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4 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
4 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
4 mos ago
4 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
10 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

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@Hillan At least he isn't a snobby douche like Davitus

Oh no, he is.

Accelerate? More like, Edgeboy-ate.

Hub City, 2 years ago:

The alleyway was dark and messy, like all of it's kind in this filthy city. The garbage bins were filled to the brim with trash from the apartments above, the garbage overflowing onto the street. The sour odor of month old food mixed with rain and alcohol invaded the nostril of the three individuals who had been placed here by fate, it would seem. Two of them, men, mid 20's, stood on the deep end of the alleyway, one of them had just finished relieving himself, while the other had been smoking.

On the other end, near the entrance, stood one figure, a little shorter than them. A black leather jacket and a blue hoodie pulled over his face. His hand was trembling, as he spoke up.
”I know what you two did. You thought you got away with it. You deserve what's coming to you..” He told them, his voice shaky as he spoke, his foundation was based on the two gentlemen being serial rapists who had avoided the long arm of the law by intimidating – and killing a key witness in their trial. A knife was produced from his sleeve, the blade was pushed out thanks to the spring mechanics in the knife with a satisfying click.

”Hey, bro. I think we got a hero over here.” The smoking one said to his older brother, whom just turned around, smiling at the young man ahead of them.

”And he's got a big ol' knife. Ooh. So scared, aren't we.” The older brother taunted. ”Get lost, kid.” They told him, as the man in the hood shook his head. ”No way.”

”All right, if it's a fight you want..” The younger brother said, as the older one pulled out his piece.
”You brought a knife to a gun fight.” And the older brother shot the revolver three times. The arm that was not holding the knife turned into a quick blur, leaving only streaks of black behind, the motion almost invisible in the dark night. The momentum of his movement had pulled his hood back, revealing his face, masked by a cheap domino mask from a costume store.

”You brought a gun to a speedster fight.” He smirked as his outstretched hand opened, the three bullets falling to the ground.

”What the fuc-” His sentence was not even finished before he had the switchblade deep into his thigh, piercing the bone and he cried out in pain, his brother had no chance to respond, 25 rapid bodyshots shattered his ribcage like glass, and the final uppercut sent him into the heap of trash where he belonged, knocked out cold. The older brother, still screaming tried to limp away.

”You can run. I'll catch you.” Appearing in front of him, his arms folded in front of his chest, the criminal folding over backwards.

”W-Who are you!” He shouted, as the darkly clad vigilante walked over to him, slowly, puting his hand onto the knife still in his leg, twisting the blade to make the man cry out in pain.

”Call me Accelerate.” The police was arriving, sirens could be heard.
”Confess to your crimes. You'll be a lot safer from me in prison than on the streets.” He continued to slowly twist the knife, until the criminal nodded his head, too much pain to say anything.

As soon as the police arrived into the alley, the vigilante was gone.

Midway City:

Rufus had deliberately skipped out of the introduction to the mansion, there was no point for him to participate, he had already gotten all the information he needed about the mansion beforehand, he had reconed every inch of the place a hundred times already, he had organized his room with his training equipment, the Mach 3 treadmill, the one thing he had recieved from The Flash that was worth anything was in the corner of the room, in the middle was a hook in the roof, for which he'd hang his punching bag. His room was adorned with a Fight Club poster, a Guns N Roses banner, and a couple of anarchist punk band's merchandise. On his bed laid compiled dossiers on his teammates, compiled from every scrap of information he could collect from the internet and the various databases he could hack into – which was just about all of them. It wasn't difficult when you could compile millions of lines of code in no time.

All of this moving had burned through his callories. He changed his clothes from his tank top and sweat pants to a pair of ripped up jeans and his ”Death Murder” band T-shirt, running his hand through his face. Putting on his shoes, a quick zip, he made his way to the kitchen. Seeing the stocked up energy bars in the fridge, a label on the container said ”Rufus”. The protein bar were under the guise that Rufus had a rare food allergy, while in reality, they were just too many callories to be safe for anyone else's consumption.

He grabbed one, and a bottle of water and went over to the sofa, in the dark corner of the room, next to the bookshelf, picking up one of the news papers leaning his back against the side cushion, chewing on his bar peacefully.

