I shall reread and sneak a post in sometime upon my return to the correct half of the planet, but it seems Zavakri shall now be an agent in the disruption of local government. How very Thay-ish.
The trio seem to be listening to Ariel as she answered the group. The twins seem to be chuckling amongst the both of themselves. But Azul's expression seems to become unreadable when Ariel mentioned that her link to her family doesn't make her any different than any other mermaid.
When she mentioned that she was going to be looking around, Azul simply answered her with a slight bow and a hand over his heart, "Take the time you need, Your Highness. We are here if you have any questions,"
When the Huntsman asked for the price of the Arrows, Azul answers, "That would be 500 gold pieces per arrow. Of course, we can work out a deal if that's too expensive,"
*+1 Weapon (hand crossbow) (uncommon, dmg 213) Every strike by this weapon is accompanied by a monstrous snarl.
*+1 Weapon (handaxe) (uncommon, dmg 213)
*+1 Weapon (lance) (uncommon, dmg 213) Every strike by this weapon is accompanied by a burst of light.
*+1 Weapon (mace) (uncommon, dmg 213) Every strike by this weapon is accompanied by a spray of phantasmal blood.
*+1 Weapon (scimitar) (uncommon, dmg 213)
*+1 Weapon (war pick) (uncommon, dmg 213) This finely crafted weapon is said to lead the one who wields it to wealth and glory.
*Weapon of Warning (sling) (uncommon, dmg 213) Foes slain by this weapon dissolve into flower petals.
*+1 Ammunition (20 arrows) (uncommon, dmg 150)
*Javelin of Lightning (uncommon, dmg 178)
*Sword of Vengeance (longsword) (uncommon, dmg 206) A masterwork weapon, wrapped in electrum wire.
*Trident of Fish Command (uncommon, dmg 209) A masterwork weapon, set with jade.
*+1 Shield (uncommon, dmg 200)
*+1 Shield (uncommon, dmg 200)
*Adamantine Armor (breastplate) (uncommon, dmg 150) A masterwork armor, painted with an unknown coat of arms.
Kida didn't need any skill of Insight to see that Pacha is just as confused as she is. He answers her, "Honestly? I have no idea. I hope he'll be okay..."
Shang answers the both of them, "I'll go after him and make sure he's okay. Please go on ahead," before he departs.
The trek through the palace is long, and many of the guards had to point both Kida and Pacha in the right direction. Eventually they reach a large pair of double doors where a different palace worker waited. This worker wore a simple blue and red tunic and he stops both Pacha and Kida, "Hold! May I see your invitation, please?"
"Of course. Here you go," Pacha hands the parchment to the worker, before he speaks, "Wait here," and enters.
There is a bit of distance, but Kida and can see and make out the discussion started by the worker inside the grand hall.
"Ah, excuse me, Your Highness. But the village leader is here to see you,"
"Oh great! Send him in!" The young man in red answers him, before he turns to an old woman wearing a purple and black dress.
"Oh, and by the way, you're fired,"
The woman is clearly surprised as she stutters, "Fired?! Wh-wh-what do you mean, 'Fired'?!"
"Um. How else can I say it?" The young man casually starts before he snaps his fingers and another worker appears to write what he says down on a slip of pink paper. The young man continues,
"You're being let go. Your department is being downsized. You're part of an outplacement. We're going in a different direction. We're not picking up your options. Take your pick! I got more,"
With the young man clearly having finished his explanation, the worker tears the paper off of the pad and sticks it onto one of the older woman's long fingernails as she stutters helplessly before sitting down on the throne.
She seems to shake herself out of the slack-jawed, surprised stupor and speaks again,
"But-But Your Highness, I have been nothing but loyal to the Empire for-for over many, many years!"
"Hey hey, Everybody hits their stride! You just hit yours fifty years ago. Sooo...who's in my chair?"
The older woman noticeably growls in anger at the younger man after he asks his condescending question while another man in yellow speaks up excitedly,
"Oh! Oh! I know! Yzma! Yzma's in your chair, right?!"
"Very good, Kronk! Here get the snack!
"Got it!"
The young man in red threw a cracker towards the burlier man, Kronk who proceeds to try and catch it with his mouth, like he was nothing more than a dog. The most painful part? He actually leapt off of the high perch the throne was on and fell to the floor!
"OK, you heard the man. Up, up, up!" The younger man shooed Yzma away as Kronk called, "I'm okay!"
Yzma does indeed stand up and leaves while grumbling angrily under her breath, while the young man in red makes himself comfortable in the throne...
The old woman storms past Pacha and Kida, seeming to not have noticed either of them, while a burly man hurries after her. As he passes by the both of them, he briefly excuses politely, "Oh, excuse us, Sir, Madam," before continuing to hurry after the old woman.
A voice then can be heard, "OK, show him in!"
The worker looks to Pacha and Kida and speaks, "That's your cue. Go on in,"
Pacha nods and looks to Kida a little nervously before entering, clearing his throat, and speaking "Uh, Afternoon, Your Highness. I'm here because I received a Summons--"
"Hey, there he is! My main village man!" The young man, the Emperor(?) answers so cheerfully and casually.
"Um, Pacha. Anyways, I got this summons--"
The young man shakes his head, "Pacha. That's right, you are just the man I wanted to see!"
Pacha clearly looks befuddled as he asks, "I am?"
The young man then looks to Kida and speaks, "Aww! And you brought your grandma with you! That's so sweet!"
@Lurking Krog Just for a quick OOC answer to your post: Aurora, Gabriel, Zavakri, and Tsak (if Cao is still around), will be able to short rest, and the bullywugs there do point out a place the group can rest in the house. ^_^