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4 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
4 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
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4 mos ago
4 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
10 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

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<Snipped quote by Hillan>

What if we become cooler?

Sorry couldn't resist that little pun


<Snipped quote by Hillan>

He accepted over PMs where we tried to get the thing all sorted out and stuff.


@Archmage MC

Also, Kitsune has not accepted your sheet yet. General practice is that only accepted sheets go in the character tab.

<Snipped quote by Archmage MC>

Because I poured all my creativity into writing a unique character with an original backstory, but then along comes you going "Lol I'mma create a loophole in the rules by making a Majin CLONE because I want to play a Majin even though the GM said they didn't want any Majins in the game herp derp." It makes me feel like all my effort was pointless when all I had to do was slap together a soulless clone that spits in the face of the RP's own rules to get accepted.

Hey. Pipe down.

No rules were broken. Archmage did not make a majin, in fact, his entire sheet doesn't even make note of either Buu or Majins. Only the God Of Destruction. Only Beerus. Frieza knew of Beerus, long before he died.

It's not a very great character concept. But I made a amalgam of Piccolo Jr. And Lord Slug, and there's no fuss over that. Archmage made a character that skirts the rules, sure. But he did get around the problem with the Majins. Which is; They'd be too fucking strong. A Majin would easily be as strong as Frieza's final form, I see no way they couldn't be.

But something touched from space dust touched by Beerus? Sure! Zero's cool, he's mixing two tropes already used in DBZ, the science and the growth of the Saiybamen, and I'm 100% onboard with that. with Archmage's character, it's a bit of a tougher sell (Hah, cell.). If only because I still don't really think something that comes with a sticker that says "Made by Beerus" could be compared to a Frieza Soldier.

Also, Frieza's shown no skills in magic, nor has his army, and doing what Archmage suggests requires a rather incredible magical knowledge, at least imo. Knowledge of the Gods and the Kais, etc. None of which Frieza really has, except he knows of Beerus, because Beerus was the one dude he was never allowed to fuck with. Well, him and Majin Buu. (According to King Cold, whom apparently knew of both.)

Archmage made a new race. It's not a Majin. It's something influenced by a Majin, but everything's an influence of something, it's not a crime to take inspiration from things to make something new.

I'm leaving acceptance to Kitsune, but you both better stop fighting. Less arguing, and more posting.

<Snipped quote by vancexentan>

So this is going to be one those kind of games? Wish I'd seen that sooner or I wouldn't have bothered joining. What you're describing isn't roleplaying, it's level grinding. Like, seriously, all you're actually here for is to power level a character? Really? And here I thought we were here to work together to tell an interesting and compelling story about individuals being forced to play the villains whether they liked it or not. Well silly me for thinking such a crazy idea.

You're right. We're here to tell a story. Not to level grind and laugh about who's power level's the highest. But being passive aggressive and taking everything anyone else do, and say as a personal insult isn't going to get you anywhere. Chill out.

In the words of the great Mr. Freeze.

"Be Cool, Batman."

<Snipped quote by Archmage MC>

Make up a race? It can't be that hard if even I managed to do it.

More to the point, trying to clone Majin-freaking-Buu raises a buttload of questions.

1. How did Frieza learn of his existence? Buu's creation was literally millions of years ago. And the Kais did such a thorough job covering it up that even the people of Earth (You know, the place where they BURIED him?) had no knowledge whatsoever of his existence until the Supreme Kai told them about it.

2. Why would Frieza even want to clone Buu? I can understand cloning himself, after all, Frieza has no children of his own and he might want some kind of heir. Or at the very least prevent his race from going extinct. But Buu? Remember that this is the same guy who casually wiped out the Saiyans because he feared the even remote possibility of the Super Saiyan legend being true. So even if he learned about Buu's existence, do you really think he'd be so stupid as to try to clone something that would far surpass him? I don't think so.

