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Interactions: Neko @Atrophy, Olivia, Jordan, & Nori @NoriWasHere

They did not have a cohesive plan. Olivia and Jordan were both in favor of pretending to be dumb tourists, and sure that was simple up until the questions caused an eyebrow raise from the butler. Then, old man Thornton would have questions of his own and five girls went missing after poking around. But a fake podcast on spooky swamp tales or shady small towns would raise those same sorts of questions. Neko suggested winging it, and maybe she was right; who didn’t love talking some shit about a past employer.

Nori seemed more focused on a flock of crows. Had those crows followed them from the coffee shop? Weird but birds were weird creatures, and the group's bird enthusiast was feeding them. “Someone’s having luck making friends with the locals. If anyone’s got a pocket full of butterscotch candies maybe the same trick’ll work on Thornton.” He said, to no in particular, but Jordan was already up at the cabin peaking into a window and Neko was knocking at the cabin door.

Wing it and hope they weren’t the next set of five to go missing. He headed up the porch steps to the door right as it swung open. Blake greeted the group and was quickly joined by paid company. Wyatt knew it was ridiculous, but he had imagined the man answering the door would be in a suit with white gloves, but this guy looked like he’d be right at home at the Playboy mansion. If there was a worse time to interrupt an old man, he struggled to think of one.

Wyatt cleared his throat. “At ‘ease general, yer private’s still salutin’.’” He said giving the haphazardly robbed butler a casual salute before using that hand to gesture towards the man’s robe. “Sorry for the interruption. We’re hoping for a quick chat.”
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning’s are for rescuing Malachi!
Location: River Port; Liar of the Spiders
Interactions: Malachi@princess, Jun@JJ Doe, Kenia@Tae
Equipment: A halberd, (always with him) hunting knife, and half-plate armor (left in the room).

“The point is safety in numbers Jun, and we cannot leave you here all de- all alone.” Zion was going to say defenseless, but that wouldn’t help Jun’s confidence. To look at the frail human, defenseless wasn’t exactly incorrect. The human had no discernible natural advantages, no claws, and very unimpressive teeth, but perhaps being ridiculously hard-headed provided the human some small protection. While Zion could appreciate Jun’s dedication to eating breakfast, Malachi would not want the human left alone, and arguing with the human would only waste time.

So Zion simply lifted Jun with one hand, tossed the human over his shoulder, and followed Kenia out the door. “Aim a bit higher, got a knot in my shoulder.” The lion chuckled Jun’s attack, it was about time the human showed he had a bit of fight in him after all.

He kept pace with Kenia, who moved with surefooted grace that appeared as intuitive as it was for any fully feline huntress he’d ever hunted with. Jun even offered his voice to aid the search, and Zion was counting that as participation, though he had to why Jun referred to a forest as green stuff. “Jun, that is called a forest. Do they not have forests, or trees, in your world?” He asked with earnest confusion.

Zion surveyed the green stuff that was the thriving forest around River Port. Tindles of silken webbing hung around the trees. The lion's ears twitched as they listened intently, rotating toward the nearly imperceptible sounds of the slight rustling of a branch and the movements of serval pairs of legs. As Kenia rushed toward both Malachi and the frightened elfen child, Zion hung back for a moment to avoid throwing Jun into immediate danger.

“Giant spiders. Dangerous but just barely.” He said it with the grin of a predator who simply knew his prey would be no match for him. This would be good training for Jun, a perfect opportunity to sharpen his skills against a very mild threat. Zion shrugged Jun off his shoulder and placed the human firmly on the ground. He then removed a large hunting knife from his belt, grabbed Jun’s hand placed the handle against the palm, and forced Jun’s hand closed around the knife.

“You are Avalia’s greatest hope, do not let them eat you. They are vicious.” He added before letting Jun’s hand go and giving him an intense stare and nod. He sincerely hoped Jun did not just drop the weapon and run. Again his ears twitched in the direction of the spider’s movements, the beast was heading towards the elves.

Zion took off in a sprint before leaping forward, covering a great distance with feline skill, and landed squarely on his feet between the trio of elves and the spider that had dropped down to greet them. As the spider reared up, exposing its deadly fangs he swung the halberd with all his might, his left side twisting toward the spider with Zion’s swing. The spider hissed as a scalding torrent shot forth from the creature's exposed maw. The lion too, opened his mouth to counter with a deafening roar that came.

The boiling liquid splattered down his left arm and shoulder. Zion could only assume it was boiling because nothing had ever burned half this bad before. It was as if his entire arm was on fire, with flames that sought to burn deeper, to sear a path through the flesh to the bone.

The mighty lion threw his head back, and from his mouth erupted not a gallant roar but a yowl of deep, unforgiving, agony. The screaming would only continue for as long as the arm burned.

