Avatar of Hillan


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4 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
4 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
4 mos ago
4 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
10 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

Most Recent Posts

@Hillan How many Tec-9's can you hide in there, white boi?

I did also try massive leather coats and round spectacle shades. I'd be white Morpheus.

I bought a new coat today. It's pretty swanky.

<Snipped quote by Sep>

Hillan is the failsafe.

The safe fail, more like it.

@Hillan I know @Lord Wraith is a Ghost and all, but pretty sure he put @Wade Wilson in charge not you.

You've clearly not been to any of the meetings. I am the Usurper.


Character Name: Superman

Character Proposal: Fuck you.


Dude, Byrd could write "fuck you" in the concept box and you would accept it.

I'd like to see that put to the test.

Not because I doubt it, but because it'd be funny.


"I am the best there is at what I do."

C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

My goal is to play not only a much older, but, to some degree, a much more powerful Logan. Not just a mutant born a couple of centuries ago, but a man who's been part of every major conflict in man's history. A Personification of a warrior, in times of his life, blurring the lines between man and beast, as much of his life will have been spent in what can only be described as his legendary berserker rage. My goal is to tell different stories set through time where Logan partakes in one battle after another. At one point, he's a Legate in the roman army, fighting one tribe after the other, curbing them all under his blade, the next, he's a Templar fighting for the holy pope, in the next he's fighting for the south in the American civil war, a revolutionary in the French revolution and the one after that he's a masterless rounin at the end of the Edo-Period.

Writing stories around his desire for combat, testing not only his limits and abilities, but perhaps look to a cure for his anger, while also bringing up shades of my personal favorite versions of Logan. His representation in X-men Evolution, and Hugh Jackman's version will both be huge inspirations for me, which is how through all of the ordeals I have in mind for him, is where he'll end up.

Most stories set in the past will be tragic, I'll try and write as many human stories as beast stories, and to blur the line between the two, to explore the themes of, and ask the question 'is Logan really a man'. Due to the nature of my approach to Logan, he can partake in just about any storyline, he is effectively immortal, been alive longer than most, and I thus hope to do a lot of interaction with others, in any time period.

In the present, he'll be a lot less rage-based, I will go for stories where he pushes for some kind of higher-calling. Picking fights for moral reasons, not because he wants to shed blood.

N O T E S:

Born in ancient Greece, many of the epics written about legendary heroes like Achilles are based upon Logan. He fought against a thousand men in Troy, he was the only man inside of the Trojan horse, butchering everyone in his path till the Greeks could take the impenetrable city.

He is a mutant making him one of the first of his kind, yet, due to the time he's born, he's interacted with the Gods upon several occasions. Ares is one he's had many interactions with, his infinite rage and lust for battle always truly fascinated Ares, and he will on the regular bring on challenges for him, pitting him against his enemies or just for his own amusement.

His powers remain mostly the same to the regular canon, he heals, he's got superhuman senses, and expendable bone claws. My idea is that during the first world war, he got his metal skeleton, but we shall see how compatible that is with the overall world. What would truly be different about him from a combat perspective would be the degree of skill he'd hold, he would've fought, and killed just about every type of warrior mankind's ever produced.
I won't be accepting any sheets today, going to be taking the day off from reading/writing due to lack of sleep. Will resume GMing tomorrow.

Get rest, buddy.

@ Team Kaido

I've got stuff planned for the team, a real learning experience when they emerge from the bunker. I'll leave it up to you lot if you actually find the scroll inside of it, or if it's somewhere else.

And @Team Kishi, i'll post for The Second tomorrow, I only had the Kaido post in me right now, and I've got shit to do, so I can't crack one out tonight.

Uchiha Kaido

His team all had begun moving, soon they would arrive outside of the small fishing village. The Wild Pond village was bustling with life - life that all seemed to come to a halt as the four ninja made their way to it. People stopped everything they were doing to look at the four Konoha shinobi, marching through their town. Kaido had a smirk on his lips, it was impossible to tell if it was full of pride or malice. The small wooden huts with their straw roof stood several dozen in rows, almost indistinguishable from one another. Kaido made his way through the first pack of Huts, glancing at his surroundings, looking for even the smallest detail - anything out of the ordinary, in the corner of his eye, he found something. He looked back at his students - seeing that the villagers had all resumed their business now. "Stay out here. I'll be gone for five minutes, tops." Kaido said, as he opened the door to the small hut, inside, his students could catch a glance of a small figure sitting at a table, next to him were two burly guys armed to the teeth with swords and other weapons - Hired missing ninjas, they would be able to deduct.

Kaido emerged exactly five minutes later, carrying a dossier he had not had with him before. "The Konoha scroll has been taken into a undisclosed location within the forest, 16 clicks to the east from here. We will have to enter Kirigakure territory for that, and engaging enemy forces is guaranteed. The three of you must be sharp. Your objective is to watch my back. Each other', too, if you have the time." The Uchiha instructed, before darting off.


They made their way to the location of the bunker. "I'll stand guard. Breach the bunker and locate the scroll. Stealth is your friend." Kaido warned them. "Here are the blueprints of the bunker, it's a small one, and it's very secure, it won't be heavily guarded, but a rotating patrol will pass through at irregular intevalls, which is why I'll be out here. Do not disappoint the village. Move out." He informed them, handing all three of them a copy of the bunker's layout.

He watched as the three chunin headed into the bunker, and as the door shut behind them, he heard a rustling in the woods. That patrol seemed to have picked a terrible time to arrive.

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