3. How could Frieza possibly clone Buu? Cloning in terms of science isn't some magical spell that makes you instantly have a duplicate or nearly exact duplicate of whatever you want. You have to have viable samples of the creature to clone with. Any DNA of Buu that might exist is millions of years of old. Millions. Of. Years. Old. Real life scientists actually did look into Dinosaur cloning using the techniques presented in Jurassic Park. Their findings? The DNA was far too fragmented from the millions of years of fossilization to be viable. The same thing applies to Buu here. Any pieces of himself would have been stuck there for so long that the DNA would be warped, corrupted, and completely useless.

4. How in the name of King Yemma did Frieza conduct these experiments without any of the Kai's noticing? Remember that these are people capable of monitoring activities all over the universe. And while you could argue they were looking elsewhere, it seems very likely to me that the Supreme Kai would personally be watching for any Buu-related activity. As such, would he not eventually discover the Buu cloning and react by instantly teleporting down from on high like an archangel to smite Frieza's ass in order to stop it? Yes, despite his portrayal in the manga/anime Supreme Kai is stronger than Frieza. He and Kibito both were stronger than any of the villains of the previous sagas/arcs. Even if they aren't... they could team up and they also have all the most powerful dead heroes the afterlife has to offer at their disposal to wipe out Frieza and his cloning facility.


Onboard the ship that would forever the associated with the Planet Trade Association and empire of Frieza. At the cabin, where the members of Nox Team, a bit more than a handful, both in numbers and personality wise. Amongst them was the tallest of them all, the green skinned being from an entire galaxy away. Someone who knew full well what power, real power, the kind the likes of Frieza have, was like, he was born from it, he had tasted it, and he wanted it.

He was Xylo, a Namekian Mutant - born in Exile, banished from his native planet, and now, he was here, a member of Nox - the Renegades of the Frieza Army. A group a step above the average grunts, yet, far from the elite, like the Ginyu Force, or even Frieza's right hand men, Zarbon and Dodoria. Hell, Xylo had even heard that there were a trio of Saiyans who were still amongst the ranks that were more powerful than the entirety of Nox.

Yet, while their power levels might not all be the most impressive, they were a very rare bunch of misfits, from all corners of the universe, and they kept getting the job done, time and time again.

He stood there, in the cabin, with the rest of his crew, looking at the planet they were going to invade, to put the population of the planet under their heels, like they had so many times before. To fight, murder and pillage everything they could, all in the name of the Great Lord Frieza.

After he was presented as the new leader, the natural choice, really, he stepped forward, to address the questions of Zero - the failed experiment in cloning Frieza, an effort to revitalize the emperor's race. It always surprised Xylo just how alike Zero and the emperor looked, they don't call it cloning for nothing.

"We are to exterminate everyone in our path. They are to submit to us, and to the rule of the Planet Trade Organization. No means are off limits. Harm, maim or kill any of the natives in our path. We do not need to take prisoners. ETA till drop is 5 minutes. Enough Chit-Chatting, ready up, Nox. Xylo commanded, as he walked towards the exit of the ship, waiting for it to enter the atmosphere of the planet, so they could land and begin their attack.


I just wanna give you props for doing something that's very 'in universe', yet something I've never thought about. Saiybafriezamen's genius.

Sorry, was away most of sunday for stuffs. Good day =w=

@Hillan@Holy Soldier

Ok that is fair. I 100% forgot about the fact one of the ginyu force used such techniques! Ok the psy is fair.

Though I stand by what I said that ki doesn't need to be 'turned on' to be sensed for instance the scouters and people could sense energy even when not using it. It is a proper technique to hide ones energy, krillin uses it all the time, and abilities / techniques also covers the natural abilities of the race.

He affectionately refers to it as "Stealth Mode".
Two months ago; September 14th, 2016.

”My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive.” Is a phrase iconic through the stream of time. The world's fastest man has put his print on the entire universe with his incredible feats of intelligence, bravery, and of course, his speed. Faster than all else, no one his equal, no one able to match his speed. Not the alien from Metropolis, or the Caped Crusader could ever come close to rival his velocity.

Except for one man. His biggest fan, and his greatest enemy, a foe of his own creation. Like a reflection in a cracked mirror. A being capable of matching him blow for blow, step for step, what Barry had in bravery, his foe matched with cruelty, for all of Barry's intelligence, he was matched with cunning. His rival – his opposite, a reverse. Their rival is the most legendary of all time, a battle that's been raging through all of time. Past, future and present, deep within the speedforce the two are fighting for centuries, never aging a day, matching each other in every way.