Zion crumpled, halberd slipping from his hands, and there was no thought to even check if he had wounded the spider in return, there was only agony and instinctual panic. The lion rolled onto his left side, feet pushing forward in a desperate attempt to scrap the boiling liquid from his useless outstretched left arm. Even as bits of flesh sloughed off against the ground, the liquid only seemed to burn deeper. Hints of bone and stretches of tendon sat exposed amongst widening, sizzling wounds. Zion could smell it; dissolving meat, acrid venom, fresh blood, scents mixing together, telling his panicked mind what was happening.

The spider’s caustic venom was burning through everything it touched, it would make quick work of Zion’s arm. Knowing it only heightened the panic, his screaming only grew louder. He knew the spider would attack again, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Location: Webb Family Coffee House
Interactions: Neko @Atrophy

Wyatt mouthed a quiet thank you to Jen, who gave him and the other stragglers a quick summary of the group and the details of the goings-on in Quintin. His eyes lit up at the mention of a haunted swamp they weren’t supposed to enter. It was like Jen was trying to make that swamp sound more exciting than just a breeding ground for mosquitos. With exploring the swamplands off the table, the options all involved trying to interview someone who probably didn’t want to talk to them. Splitting up to search for clues while a haunted swamp lingered in the background, sounded a whole lot like Scooby-Doo, and made it all seem less like a bad idea. Why there were so many missing Eleanors from one tiny, barely worth marking on a map, town still made no sort of sense.

“I can help talk to the butler.” He chimed in to volunteer once Neko made a joke about the butler. The one who lost a daughter. Oof, now that’s gotta be a mindfuck. He got up to look at the location on Jen’s map. “Looks like it’s right near the swamp, very least I can give you some backup if the creature of the Black Lagoon pops out.” If this was a Scooby-Doo situation it would only be the butler in a costume. He could handle a butler. Seemed a better option than poking around asking about missing girls or chatting up spoiled teens.

“Looks like it’s gonna be a long walk unless you brought a car.” He added, grabbing his stuff.

Location: Blake Thorton’s creepy swamp cabin

Looming on the outskirts of both town and swamp, sat the home of Blake Thorton. The sound of insects buzzing, frogs croaking, and faint splashes from whatever lived beneath the swamp’s murky waters. It almost looked like a nice comfortable cabin, secluded enough to be peaceful. But it also looked like the sort of place where people get murdered with no one around to hear all the screaming. Especially in a small town where folks didn’t like outsiders poking around.

“Welcome to swamp cabin; come for the ambiance and never leave cause the butler fed ya to the gators.” Wyatt joked as he looked up at the cabin. Probably not the most helpful thing to say, given that there were already five missing girls in addition to the Eleanor mystery, but it did help shake the creepy feeling.

“Well, lights are all on, someone must be home. What’s our story? Guessing a straight-up ‘Have you seen any Elenaors around recently’ or ‘What’s her family hiding’ is gonna get that door slammed in our faces. Pretend we’re working on a podcast about Quintin?” He suggested to whoever else was on team butler.

Time: Morning
Location: Papa Edin’s big important tea party!
Interactions: Group of NPC's

Callum’s eyes followed Victoria as she left, a grin of pride almost overtook his face until the Dutchess nearly ran over Countess Liliane. “Are you alright? Nice save. I would love a sandwich.” He said as he watched for one more second, Dutchess Edwards, all out of sorts, stomping around like a disgruntled toddler. He grabbed his shoes, that the Dutchess had kicked, and sat in what had been the Dutchess’s seat.

“I was just having some fun. I didn’t know she was having such a bad day. You wouldn’t all think I’m a gossip if I just shared a bit of tea with you?” He asked, since Edwards had left the table, might as well try and win her friends over to his side. He didn’t pause long enough for them to answer that question, but sat politely and did his best to look like a heartbroken prince as he grabbed a sandwhich.

“Well, I’m sure you’ve read in the papers that Lady Ariella and I have become acquainted. Nothing crass of course, the lady is the pinnacle of virtue and I respect that, but for the first time in a long while I have found someone who helps me see the beauty in our great nation. But Dutchess Edwards has banned her daughter from taking me on nature walks, and I worry that once again, I’ll be able to see, is darkness.” Callum kept looking at Melanie, who had flashed him that look of warning, and Antionette. He figured he’d gain the most sympathy from them. He put on the puppy dog face as he weaved truth and lie together.

“And I guess I just wanted to show her, I don’t back from what matters to me. I am sorry if I’ve spoiled your fine afternoon.” He made a show of forcing himself to smile and took a bit of his sandwich. Then he looked at Count Landon, who he really doubted his act had any effect on. This was a man who wanted to talk business, and who needed a reason to care about feeding the citizens of Sorian.

