Keruzi nodded to the guard in understanding as he stated that he was going to verify with Simon. She waited patiently and sure enough, the groundskeeper arrived and escorted Keruzi through. She gave a silent nod of gratitude to Rhythia's welcoming words.
When Rhythia made her comment about Keruzi's timeliness, she noted the subtle venom in her words and the motherly smile. Keruzi could only raise an eyebrow at the wish before she herself answers politely,
I apologize if my timeliness has caused any inconvenience. Arriving early does have its benefits in my line of work. Besides, it feels like merely showing up on time would be an insult to Simon's generosity at this point,"
She takes in the aristocratic splendor, the natural beauties of the garden around her, and she listens intently as Rhythia gives her explanations for the plants. A wide variety of emotions and thoughts cross her heart and mind.
The people she cared about would love this. If only she could show them...
How could people like Simon languish like this while people on the front lines suffer?
She is a dark, bloodied shadow walking through a bastion of life. She's surprised that the flowers haven't wilted just from being near her.She keeps her composure, making sure that the creeping sadness and regret does not affect her senses and awareness. She needed to remain sharp.
Thankfully, they reached the study. Before Rhythia departed to fetch Simon, Keruzi speaks to her, "
Thank you, Rhythia. I appreciate your guidance and well wishes from earlier,"
After Rhythia leaves, Keruzi takes in the study all around her. She remains quiet and still while looking around, before her attention is drawn to the next attendant to appear: Alessia.
Keruzi nods and responds to Alessia's greeting politely, "
It's nice to meet you, Alessia. My name is Keruzi, Paladin of the Dark Sun Clan. Thank you for assistance,"
Thinking over it, Keruzi decided to ask, "
I do have a slight inquiry. I don't suppose you know if I am the only person Simon has hired for his mission?"
She thought it might be a good idea to ask just in case someone does come, pretending to be a hire of Simon's. One would never know: Maybe some thief, assassin, or Yun Forbid a demon, would be foolish enough to try this brass tactic...