Yeah, he'd screwed up. Trying to take a peek around the yurt he was using for cover, to catch a glimpse at her reaction and facial expression, she looked... down. Maybe not crestfallen, but certainly disappointed with how things had played out.
Now whether that was because of the poorly delivered flirtation or not, he was unsure of, but it certainly wasn't remedied by his suggestion that they check in on everyone else.
Bloody dickhead. She was struggling to open up, you read it right and weren't overly forceful in poking and prodding clumsily - tread carefully and listen... and then you decide "Hey you know what would be a good idea? LeT's cHeCk iN wItH eVeRyOnE eLsE." Idyut.
Stop. Giving. A. Shit. Be cool. There's time to fix this later on. Hell, you're sharing a tent. And since we're going to have our own thoughts on everybody, there'll doubtless be something to discuss. 'Bonding' over team bonding, so to speak. It'll all work out.
Unless she decides she likes someone else here better and decides to ditch out and go with someone else after that piss-poor display... No second chances then.
A cold shiver ran up his spine, confronted with this new terrible possibility. Which also made him confront the fact that it was too late - he did, indeed, care.
But they were all already paired up, Jim-Bob wasn't going to allow some bullshit scuffle or petty argument kick off over people baselessly deciding to switch tents. He'd make people pick-n-stick just to avoid all that. Surely?
Calliope sighed audibly and began to walk away. Banjo wrapped up his "final check" and quickly fell in behind in as casual a pursuit as he could muster.
Now he was pretty much at the mercy of who she'd choose to approach, for who they'd be dealing with. He prayed to whatever deity who would still actually take his calls that it wouldn't be Trace, and was relieved when he saw it was the blonde girl in the wheelchair he'd seen around the traps and... someone else. Had he just completely forgotten this other person altogether? Had they always been here? Realising that Calliope was the only person whose name he'd cared to remember amongst their group from initial introductions, it immediately seemed plausible.
"Hey, do you need any more help? We got our tent up and figured we would come and check on everyone else. You know, get this whole bonding thing started. I'm Calliope, by the way.""Evenin' thrillseekers," Banjo kicked off with an impression that no-one within a thousand miles would pickup on.
"Banjo here." He gave a little three finger wave with his thumb and two forefingers.
"There are no tools. Whole thing sets itself up. Piss-easy, if a bit unfulfilling in terms of soul. Got a lever, tucked just under that fold." He said as an aside, giving a conspiratorial wink to the blonde girl in the wheelchair who was inspecting the tent bag.
"Don't tell this one that, though." He said sticking out his tongue and gesturing at Calliope.
"Reckon she thinks she's got herself a real Crocodile Dundee to up the tent." He joked.
Too soon, dickhead. Still raw... She's still disappointed with you...
Sparking and disruption caused the group to look over to the side, just in time to see Sparky McGee's hands spark blue, and his tentmate take to the skies and fly away.
Unless she decides she likes someone else here better and decides to ditch out and go
with someone else after that piss-poor display... No second chances then.
Jim-Bob wasn't going to allow some bullshit scuffle or petty argument
kick off over people baselessly deciding to switch tents.
Swap tent-partners, no... but he might just let someone go from one tent to a vacant spot in another.
And now Banjo was watching a vacancy open up as this guy flew over the horizon.
"Well, shit..."
- - -