Avatar of Hillan


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4 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
4 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
4 mos ago
4 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
10 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

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| B I R T H N A M E: |
Project "Rebirth" Subject #6

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |
Atlo, Jeffrey

| A L I A S ( E S ): |

| S E X: |

| A G E: |
Physically 25.

| A P P E A R A N C E: |

| A B I L I T I E S: |

| S K I L L S: |

| B I O G R A P H Y: |
The synthetic android of his creator's son who was KIA overseas.

| M I S C. N O T E S: |
I'm still around, and able to post, I just do not feel like i could contribute in any meaningful way atm.

Made me laugh a little.

Then I cried, because it's mostly true.

Starting today, I will bribe everyone who likes my posts one dollar per like.

For starters, you have two too many special moves.

I'm just busy with my personal life atm. But, if you wanna make a post, go for it.

if not, i'll do something tomorrow.

Raditz looked up from his bowl of soup, she was asking him questions - questions he wasn't sure she would be able to handle. She was after all just a member of this planet, and he recalled that the inhabitans of this planet weren't exactly the most advanced, as they themselves had not yet started interstellar travel.

"I'm, uh, from somewhere pretty far away. I kind of arrived here on accident." He said, trying to avoid the question.

"Oh, hello, Bloomer. I'm Raditz!" He said, finishing his food, his tail wiggled excitedly as he let out a pleased sigh.

Kuhn, wearing his tanktop on his torso, plus a pair of khaki shorts was working hard, his hat had a few nails stuck in the belt, he also had a couple in his mouth, in his hand was a hammer, and in the other was a plank. He was directing Macario in how to setup the planks properly, long since given up on doing the same with his captain. Chester, wearing another torn and dirty T-shirt sat in the corner, a newspaper on his face, blocking out the sun shining in, ever so often, the sound of him gulping down grog from the bottle he was holding was heard.

Kuhn looked over at Lina, and grinned, he was starving. "Ah, food!" He said, with delight, hammering in the last nail of the plank, before turning to Lina, grabbing two riceballs that he ate really quickly. Chester peered over from the newspaper. "I guess i can take one, too." He said, Kuhn lazily threw one to him, Chester catching it and eating it.

"Lina, what the hell is this?" He asked, annoyed.

"Riceballs are supposed to have sugar in them! And Booze in the middle!" He shouted, flustered.
"No, that's not quite right, Cap'n." Kuhn told him, surprised.

"Yes they are! Maybe not in the backwoods town you're from, but in all the civilized parts of the North Blue, that's how it's done!" Chester cried, while also gulping down on the food, even sneaking his way to grabbing two more from the plate. "I'm eating. But know it's under protest."

@Weird Tales

Techniques will overlap. You two can bond over sword fighting and spar, perfect.
Will wait until done of course -w-

"the force is strong with this one."

"We may have defeated the Slucks for now, but they'll be back, in greater numbers, too."

For the record, I don't see how specifying that Voide is a clone of Beerus and not Buu is supposed to help her case. If anything that just makes it worse. Plus, there's no longer any suspense or mystery about who will survive missions or end up the strongest. It's perfectly obvious who that is, it's the person who cloned from fucking BEERUS, the most powerful being in the goddamned universe!

Like, in a hypothetical scenario, what chance could a broken schmuck like Nero have when he's surrounded on all sides by these super special snowflakes and their extra special genes and stuff that will no doubt make them far more disgustingly powerful than an average schmoe like Nero ever has a chance at being?

Being engineered from dust touched by Beerus =//= Clone of Beerus.

As far as average schmucks go, Yamcha, Tien and Krillin all started out with powelevels at around 50. By the end of Z, they are top 15 strongest beings in universe 7, for sure. And none of them even tried all that hard, or got any reasonable powerups, either. If Tien had gotten the mystic power up by the Elder Kai, or if Yamcha had learnt the Kaioken, or a million other things, the series would be completely different.

The whole point of Dragon Ball is that what you're at birth does not define you. "With hard enough training, even a low-class can overcome an elite" is what the show's always about. (A bit distracted by the fact that the show's always focused on Goku and Vegeta, and them constantly getting powerups based on their genetics as Saiyans, but Toriyama was never the best at storyboarding.)

Due to the constraints of the RP, we'll probably never see any real rifts in power. Perhaps arcwise one character will get a powerup, and in the next one, someone else will.

Besides, didn't you just preach how you didn't want this to be a game about power levels, but an interesting story? Even characters that aren't the strongest can still add interesting elements to a story. Look at One Piece, for instance.

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