Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Downfall: D15

Should Gabriel and Aurora enter the house, they would find that nobody is hidden in here. This hut is truly empty.

Should either of them open the chest, they would find that the small wooden chest contains cookware, spices, old fishbones, and a mummified toad.

@Lurking Krog@Dark Cloud@Cao the Exiled

Downfall: Holding Cells (D8)

Morgort watches as Brutrumukk leaves. Her attention then is drawn back to Jub and she answers the goblin mage, "About Bavlorna? I'm afraid I don't know much more than what I just told you," She then tells Jub, "If you need to escape from Downfall quickly, then the best way would be to escape via balloon. You'll have to steal one though," She points towards D2 after giving them an escape route.

"Telling you this is the least I can do for you, since you helped Sir Talavar and told me about Wigglewog. Thank you,"

Downfall: His Royal Majesty King Gullop XIX (D6)

Brutrumukk makes his way to the next spot (so does Jub assuming he follows) and he sees a grand marble gazebo stands atop a mound of soggy earth, its white stone streaked green with algae. The support pillars have sunk into the muck unevenly so that the domed canopy now sits askew.

Short steps ring the gazebo, leading to a raised floor where bullywugs dressed in shabby clothing lounge on pillows. Among them, a harpist sends forth delicate notes that mingle with the murmured croaking of the gathered nobles. On a dais, a flabby bullywug wearing a crown of woven lily flowers sits on an ornate throne with his legs folded under him. He has a large leather-bound book open across his lap and is mouthing the words he reads on the pages.

Without looking up, he says, "Have you no herald to announce your presence before King Gullop the Nineteenth?" He slams the book closed as if to punctuate his question, regarding you for the first time.

Sleepy bullywug guards standing around their monarch snap to attention and ready their weapons.

@rush99999 @XxFellsingxX
@rush99999 Hmmm…
Perception check please. ^_^

Downfall: D15

Aurora effectively creeps closer to the hut's window and is able to peek inside. She sees more of the hut after she approached.

This hut has a steep thatch roof. A small wooden chest rests in the middle of the floor, and scattered around it are six fraying silk cushions.
The air in here carries the stench of decaying fish. A lit brazier hangs from a rafter, providing the dwelling's only light.

Aurora does not see anyone inside the building.

@Lurking Krog@Dark Cloud@Cao the Exiled

Downfall: Holding Cells (D8)

Morgort shakes her head and answered, "That is very kind of you. But please, do not worry about me. I can get myself out of the trial by combat,"

She then suggests to both goblinoids, "You might want to get out of here, before King Gullops XIX's guards catch you here. You do not need to be accused of treason just by talking to me," She continues, "And I'm guessing you're here to make a deal with Bavlorna?" She spits at the ground after speaking the name.

"Whatever you're here for, don't make a deal with her. She's a recluse who enjoys making foul deals with visitors,"

@rush99999 @XxFellsingxX
Sorry for not checking in, just not enough has happened that I felt like there's anything to post.

No worries. ^^"
Completely understandable.
@ShiroKiyoshi Sorry for the wait on my end.
I think I'll be able to get a post up tomorrow.
Aaand that's a 9.

That would be a No then. ^^"
<Snipped quote by rush99999>

If Haruki allows me to, sure thing.

I did a quick Wisdom check to see if Morgort knows about the Merrow, considering what Brutrumukk was asking, and she got a 9.

*sighs* You can use the Help Action.
@rush99999 I'm gonna need a Persuasion check.
Btw, happy chinese new year! I normally wouldn't draw attention to this, but it seems poignant considering that is now the Year of the Dragon.

Happy Chinese New Year! XD

Downfall: D15

Octavian bids the group farewell as they head in the opposite direction of the storm cloud. They would eventually come across a building, with the door closed. There doesn't seem to be anyone around. The interior is also silent upon first impressions.

@Lurking Krog@Dark Cloud@Cao the Exiled

Downfall: Holding Cells (D8)

The bullywug knight listened to Jub and Brutrumukk as they answered her question. As she processes this information, she answers Jub and Brutrumukk, "No. No. But Wigglewog and I did help Sir Talavar escape. I got caught, while Wigglewog managed to escape with Sir Talavar in the Balloon. I'm glad to hear that Sir Talavar has escaped, but...you're saying Sir Wigglewog perished?"

She is definitely sullen at the news, but she does compose herself and give a knightly bow as she speaks again, "Ah. Apologies, I have not introduced myself. I am Morgort, Knight of Warts, enemy to Bavlorna Blightstraw,"

She then rises from the bow, and she speaks, "And...I await my trial by combat for helping Sir Talavar escape,"

@rush99999 @XxFellsingxX
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