That is, till the door was kicked open, the door swinging open a couple of meters in front of his face, and in stormed the Amazon, the one there was rather little information about, the Kryptonian, as well. He chuckled.

”Nice entrance, princess.” he said with a smirk. Julien and Karlie made their way, the former was on paper not that unlike himself – trained by Nightwing. That made him, what? The Grandsidekick of Batman? Sure, let's go with that.

Karlie, on the other hand, was exactly the kind of 'hero' Rufus despised. All cheerful and preppy. It was all a game to her, no real concerns to be had, and she sure liked to flaunt the fact that she didn't care.

”Oh, it's Queen Bee and Boyband.” he greeted them, upon rolling his eyes at Karlie.

”I think I'm gonna be hashtag sick.”

I miss the doom and gloom of Hub city.
@The Kid Lantern Only issue is the midriff baring armour. Great for showing off the abs, a terrible tactical choice.

To be fair, the open shoulder is equally bad.

Post will be up tonight or tomorrow, by the way.

Stinger looks good! Gargoyle looks like the mascot for the band Disturbed haha

Wait, he isn't?


Name: Rufus Charlie Spectre

Alias: Accelerate

Age: 18

Sponsor: The Flash

Personality:Driven, Intelligent, Obsessive

Experience: Two years


Kinetic Manipulation:
Unlike the Flash and his fellow speedsters Rufus is not connected to the speed force. His abilities comes from his metegene and he is able to generate, amplify and manipulate kinetic energy around and within himself. Using this energy to perform a large amount of superhuman feats.

Super Speed:
His most notable use for his kinetic manipulation is his speed. He generates and absorbs kinetic energy at all times, using it to increase the vibrations within his cells and greatly increasing the work load his cells can handle allowing him to move at super human speeds. He's able to run at speeds reaching, and exceeding Mach 4.

Super Strength:
More akin to enhanced strength. Rufus's strength is above that of regular humans as to prevent his body from breaking into small pieces while moving at super speed. It's a biproduct of the massive influx of kinetic energy in his body.

Super Reflexes, Agility and Dexterity:
When the energy hits his brain all of his senses becomes hyper alert, allowing him to follow a speeding bullet with his eyes and catch it with his teeth. His superhuman dexterity is the product of him practicing his agility while moving at super speed.

Genius Intellect: Rufus can read at approximately 60 times the speed of the quickest readers of mankind. Allowing him to take in great amounts of information in no time. Thus he's a genius ranking among the smartest young minds in the world.

Super durability: Rufus heals no where near as fast as the Flash family, but due to him constantly absorbing and generating kinetic energy he is able to mitigate a lot of physical damage to his body, allowing him to feign super durability. He's been shown to be able to handle getting hit by Superboy in the face without breaking a bone.

Energy Management: While it is completely possible for him to use his powers to overcharge objects with kinetic energy to increase their durability or even cause them to become unstable, so unstable they would explode he rarely does that as he thinks it's highly unreliable. He can even use his abilities to generate a kinetic shield – or rather, to increase his own kinetic shield onto his surroundings, allowing him to shield allies. It is also possible for him to transfer some of his kinetic energy to another person, giving them a part of his power for a limited time.

Hero training: Rufus has been trained by the Urban Shaman of Hub City, The Question. Vic Sage taught him basic martial arts, detective work and interregation techniques. His training was mostly how to make sure to always use his powers to be a thorough as possible. Recon's the most important part of any mission. Information is key.

Winding up:
Rufus needs time to achieve the full arsenal of his powers. The longer a fight goes on, the more powerful he gets. He's severely weakened at the start of a fight, due to not having had a chance to generete, absord, or steal enough kinetic energy.

Due to not having a connection to the speedforce, his power reserves are highly limited. Channeling kinetic energy drains him greatly and he often has to rest after a superhero outing. Consuming upwards two hundred thousand calories a day. Him being without a connection to the speedforce means he is unable to perform a lot of the feats members of the Flash family could.

Active Powers:
Rufus has to manually activate his powers. They are not always active. He is susceptible to being surprised, attacked while sleeping, etc.

