Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@Guardian Angel Haruki, yours looks good too--the only thing I see is that your Resonant and Dissonant cards need be picked from the neutral cards =)

I've changed the Resonant and Dissonant Cards accordingly.
Now the Resonant Card is The High Priestess and the Dissonant Card is The Chariot.
I'm borrowing @rush99999's format for this character

I will also be borrowing the idea of the creation question from rush99999...

Q: What drew you toward mastering your chosen skill? Why is this the thing you have dedicated yourself to?

A: "Stories have significantly impacted my life since I was young, and I realize I'm not the only person who's changed because of stories. I was inspired to change for the better, and I didn't feel lonely despite not having any friends when I was younger. I want to be able to write as well, and change someone's life for the better like how mine was,"

I call dibs on the Conductor.

Is there only supposed to be 1 Conductor type character? I was thinking about the Conductor type as well at first.

For now, I am thinking of playing the Virtuoso Eidolon,

“My virtuoso is a real journal and pen, and through it, I can push my mastery of writing stories beyond physical limits, allowing me to conjure objects, influence events, and gather information.”

If I had to give this Persona a name, it would be Scheherazade.
I'll try and get a post up in the next couple of days.

Thank you! ^_^

Just a quick heads up guys: I won't be able to post 12/24-01/01 for holidays.
With that said, I will try to get posts up before then if needed.

@Dark Cloud Is there anything you would like to write before I write a DM post?
I'll throw my hat in as well.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Hey, Tanrith's always taking commissions~ xP

And even though he doesn't know Aaliyah that much yet, you will still get his Friend Discount of 100% off~ xP

"Eh...not that it'd be a good idea to have me make something for her nanyway. It's kinda important that the end result of your gift comes from you, right? And she also gets my Friend Discount, so there's nothing special there.... But hey, you can still make something yourself anyway if you want! If you ask me, it's not the quality that matters...." Tanrith pauses for a second. "...I mean, unless it's something where the quality is actually important to its functionality. Like you wouldn't want to give a fighter a sword that breaks after a few swings or a shield that can't stop arrows. I mean, unless it was, like...part of their training to dodge instead of relying on a shield so much, but that seems kinda pointless. I mean, some people just don't dodge as well as others, y'know? ...Wait. What were we talking about again...?"

Aaliyah would definitely appreciate the offer, but she does agree with Tanrith's thoughts about the gift having to come from her. If she didn't, she would have considered/asked her patron if he could grant a wish of Mariel's.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Hm.... Secret Santa exchanges are usually done by distributing names pseudo-randomly, right? To ensure everybody gets gifts from one person each? If he got a choice, Tanrith could only really pick Raella since she's the only one he knows anything about xD

But rolling a 1d8, getting a 6 and going by the list of names in the CHAR tab, Tanrith gets Zaraknvyr's name.

Oh good point! Secret Santa is random. ^^"

I rolled randomly for Aaliyah as well, with a d8, and got a 4. Looking on the Characters Tab, that's Mariel.

That's incredibly lucky, because Aaliyah does know Mariel a bit more so than the rest of the player characters.

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>
What he does is probably the same whether he knows Zaraknvyr's a dhampir or thinks he's just a normal drow~ Shifting his tool choice from Cook's Utensils to Painter's Supplies, he would personally slave away at painting again and again until he got a nice, beautiful landscape painting of an all-natural sea shore that he was satisfied with.

"He's...got something going on in his head. Some kind of...internal conflict I can't see. My time with the Sensates helps me pick up on stuff like this better. So he's probably struggling to find a way to just relax and take his mind off of things. Now, if things start getting hard for him, he can just take a nice, long look at something beautiful that you can't really find here in the Outlands. It's no substitute for the real sight, but...if it makes me happy and helps calm my mind, I thought, y'know...maybe it'd help him find some happiness too."

That's a really cool gift! XD

Aaliyah unfortunately doesn't have any tool proficiencies to make something for Mariel. But knowledge and research is her area of expertise. If there was something Mariel was looking for or needed to know, Aaliyah would probably do the research for her and write it down as a report.

...As a back up gift to go with that report, Aaliyah would probably try to purchase what Mariel might have eyed in the marketplace (with Bruno's help in observations), or tools needed that would go with that report. ^^"
I posted this in Planescape, but I figured I should post this here too...

Random idea, but since it's the season...

If your characters in this game participated in a Secret Santa gift exchange, who would your character gift to, and what would the gift be?

((As a DM, I don't have a player character to participate. ^^"))
I posted this in Planescape, but I figured I should post this here too...

Random idea, but since it's the season...

If our characters in this game participated in a Secret Santa gift exchange, who would your character gift to, and what would the gift be?

I rolled a d4 due to the random nature of Secret Santa, among the remaining players (who are all genasi), and I got a 2. According to the Charters' Tab, that would be Flicker.
I posted this in Planescape, but I figured I should post this here too...

Random idea, but since it's the season...

If our characters in this game participated in a Secret Santa gift exchange, who would your character gift to, and what would the gift be?

I rolled a d4 for the random nature of the Secret Santa and got a 4. That would be Fellwing by the Characters Tab.
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