was the team rescuing a rabbit knight from a tower guarded by snakes after we got left in the dust by bunny brigands.
Ah! Rescuing Sir Talavar the Faerie Dragon from Slanty Tower!
Alrighty then, I'll get to writing up the Bullet Point Recap. A lot has indeed happened. ^^"