“Now the charity event is really going to be something special. A silent auction with treasures beyond your wildest dreams. Courtesy of the most successful trading company in town. We, my associates and I, have also discussed auctioning off dates with some of our most eligible bachelors. I’m sure you’ve all noticed many of the young men here are in danger of developing rakish reputations. But most importantly we will be working on making sure the citizens here, will all be able to enjoy a good meal. Of course the added bonus for you, Count Monet, a dazzling evening of fun for both you and your wife. The same for all the lovely ladies here and their dashing husbands.” The smiling made his jaw hurt but even if he could reel in one person at this table, he’d have a pretty big fish with deep pockets.

Shit. Was Victoria talking to Edin? He didn’t have time for the old man’s nonsense right now. He needed to make his pitch quick and head out. “How’s that sound? A spectacular night and a good deed all rolled into one.” He took another bite of the cold sandwich. What was she even saying to Edin? That I walked over and said hello then took off my shoes? Like I can’t take my shoes off in the garden. That’s not a law. Probably. Well, Edin could just look right over here and see me getting along with all of Caesonia’s fancy pants wearers and having a nice conversation. Double shit. Who was he kidding? Edin would look over here and see his demon spawn bothering people enough that Victoria had to go around running her big mouth and bother the king.
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Southwest of Roshmi City
Interactions: Rue@Potter, Bardulf@Lava Alckon, Bridgette@Tae, Mister Luum@FunnyGuy, and Zeva@Pink Khione
Equipment:Sword, hunting knife, a backpack with supplies, and a stoat named Raze who naps in the pocket of his vest.

From atop the winter fae’s head, the bristled stoat let out a mighty hiss. Scampering, tiny stoat claws frantically gripped onto the fairy’s scalp as Bowyn tilted his head to the side, and the lanky creature scurried down his neck and onto his shoulder. Another hiss paired with the baring of tiny fangs.

“Stolen.” Raze believed in finders keepers and he'd found the ama fair and square. His trinket was stolen from his own teeth. The stoat was deeply offended, the elf had not bested him in sneakery nor had she sniffed out the treasure. Merely plucked it from his grasp and took it.

“You got food, didn’t you?” Bowyn pointed out, as he began walking, close to Rue’s side, toward the cafe and its promise of cheap honey toast. He readjusted the hood of his cloak, despite how hot it was in Roshmi, with the hope that it was enough to keep him hidden. The hulking warforged that scanned and passed them went unnoticed by Bowyn.

The stoat stared with longing at Zeva’s bag. The food was gone now, it didn’t matter, only the ama that had been unfairly torn from his grasp, mattered. “Had it in my teeth.”

“Steal it back later. Double steal, twice as impressive.” Tiny ears perked up as the stoat found delight in the plan.

Bowyn figured he could just give Zeva an ama later if Raze actually remembered to steal it back. But he couldn’t just give Raze an ama, it wasn’t special if the little guy didn’t swipe it himself. It was more likely that the stoat would forget as soon as something else caught the attention of his beady little eyes.

“Disguise rings are pricy.” He pointed out to Rue. “You think it’s necessary?” He asked but that wasn’t his main concern. He dropped his voice to whisper before continuing. “If we split up the way Luum wants, I think we should try and keep an eye on them. I don’t trust Bardulf alone with just the elves.”

Time: Morning
Location: Papa Edin’s big important tea party!
Interactions: Mina @Tae, Alexander @FunnyGuy and Dutchess Edwards

“You want to help me?” He asked Mina, sounding more surprised by her offer than was probably polite. “Yes, wonderful. I’ll take all the help I can get.” Callum wasn’t expecting this much help, but here was Alexander, offering the support of Black Rose with an auction, and Mina, offering to help talk to people and throwing out more ideas.

“A date auction...” Callum repeated the idea. “How about we change things up a bit, put all the control in the ladies' hands, and make it a bachelor auction?” He suggested, he was banking on Edin hating that almost as much as he hated suggesting it. Because he was going to have to participate, it was his idea, it would look bad if he didn’t participate. “And we’ll have our first backers as the hosts.” He added agreeing with Alexander. They were both charming and seemed the perfect choice for the task.

“I'll leave you to think on it, we can rally a few more and hash out the details. But I’ve taken up enough of your time for now, enjoy the afternoon.” Once he had excused himself from Mina and Alexander, he turned his attention to the set of eyes that had been glaring a hole into him. He needed to duck out of here soon, but surely he had time for one last stunt. He glanced towards where Wulfric had been sitting and saw that he was now on his way to pick up his weapons. Even better, Wulfric was on his way out.