A fierce thunderstorm was wrecking Havoc on the coast of Central City, each thunderbolt louder than the previous one, rain was pouring down, each drop like a bullet. In a bright light erupted, as if lightning had struck, and a streak of yellow – followed by a streak of red emerged, the two were entangled together, as they tore through the coast of Central City, tearing up the water they were moving on, the speed at which they were movin sent shockwaves that destroyed the sand under their feed when they reached the shore – shattered glass and broke the asphalt. Till they arrived in the Central City sport center – empty for the night, where the two stopped moving around, focusing on their intense battle. They crashed at each other, and all around them, matching streaks did the same, countless versions of them fighting one another at speeds far too fast to even comprehend for anyone but the two, thunderbolt after thunderbolt was heard when the two forces collided, the arena being all but demolished from collateral damage from their battle in a mere seconds. In the middle of the field, the two forces were separated to one corner, as they charged at the other, shapes could be seen – two bodies, one Yellow, one Red, their sparks the color of the other's suits. Their fists collided, and lightning erupted, demolishing the football field, tearing up the ground, like a natural catastrophe.

The two stopped like that, while the other forms around them continued their incredible deadly dance, ruining the entire arena in their wake. The two forms traded words, at incomprehensable speeds. The Red Shape swung with his right arm, and after perhaps millions of years of this battle, he was exhasuted. The man in the Yellow suit, equally as fatigued from the long battle, raised his left arm, and blocked, His arm shot out, his fingers outstretched as his hand vibrated through the Red man's chest, and as it did, so did all the countless other versions of the two – Every single one, at all the exact same moment.

In a moment past, all of the shapes faded away in a bright glow, like stardust, leaving nothing behind, except for the two shapes in the middle of the now completely demolished arena. The yellow man removed his hand from his opponents chest, pulling it out like a sword, as blood pooled in mouth of the loser of the universe's longest duel, he fell to his knees, and the yellow man caught him by the throat, each of their cowls fell down, as they looked at each other, one of them in agony – the other's gaze was full of hate – of pride – of sadism.

”Goodbye, Flash.” The Man in the yellow suit said. The Flash was dead.

With no one left in his path, no one who could stop him, he would be free to rule over all of time.

Except his near endless battle had drained his powers almost completely. As this dawned on him, a explosion was heard from within the city – S.T.A.R LABS particle accelerator exploded, and with it, the dawn of a whole new world would arrive. Using what little power he had left, he made his way to a certain laboratory of a certain C.S.I at the CCPD, just in time for a Dark Matter-Powered Thunderbolt to break through the window, taking the mild-mannered scientists place. The bolt collided with him, and with it, it changed history forever.

The Flash was no more.

Present Day

The man walked into the coffee shop, one foot in front of the other, wearing his navy blue coat, his chinos and his converse, slender build and blonde hair, boyishly-handsome, one could say, a 20 something with all the intellect in the world. He rang the bell, and the Waitress came up behind the counter, the young waitress, around his age smiled at him. "Oh, hello!" she said, and he smiled back, softly, nodding sheepishly. "I'd like the usual." He spoke, and she smirked as she prepared his coffee and a bagel. She handed him the bagel in a handkerchief, and the coffee in a to-go mug, he paid and she handed him the receipt, he checked the receipt, on the back, there was a number, and the girl giggled. "Call me." She said, and the man smiled, heading out, biting into his bagel with a grin, as he headed out the door, his eyes caught his reflection, and he stopped for a second, feeling his fingers over his clean shaved face, still not used to the way he looked.

"Glad the body fusion worked." He said to himself, waving back to the waitress, and taking to the streets. He had to get to work at the Central City News. He was Eddie Thawne - 24 year old former beat cop who didn't have a single prospect in his life, who had been struggling with alcoholism and a nasty divorce, depression and suicidal thoughts, till two months ago, when he had turned his life around, revealing a charming, intelligent and ambitious genius.

And working at a newspaper was the perfect cover - an excellent way to get close to the action.

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