Personality Traits:
Rufus is a smartass, superiority complex and convinced he does not really need a team. He believes himself smart and strong enough to not have to rely on others, and is as such awful at teamwork. He's quick to anger whenever someone challenges his authority or credibility and never admits to being wrong. Claiming to always hold the objective viewpoint, at times being a massive hypocrite.


His tunic was gifted to him by Jay Garrick, the only memeber of the Flash family Rufus can kind of stand. It's resistant to friction, and as such is one of the few articles of clothing Rufus can don while in costume. His hat is a cheap 20 dollar trucker hat he spray painted an A on, one of many identical ones he owns as he goes through quite a lot of them.

His goggles were a gift from his sponsor, they're a high tech piece of equipment. Armed with a Heads Up Display, GPS, Speedometer and Smart functionalities, making it possible to connect it to Rufus phone or communicator.

Born in Hub City. His father a blue collar worker, his mother died when Rufus was but a child. He didn't have an easy childhood, his father being a single parent and not particularly wealthy. Rufus turned to petty crime, joining a gang at 16 to help provide for himself and his father. He was caught by the faceless detective, given a thrashing by The Question, and as Question was gonna cuff him and haul him off to the cops, his powers showed for the first time, and he ran. Faster than he ever had before.

With his newfound powers, he got a new lease on life. He left his ways of petty crime behind. Using his new abilities to finish top of his class in high school a year too early, and getting accepted into the finest colleges while working as a super fast hero on the side. While using his powers, he attracted the attention of The Question, once more and become his student, learning the ways of crime fighting from the Big City Shaman.
Jay Garrick, the aging Flash tried to recruit Rufus, but the young man's dislike of the Flash family meant he would not be joining their merry men of speedsters. Question taught him all he could, but at the end of the day, Vic's just a man, nothing more and nothing less. He could not teach him about speed or the physics behind his powers, and once the Hub City Speedster made a big enough name for himself, The Flash, Barry Allen, got in contact with him, trying to put himself in the young man's good graces.

Rufus begrudingly follows Flash's directive from time to time, they're far from student and teacher, or partners, and even farther from being friends. But Rufus does recognize that there are certain things The Scarlet Speedster can help him with, and if it comes at the price of living in symbiosis with the crimson comet, he will have to bite the bullet.

The car bumped on the dirt road, a pot hole had been the culprit. The truck kept going without much of a hitch. The driver's head turned behind them as the sirens were heard behind them. A sports car blew past them followed by four police cruises. The driver looked at the passenger and scoffed. "You gonna catch that?" He asked. The man's name was Harvey, and next to him was his son, Rufus.

Rufus nodded. "I probably should, shouldn't I?" he looked at his dad whom pulled the car over. "You have a disguise?" And Rufus shook his head.
"Neh. I would only need that if they actually could get a look at me." His dad smiled
"Take this." He said, handing Rufus the yellow trucker hat and the black shades. Rufus took them and looked back at his dad.
"Cheers pops." He said, putting on the hat and the shades, the turned the cap around on his head a bang of his hair poking out of the cap as he took off a cloud of dust being left behind him.

"Damn that kid's fast." Harvey said to himself, scoffing.
Following the sound of the sirens Rufus soon caught up to the cops, the three minute run had given him enough juice to easily outrun the sports car. The black and yellow streak his clothes left as he sped by the police cruises letting them know that their job was finished. Speeding up next to the driver's window, Rufus sent his fist through the window, knocking the driver unconscious. He unlocked the door and opened it, getting in he pushed the knocked out driver to the passenger seat and slowed the car down to a skidding halt. As soon as the car had stopped he vanished in a blur again, not before leaving a burning A in the hood of the car with his hand.
Seems a little silly to hold out for someone who expressed interest in playing a character when you have a completed sheet in front of you.

Bird in the hand better than two in the bush and all that jazz.

I'll put a hand in your bush.

.. No homo.

@Divine Darkness Only a few have actually been taken off the board.

@Hillan @rocketrobie2 had expressed interest in a speedster.


Ah, @rocketrobie2. My nemesis.

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