Callum approached Dutchess Victoria’s table with a wide smile. “A collection of Caesonia’s finest, all at one table. Duchess Petit, Count and Countess Monet, may your day be as lovely as you all are.” Or as rotten He addressed everyone at the table before Dutchess Edwards, intentionally. “I’m now in charge of a charity event, and I’m looking for support from our most generous nobles. Zivitas smiles upon those who smile upon others.” He kept smiling, saying all the things he assumed he was supposed to say. He paused, pretending to just now notice Victoria Edwards among the group with a look of surprise.

“And Dutchess Edwards, I almost didn’t see you there.” He took a couple of steps closer. “The same to you, of course.” He bowed before continuing to crouch down and begin to untie his shoes.

“What a lovely day, and I can’t think of a better way to spend it,” he paused, finished messing with his shoes, stood back up, and slipped his feet out of them. “Than feeling the earth beneath my feet.” He knew he shouldn’t, but this act of chaos wasn’t for him. He took off his socks and stuffed them into his shoes before nudging the shoes close to Dutchess Edwards. “Would you mind watching these for a bit?” He asked, as innocently as he could, as if there was nothing weird about being barefoot at the tea party.

“Can I fetch anyone some cake or more tea? You really must sample what Mr. Turner brought, his cakes are truly the best in the city.” He offered. And it was a shame that Ari wasn’t here, because this was entirely for her. He was sure she’d hear about it though, gossip travels fast in Sorian after all.
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Forest; Near Gaurav Village
Interactions: Viola@13org, Phia@princess, Darius@FunnyGuy, Dante@Alivefalling, Menzai@samreaper
Equipment: A pack with some supplies, seeds (in his pockets), a small knife, a mask that hangs from his belt, a weapon with a shifting charm that is either a sickle or a glaive, and a shield/drum with an unbreakable charm.

Cyrus nodded once to Viola and clapped his hands together, delighted that they were all in agreement. They would walk with the two brothers back to the wolves' village and Phia and her lupin friend would meet up with them.

“The heavier a weight the more it is meant to be shared.” He placed himself beneath Dante’s arm opposite Darius and helped carry the mana-spent man through the forest. He noted the cautious look Viola wore around the two not-elves and he briefly questioned whether his nature was too trusting. Both brothers were an enigma, one he wanted to understand, and whatever Viola saw that caused suspicion remained squarely in his blind spot. He decided it all worked out perfectly; his trust would help the others trust them and Viola’s guarded nature would ensure that she was there to notice if anything was amiss.

Cyrus paused for a moment as he considered Darius’s question, there was much he couldn’t say yet. “We are from the River Fairy Kingdom, for a time life pulled us in different directions. What remains of our family scattered to the wind, until the fates saw fit to reunite us. Now, together, we ask the fates to bring us all back together. Those that still wander Avalia at least. Perhaps we are greedy, to ask for more, but family is deeply important. You understand that.” He spoke to the man who would’ve carried his brother alone without asking for help, knowing that Darius understood the sentiment. He paused, allowing Viola time to respond to the question as well, though he doubted she wished to provide a recap of imprisonment.

“I would ask you the same question, but I think it might be one you’d rather not answer. So instead I’ll ask, how long you’ve been with these wolfmen? They seem very cautious of strangers, and yet both of you and Phia seem very welcomed by them. Have we accidentally offended them or is this more a matter of time?” He asked of Darius, and Dante as well if the other man was up to questions.

Speaking of Phia, she soon caught up to them. “We are well, Phia, how about you? And your friend, the wolf who lost an arm, he is alright? That is not a simple wound to heal.” He spoke with admiration at how skilled Phia had become.

There was an unusual amount of crows lingering in front of the small coffee shop. Wyatt thought about the old rhyme, ‘one crow sorrow, two crows joy,’ and wondered what a few dozen of the birds brought as he passed them. He spotted the large group already seated within the otherwise uncrowded coffee house from the large windows. Was he late? A pair who looked out of place in a small swamp town, about as out of place as him, were on their way out as he was walking in. Definitely late, but Quintin wasn’t an easy place to get to. He headed over to the crowded table.

“This the ‘I lost my Eleanor Black’ meet-up?” He asked, knowing damn well it was and took a moment to look around the group. “Huh, would ya look at that, someone’s already got clues, impressive.” He looked at the marked-up map in front of a blonde and nodded. Spending all day in a car didn’t leave him wanting to sit down again, but everyone else was so he pulled a free chair closer to the table. The chair legs screeched across the floor for a moment and he tossed his bag next to it and sat down.

“It’s like a free sauna out there and in here.” He tugged at the front of his shirt as if any amount of airflow would help. “Anyway, I’m Wyatt, met an Eleanor Black working the circus, and like a magic trick gone wrong she disappeared without a trace.” He offered up the short version unprompted before quieting down.
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