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1 mo ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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am confused.

On a side note: Man, I dunno WHAT Anaru is gonna do versus the giant buddhistava statue, like, he survived 1.5 tons of TNT but, this is pretty tricky, I might just Gurren Lagann it.
Looks like Drum Island need some help....(Buster Call help)

- @LokiLeo789

Anaru is already plenty salty about a giant wooden buddhistava statue throwing punches at him, I don't think he'd be happy if the island he was trying to save, gets buster called.
That full body Haki scary too. And fishman karate

- @LokiLeo789

Also, built in airbags.
Once the Marines converge on the Golden Fleece, Anaru will get his chance. Though, jury's out on whether or not Freya or Samehana would be worse for Harambe's health.
Hint: It's probably the Fishwoman

- @RyoRyoRyoken

I mean, Anaru would probably have a lot of hangups fighting against his former comrade, Freya, he's a big softy, despite being a big gorilla, so odds are, he's gonna fight the fish.
The battle i'm most excited for is:

Anaru vs anyone who relies on physical attacks, instead of people who rely on incredibly powerful devil fruit skills, I mean come on, first Rayne o' Payne Xerxes blows him up, then he has to fight a tree.
..Note to self, put @JmerlRobot 's character, on the list of people to not fight, above Xerxes.
By the way, maybe I missed it, but Anaru's capable of using pretty much all of his moves in base human form, right?

- @RyoRyoRyoken

Yeah, he is, but his half gorilla form boosts the power of his moves, so he tends to use them in the hybrid state.
Anaru seems to be turning himself into a human Giga Drill Breaker. Let's just hope he can get at least one thing to go his way today.

- @RyoRyoRyoken

That somehow didn't even occur to me, but that's really accurate.
I did an extreme.

Drum Island
@JmerlRobot @Tmitche23 @Ira @CannedBread @RyoRyoRyoken @Renny @Hillan @BCTheEntity

Anaru was having, a very bad day. he realized that, when roots and vines erupted from not only the part of the tree he was on, but the giant branch he was using as a weapon, binding him. his first reaction, was to think Maybe Freya was onto something, with the whole retiring thing. his second reaction was, Oh, sharp vines, very sharp vines, that's certainly bad. Anaru groaned as his body bulked up,he really didn’t want to use this technique, seeing as how the recoil was quite brutal, this was different than his normal life return uses, this was increasing muscle mass, and then compressing it, and it strained him bad, he could feel parts of his muscle tear apart, as he did this.

Anaru was outraged, the Vice Admiral was most likely down, Zepp was in bad shape, and now here he was, being pinned by the pirates, failing again, like the Conomi Islands, and he was about to be impaled too, this might be it, this was a situation not even Anaru could see himself getting out of, and for a moment, he thought about giving up, then he remembered his home, and what pirates do when there isn't a defender, he would lose, that much was obvious, with this many people of such a large level of strength, it was impossible to win, but if he didn't fight, who would?

"Rock.." Anaru swung his arms forward, ripping apart the pieces of the tree that bound his arms. "SOLID!" Anaru then, fires a volley of Nail Guns, tearing apart sharp vine after sharp vine, that came towards him, several grazed him, several more hit their mark, while he did this, he used his compressed form, to leap upwards, with such strength that the vines holding the rest of him, also broke, his back wound had been opened even more though, another side effect of compressing his muscles, but Anaru didn’t slow down, in fact, he raced upwards, leaping from ledge to ledge,as fast as possible, bleeding from the sharp vines grazing, and occasionally hitting their mark, as he does so, he was so tired, he didn’t want to deal with these pirates anymore, or cause any destruction, not after the Conomi Islands, being so fresh in his mind, but he had to do this, to use his ultimate technique, this would save the island from the pirates, or at least, he hoped so.

Reaching the top of the tree, Anaru flexes his legs, as he takes to the skies, curving his arms, and using Nail Gun as he does so, to make him rotate, around and around, blood raining down from his wounds. "Sturdy Mountain.." Anaru's voice boomed, echoing throughout the island, as his body rotates faster and faster in the air, using well placed projectile punches to position himself downwards, as he continues rotating. "GREEN DRILL!" Anaru's rotating body rockets down towards the tree below, going so fast that his body seemed to turn green, that was Anaru, Blueshifting, the speed he was going did indeed, make him look like a drill, as he flies towards the tree, faster and faster, this was his will, this was his determination, this was his justice, and it was Rock Solid, dammit.
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