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but can they beat goku
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Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
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Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
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deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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@BCTheEntity yeah, I feel a little guilty about that, because its usually Anaru who gets pretty bad Power Mismatches. looking at the living nuke, and mother nature's champion.
Poor Dirk, he got mauled by a crazy gorilla man, and now Bogard's calling him weak.

Location: Drum Island

Interacting in some way with: @LokiLeo789 @BCTheEntity @JmerlRobot @Ira @RyoRyoRyoken @CannedBread @dragonmancer @Renny @Hillan (I THINK I got everyone.)

Anaru was, fairly frustrated with how today went, as he pierced through the giant tree-monster-thing, he thought back to when he was on marine ship he took to the island, and remembered his hopes for today, he wanted to put the horrors of the Conomi Islands behind him, Ex-Captain Freya's frown, when she realized Anaru was hiding such an important secret, Anaru's realization, that capturing two pirates, and killing a third, was not even close to worth all those lives, he and other people lost, and worst of all, the sinking feeling in his gut, as much as he hated to admit it, he blamed himself more than the Vice Admiral, he could have prevented the destruction, if he just spoke up, about how dangerous this whole thing was.

He was broken out of his thoughts, when he hit the ground, causing a large crater to form under him, the ground torn apart where he landed. as got up, staggering, from the destruction he made, his overuse of his life return came back to hit him, hard. his entire body structure felt like it had knives twisting around in every muscle, it was agony, and brought Anaru to his knees.

While Anaru clenched his teeth, and struggled with kneeling, the Buddhistava statue behind him, felt the aftermath of Anaru's final attack, as the wind around the hole in its stomach, rotated violently, as if it was also torn apart by Anaru, as cracks spread across the entire Statue's frame, before it shatters into a rain of wood. Anaru felt the rain of wood, as he managed to force his head to the sea, just in time to see the pirates retreating, that was it, he failed again, and now, the Red Hood Pirates, were even more powerful, but much worse than that, the people on Drum Island, they were caught in the crossfire, this was too much for Anaru to bare, so many deaths on his hands, he couldn't handle it.

A tear rolled down Anaru's cheek, followed by several more, soon he was crying, not for his failure, but for the people who died, both today, and on the Conomi Islands, but a Marine couldn't appear weak, especially not in front of comrades, that would put seeds of doubt in people's minds, so Anaru mustered up all his strength, and began to stand. "BAAAAAHAHAHA, YOU PIRATES, I MAKE A VOW NOW!" Anaru's voice seemed to shake the island, worse than his impact. "AS LONG AS I LIVE, I WILL NOT STOP DEFENDING THE INNOCENT, UNTIL I GET RETRIBUTION, FOR ALL THOSE THAT HAVE DIED TODAY, AND AT THE CONOMI ISLANDS!" Anaru's body was screaming at him to stop, and tears were still streaming down his face, but he walked, he had to find the Vice Admiral, to make sure he was alright, to save him, to do SOMETHING that he wouldn't be ashamed of, he just hoped Adrian managed to survive, that man had a heart of Justice, but he didn't see Adrian anywhere during the battle, he was worried that when the prison was destroyed, Adrian was among those killed.

So while I decide how i'm going to make Anaru passing out after destroying a giant tree monster sound over the top and jolly, I just gotta appreciate how Rayne O' Payne Xerxes, is using Melany as part of his motivation, its a very nice touch.
In Fairy Tail 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Nendo raised his eyebrows, this Shikigami magic could be a danger, but he'd get to that whenever he was able. "Golem Pact." Nendo bites his index finger, and swipes blood across each of the knight's backs, the blood glows, before disappearing, as the knights begin to march, their weaponry ready. "And I might as well lay another trap.." Nendo once again forms a molding magic stance, as a magic circle appears. "Clay make: Fort tower." Nendo pushes his hands below him, as a tower of clay rises from under him, giving him a good vantage point.
Meh, I would have killed him. Rock Solid gonna come back...solider...next time.

- @LokiLeo789

I mean, Xerxes blasted Anaru with 1.5 tons of TNT, and all that occured, was Anaru took a power nap.

Besides, what is dead may never die, but rises again harder and stronger.
Damn, bro. If I didn't know any better, I'd have thought this would've been Anaru's last attack before kicking the bucket.

- @RyoRyoRyoken

Yeah, my love for drama kind of, wormed its way into that post, I thought it fit well enough though, seeing as how Drum island would have been fine, if it weren't for those darn kids, and their little Xerxes too.

Drum Island

@JmerlRobot @LokiLeo789 @Renny @BCTheEntity @Tmitche23 @RyoRyoRyoken

Anaru's body was basically going off of entirely adrenaline at this point, there was no good outcome for him here, but as the tree became a giant statue, and sent a giant fist towards him, Anaru's hopes, managed to drop even lower, he didn't dwell on that long, what with the giant wooden hand flying at him and all. Anaru wasn't the brightest guy, not even he would argue that, but he knew that the giant fist, was big, and it would hurt if he got hit by it, so he decided, not to get hit by it.

that was easier said than done, it was fast, really fast, but Anaru couldn't give up, if his final attack, that he put everything into, was just batted away by a branch, he would fail as a guardian to the people. so, as he rotated like a drill towards the fist, he fired his Nail Gun, several times, to change his course, narrowly avoiding the massive fist, as he continued towards the Buddhistava, gaining speed. "GREEN MOUNTAIN: DRILL BREAKER!" one last burst of energy went through Anaru, as he picked up speed, and went flying towards the Buddhistava statue's stomach.

But then, everything seemed to slow down, the Buddhistava was so close, he just had to hit it, and he could- what was he trying to do again? it was hard to remember, he was so tired, as he flew towards the statue, he wondered what he'd even accomplish by striking it, surely not much, the pirates were already making their escape, and Anaru was too weak to catch them, but he had to do something, the statue was a symbol, that pirates could stand up to marines, he couldn't let that stand, as his drill like body flew to the Buddhistava, he could feel his muscles being torn apart, he felt like a failure, first his home, then the Conomi Islands, and now Drum island, it seemed like no matter what he did, he could never stop pirates from harming others, it was a bitter thought, and the last Anaru had, his body kept spinning, but he was so tired, that he might as well have already passed out, all he could do was focus on what was at hand, and it was all he could do, not to pass out then and there.
In my first RP, I was thirteen or fourteen years old. I was an obnoxious little shit, probably because I was a teenager. Times have fortunately changed since then, and I can only assume @JmerlRobot is at least a young adult.

Also, Anaru's gonna tear his damn arm off if he's not careful, mate. He's already got widening cuts in his arm and back, you know.

- @BCTheEntity

Yeah, I was also an obnoxious bastard in my first rp, I didn't really understand the whole 'balancing flaws' thing, so, you have a pretty good point there.

Also: I mean, yeah, he might tear his arm off, but then he'll just use it like a club, he's Rock Solid after all. (all jokes aside, yeah Jmerl put me in a situation that involves Anaru either tearing through the tree, and getting curbstomped by the fact that Anaru crushed his muscles, and has several injuries, or Anaru just gets falcon punched into a mountain.
We related, brothers. I got him into Rping and this is his first. We Rp off our phones. We have different service providers and instead of using data he uses there wifi. Its...ass. Sorry

On a side note...YOUR DRILL IS THE DRILL THAT WILL PIRCE THE HEAVENS! Or somthing like that.

- @LokiLeo789

Whoa whoa whoa, this is his FIRST rp? man, i'm jealous of him now, my first RP I was, a lot worse.

On a side note again: I was thinking more of pulling a GIGA DRILL BREAKERRRRR, and then passing out after.
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